Dominic Frisby

119 days ago

Dominic Frisby Election anthem Codswallop, an eloquent ode to Nigel Farage and Reform

Dominic had hoped this would be the official Reform battle song but perhaps it is a bit too rude. However, Codswallop is another classic from my friend. Enjoy…


134 days ago

The “Far Right” wins in Europe, blame Nigel Farage: translating what the bien pensants mean with this slur

By Far Right, or as they sometimes put it Fascist, they mean anyone who questions the narrative that record immigration creates diversity, wealth and is a wholly good thing, who believes that there is no shame in being proud of your nation state and its past or that there are not 108 genders and that our kids should not be sexualised at primary school. If you dare question man made global warming, giving unlimited and unquestioning support to Ukraine or suggest that the reaction to covid was overblown you may also be deemed far right or a fascist. So who do I mean by “they”?



222 days ago

It's all true, A song about Conspiracy Theories

“A song about conspiracy theories” is the new release from Sharestock entertainer Dominic Frisby.  I am so glad he got that Michelle Obama is a man line in. Enjoy.


329 days ago

Photo Article No 2 Sharestock 2023 - the worst dressed speaker contest, Jim's Dog meets one of my cats & the Tingo spy

After Brian Kinane finished it was myself and Peter Brailey on oil stocks. I want you to appreciate how awful is his dress sense. Jim Mellon’s dog could not handle Peter’s shirt and went outside to talk to one of my cats and also to my wife and Dominic Frisby, a man sporting an equally high volume jacket. My wife is the lady not leading the dog, that is Jim’s sister.


491 days ago

Great new Dominic Frisby video - Nicola Sturgeon's cellmate

Dominic will be performing with a Gilet Jaune at Sharestock where he is also speaking on bitcoin and gold. His latest short music video is just brilliant. Enjoy.


523 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: taking the good name of Dominic Frisby in vain & 6 lessons from the collapse of Purplebricks

I start with discussing how my late Dad would have been fired had he still been a lecturer at Warwick University today. I am sure that I’d be getting a P45 in the corporate world in the wake of a new survey on workplace alcohol use. Then I move onto Frisby, a star speaker & also singer at ShareStock 2023, and Argo Blockchain (ARB), Versarien (VRS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and in depth lessons from today’s collapse at Purplebricks (PURP), one I did get right. I also discuss the weather and, in that vein, urge you to donate to a great cause HERE.


629 days ago

Just under 9 Months away – Sharestock now almost 50% booked out! Grab your seat now

The big tent is now booked for ShareStock on September 23 this year. It will seat around 100 folks but already almost 50 of those seats have been reserved. And it is now wonder given who is speaking and all the other attractions. We might even have a jetty for you fisherman to try to grab a salmon or a pike on the day. That project is in hand. But the speakers are lining up.


652 days ago

The absolutely brilliant new Dominic Frisby video - Show me the way to Ancapistan!

Dominic Frisby is a headline speaker but will also be performing a musical set at this year’s ShareStock on September 23. as a hint of what you don’t want to be missing, for all of you libertarians tired of watching the UK head down the pan, here’s Dominic’s new video, his best for a good while, in my view. Enjoy. Show Me the Way to Ancapistan!


743 days ago

JD Wetherspoon boss Tim Martin on the biggest threat to his sector & Dominic Frisby pays homage

Perhaps our in house Euro loon Jonathan Price #FBPE can let us know if his fellow Remoaniacs are still boycotting Spoons (JDW). Maybe not as results today are robust and the boss Tim Martin is cautiously upbeat. However he singles out 1 massive risk to his whole industry and one threat. The great man opines:


862 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: with a hat tip to reader, Jim, on the Isle of Man

Given it is hammering down here in North Wales, I bet Mr Mellon is somewhere far sunnier than Port Erin. The graphic below is from him, and I discuss it in detail. Then, I look at those determined to ignore clear warnings, ref Petropavlovsk (POG). I cover incomplete and thus, potentially deceptive, RNS statements ref. Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG), before assessing Fulham Shore (FUL) in detail. With gift aid, we have now raised £19,700 for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks - please help us reach the £20,000 landmark today (D-3 days), HERE. Finally, my podcast on falling out with Dominic Frisby, 1939 and all that can be accessed, HERE.


867 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: 1939, 1940, evacuations and falling out with Dominic Frisby, as I am a pedant

It is all to do with “Kisses on a Postcard“ by Dominic’s late father, Terence. I shouldn’t have been such a pedant – but I am. I discuss family links and experiences of 1938-44, evacuations, operation Pied Piper, and why we give poor old Neville Chamberlain such a bad rap. I hope Frisby junior can forgive me, and commend to you the work of Frisby senior, as anything this family touches must be magic. 


1063 days ago

Video: Maybe They're the loons - new Dominic Frisby song

This comes in two parts and is a gem from my pal Frisby, the UK’s top liberatarian comedian/singer songwriter/bitcoin loon. Enjoy.


1321 days ago

Bitcoin, tether, fraud and the bubble - does this worry you at all?

I am sure that folks will say that I am just being a bit of a sad old dinosaur and that I really need to listen to more videos by Dominic Frisby and get my head around it all. Whatever… This morning a well known broker penned a piece which should surely, at least, give bitcoin bulls a pause for thought. The broker writes:


1342 days ago

A sneak preview - a new song by Dominic Frisby goes live at 7.30 PM tonight

My pal Dominic, with whom I recorded a pretty funny but informative video interview just a couple of weeks ago (episode 17 HERE), has a new libertarian song out at 7.30 tonight. The link to where to watch it is below as are a few stills from the video. I cannot wait. Make sure you turn up the volume and have a Guardian-reading lefty, like the Mrs, with you at 7.30.



1360 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 17: Well over 2 hours with a professional comedian and a bloke who runs an AIM listed company. Boom Boom.

It is such a good joke I think I make it about 5 times in what follows. And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with  Harry Adams of Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), where i am a loyal shareholder expecting the shares to double or more by mid year, and also Dominic Frisby. The singer, songwriter, comedian, gold guru, bitcoin expert and libertarian is on great form especially on the bitcoin/gold issue and tips the only AIM stock he owns and explains why. You will laugh and learn with him. You can access the show HERE


1361 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: how do you keep idiots in suspense? SYME shareholders I have a bombshell for you tomorrow!

Yes that horrific news for shareholders in Supply@ME Capital (SYME) will be out in the morning. Meanwhile I reflect on a video I have recorded with the great Dominic Frisby which goes live tomorrow, I hope, and on news that Kwasi Kwarteng might just take action to stop directors lying to investors. I then explain why Redditt groups exposed HERE and HERE in the UK are, in reality, just pump and dump schemes, why they will not deliver another GameStop and why most folks following them will do their conkers. It will end in tears and, I hope, jail time and won’t “burn the shorters”  or Fuck The London Stock Exchange, as the organisers promise, at all.


1416 days ago

We're all criminals! A song for 2020 by Right Said Fred

Yup that Right Said Fred. I’m too sexy from 1991. I kid you not. The Freds are still going and in this era of masks, lockdown and “strongly encouraged” vaccination, they have emerged as spokesmen for freedom. I’m not sure what their politics are but, as a libertarian, I’m struggling to disagree with their active tweeting @TheFreds at this moment in time.  With apologies to Dominic Frisby, the song below released last week must be the theme track for 2020.


1593 days ago

New Dominic Frisby Video - I am a white man and I'm sorry

My pal Dominic, the libertarian comedian, has a new song for you all. Before Youtube deletes it after a mass twitter mob outrage: Enjoy.


1598 days ago

Cracking new Dominic Frisby video: Crony Capitalism will not be tolerated

An anthem for libertarians from my pal Frisby. Enjoy.


1680 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: did you hear all those bubbles (we warned you about) bursting?

In today’s podcast I talk about the sell off and discuss the shape of the recovery that will happen in the real economy and in equities but warn against optimism on the rate and timing of that recovery. I look at Restaurant Group (RTN) which, again, I warn is a disaster waiting to happen, then at various bubbles that have burst  in the past few weeks including bitcoin (ha Dominic Frisby take that!) cannabis, junk bonds and AIM shite and discuss a few companies in those sectors. I also clarify a point on bailouts for the benefit of NoGold.


1709 days ago

I scored four points, or maybe 5, Dominic Frisby got 0 showing what a libertarian and sinful soul he is, how many points do you get?

This is just for fun. Try to answer truthfully. Dom Frisby got zero points begging the questions what was he arrested for and where is his tattoo? I scored four points- no tattoo, and a fear of heights and basic shyness accounting for my tally. Actually, maybe it was 5, I am not sure I was actually arrested when a bent cop dragged me to the cells in Kardamili. How many do you score?


1765 days ago

Video: 17 million f*ck offs: my friend Dominic Frisby updates his classic post the election

Dom has updated his classic pro Brexit anthem to take into account what happened at the General Election. Enjoy,…..


1870 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition EIGHT with Tom Winnifrith, Frisby, Bramhill & Friel

In this eighth edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast, sponsored by Yorkville Advisors, in order I discuss my guest next week (the biggest name yet on the show) and Burford (BUR) and the more genberal issue of revenue recognition. I then chat for about an hour to liberatrian comedian, songwriter and singer, Brexit Party activist, gold & bitcoin guru Dominic Frisby. Prepare for a few laughs.  Then it is Cathal Friel of Open Orphan (ORPH), where I am a shareholder, and finally David Bramhill of Union Jack Oil (UJO). After that section I discuss nearology with reference to Union Jack, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and more generally.  If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1881 days ago

Dominic Frisby's new song, "Hate Speech" out today- cracking video

My friend, the comedian & gold/bitcoin guru & Brexit party wannabee MP, Dominic Frisby, has a new song out today, Hate Speech. Suffice to say it is brilliant. The video is below.


1919 days ago

It could have been written for the deranged Versarien shareholders trolling me: Dom Frisby's new song - Keyboard warrior

My friend Dominic has a new song out today and it could have been written specifically for deranged Versarien (VRS) owning imbeciles trolling me. It’s “keyboard warrior”. Enjoy.


2030 days ago

Podcast: Dominic Frisby: Bullish on Gold When It Breaks 1360

I accuse Dom Frisby of using a very old photo on this occassion. How do you plead Frizzers? This podcast with the great libertarian and gold guru is nothing if not wide-ranging.


2057 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 17 million F*ck Offs

Forgive the title. It is the new song by my pal Dominic Frisby which you can see below. It covers Brexit and is, I think, rather funny, no: it is pure genius. In my podcast, I look at Red Emperor (RMP) and the other Winx plays, Mirriad (MIRI), FinnCrap (FCAP), Akers Biosciences (AKR), Independent Oil & Gas (IOG) Nautilus Marine (NAUT), a real dog, and finally I have a hot deeply discounted placing rumour on I3 Energy (I3E). If you enjoyed this bearcast, follow Jim Mellon and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


2155 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: are bitcoin & the other cryptocurrencies dead?

You may wish to watch my UK Investor City forum gig with bitcoin nutter Dominic Frisby HERE to frame what is in this podcast, the title of which is self-explanatory.


2189 days ago

Islingtonite daughter Olaf, Peter Tatchell, liberty and free speech

Islington dwelling daughter Olaf seems to be in charge of securing public speakers for a posh girls school debating forum. She asked if I knew any funny and controversial speakers. I offered up friends such as James Delingpole of Breitbart and Dominic Frisby but was told that they were Alt-Right, fascists or just not acceptable. I am sure you get the picture. In this world anyone to the right of the Guardian is Alt-Right and should not be offered a platform


2194 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith vs Dominic Frisby on bitcoin, blockchain and goats

The final part of Tuesday night's Nigel Wray UK Investor City forum was a debate on bitcoin, blockchain and goats between myself and Dominic Frisby. I think I had the best jokes though Dominic is the comedian. Anyhow it was fun and, I hope, informative. The next Wray City Forum is on December 3rd so put the date in your diary now.


2195 days ago

Video: UK Investor City Forum Dominic Frisby & Tom Winnifrith talk markets & comedy

 On Tuesday Nigel Wray's Uk Investor team staged a really impressive City event. The wine flowed and Dominic Frisby and I hosted. Before we started there was a bit of comedy and a discussion on the recent market sell off. Enjoy. PS the next such event is December 3rd. Put the date in your diary.


2199 days ago

Video: Dominic Frisby sings "maybe" - sheer comedy genius

The Mrs and I come from opposite ends of the political spectrum but were both in stitches as we watched the latest video from my pal Dominic Frisby. Watch to the end..this is genius


2202 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: on the Anniversary of the Brighton bombing & other murders by Jeremy Corbyn's Sinn Fein/IRA pals

Forgive a brief historic digression at the start of this podcast but I start with a history lesson for those misguided souls who think that SinnFein/IRA brought peace and happiness to Ireland. Then I look at some other tossers from Ulster, First Derivatives (FDP) and the 3Xs. I comment briefly on Purplebricks (PURP) and Versarien (VRS) then move via BCA Marketplace (BCA) to Neil Woodford. Then it is onto MySquar (MYSQ), Symphony Environmental (SYM) and on to UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) with a few words for Dominic Frisby on the nature of bitcoin and its bubble ahead of our bust up next week in London.


2205 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Versarien is 11p away

In today's bearcast I look at the idea of a bear market on AIM, Cenkos (CNKS) as its CEO walks (again), Versarien (VRS), Plutus Powergen (PPG), First Derivatives(FDP), Mysquar (FRAUD), Mayan (MYN) and Wolfe Minerals (WLFE). Due to a bit of a mix-up there are a newly available handful of tickets to next week's wine, canapes, Falanx (FLX) and Premaitha (NIPT) evening in London with me ripping Dominic Frisby apart on blockchain and bitcoin as a bonus. To grab your seat for 16 October book HERE


2214 days ago

Just 30 places left: 16 October me Dom Frisby, Falanx and a long Premaitha slot plus booze and canapes

There are now fewer than 30 places left for the next Wray family organised UK Investor evening seminar in central London. So if you want to book a slot do so now HERE.  The event kicks off with drinks and canapes from 5.30 with the first talk just after six. It will be a packed evening.

Falanx (FLX) has a 20 minute presentation and will take questions for another ten or maybe more. As a supportive e but long suffering shareholder I have a couple of questions myself. Then it is Premaitha (NIPT) which presents for twenty minutes but will face another twenty minutes of questions INCLUDING A NUMBER FROM ME !!!!!

There this then a session where I plan to tear into bitcoin and blockchain believer Dominic Frisby about the ponzi he appears to think holds water. Then more drinks and canapes.

There are only about 20 places left so if you want to “have words” with Adam Reynolds and Premaitha now is your chance. Book HERE


2216 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Premaitha kicks itself in gonads & Cabot, did the ex CEO insider deal or not?

First things first. If you want free booze, canapes, a chance to see me rip Dominic Frisby apart on blockchain and bitcoin and to hear presentations from and quiz Falanx (FLX) and Premaitha (NIPT) then book a seat for 16 October in central London HERE.  In today's podcast I look at Premaitha (NIPT), Avanti Communicatiuons (AVN), Cabot Energy (CAB) and the scandal it won't discuss, Greka Drilling (GDL), SpaceandPeople (SAL) and add to Gary's piece on a CEO who should be going straight to jail and not collecting £400 on the way, Brian McMaster of Jangada Mines (JAN). 


2217 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Frontera Resources is quite simply bust, it is that simple

First things first. If you want free booze, canapes, a chance to see me rip Dominic Frisby apart on blockchain and bitcoin and to hear presentations from and quiz Falanx (FLX) and Premaitha (NIPT) then book a seat for 16 October in central London HERE. In the podcast I look at the madness of Corbyn once more in relation to the Natural rate of Unemployment in a non broken economy. I add to my earlier comments on troughery at Frontera (FRR) HERE by showing it is bankrupt. I cover Concepta (CPT), Fishing Republic (FISH), the Widecells (WDC) scandal and Wolf Minerals (WLFE).


2356 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Main stage Video: What is Blockchain & Is Bitcoin a bubble?

This session was chaired by Dominic Frisby with a panel of Malcolm Palle, Jonathan Bixby, Tony Sanders, Bob McDowall, and Ralph Hazell


2362 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video Gold & Mining session - Frisby, Van Dyke, Atherley et al

 Chaired by Brian Kinane of Riverfort this was a real clash of ideas and featured Dominic Frisby, Paul Atherley of Berkeley (BKY), Richard Poulden of Wishbone (WSBN), Peter Bird of Asiamet (ARS) and - making a very welcome return - Amanda Van Dyke, now a fund manager.


2593 days ago

Bitcoin is Going to Drive Gold & Silver to All Time Highs

I still really do not understant bitcoin but it seems to grip fellow libertarians like Dominic Frisby and, in this case, resource guru Doug Casey. In this Palisade Capital podcast, Doug discusses the commodity markets and why the most important thing is what they do cyclically. Most commodities are down 50% since 2011 and the dollar has lost 20%. Commodities remain quite cheap, particularly gold, silver, and copper. He discusses Junior miners and why now is a good time to get into these markets.


2607 days ago

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, ICOs the Beginning of a New Tech Sector Bubble

I really do not get this bitcoin shite at all, however much my pal Dominic Frisby tries to explain it to me. I just fear it will end in tears but I am cognisant that some folks have made a complete killing on it so far. In a podcast with Palisade Capital, sector guru Michael Pole makes some bold calls. Is this just the start of the gold rush or are we close to dotcom bust in 2001? 


3039 days ago

Catch Dominic Frisby on Tax in Edinburgh, I'm reminded of Mark Steyn on the Diary of Anne Frank

The UK Investor speaker, Moneyweek columnist and gold guru and professional comedian Dominic Frisby sends me a flyer for his gigs at the Edinburgh Festival. Unlike some want to be writers, such as Ben Turney who are accidental comedians in that we just laugh at them, Dominic really is a professional comedian and is very funny so if you are in Edinburgh this year go see him. His main gig is Tax!


3080 days ago

Video: Amanda Van Dyke, Peter Hambro et al - the Mining Session at UK Investor

The afternoon at UK investor Show kicked off with the mining session chaired by Amanda van Dyke. Gold was the main focus and on stage with Amanda were Dominic Frisby, John McGloin of Amara (AMA), Peter Hambro of Petropavlovsk (POG), Tony Manini of Asiamet (ARS) and Ross Norman, the very sharp boss of bullion dealer Sharps Pixley


3081 days ago

Video: The Balloon Debate from UK Investor Show - now this was fun

This was meant to be just a fun debate to start the day with a few laughs. Girly swat Chris Bailey took it really seriously but other competitors myself, Malcolm Stacey, Colin Bird, Dominic Frisby were more relaxed. Speaking for gold Andrew Bell was so relaxed he forgot to turn up but Jan Nelson stood in at the last minute. I explain what a balloon debate is in the video. Enjoy.


3083 days ago

Video: Bitcoin & Blockchain session from UK Investor Show with Coinsilium & Dom Frisby

Do you understand bitcoin and blockchain? No. Neither do I. At UK Investor Show a panel organised by Coinsilium (COIN) including Dominic Frisby tried to explain the excitement and the investment opportunity.


3103 days ago

FINAL CHANCE - Dont forget to hear the Real master investors on Saturday April 30 in London

This weekend is all about the London Marathon but in just SIX DAYS time a galaxy of legendary investors will be speaking at UK Investor Show. This is not a platform for share rampers based in dodgy offshore tax havens but a chance to hear men and woman who are simply the best. Make sure you have the date in your diary - Saturday April 30 and this is the LAST CHANCE to grab a complimentary ticket.

Some shows back the share rampers and the City big boys. We dont. We stand alongside private investors. In that vein we have a new speaker to announce today: Mr Bagot, the 80 year old pensioner mugged by City broker WH Ireland but who fought back. He will be joined on the main stage by Nigel Somerville to show what went on and how the City can be tackled. 

All the star writers from ShareProphets will be there and we still have a few complimentary tickets to meet them at the QE2 Centre in Westminster on April 30th and to hear in action a star studded line up including Ed Croft, Mark Slater, Evil Knievil, Nigel Wray, Adam Reynolds, Dominic Frisby, Vin Murria & Amanda Van Dyke.
To get one of these last few seats going simply go to and enter the word FINAL in the box marked promotional code

So who are the legends speaking?

Mark Slater, 


3226 days ago

Video: Amanda van Dyke's Gold Panel at Gold & Bears

On the gold panel at Gold & Bears chaired by my friend the Van Goddess, Amanda van Dyke are Peter Hambro of Petropavlovsk (POG), John McGloin of Amara (AMA), Dominic Frisby and Angelos Demaskos. Enjoy.


3236 days ago

Video: Dominic Frisby explains Bitcoin at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

I do not understand Bitcoin but my good pal Dominic Frisby does and explained the investment case in full at Gold & Bears


3257 days ago

6 days to Gold & Bears – just 4 seats left – BOOK NOW

As of today there are just 4 seats left unbooked for the 2015 Gold & Bears Show on November 28 in London. So book a free seat now for a fireworks event with Jim Mellon, Gabriele Grego (Globo’s nemesis), John Hempton, Sam Antar, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Amanda, Dominic Frisby, 50 CEOs etc., etc. To get a free ticket for one of the last seats


3262 days ago

I’m following the Jim Mellon crew and taking a small Bitcoin punt on Coinsilium

I do not understand Bitcoin, blockchain technology and the like. I leave that to smarter folks like Dominic Frisby who will be presenting on it at Gold & Bears and my good friend Jim Mellon who will – I’m sure – mention it in his G&B talk. This could all be the next phooey hype but it could be big so I’m getting a small exposure via Coinsilium – a two year old blockchain investor listing on ISDX later this month. I’m backing Jim’s judgement on this one.


3612 days ago

So what did I get the ex GF for her wedding present?

I have promised her a paperback cop, but for now as she honeymoons in Sri Lanka, she has a Kindle version of “Life after the State” by my friend Dominic Frisby. You see the ex-GF is marrying a chap (the a’hole) from Euroland. And as such although she is innately conservative if not libertarian there is a danger that her mind will be contaminated by big Government nonsense and money tree worshipping. I cannot let that happen. I doubt that she will be reading Ayn Rand to her children but Dominic is a good start.

Big Government makes its folks less healthy, less wealthy and less happy. There is an alternative as Dominic explains in this wonderfully entertaining book. I would recommend it to all.


3768 days ago

Watch Evil Knievil, Matt Earl and Lucian Miers on video at the UK Investor Show 2014 – how right they were

You may not like short sellers but the bear raider panel at the UK Investor Show 2014 called things right on a range of stocks from blinkx (BLNX), to Globo (GBO), to Quindell (QPP) as you can see in the video below. Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers and Matt Earl (The Dark Destroyer) have all promised to return for another main stage masterclass at UK Investor Show 2015 on April 18.

The 2015 show will also feature Nigel Wray, Paul Scott, Ed Croft, Mark Slater, Ben Edelman, Amanda Van Dyke, Dominic Frisby, and Vin Murria – in fact 50 big name speakers. Tickets are now on sale at £60 (Golden Ticket) and £12 (Investor ticket).

But you can buy early bird tickets at a 50% discount up until midnight tomorrow (Monday 30th June) HERE.

The 2014 video is below…


3768 days ago

Ed Croft of Stockopedia to headline at UK Investor 2015 - watch his 2014 video

Ed Croft of Stockopedia is the latest big name to sign up to speak at the UK's leading one day investor show, UK Investor. Ed will be doing a main stage presentation with a top chartist on fundamentals versus technicals, looking at the wider debate plus analysing key stock picks of Nigel Wray and Mark Slater plus some audience suggestions. Ed will also be doing a solo lunchtime session in a 250 seater breakout room. Remember the 50% off early bird ticket offer ends at Midnight on Monday 30th June. Do you remember Ed's star turn from 2014?

Ed is joined on the main stage 2015 by Nigel Wray, Vin Murria, Mark Slater, Ben Edelman, Amanda Van Dyke, Matt Earl, Lucian Miers, Evil Knievil, Dominic Frisby, Charlotte Argyle (picture) and many others. We already have 35 big name speakers and a really big name has today agreed to join them...more on that later.

There are also now 60 of the 110 growth companies booked in to attend.

Details of all this can be found at 


3788 days ago

Malcolm Stacey A Deluded Lefty – I start to worry about my old pal

As ever I start my day reading the excellent column of my old pal Malcolm Stacey, the grandfather of share blogging. But today I was spluttering into my cornflakes as I read his words. Has my old pal become infected with “deluded lefty disease”? Please tell me it is not true or that it if it is you will spend a weekend at the Richard Poulden libertarian boot camp with Ms Argyle (pictured as she is better looking than Comrade Poulden), Matthew Sutcliffe and Dominic Frisby seeking urgent therapy.

Malcolm’s offending phrase in his otherwise excellent column today – HERE – was:

Of course, I sympathise with young people who still can't get jobs and families who have to rely on food banks. That is down to inequality of opportunity, for which the government must shoulder blame.

Where to start with such obvious tosh? 


3856 days ago

Book before 4.30 PM Wednesday (TODAY) to get last seats for UK Investor on Saturday

You can book one of the last twenty or so seats at UK Investor either online HERE or by calling 07761030374 until 4.30 PM TODAY (WEDNESDAY) and we guarantee to get your ticket in the last post first class today. If you want to see real fireworks BOOK NOW.  What fireworks you ask?

Ben Edelman the Blinkx destroyer is making a rare UK visit and will publicly rebut the Blinkx statement of Monday. Already Ben has halved this company’s market cap – what damage will he do live on Saturday?

Nigel Wray, Britain’s Buffett, gets grilled by Ed Croft about his portfolio and whether a machine could do better

Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl and myself will launch full frontal assaults with new material on Globo, Quindell, Gulf Keystone and Avanti and a couple of new targets…

Richard Poulden and I will debate the UK House Price crash. Is it inevitable? Of course it is!

Dominic Frisby & Amanda Van Dyke will be joined by four gold company CEOs. Is gold just a useless yellow metal and are gold stocks even more useless?

David Lenigas and 3 other oil CEOs will be put on the spot in the oilers lunch

The 90 Growth PLCs with stands will be presenting at CEO level in special breakout rooms 

At the bloggers café those share tipsters you love and hate will be there writing, tweeting and taking your questions

Book one of the last few seats by 4.30 PM Wednesday (TODAY) either calling me direct on 07761030374 or online HERE. I shall be able to take calls and get tickets posted guaranteed first class delivery in tonight's post at Mount Pleasant if you meet that deadline.

If you are coming to London for the whole weekend and fancy a relaxing meal the night before, myself Steve Moore and a raft of speakers will be at Real Man Pizza Company at 91-95 Clerkenwell Road, EC1R 5BX on the Friday night.

Bring your ticket along and there is a 20% discount on your bill and myself, Steve Moore, my wife and others would be delighted to have a relaxing pre-show chat.

I look forward to seeing you this Saturday (perhaps Friday as well) at the UK Investor Show.

Best wishes 

Tom Winnifrith

Book one of the last few seats by 4.30 PM Wednesday (TODAY) either calling me direct on 07761030374 or online HERE. I shall be able to take calls and get tickets posted guaranteed first class delivery in tonight's post at Mount Pleasant if you meet that deadline.


3893 days ago

Ben Edelman – The man called the Web Sheriff by Bloomberg to headline at UK Investor Show on April 5 – Get your ticket now

The big news today is that a true mega star has agreed to fly to Britain for one day only to headline at The UK Investor Show in London on April 5. Meet Ben Edelman. If you are a Blinkx (BLNX) shareholder you will already have done so – you have lost more than 50% of your money since he produced a detailed report on the company. 

Professor Edelman will make a rare London appearance as the headline speaker at The UK Investor Show on April 5 in Westminster

Edelman shot to prominence in the UK with his recent analysis of Blinkx.  Edelman argued that Blinkx adware sneaks onto users’ computers, violates regulatory requirements, and overcharges advertisers.  Blinkx denies the allegations. Its share price continues to slide.

Much of Edelman’s recent work examines the activities of Google.  In 2010, he uncovered the Google Toolbar continuing to track users’ web browsing even after users asked that the toolbar be disabled and even after the toolbar disappeared from view.  His most recent article examines Google’s Mobile Application Distribution Agreement terms – previously-secret documents that he says impede competition by alternatives apps and services, and drive up prices to consumers.

Recently labelled the “web sheriff” by Bloomberg, Edelman will be speaking on the questionable business practices of a variety of Internet companies, ranging from giants like Google to smaller firms including Blinkx.

Edelman joins a 42 strong main stage line up on April 5th including Nigel Wray, Terry Smith, Vin Murria, Evil Knievil, Mark Slater, Dominic Frisby, bear raiders Lucian Miers and Matt Earl and blogging supremo Paul Scott.

A full list can be found at

Edelman is quoted as saying: “My visits to London are all too rare, but the British market has led the world in many kinds of advertising integrity - I look forward to showing an informed audience a variety of controversial behaviours, including some material not previously seen elsewhere.”

We have now sold more than 60% of the ordinary tickets for the event and all bar a handful of the golden tickets which come with bonus features such as an invitation to the after show champagne party at Maribelle’s. You can get your tickets at

And there are still a few surprises left for the show, notably on the shareholder activism front. Watch this space.

This year I shall not be compering the event – that baton passes to my old friend co-presenter on Show Me The Money, Louise Noel. Okay Louise was the main presenter I was just there for my (then) looks. Okay to talk about the market knowledgably. I digress. The fact that I am not on stage so much means that I plan to be able to join friends such as Malcolm Stacey, Brokerman Dan, Doc Holiday, Steve Moore, Malcolm Palle of Mining Maven and others in the bloggers café, chatting to anyone who is interested about shares that may interest them. As well as tweeting away #ukinvestorshow – I hope to meet many of you there.

But the star attractions are others: Wray, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl, Evil, Slater, Vin Murria, Amanda Van Dyke, Dom Frisby, Brian Basham and now of course Ben Edelman.

On that note I hope that if you have not done so already you book a ticket for the show and look forward to seeing you on April 5 in Westminster:



3966 days ago

Only 120 Free Tickets worth £12 for UKInvestor Show left

Tickets for the UK’s premier investor show, UK Investor worth £12 each are on offer at no cost at all in a special Christmas offer. But while we did have 500 to give away we now have only 120 left – after that the price goes back to £12. So grab your free ticket now.

The show is on April 5 2014 in Westminster and stars men like Nigel Wray, Terry Smith, Lucian Miers, Zak Mir, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith, David Lenigas, Steve Moore, Matt Sutcliffe, Alpesh Patel, Thierry Laduguie, Malcolm Stacey, Dominic Frisby, Richard Poulden plus the Queen of Mining Amanda van Dyke. In all, there are more than 30 big name speakers and 90 growth companies presenting.

Yup, that will be 90 growth companies there at CEO level for you to meet and quiz.

You can get full details on the speakers and companies at

 We had 500 free tickets but now have just 120 left to hand out: To get your free ticket click HERE

After these have gone it is back to £12 a pop.


3968 days ago

Autumn Statement 2013: What George Osborne should have said... by Dominic Frisby

This is a great piece by my pal Dominic Frisby. It is bang on the money:

Our tax code is 11,000 pages long. That is too long. By about 10,990 pages I'd say. Its size and complexity make blunders and fraud inevitable. 

But it's worse than that.  Our system of tax is immoral, it is inconsistent and it creates inequality. 

So I am simplifying it. Here's how. 

Why should the individual worker pay more tax than the company? Why should the multi-national corporation with an army of accountants employed solely to deal with the taxman receive better treatment than the local small businessman? Why should any group receive special favour? That is not capitalism, that is not socialism, it is not social democracy - it is crony capitalism. 


3972 days ago

There are still more than 300 £12 tickets to the UK Investor Show to give away for free thanks to Accendo

Thanks to Accendo markets we have five hundred £12 tickets to the UK’s top investor show, UK Investor Show to give away for free.  Well we had 500. There are now just over 300. The event takes place on April 5 in Westminster London and the free tickets will be allocated strictly on a first come first served basis. 

We already have 60 growth companies booked in to attend and present at the show and another 30 will be signed up by April 5th. And we also have more than 30 main stage speakers confirmed including Terry Smith, Nigel Wray, Lucian Miers, Clem Chambers, Amanda Van Dyke, Dominic Frisby, David Lenigas, Roger Lawson, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith, Steve Moore and many more.

This is without doubt the UK’s top investor show. Full details can be found at and you can buy tickets on that site. 

Or you can, thanks to Accendo get a ticket for free but hurry as this offer is limited to just 500 tickets.

To get your free ticket click HERE.


4197 days ago

Pour a beer and watch Evil Knievil, Nigel Farage and real master investors on your PC this weekend

In case you missed the UK Investor Show and fancy watching real master investors this weekend we have it all on video and those videos are now starting to go live. 

If you want to hear what infamous bear raider Evil Knievil is buying and selling or what top chartists Zak Mir, John Piper and Clem Chambers are long or short of there is no need to leave your own living room this weekend – it is all here on video for you.

Or fancy Mark Slater’s top share picks and thoughts on the market – he is here too with a full slide presentation and video. As is gold guru Dominic Frisby, the UK’s most cerebral short seller Lucian Miers and also Nigel Farage MEP in full flow.

The videos are from the UK Investor Show two weeks ago so if you want to hear what these folks are thinking, buying or selling just relax, pour yourself a beer and spend the weekend at your PC.

There will be more videos appearing over the weekend featuring Britain’s Buffett Nigel Wray, Secret Millionaire and property guru Nick Leslau, mining guru-ess Amanda Van Dyke as well as the CEOs of Leyshon Resources, Fastnet Oil & Gas and a dozen other companies. For alerts on when they appear register now at

Meanwhile, sit back, relax and watch the explosive action.

To see Evil Knievil, Zak Mir, John Piper and ADVFN CEO Clem Chambers in action – click HERE

You can watch UKIP leader Nigel Farage here

You can watch gold guru Dominic Frisby & access his slides HERE

You can watch small cap legend Mark Slater and access his slides HERE

And you can watch infamous bear raider Lucian Miers HERE

Over the next 48 hours we will also be publishing videos featuring Leyshon Resources, Fastnet Oil & Gas, Nigel Wray and Nick Leslau and mining guru Amanda Van Dyke. For all their thoughts and hot tips and much more stay tuned to your PC this weekend.

Following the amazing success of the UK’s only serious investor show we have just announced that the 2014 event will be held at a larger venue in Central London on April 5th  . More details soon.

We will upload more videos from UKInvestor very soon to give you something entertaining to watch from home all weekend

Now, for me, back to the beach.



4198 days ago

Make a diary date for the UK's only serious investor show - April 5

Okay you have missed the only show worth attending for this year. Shucks. But following the amazing success of UK Investor Show 2013 we have now set a date for UK Investor Show 2014. So put it in your diary now: April 5th2014.

And in response to the success of the first show we have secured a larger venue in Central London for the 2014 event. More details to follow.

If you did miss the 2013 event videos of the main speakers and of 12 PLC presentations were recorded and are now starting to go live.
You can watch gold guru Dominic Frisby & access his slides HERE

You can watch small cap legend Mark Slater and access his slides HERE

And you can watch infamous bear raider Lucian Miers HERE

Later today UKIP leader Nigel Farage MEP goes live on ADVFN with short seller Evil Knievil to follow shortly afterwards


4330 days ago

UKIP leader Nigel Farage MEP joins headline speakers at UKInvestorShow on April 13th

UKInvestor Show is an event about making money but I have always thought such a show needs one non investment speaker and I am delighted to say that Nigel Farage MEP emailed this morning and he is up for it. The leader of UKIP will talk about how staying in the EU costs all of us so much and why we should leave now.

And so on April 13th at Excel we now have a main stage line up of Nigel Wray (Britain’s Buffett), Nick Leslau (property legend and secret millionaire), bear raiders Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers and Dominic Frisbey, Mr Gold and Nigel Farage. And there is one other surprise for you on the main stage.

The traders session ( also a main stage event) is chaired by Steve Moore and stars Clem Chambers, Alpesh Patel, Simon Denham, John Piper and Zak Mir ( plus one name to reveal shortly)

In the breakout rooms we have the Goddess, Amanda VanDyke on making money from mining stocks, Stanley Gibbons boss Mike Hall on alternative investments, Roger Lawson on shareholder activism and Christopher Booker on how global warming costs you so much.

There is the Poulden v Winnifrith debate (10 minutes of main stage comedy) and 80 companies presenting at CEO level.

You have to admit that is a cracking line-up. No other show even comes close. If you want to hear a master investor speak this is the only show worth attending. To register for your free ticket on a first come first served basis go HERE.


4381 days ago

Why gold MUST hit £10,000 in the long run

Dominic Frisby asks in a piece on Moneyweek (you can read it here ) if gold could hit £10,000 ounce in the long run? A lot of worthy analysis goes to explain why it could. But this is not an IF, gold MUST hit £10,000 oz at some stage. That is not because gold is fantastic but just because our politicians (like those across the West) always destroy the value of paper currencies. You think I am mad? Well, okay I might be. But on this one the evidence is staring you in the face.

In 1971 the world abandoned the Gold Standard. Politicians thereafter had free rein to try and buy votes by running vast budget deficits and by printing cash. That inevitably debases a currency. And so in 1971 you could buy an ounce of gold for £14 or $35. Today that same ounce will cost you £1,067 or $1,708. In other words the real value of the pound in your pocket has, over the 41 years since the abolition of the gold standard fallen by 98.7%. The US dollar is down by a mere 97.7%.


4386 days ago

Time to Help Dominic Frisby over the line?

Dominic Frisby needs your help. The author and comedian needs a set number of pre-orders for his book for his publisher to publish it. And he is 82% of the way there.

Just for producing the classic debt bomb video (below) Dominic deserves support

Now watch Dominic discuss the book he wishes to publish and please consider a pre-order.


PS Dominic you owe me one. I shall have here books for you to plug in a month’s time.


4409 days ago

Dominic Frisby – New Book –Watch the Video

Dominic Frisby is a good guy. He is a comedian. The man behind the debt bomb video and he is a writer. A gold bug, his views on matters such as QE3, welfare spending, etc are spot on. And he is publishing a book. But his deal with his author is that he needs a certain number of pre-orders to go ahead. As Dominic is a) funny, b) a good bloke, c) correct in his analysis and d) a good writer I ask you click the link below, watch his video and consider pre-ordering.

To watch Dominic’s video about his new book click here.
