
316 days ago

Ashington Innovations – and they say Germans don’t have a sense of humour

Ashington Innovations (ASHI) shares are suspended on the Standard List pending the proposed £135 million RTO of a company that is insolvent and mired in wrong-doing. The middle name of its sole director, the struck off dentist Ajan Rejinald is “scandal”. If the FCA allows this deal masterminded by, clearly morally bankrupt, SI Capital to go through it will be a massive stain on its reputation. However…


540 days ago

“Othering,” Holocaust Memorial Day and the Russians

On Holocaust Memorial Day, expert after expert went onto the airwaves to insist that what happened to the Jews started with the “othering” of them as a minority by the Nazis. Othering is a ghastly world created by Guardian reading sociologists, like my wife, but essentially it means depicting as distinct as a precursor to demonisation.


1134 days ago

Most Germans are related to a war criminal but 99% of Brits get a clean pass on slavery

On an almost daily basis, some woke dullard makes the claim that we wicked Brits all benefitted from the slave trade and need to cough up. Invariably, the same sort of folks say we should forgive and forget events of eight years ago in Europe, most Germans were not Nazis they say. The only problem apart from the logistics of reparations – who gets the moolah – is that both statements are not true although in 2021 I am probably not allowed to say that. Here goes anyway… let’s start with the Hun.


1234 days ago

Joy Behar shows why you should not take history lessons from liberal celebs, especially on Nazis!

Wading into the Meghan debate on behalf of her fellow liberal celeb, the unfunny American comedienne Joy Behar gives us a unique take on history. I can see that she picked up a lot from her university degree in sociology. Her essential thesis is that the Royal Family are all Nazis, which means they must be racist as Meghan claims.


1340 days ago

Go woke go broke: The British Legion advertises for a "Head of Diversity & Inclusion" at £55,000 per annum - no more poppies for me

I buy a poppy in remembrance of my Great Uncle Francis Cochrane who died while fighting the Germans in North Africa in 1942. I hope my cash helps an ex serviceman or servicewoman in need. But does it?


2519 days ago

Jacob Rees Mogg is the saviour of Greece - erect statues in every town. the Moggster finds 53 billion Euro down the Hellenic sofa

I am no particular admirer of my Oxford contemporary, the pompous MP for somewhere in Somerset, Jacob Rees Mogg. But my fellow residents of the Hellenic Republic should at once establish a committee to erect statues of the pin stripe suited buffoon in every town square in our great land. The heroes of 1821 should stand shoulder to shoulder with the man who has arrived at a solution to our economic misery and enslavement by the fucking Germans, sorry I meant the EU, and banksters. Jacob Rees Mogg is the new Byron.


2686 days ago

fake news lefty media Buzzfeed shows its ignorance again - all Germans were not Nazis (especially in 1813)

Buzzfeed likes publishing fake news about Donald Trump and others. It ignores basic journalistic ethics on fact checking but when its pea brained columnists get to twitter they just make things up. Meet Leticia Miranda, Consumer Affairs Reporter who asks on twitter "Is this offensive?"


2909 days ago

Getting old, my father falls, back to Shipston

I came back from Greece on July 2nd and then spent barely five days away from Shipston in that month. My step mother died on the 14th and was buried nine days later. My father, in his old world way, did not "emote" as all around him wept. He said almost nothing. I have no idea what he was thinking or is thinking. One big question was how, when he was finally left alone, would he cope? I worried.


3111 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 20 January - Arguing with the UK's top share blogger Paul Scott again

Warning: This podcast contains bad language and some not terribly PC remarks about the Germans. A bit of an argument this morning with Paul Scott, Britain's top share blogger, on the subject of TrakM8 (TRAK). For once he sounded like a bit of a stale bull and I go through the bull excuses when faced with analysis like THIS. I am right on this one. I also cover Environmental Recycling (ENRT) and Motive TV (MTV) both of which are flea ridden dogs with puss ouzing from every pore and should be put down at once. Then it is on to Nostra Terra (NTOG) and Independent Resources (IRG) as well as Northern Petroleum (NOP) and Armadale Capital (ACP). I did not cover Corero (CNS) but I see its shares are slipping so should ask "when is the placing" and I gave Jabba The Hutt a break today but if you need a fix there is an LGO expose HERE
