224 days ago
You remember Globo (GBO). I was a bear and pointed out numerous red flags even doorstepping it in Athens. Roger Lawson of ShareSoc said I was wrong and did not understand tech stocks like he did, Globo had £40 million of cash and was profitable. Then Gabriel Grego compiled a bombshell dossier. Snot gobbler Dan McCrum at the FT did not have the balls to publish it but alerted the CEO who sold millions of pounds worth of shares over the four days until I obtained and published the dossier, the shares were then suspended, there was no cash, no profits it was a fraud, a slam dunk fraud. But it seems that crime does pay.
639 days ago
In the bad old days ShareSoc was run by a fellow who read about a German short seller planting a bomb and concluded that this was a sign of the desperate measures we bears might undertake to satisfy our vile greed. Bears bad – Globo good. These days Cliff Weight is in charge and he is far more enlightened and based on a 2021 portfolio he ran , we have a new prize contest ( prize 500 ml of Greek Hovel 2023 olive oil). Readers SIX OF THE BEST means a portfolio of SIX NOT FIVE, HINT IS IN TITLE!
691 days ago
Mr Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) – Eton and Oxford – may be unused to being called a pleb, certainly by a ghastly little oik like Gavin Burnell of the Globo (GBO) fraud infamy. But it seems that in the float of Elephant Oil in the USA, there are two classes of investor and Red Rock is very much the lower class while the frightful Burnell is king of the castle.
809 days ago
I start by referencing a podcast on public schools HERE and saying why I am at a funeral today. Gone are the days when the BSD at ShareSoc offered to help out those chaps at Globo (GBO) get the show back on the road. In new hands there is a suggestion of odd share dealings at N4 Pharma (N4P). I look at that and then the fundamental case against this stock. I also look at Parsley Box (MEAL) and CEO spoofing and at Eco Atlantic (ECO) and the dangers of punting on an E&P play ahead of a well.
814 days ago
It really is an ouzo on cornflakes day. Not only has Gerry Brandon been fired but the FCA has won a legal victory in its attempts to nail the fraudsters behind Globo (GBO) an AIM listed scam I warned about, doorstepped in Athens and eventually helped bring down by publishing the dossier of my pal Gabriel Grego.
857 days ago
In today’s podcast, pre Joshua book fair, so a tad rushed I look at Amur Minerals (AMC), the growing Bezant (BZT) scandal, Gavin Burnell & Hot Rocks (HRIP) and Tortilla Mexican (MEX)
906 days ago
Ed Croft’s Stockopedia is the stock picking system that ranged the Quindell (QPP) fraud as one of the cheapest companies on AIM and said that Globo (GBO) scored 92/100 as a buy. It was a fraud too and went bust. Then there was Wirecard which Stocko pushed aggressively just 3 days before the balloon went up! Two years after the Woodford blow up, Ed is now and expert saying his system could have predicted it. Whatever. So how would Ed’s system assess company X which has just filed 2021 accounts
988 days ago
I suppose the criminal pump and dumper Ron Bauer might argue that it is he who has suffered reputational damage from dealing with Gavin Burnell of Globo (GBO) fraud infamy but a shocking new document has now come to light which begs massive questions for Burnell, Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra (NTOG) and indeed of the FCA.
988 days ago
This is a major scandal – one that will create massive embarrassment for those operating in the depths of the AIM, Aquis and Standard List sewers. And for Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra (NTOG), his buddy, Gavin Burnell of the Globo (GBO) fraud, and Novum infamy, it poses a major question of what they knew and when.
1023 days ago
Oh dear. How folks at ShareSoc must long for the stability of Globo fanboy, Roger Lawson. In its new era, under Sheryl Cuisia, who on February 4th announced she was “spearheading an executive-led transformation process to prepare ShareSoc for its next phase of development” – which, natch, included a commitment to diversity, yadda, yadda, yadda – it is all change. Or maybe not.
1046 days ago
Poor old Gavin. As if life wasn’t hard enough already for the old scallywag, several people have been in touch to suggest that the violent train hoodlum, flagged up on Twitter below, is, in fact, the colourful financier. Of course, though the hoodlum appears to live in the same town as Burnell, it cannot be him, since Gavin is both an honourable and respected member of the financial community. And thus I must warn him that he has a doppelganger who, like him, lives in Woking, and who, unlike Burnell, seems not quite the true scholar and gentleman.
1166 days ago
No! It is not snot gobbler Dan McCrum of the FT who tipped off the CEO allowing him to sell millions of shares in the days before the balloon went up at the Globo (GBO) fraud. McCrum still insists that he is the journalist responsible for Globo’s downfall whatever Gabriel Grego says. But it is another unsung hero who brought Globo to book. You may have thought that he was a supportive shareholder in the fraud, dissing we bears as not knowing what we were talking about. However…
1167 days ago
The triumphs for me are Globo (GBO) where the man who should know recognises my unique work and puts the FT’s snot gobbler in his place as the FCA swoop and SpectrumX and some real Tory sleaze exposed as it goes bust as advisers say its IPO is on track. Then I look at AO World (AO.) where almost all the writers here are vindicated and deserve an ouzo tonight (sparkling water for puritan Chris), and Harland & Wolff (HARL) – ouzo for Peter Brailey, cabbage water for Andrew Monk. Finally a few words on the lastest spoof from the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME).
1167 days ago
After a six year investigation the FCA has finally launched lawsuits against the CEO and CFO of the £300 million Greek fraud Globo, once a poster boy of the AIM sewer. The company raised more than £100 million in debt and equity but was a complete fraud, going tits up in 2015. You may remember …
1498 days ago
Thanks to reader Paul we have an answer. Normally companies presenting at such events, as they pay to do so, do not always deliver in terms of share price gains. In fact Ed Croft of Stockopedia claims they always do the reverse, they underperform. That would be unlike big calls from Stockopedia, which tipped Wirecard as a storming buy 2 days before what was obviously Europe’s largest fraud went tits up and also said Quindell was one of the cheapest shares on AIM. Did I mention Globo, Ed had that as a big buy too before it became a zero. Anyhow back to our show in May…
1551 days ago
As you know we have been big bears of AIM promote Elecosoft (ELCO). There were so many red flags when we published a major bear report HERE including Stockopedia of Wirecard, Globo & Quindell infamy having it as atop pick, Vox Markets promotion and highly aggressive accounting. They mounted when ElecoSoft started threatening legal action. Since then the chairman and founder has walked and now this.
1626 days ago
Tipping as a major buy, shares in Wirecard, Europe’s largest fraud and a company every bear on the planet had called out as a fraud, 48 hours before the stock collapsed was perhaps not the greatest day for Ed Croft and Stockopedia. Even worse than the days when the system rated the Globo and Quindell frauds as massive buys. So maybe Stockopedia can redeem itself with a call on mystery Company A which has filed its accounts for calendar 2019.
1641 days ago
Broker JubCap, whose financial woes we exposed here, is now in administration. It is an ex broker and not one that the world will miss. So who is next? Well, all the signs are that Novum, the bucket shop which employs king spiv Jon Bellis and has Gavin Burnell of Globo infamy working there even though he is not authorised to do so by the FCA, is in the merde. I suggested 66 days ago that its financials were so bad that the FCA needed to have a look and, for once, it seems the chocolate teapots have done more than that, acting on what I exposed. I count this as a win for the Sheriff so it’s ouzos all round at the Greek Hovel today. But how is Novum in such a mess?
1693 days ago
No I am not referring to Ed’s stock picking system concluding that the Quindell (QPP) fraud was one of the 10 cheapest shares on AIM. Nor am I referring to it rating the fraud Globo (GBO) as a 92/100 BUY. Or to thirsty Paul Scott using the Stockopedia system to serve up classic buys like IQE (IQE) and TrakM8 (TRAK) This gem from the Stockopedia stock picking system is an even worse call and in fact possibly the worst stock call in history.
1706 days ago
I have today, finally, got around to asking the FCA to investigate the covert work being done by unregulated Gavin Burnell of Globo and Beaufort infamy for bucket shop broker Novum. But maybe there is a reason why Novum has to swim in the gutter…it needs the cash so badly.
1706 days ago
I had thought that Gavin Burnell, the broker who used to work at disgraced Beaufort Securities and who floated and sat on the board of the fraud Globo, making a packet from fees and share sales, was no longer working in the City, that Novum Securities had parted company with him when the FCA refused to re-authorise him. But…
1892 days ago
Ed Croft of Stockopedia has yet to answer my question on how his system which rated the fraud Quindell (QPP) one of the top 10 stocks on AIM to buy and the Globo (GBO) fraud a 92/100 buy, rates THIS company. Instead I receive a mailing seeming to come from Company REFS which is now owned by my old friend Mark Slater. It gushes underneath a Company REFS logo:
1915 days ago
Having called the mega fraud Quindell (QPP) out as one of the 10 cheapest stocks on AIM and rated the fraud that was Globo as a 92/100 mega buy, the Stockopedia system of Ed Croft is obviously brilliant. Right now Ed is claiming his system predicted the Neil Woodford collapse. Of course it did not but after the event it should have/could have/might have. It is not quite the same as I explained HERE. So here is a clincher for Ed – how would his system assess the worth of mystery company A?
1948 days ago
There are two guests in this week’s show, First up I discuss the clown who runs Sirius Minerals (SXX). Then I welcome Chris Bailey. We discuss where value lies in the market and has the mood music changed, SIG (SHI), Metro Bank (MTRO), Funding Circle (FCH), the crazy share price of Diageo (DGE) and much more. Then my second guest is the legendary bear raider Gabriel Grego of Globo and Folli Follie Fame. We discuss his latest triumph Bio-On and much more. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.
2026 days ago
The man who exposed Globo (GBO) and Folli Follie as outright frauds is back with a devestating new dossier on 1 billion Euro capitalised Bio-On which is listed on Italy’s AIM market. This looks like a slam dunk zero to me. The dossier from Gabriel and Quintessential Asset Management is below.. as ever we are first with the news….
2120 days ago
In this bearcast I look at what a dismal failure AIM has become and examine the inherent conflicts of interest which make such failure ( for investors) inevitable. I reference Management Resource Solutions (MRS), Daniel Stewart (DAN), African Potash (AFPO), Arden Partners, Paul Shackleton, Naibu (NBU), Cantor Fitzgerald, Sefton Resources (SER), SP Angel, BlueJay Mining (JAY), Vialogy, Yourgene (YGEN), Quindell (QPP), Globo (GBO) and more. If you enjoyed this how about becoming a hero and donating to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks TODAY HERE
2173 days ago
I have highlighted before the curious way that Gavin Burnell of Globo (GBO) infamy was working at Novum Securities even though the FCA had not re-authorised him to conduct investment business following the demise of Beaufort Securities. All good things must come to an end.
2201 days ago
I am plagued today by Bulletin Board Morons reporting me to the FCA, by Roger Lawson and some ungracious comments on fraud busting at Globo (GBO), Quindell (QPP) and Patisserie Holdings (CAKE) and by our former in house Bulletin Board Loon who has returned to really rile me with some vile comments on the holocaust which expose him as the Jew hating vermin that he is - HERE. I comment on Angus Energy (ANGS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Domino's Pizza (DOM), Feedback (FDBK), Photonstar Led (PSL), Starcom (STAR) and Cabot Energy (CAB) . Footnote, Roger is now planning to run an amendment flagging up that I did advise folks to sell/short Patisserie warning "something's not right". Roger you are a gent.
2230 days ago
Nope Cheryl Cole is not mentioned. But plenty of other old faves including Quindell (QPP), Globo (GBO), MySquar (MYSQ), Julie "Lingerie on Expenses" Meyer, Big Sofa (BST), Wishbone (WSBN) and Neil Woodford are. There are six resolutions. The first concerns fitness and the walk for Woodlarks where I urge you to donate HERE
2235 days ago
Given that its IPO prospectus was fraudulent and how its earnings have been materially overstated in recent years as demonstrated here, only the sort of moron who would back the fraud Globo to the hilt would still be owning shares in First Derivatives (FDP). They are an outstanding short at 2125p. But now lets look at Kx Systems Inc and something that might just blow up First early in the new year.
2258 days ago
Gabriel Grego is the man who exposed Globo (GBO) as a fraud, Folli Follie as a fraud and his new target is Canadian cannabis giant Aphria - his clear view is that this multi billion dollar company is a zero. Gabriel is presenting in New York right now but we have his presentation and his dossier which is utterly devestating. This looks like free money as a short.
2280 days ago
In today's podcast I look at Babcock (BAB), which is not a fraud, and the fraud Globo (GBO) and the use of the word "refute". I also cover Johnston Press (JPR), RM2 (RM2) - another Neil Woodford dog - Haydale (HAYD) which looks increasing;y like a zero, Online Blockchain (OBC) and Amur Minerals (AMC)
2306 days ago
We pointed out numerous red flags at Globo (GBO) for two years before finally sinking the fraud by publishing Gabriel Grego’s dynamite dossier but some folks knew better. In the fund management community the fraud’s biggest supporter was Harry Nimmo of Standard Life whose fund (other folks cash) were on the register to the bitter end. Harry was a true Globo believer. Now he has weighed into bat for First Derivatives (FDP) which has also, arguably, committed fraud as we revealed HERE.
2343 days ago
Elon Musk might be forgiven for thinking that few in the business community still lve him. But he does have fans. Step forward Costis Papadimitrakopoulos the founder and CEO of Globo (GBO) which raised tens of millions of dollars in debt and bvia issuing shares on AIM and claimed to have net cash but er... did not. It was a fraud and Costis took stacks of that cash and also sold all his shares before the balloon went up after being tipped off by snot gobbler Dan McCrum lof the FT. Anyhow Costis has been busy on facebook updating his profile last month as you can see below.
2351 days ago
Today I explained HERE the mounting Badger scandal at cash-strapped Andalas (ADL) as it gears up for a bailout placing. In this podcast I explain why all involved should be concerned that they are not party to Securities fraud, notably Nomad Beaumont Cornish and broker Novum Securities - home to scallywag Gavin Burnell of Globo (GBO) infamy. This is a real test case for the integrity of the AIM Casino and I explain why.
2370 days ago
Prompted by a reader I wonder exactly what Gavin Burnell of Globo infamy is doing round at Novum Securities these days?
2384 days ago
Globo (GBO) was a fraud which claimed to have cash but did not and is now bust. Its downfall was precipitated by ShareProphets publishing a Gabriel Grego dossier after the FT and snot-gobbler Dan McCrum merely tipped off the CEO allowing him to dump all his shares and failed to publish. Now the Financial Reporting Council says that it is letting auditor Grant Thornton off the hook and dropping its enquiry.
2403 days ago
That insolvent Andalas Energy (ADL) is undertaking a placing is no shock. It is insolvent with negative net current assets of at least £400,000 but thanks to some fairly sordid share ramping it has managed to raise a gross £1 million at 0.02p. The ramping of shares in this company with worthless assets is pretty unpleasant but what is laid bare in the news is the sheer greed of City advisers notably brokers Novum – of Jon Belliss and Gavin “I made £750k from Globo - Burnell infamy – and Optiva.
2429 days ago
I noted yesterday that Gavin Burnell of Globo infamy was one of the team at Novum Securities which raised £4.5 million for Audioboom (BOOM) at 3p – a placing which is already well underwater. How do I know? Because his name is one of three at Novum on the RNS. But here is a funny thing: Burnell is not approved by the FCA to conduct investment business! As you can see below, it reckons he is “inactive.”. I took this up with Novum boss Hugh McAllister…
2431 days ago
The reference to scumbags John Belliss and Gavin Burnell is explained in full in this podcast which covers CyanConnode (CYAN), Audioboom (BOOM), Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP), Revolution Bars (RBG), Peter Schiff and the economy, AIQ (AIQ), Tern (TERN) and Haydale (HAYD). Both Brokerman Dan and I are now training with blisters. This weekend I move up to a 14 mile walk ahead of our 32 mile July 28 stroll for Woodarks. Thanks to all who have sponsored us. swe have now raised more than £8,000 with gift aid and are at 34% of our target. To those 90% of you listening who have not pledged, surely you can spare a tenner. You can donate £10 HERE.
2452 days ago
I have repeatedly warned against investing in Gavin Burnell of Globo infamy creation Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP). Drowning in debt, burning cash and paying vast sums to CEO Rita Whittingham and her ghastly relatives on the payroll this is a dog. Today the company says that it is going to try and sell some of its (crap) assets and to save £100,000 it will delist from AIM. It could save far more by firing its deadwood staff. The shares have plunged 65% and are now just 0.6p to sell. But you should sell. SP Angel guru, the City's No 1 oil analyst Zac "The Knife" Phillips sums up this farce perfectly.
2452 days ago
For reasons to do with burly security guards explained here I could not record this at Folli Follie. That is probably good as I can now explain the similarities with another Greek fraud (Globo), the looming deadlines and the unresolved questions which make this company likely to implode. That is not to say it does not have some real operations, the photos below are of its flagship store at 19 Ermou St in Athens, which I visited on Monday
2470 days ago
Shares in Greek uber scam Folli Follie are off by c30% following the publication of Globo (GBO) destroyer Gabriel Grego's damning dossier last night HERE. It has now issued a denial and threatened legal action. I have spoken to Grego.
2472 days ago
At this very moment the man who exposed Greek based AIM superstar Globo (GBO) as a total fraud, Gabriele Grego, has just concluded a speech in New York. Ed Croft need not worry, for once the mega scam Gabriele has debagged, is not a stock he has tipped, as he did with Globo. We have the full dossier Gabriele has prepared and it is explosive.
2479 days ago
No it was not Quindell (QPP). That was two years earlier AFTER it had been identified as a fraud. Nor was it Globo although Ed Croft's Stockopedia stock picking system ranked that at 92 out of 100. Oops. No Ed's St Valentine's day 2017 present to his poor followers was...
2480 days ago
For the last time I laugh at Ed Croft's joke system at Stockopedia which rates Quindell a storming buy after it is exposed as a fraud and Globo a buy but slates, for instance, Learning Technologies (LTG) - did you see its news today Ed? Then I look at the Begbies Traynor (BEG) red flag report which is remoaners treat and an even bigger abuser of data analysis than Quindell cheerleader Ed Croft. I also cover my pike fishing exploits and Online Blockchain (OBC) - now more than 50% below its placing price and 75% off its year high.
2481 days ago
Darren uploaded yesterday's podcast by mistake becuase he is a fucking idiot. I am considering his future and mine tonight. Here now is today's podcast. To tip Quindell before Gotham City and I started to expose it was perhaps understandable. But to single it out as a stunning value investment afterwards? Who could have been so fecking dumb? As you can see HERE it was the same system also that thought Globo was a cracking investment when some of us very publicly said it was a fraud. Which system could be so bad? Step forward Ed Croft and Stockopedia and he says that Nigel Wray invests in "sucker stocks"?. I explain why Ed's system is bound to have some horrible failures and miss a stack of big winners. In this podcast I also look at Vitesse (VIS), Tern (TERN), Inspirit (INSP) which has a mega spoof today and Online Blockchain (OBC) where I am just a confused old dinosaur.
2489 days ago
Having exposed all the big stockmarket frauds of the past five years on this website (Quindell, Globo, Cloudtag, MySquar, blinkx, Gulf Keystone, Naibu, Daniel Stewart, Sefton, China Chaintek, Aquatic Foods, Cupid, Avanti and the list goes on and on and on) I never cease to wonder at the stupidity of some folks who invest in such stocks. But Frontera (FRR) shareholders are managing to shock me - truly some of them are the dumbest fucks on this planet.
2532 days ago
Following the sad demise of Beaufort Securities yesterday one chap looking for a new job is Gavin Burnell, the man who brought the fraud Globo to market and made a killing as one of its NEDS, the man who brought you uber dog Magnolia and whose CV is a resume of shareholder value destruction. Natch he was an obvious candidate to work in corporate broking at a place like Belfort but where will shamed Burnell go next? You can win a bottle of champagne in our new prize contest.
2599 days ago
You can't keep a good man down, or indeed a bad man. I refer to Greece's perennial entrant in the European fraudster of the year contest, Mr Konstantinos "Costis" Papadimitrakopoulos. You will remember him as the creator and CEO of the fraud Globo (GBO) and a man who was able to sell all his shares before we exposed him HERE and the stock was suspended, after Dan "snot gobbler" McCrum of the FT alerted him that the game was almost up. As you can from LinkedIn see Costis has a new venture and also sees Bitcoin as an area to get into. And who said that the crypto currency was mainly a place to launder ill gotten gains?
2617 days ago
Tomorrow we will run stories on 2 AIM listed companies showing evidence of wholesale lying and worse. I will show why even a small lie matters and why the real scandal is that in case 2 this is a leopard who is re-offending and the weedy spineless poltroons at AIM Regulation knew of his character before allowing him scope to re-offend. I also question why Gavin Burnell of Globo infamy is allowed to remain as a fox inside the regulatory chicken-coop while investigations into that fraud continue.
2631 days ago
Some folks have no shame. I talk not of serial promoter of dogs and frauds Gavin Burnell but of AIM Regulation who are allowing another Burnell backed "winner" to list. The high point of Gavin's career was of course Globo which he brought to AIM via an RTO, where he was a very well paid NED, made a killing selling shares and which was then exposed as a fraud HERE and went bust within 72 hours. Of course Gavin did nothing wrong. The CV gets better
2707 days ago
Old Lawson may still be pursuing a ridiculous claim against me for libel, he noted this week that he had another meeting with his lawyers, but credit where credit is due, the old fool has nailed the shambles last week at Barclays (BARC) stockbrokers perfectly. And in a posting on the ShareSoc blog he gives advice on what to do if you have been jerked around. This is an example of the good work he can do when he is not distracted by falling in love with companies such as Globo. Over to Lawson:
2735 days ago
Earlier today I published a bombshell that demonstrated that Telit (TCM) was Globo v2 - that is to say a FRAUD heading for zero in short order.. One of the points that caused Globo to unravel within days were its bogus distributors. I covered that in some detail in Part 1 of this series but here in part 2 I offer up some graphics to make my point. Distributors account for only 30% of claimed sales but if they are bogus then is anything genuine? It is game over for Telit, the Fat Lady is getting ready... Enjoy what follows...
2735 days ago
Following today's bombshell there can be no doubt that Telit Communications (TCM) is toast. Companies that lie and deceive so industrially in the way I demonstrated earlier HERE will always end in tears. In this podcast I look at the culture of corporate lying and wrongdoing and what it means for you as an investor. I look at rent boys at BP then at Quindell (QPP), Globo (GBO) and of course, in the main, at Telit
2735 days ago
After today's complete bombshell which shows that Telit (TCM) is a Globo style fraud and thus utterly worthless what follows may be a tad academic. But, none the less, it is yet another Red Flag which we all should have noticed earlier. Reading through the 2016 annual report of Telit it is apparent that Mr Fat Katz, sorry Mr Oozi Cats, had two unusual remuneration arrangements.
2735 days ago
This is becoming Globo v2 at a an alarming rate. Today's bombshell dossier on Telit Communications (TCM) nails it as a slam dunk ZERO beyond all doubt. The only way that the shares do not completely crater in the morning is if they are suspended first. And that is exactly what should happen. As such I sent a couple of emails last night. One to tthe head of the Oxymorons Marcus Stuttard and his clueless colleagues, the Keystone Cops at AIM Regulation and the other to the folks at Nomad FinnCap from CEO Sam Smith via head of Corporate Finance Stuart Andrews down to analyst Lorne Daniel with a minor jackal in Corporate Finaance also included in case Andrews is too busy with his polo ponies to read emails on a Sunday. Enjoy!
2739 days ago
Okay so the Sheriff of AIM has got his man. Uzi/Oozi Katz/Cats has gone "temporarily" (my arse, again) from Telit Communications (TCM). So what happens next? I comment about what was NOT said in today's release, try to second guess Uzi (that is the real one not a bogus ballet dancer/statistician/award winning chef) as to his next move. Then I discuss the underlying business and explain why, to me, it has all the makings of a Globo, not a Quindell,. and why that means that its share price collapsersoonie could be sooner than you think, if banksters HSBC are anywhere close to being on the ball. Enjoy.
2750 days ago
Are there no depths to which Roger Lawson of ShareSoc, Globo and blinkx fame will not go in order to gag a free press? The latest trick from Roger and his bully boylawyers Keystone is to mislead to Audioboom. Roger's lawyers have again been in touch with Audioboom about a post. You will remember that two days a go they argued that a bearcast from July 2017 was libellous and Audioboom did not have the balls to question this and just removed it - full details on thst shameful day plus the bearcast in question now hosted on another platform are HERE. Buoyed by the fact that Audioboom are just plain pussies, the bully boy lawyers and Lawson have tried it on again. So late last night a poltroon called Alex from Audioboom wrote to me:
2760 days ago
We asked you a simple question HERE. Look at the mugshots of the dirty half dozen below and tell us the odd one out. For those who could not recognise the ugly sisters they were (top row first, left to right): Dodgy bubble Costis from Greek fraud Globo, Roger Lawson ( who is clearly not a fraudster), the king of the fraudsters Rob Terry of Quindell, lyin' Chris Cleverley of African Potash, Peter Shea of Daniel Stewart and Jimmyliar Ellerton of Sefton infamy. So who is the odd one out? No-one got this one correct.
2762 days ago
Today's the day that African Potash gets slung from the NEX markets or has the rules bent for them, so in normal circumstances it would sponsor this week's contest. But there is an even better sponsor, step forward Roger Lawson of ShareSoc who will donate some of the Globo shares he owns as a prize. Natch, Lawson sold most of his Globo shares before telling readers to sell, but he still has some left and even offered to help the management take the company forward.
2767 days ago
Don't these fools ever learn? For chancers and crooks like Darren Winters, the shysters at Globo, Blinkx, Quindell and Daniel Stewart and for lyin Chris Cleverley and Lord Hain of sleaze and for so many others, sending me a fascist lawyers letter never works out well. That is not for them at least. But it seems there is one born every day. A new letter is in demanding that three years of articles be removed, that damages and costs be paid and that I put my name to a grovelling apology dictated by this poltroon. Who do you think is daft enough to have sent it? Vote now in our latest poll with a deadline of midnight tonight.
2791 days ago
And so the battle lines are drawn at Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP), the dash guzzling worthless AIM POS founded by Gavin Burnell of Globo infamy. On the one hand there is an overpaid incumbent board led by less than lovely Rita Whittingham and backed by an overpaid army of crony capitalist advisers. On the other side are Even Ainsworth from Nostra Terra (NTOG) and Zac "The Knife" Philips, the City's top oil analyst. Magnolia has accepted that a GM request to outs less than lovely Rita and appoint Ainsorth and The Knife is valid. So what is the voting maths?
2895 days ago
Last week I asked you explain which of the four companies whose logos I showed ( Globo, Cloudtag, Naibu & Polly Peck) was the odd one out. A few of you were game enough to have a stab as you can see HERE.
2901 days ago
This is so simple. 4 companies but which is the odd one out and why? Answers in the comments section below by midnight on 28 February (today). The answer is not Globo on the basis that it was the only fraud owned and promoted by Roger Ramper Lawson but do your best anyway...
2902 days ago
ShareSoc does some great work for private investors. Sadly its former chairman RogerLawson of blinkx & Globo fame - taken apart brilliantly by Paul Scott HERE - continues to behave in a way that is not acceptablel. He was at it again last night and also a week or so ago.
2906 days ago
Roger Lawson the chairman of SharSoc is of course a great expert on tech stocks. That was why he was able to dismiss so easily criticism from myself, Ben Edelman and Paul Scott about blinkx (BLNX) and Globo (GBO), two of his big holdings. . Now it seems that another "Lawson winner" emerges - NCC Group (NCC) which had an awful statement yesterday as I explained HERE..
2943 days ago
Who has just written "I said in our last newsletter that my portfolio performance was disappointing in 2016, but I am feeling a lot better now as I made a reasonable profit and better than most of the "expert" tipsters it seems. Perhaps the moral to be drawn from this news is that it might be best to do your own research rather than pick up tips from others and rely on them for investment purposes. Reading the national press or other publications might be useful for picking up ideas, but you should consider any tips with an appropriate amount of scepticism until you have researched the companies and fully understood what they do and their financial structure. In other words, don't simply believe what you read.
2951 days ago
So few companies are total frauds. Burnell creation Globo (GBO) was but Onzima (ONZ) is not. So what happens if you lose money on this company or another which goes horribly wrong?
2957 days ago
I am watching high quality TV like Midsomer Murders as the Mrs is away. I am bombarded with adverts for online fashion and holiday booking and am terribly confused - I need health guru Paul Scott to help explain what is going on as something is just not right. Then I look at when the criminal gangs at Quindell (QPP), Globo (GBO) and Worthington (WRN) will face justice. At least one might be in 2017. And I ask why Cloudtag (CTAG) morons want to send cash to a convicted criminal who appears to be living in a £3 million house despite BOTH he and his wife going through bankruptcty. It's all very odd.
2958 days ago
I start by looking at the RNS releases from Friday, the LSE really must change its rules. Then it is on to AIM - how many companies will be there at the end of 2017 and is the Nomad system just viable any more? In this section I look at Cloudtag, Quindell, African Potash and Globo among others. then I have a couple of New Year's Resolutions and I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve and prosperous 2017.
2973 days ago
Here we go again. Wicked and evil bears launch an attack on a great British company and Roger Lawson of ShareSoc insists he knows better, just like he did with Globo and Blinkx, and attacks the bears. He opines on his blog with three readers:
3030 days ago
On 1st September the fascist and grubby law firm of Memery Crystal threatened me with a libel suit if I did not agree to hand over to it a blank cheque within 24 hours as well as withdrawing all of my articles about its client African Potash (AFPO) and promising to never write again about Potash. Natch I told Memery to feck off just as I did when it tried to extract cash from me with menaces on behalf of both Pirate Pete Landau and the Globo fraudsters. I really want to see the African Potash bitchez in Court as disclosure will be a hoot. But...
3034 days ago
Oh dear, Oh Dear, Gavin Burnell is in another spot of bother. Gavin, who is now working as a senior broker at bucket shop Beaufort Securities, brought the fraud Globo (GBO) to the market and made vast sums as a well paid NED and via share sales while the CEO stole all the cash. After that no firm with any credibility or self respect would hire him but clearly he fits in really well round at Belfort. But now there is another trainwreck on his watch - Onzima Ventures (ONZ) shares in which have been suspended today.
3037 days ago
It is now one month and eleven days since FRAUD African Potash (AFPO) promised it would sue me for libel if I did not pay its fascist lawyers Memery Crystal two grand, write it a blank cheque and withdraw all my articles which clearly exposed it as a FRAUD. I am 2 nil up with Memery Crystal when it comes to it trying to bully me on behalf of fraudsters (Globo & Pirate Pete Landau)so I am gutted that Potash has not yet served me. What could the FRAUDSTERS have to hide from a disclosure process? Meanwhile the PR firm has, very honourably, quit, the Nomad Stewart Dickson has been fired but still senior NED Lord Peter Hain hangs on (for the cash). So by midnight Friday can you suggest a suitable caption for this picture below of the sleazy peer?
3049 days ago
On 1st September AIM listed fraud African Potash (AFPO)demanded that I pay it money, withdraw all my articles about it and promise never to write again. It stated that if I did not comply by 4 PM on 2nd September it would be forced to take legal action against me. I told the bitchez at fascist lawyers Memery Crystal that I was 2 nil up against its fraudulent clients so far (Globo and Pirate Pete Landau), that I could not wait for disclosure that would bring me a hat-trick and that I'd see the bitchez in Court. So where are we now, a month later? Er....
3066 days ago
As you know the fascist bully boy lawyers at Memery Crystal have demanded money with menaces from me for exposing the fraud committed by its client African Potash (AFPO). Its letter is here and when I kick these bastards into touch it will be a Tom Winnifrith hat-trick against Memery. It also demanded I hand over money when I had a go at its client the fraudsters Globo, 20 months before anyone else had a pop. That fascist letter is HERE. And now I publish the first letter I received from Memery, demanding money for its client Pirate Pete Landau and Range Resources (RRL), now disgraced and facing a spot of bother with the rozzers in Australia. It said that I really must not publish that letter....
3079 days ago
I have today published the lawyers letter sent by Memery Crystal - lawyers to Globo - but which also acts for the fraudsters African Potash (AFPO) demanding money from me, trying to gag me but also admitting that its client has committed securities fraud. The letter also implies that Nomad Cantor Fitzgerald approved releases (and lack of releases) which meant investors in a placing on 12 January 2016 were utterly deceived as to the trading position at Potash. And that is a clear cut case of fraud. But will Marcus Stuttard, the head of AIM Regulation do anything about it or is fraud now acceptable on AIM? I have written to the man who basks in the title "The Sheriff of AIM" as you can see below.
3080 days ago
As you are aware African Potash (AFPO) has told the morons that it is consulting its lawyers about taking action against me for daring to point out that the the company were liars who had committed Securities fraud. Potash's lawyers are Memery Crystal whose senior partner was aware of at least one Potash fraud as he was cc'd in on the emails ahead of the RNS. That, as I explained HERE, is why Nick Davis should quit the AIM Advisory board now. So far Memery Crystal, has not sent me a letter on behalf of the Potash fraudsters but it did sent me one one behalf of the fraudsters at Globo. It really is fascistic, pompous and shows that Memery Crystal will act for the scum of the earth as long as it gets paid.
3142 days ago
In this podcast I relay to you news of an investigation which has now closed into me and others relating to InternetQ. It shows the sinister powers the FCA has and uses but also the crass stupidity of the regulators in pursuing such an obviously flawed investigation. Not only was I 100% innocent but I was demonstrably so. What makes the fact that these fascist poltroons go after an investigative journalist who has busted so many frauds is that the FCA has not gone after the frauds despite me handing it evidence on a plate. I refer to Quindell, 3DM ( where in its FSA days it actually helped protect the fraudsters), Globo and Sefton This has meant that investors have been screwed as a result. The FCA is not fit for purpose
3158 days ago
ShareSoc, home to disgraced ramper Roger Lawson of blinkx, Globo and general infamy, reckons that AIM Can lose its Casino tag but needs reform. On the latter point that seems like a statement of the bleeding obvious but what does ShareSoc demand? Honestly you could not make this stuff up.
3181 days ago
Jeepers what a fantasist. He is probably related to yesterday's Scouse fantasist. Get in the real world chaps. Moving on, in today's podcast I cover: IGAS (Igas), Highland Natural Resources (HNR), Guscio (GUSC), Armadale Capital (ACP), Chamberlin (CMH), Cyan (CYAN), Management Resources (MRS), Imaginatik (IMTK) and Mr Robert Simon Terry, the serial fraudster.
3211 days ago
In case the rozzers want to know where Costis, Konstantinos Papadimitrakopoulos, hid the cash he liberated from the fraud Globo (GBO) both directly and via share sales in the days running up to its collapse, perhaps they should ask disgraced Globo NED and the man who listed it on AIM Gavin Burnell. For it seems that Gavin had dealings with the criminal bubble outside of Globo.
3215 days ago
Onzima Ventures (ONZ) the "investment company " run by Globo disgraced Gavin Burnell spends most of its efforts doing spivvy short term trades in small AIM casino stocks - its only real long term investment is a 49% stake in a private company N4 Pharma Ltd. Is that the chicken or the egg?
3253 days ago
It would have been an added bonus if Goldenport (GPRT) - heading to zero as Nigel explains here - was to had its headquarters in the same Athens neighbourhood as InternetQ (INTQ) and Globo (GBO) because, as it happens, I am in the mighty Hellenic Republic on the date of its EGM on March 31st. However I have just checked out its HQ on Google maps as you can see below...
3256 days ago
I am sure that Gavin Burnell of Globo infamy has done okay from bringing this piece of shit to AIM but one suspects that other shareholders in the crappy mining no-hoper that is Sula Iron & Gold (SULA) have fared rather less well. And so today we see that via the kind offices of JubCap (broker to Chris Oil and other members of the elite) we have another keep the lights on placing.
Shares in Sula were off sharply yesterday. I cannot think why for a momet. Has anyone got any ideas? Care to speculate. And so today
3273 days ago
Last week Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP) raised enough cash to keep the lights on for a couple of months. This POS could not generate cash at $100 oil so it is not if but when it goes bust and the odds are that it will be well before June. This POS should never have been listed by the brains behind the listing was Gavin Burnell, the financier who also brought you - and cashed in on big time - the fraud Globo (GBO).
3308 days ago
I have only just finished celebrating the AIM demise of Daniel Stewart (DAN), a shite firm that mistakenly sent me two bully boy lawyers letters trying to gag me. Karma has now come for Daniel Stewart as it did for another firm that pissed away shareholders cash trying to shut me up, Globo. So who is next? You are not going to have to wait long. Karma struck today and I shall reveal all on Tuesday.Why not have a guess who got a dose of Karma today in our readers poll. Its easy...
3323 days ago
We have featured a range of total wrong'uns on these pages during 2015 but who do you think was the biggest stockmarket villain of the year? Rob Terry for the Quindell fraud but also for his Knob Park antics at Imaginatik and Daniel Cesspit or was he the 2014 villain? David Lenigas for the fiasco at Lenigas Cuba and the disgraceful antics of Afriag as well as the Horse Hill fiasco? Peter Landau for finally getting his comeuppance? Criminal and liar Chris Oil who surely gets his collar felt in 2016? Naibu's Houyan Lin? What about Costis from Globo? The AIM Casino short list is in fact a depressingly long list but you can vote from the dirty dozen I have shortlisted below. Deadline midnight 3rd January.
3338 days ago
The bear "kill" of the autumn was the exposure of Globo (GBO) as a fraud by my pal the US hedge find manager Gabriel Grego who is now established as a star player in the global shorting conspiracy. He flew into Gold and Bears to tell us all. This is a cracking presentation. Enjoy.
3343 days ago
On Saturday, in Athens, I took the short walk (no more than 800 yards) from the former HQ of the now defunct fraud Globo (GBO) to the headquarters of AIM listed InternetQ (INTQ). Join the dots...
3344 days ago
In April 2014 I visited the Athens headquarters of Globo (GBO) to shoot some photos and record a uber-sceptical video as you can see HERE. At the time most Bulletin Board Morons were big Globo fans and I was derided as a mad stalker. Then a few weeks ago we exposed Globo as a fraud HERE whiler the rest of the gutless British press - notably snot-gobbler Dan McCrum at the FT - sat silent until the shares were suspended. Today I thought I'd pop along to see what was left. The answer, as you can see from the photos below, is nothing. Compare these photos with my last lot HERE. Globo's headquarters are walking distance from those of InternetQ (INTQ) and so I recorded a Globo special video which is is also below.
3345 days ago
So Mr Richard Penny of Legal & General, as well as the toscas from Tosser Fund, you still believe in InternetQ (INTQ) - as Mr Penny believed in Globo (GBO) - even after the first three exposes I have run on its dodgy dossier, its weedy rebutal to From Athens With Love. Well try this, with assistance from the Global Shorting Conspiracy (GSC) man on the ground in Poland.
With regard to Akazoo in Poland, here is an excerpt from the Q3 trading update:
3351 days ago
In today's podcast I refer you to the earlier piece on Defenx (DFX) - here - and the critical importance of reading original documents. Then it is the fraud playbook - how companies and investors react when they are caught with their trousers down or attacked just for being overvalued. Companies mentioned include Globo (GBO), Quindell (QPP), Rare Earth Minerals (REM) and Internet Q (INTQ)
3351 days ago
Up until it quit as joint broker to the Fareham fraud, Canaccord had its tech analysts urging clients to buy shares in the POS Quindell (QPP). Four days before the Globo (GBO) fraud saw its shares suspended the same monkeys published a buy note on that stock. And now for the hat-trick.
3353 days ago
No Albanians, no work on the olive harvest yet. And now Vrechi, that is what I fear. I have yet to discuss my entanglements with Globo (GBO) and InternetQ (INTQ) with my neighbours but I am sure they will understand. I start the podcast on InternetQ and the weedy rally today. Then it is onto LGO Energy (LGO), another David Lenigas triumph. But what does Jabba The Hutt care? He sold his shares. En passant I mention UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Motive TV (MTV) and Papua Minerals (PML) before taking a detailed look at Escher (ESCH).
3353 days ago
At the Gold & Bears show some speakers insisted that institutional investors were so much smarter than retail investors. I am not so convinced. Just to show you that some mug punters wear expensive suits, meet Richard Penny, a high flying fund manager at Legal & General. After the Globo (GBO)scandal broke Mr Penny stated that the accusations levelled at the app developer were 'the worst I have seen in 10 years'.
3354 days ago
How odd that two Greek companies represented by the same Nomad and Broker team of RBC and Canaccord should both make the same howling error in responding to allegations made by my good self and this website.
3354 days ago
The Nomad and broker team that brought us the Globo (GBO) fraud from Greece was RBC Capital Markets and Canaccord. This dynamic duo act for another Greek Company InternetQ (INTQ). And here I am - with a hat tip from a good reader - reporting on the spot in the Hellenic Republic with some very hard questions for InternetQ. The GlobalShortingConspiracy also has agents on the ground in Moscow and Poland as well as myself in Greece. This is, as they say, developing...
3355 days ago
It is short podcast time as I am having issued sending material back to the UK. The Albanians did not turn up today so the olive harvest is delayed by 24 hours. It may be delayed again if I have to head to Athens on Global Shorting Conspiracy business. Things are starting to get interesting as I mention briefly and this is NOT Globo (GBO). Elsewhere I cover Edenville (EDL), Gulf Keystone (GKP), Sweet Group (CSG), Atlantic Coal (ATC), Iofina (IOF) and African Potash (AFPO). Warning: this podcast contains bad language and rather too many references to Britain's most talented chanteuse Ms Cheryl Cole.
3365 days ago
As of today there are just 4 seats left unbooked for the 2015 Gold & Bears Show on November 28 in London. So book a free seat now for a fireworks event with Jim Mellon, Gabriele Grego (Globo’s nemesis), John Hempton, Sam Antar, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Amanda, Dominic Frisby, 50 CEOs etc., etc. To get a free ticket for one of the last seats
3369 days ago
I am asked to be nice to Globo (GBO) non exec Gavin Burnell. I am afraid that I cannot be because with reward ( and Gavin had made more than £100,000 a year as a Globo NED if one includes share sales) comes risk. For AIM to work he needs now to face risk as I explain. Then it is onto New World Oil & Gas (NEW) and why some folks are setting themselves up to lose money (again). Finally more bad news for market abuser Chris Oil regarding his latest car crash of an IPO, Mkango Resources
Warning: This podcast contains modestly bad language.
3384 days ago
This podcast ends with me thanking many readers for making me laugh. Before that I look at Lenigas Cuba (CUBA) and suggest that all 2p investors contact the Financial Ombudsman now. Then I discuss the - unfashionable - idea of taking responsibility for our own actions. Then I cover the fraud Globo (GBO) before looking at LGO Energy (LGO) and Inspirit (INSP) where placings loom very soon indeed. Then I cover World Careers Network (WOR), Standard Chartered (STAN), PeerTV (PTV) and Getech (GTC).
3384 days ago
Roger Lawson famously suggested, on the ShareSoc website that he and other shareholders in Globo (GBO) might go in and assist the board. I guess his services won’t be needed now because it is all over. A duff call by Lawson and yet another win for the bears he attacks so often.
3386 days ago
In this podcast I look at Roger Lawson of ShareSoc and his latest statements on Globo (GBO). Does he not realise it is game over. Bust. A fraud. A dead parrot.,Yet he still snipes athe bears and makes suggestions for the way forward. Then it is over to ISDX and its supporters - the young and naive - flip flop Turney and those with other motives, David Lenigas. I write in light of the humiliating failure of the Lenigas Cuba fundraise - see HERE
3387 days ago
There is a seething anger in both the UK and the US among those who are not in the 1% but are hard working decent folk. We know that capitaism is not working as it should but also that the State makes things worse. Rising house prices may act as our Soma for now but not forever. Donald Trump, Globo, Jeremy Corbyn, The Kids Company fraud, David enigas all feature in this week's postcard from Tom Winnifrith
3387 days ago
This podcast should really be a tutorial in red flag analysis. In it I endeavour to cover every single lesson you can learn from the Globo (GBO) fraud - I hope it makes you look at your portfolio of shares in other companies in a more critical manner.
3387 days ago
At no-one is watching O’clock the fraud Globo (GBO) released a statement – it is all over bar the shouting.
3389 days ago
Hat tip to reader firede who posted this comment earlier today. It is cracking work to go alongside the news from Barclays, pulling the plug HERE and Matt Earl's questions about cash HERE. By now Globo (GBO) shareholders must realise that the game is up. Over to our reader:
3389 days ago
Bulls of Globo (GBO) console themselves that there might still be 45 million Euro cash left to provide some share price support. We shall see. We will find out because it now seems certain that Barclays bank has already demanded repayment of its outstanding loans as we can reveal documents downloaded from companies’ house.
3390 days ago
Thanks entirely to the courageous investigative journalism of the snot gobbler Dan “microscopic cojones” McCrum at the FT, ex Globo (GBO) boss Costis Papadimitrakopoulos is now formally in the soup – the company has reported him for fraud to “the appropriate law enforcement agencies in the UK, Greece and Cyprus.”
Meanwhile, after the event the chocolate teapots at the FCA have said that they are investigating Globo. Hmmm, fear not my fraudulent Greek friends, being investigated by the FCA is like being
3391 days ago
A busy day with my daughter beckons. In the evening it is the new James Bond film. But first a lunchtime bootcamp with Uncle Chris (Booker) to put her straight on the Evil Empire, the EU. In the podcast I ask if InternetQ (INTQ) is the new Globo (GBO)? Then I look at Chemring (CHG), Dialight (DIA) - another win for the bears - Afren (AFR) gets a mention as does LGO Energy (LGO), BP (BP.), Union Jack Oil & Gas (UJO) and - just to niggle Wildes - Premaitha (NIPT) whose shares are moving ahead nicely - more to go there!
3391 days ago
Dan McCrum is a journalist on a very important paper, the FT. And so naturally he of the microscopic cojones is the heroic scribe who brought down the fraud Globo (GBO) all by himself. In between picking his nose and slapping himself on the pack micro cojones yesterday explained how the downfall was 100% down to him. Welcome to the Dan McCrum Globo timeline. His comments are in ordinary font, my own are in bold.
3392 days ago
You think awards all a load of old cock? You think that being lauded by the London Stock Exchange is a bad sign? Yup lets watch a video of fraudster Konstantinos Papadimitrakopoulos, until today CEO of the fraud Globo (GBO) in action. Well done you old crook. But at least as you rot in jail know that the LSE once loved you.
3392 days ago
So which top City broker helped fraudster Konstantinos Papadimitrakopoulos of the fraud Globo (GBO) dump most of his shares last week? Given that the size of the dumping could have meant only one sellers surely its compliance officer was alerted and did something. Or maybe not. So which broker was it. The table below shouts out just one name.
3392 days ago
Oh dear it looks like there is another victim of the Globo (GBO) fraud. ISDX listed investment company Hellenic Capital. It was floated by blond bombshell Gavin Burnell the City slicker who floated Israeli Aquisitor on AIM and then reversed into it the Globo fraud. Gavin is still on the board of both Globo and Hellenic Capital. And so until today was….
3392 days ago
Is this the worst research note in history. Buy a fraud at 30p target 90p with suspension happening within days. How Canaccord must be wishing they could bring back Kevin Ashton as their tech analyst now? This dreadful note is below. Enjoy.
3392 days ago
I am in a rush, as I explain in this podcast. But I am also in a good mood. I may well have a celebratory ouzo for lunch as I think of the Council House morons who bought shares in Globo (GBO) last week just because I was a bear. Enjoy poverty peasants. So I cover Globo, Sareum (SAR), Trinity Exploration (TRIN), Lombard Risk Management (LRM), Eden Research (EDEN), CEB Resources (CEB) and Scancell (SCLP)
3392 days ago
The scandal at FRAUD Globo (GBO) is still getting worse: we have now had news that Globo CEO Mr Konstantinos Papadimitrakopoulos has been selling shares - 42 million of them, and a further 10 million have been "pledged" in a now defaulting "loan" deal with Lantau Holdings in a deal which has echos of the Equities First which was used by fraudster Rob Terry and his henchmen. The shocking statement reads:
3392 days ago
The entire spineless mainstream press were too cowardly to publish the Globo (GBO) bear report by Quintessential Capital Management last week or even to link into it. We were not and we published it in full on Thursday HERE and today the company has admitted that it is indeed a fraud, the CEO and CFO have quit and the shares stay suspended.
The statement is explicit:
3394 days ago
In today's podcast I cheer on Paul Scott in his twitter battle with Roger Lawson (see HERE). Then it is onto Globo (GBO) and where we are now. Then I look at the companies announcing at no-one is watching O'Clock yesterday: IGAS (IGAS), EKF Diagnostics (EKF), ADVFN (AFN) and Gulf Keystone (GKP)
3394 days ago
I have long maintained that Roger Lawson of ShareScoc promoted blinkx (BLNX) without declaring a position and attacked folks like myself and Ben Edelman who disagreed, declaring that he was a “software expert”. It now appears that the software expert was also long of Monitise (MONI) and Globo (GBO)
3395 days ago
A wide ranging little podcast with none of the bad language ( well less) in my earlier bearcast on CEB Resources (CEB) and its scumbag CEO Dave Whitby (HERE). In this edition I cover Globo (GBO), Daniel Stewart (DAN) – with breaking news - Northbridge Industrial (NBI), Auhua (ACE), New World Oil & Gas (NEW), ADVFN (AFN), Sefton Resources (SER) Holders Technology (HDT) and Northern Petroleum (NOP)
3395 days ago
Globo (GBO) has responded to the report published last night by the wicked and evil global shorting conspiracy by saying that its shares will remain suspended until it can issue, what it terms, a full rebuttal of a report it says is false.
3395 days ago
If this report by New York based Quintessential Capital Management is even half true, Globo (GBO) is in very deep merde. I note that QCM's last big report prompted an aalmost immediate 80% share price collapse. This report is ...startling. I have spoken to the author tonight and this is just an abridged version of what he could have published. The shares should crater on this.
3395 days ago
Thanks for all your messages regarding the legal triumph, I comment en passant. Then the podcast turns to the nonsense that flip flop Ben Turney is spouting. I am beginning to think that Old Malcolm Stacey is not the only mad lefty on this website. Then onto Globo (GBO) and more news on "that report" and analysis of the potential for disaster at Cambian (CMBN) even AFTER today's dire warning. There is comment on what is happening at SIG (SHI) and Travis Perkins (TPK) and then onto events at Afriag (AFRI - when's the placing - and growing evidence that the Lenigas Cuba IPO is not exactly flying. Oh... and Northbridge (NBI) when's the profits warning?
3396 days ago
A source well aquainted with the author of the Globo (GBO) bear report says that it will be published from New York tonight (UK Time). Furthermore..
3397 days ago
Already there has been bad news today for Globo (GBO) but we are waiting for the hammer blow flagged up yesterday HERE. I discuss this. Talking of waiting...I move onto Daniel Stewart (DAN). Then a few words about Northbridge (NBI) and Cloudbuy (CBUY) before a bit of a swipe at Uk Oil & Gas (UKOG) and Alba Minerals (ALBA). There is a mention of Ortac (OTC) and also of Mariana Resources (MARL) and its overpaid POS CEO Glenn Parsons.
3398 days ago
Globo (GBO) is now the No 1 short on AIM and I explain why. Then I take a listener request - this is one off favour - and look at Messaging International (MES). Then onto LGO Energy (LGO) where I explain why the Bulletin Board morons are wrong and my target price is either 0p or 0.2p. UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) is heading down to 0.75p and I explain why. Rurelec (RUR) could well be a zero but is certainly a slam dunk sell. And then it is back to preparing my lecture for the lefty sociology students of the Mrs tomorrow "Capitalism makes the world a better place for all (Greed is Good)"
3421 days ago
In today's podcast I reflect on the Wales triumph last night but on a bigger triumph: landing Sam Antar for Gold & Bears on November 28 - the speaker lineup is now full. Go book now as Sam is a superstar. Then onto Globo (GBO), Avanti Communications (AVN), APR Energy (APR) and how to play the UK housing bubble as a bear. And I explain why it is a total bubble.
3427 days ago
Sadly for us bears most of the slam dunk mid-cap AIM shorts have already gone our way. We have had great sport with Monitise, Tungsten, Quindell, Range Resources, LGO Energy, Cupid, Globo (still more to come there), Gulf Keystone, etc. We won. The Bulletin Board Morons lost. Only Avanti Communications is still left to topple. It will. But now I think we have a new quarry to stalk: Boohoo.com (BOO) looks a slam dunk short at 33p.
3453 days ago
I leave it to Steve Moore to have the pleasure of plunging the knife into the dog blinkx (BLNX) after its profits warning HERE. It is a dog pure and simple and the shares, at 21p, are a stonking sell with a 12p target for starters. On the matter of blinkx we long term bears are again vindicated while the self-proclaimed expert on the stock, the disgraced ramper Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is one more shown up as a fool as well as a knave. But now to EBITDA.
3484 days ago
I am a long term and unapologetic bear of Globo (GBO) because the valuation just does not stack up. At 46p the market cap is £157 million. I cannot see free operating cashflow this year topping £10 million. I am not saying that this is a Norfolk just that the shares discount an awful lot of good news. They are overvalued. And…
3484 days ago
And so we have another of the occasional bearcasts. Drawn away from raspberries and the good news that Chapter 1 of the novel is completed, by the preposterous David Lenigas I comment on that but then also on why I am bearish on equities and then to what sort of stocks will collapse in a bear market. I also look at companies that claim to be drowning in cash yet have debts. The podcasts covers Jiasen, Globo, Avanti Communications, Audioboom and a few other matters.
3592 days ago
Today's podcast has to start with the runners and riders in the great Horse Hill stakes. After today's news are the shares still cheap or a stonking short. I move on to hot rumours about Igas and to a taster of what is to come on Gate Ventures. It is then onto Afren, Daniel Stewart and a return to old fave ( and sender of snotty lawyers letters) Globo
3608 days ago
In today's podcast I reflect on all the moron comments on Bulletin Boards every time Ive been threatened with legal action by crony capitalists or outright crooks. I forgot to mention Angus Forrest of Tern in that list but it did not work out to well for him just like threats from Globo, Range Resources, blinkx, Quindell, Cupid, Sefton, TXO and now Worthington as well as the clowns in charge of the LSE Asylum all ended up badly for them. Get used to it folks, I pick my targets carefully and I win! I then have a shock revelation about TXO before going on to discuss eServGlobal, Rosslyn Data, Mosman Oil & Gas and more.
3642 days ago
And so the lawyer’s letter – well email – from Worthington PLC (WRN) to me has arrived. And as with lawyers letters from Quindell, Sefton, blinkx, Globo and others it is now on display at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House. In fact it is on display in the gents as you can see below.
3649 days ago
Great News! Is it once more into the breach dear friends? Can I add a lawyer’s letter from Worthington (WRN) to those already received from blinkx, Globo, Range Resources, Sefton, Quindell, LSE.co.uk and other scumbags? I wonder. In case you are tempted Worthington “your company is a fraud” – I have seen off bigger scumbags than you and I really do not fear you at all.
Why do I wonder? Two days ago I asked Worthington a simple question by email. “Who are the advisers working on your attempt to get relisted on the main market?
My answer today from Ms Harriet Lucking:
Many thanks for your email and apologies for the
3677 days ago
Delayed by meetings, a hangover and finally a series of IT horrors I apologise for the delayed podcast. Today I look at Quindell, Kea Petroleum, Mosman Oil & Gas, Globo, Totally, Deltex, global growth forecasts and equity valuations.
3686 days ago
The working year starts a proper and I am in a good mood which is bad news for the low life on the AIM Casino. On the agenda today: Enegi Oil, LGO Oil, Iofina, Mosman Oil & Gas, oil stocks, Chris Oil & his share tips, Globo, Naibu, Jiasen, Camkids and China Chaintek ( the China Norfolks), Quindell, and - in some detail - Tern.
3691 days ago
My general view on equities is mildly bearish as I explained in my macro calls piece HERE. As such I will be serving up 5 longs and five shorts as my tips of the year. The first long was HERE and the first short HERE. Now for Number 3, Globo (GBO), the sort of flim flam that will suffer badly in a bear market.
I have been bearish on Globo (GBO) since the mid-seventies and so its shares have almost halved since I weighed in. at 39p the market cap is £132 million and for 2015 I would expect the shares to halve again, or worse.
Globo throws up a series of red flags for any investor but I will leave the most serious to last. But in no particular order other than leaving the best/worst to last here goes:
3727 days ago
I start with a couple of the less pleasant tweets and Bulletin Board posts of the day. Some folks really are sad mothers. I move on to IGAS and then to Proteome and Globo before having a detailed butchers at Gulfsands Petroleum (GPX) and its (lack of) cash position. I end with a discussion of investor rage at the state of AIM. This is 2002 all over again. What is driving it and is there a great healer other than time.
3746 days ago
I commend you al to listen to my earlier BearCast special on Quindell the truth about yesterday's announcement - HERE. Thanks for all the kind words about it. Moving on I discuss cash or lack of it, NPV and why that is all that matters. En passant I cover Globo, Monitise and blinkx but then move on in real detail to Corero and in less detail to Sweet and Sefton.
To hear more from me about the Quenron End game and for free pizza and champagne book in for Monday's seminar - details HERE
3749 days ago
Shares in Sefton Resources (SER) are among the big fallers today- nowat 0.11p vs 2.5p when i started attacking this fraud more than two years ago. There are some lessons from that "campaign" for shareholders in the fraud that is Quindell. But there are wider lessons brought home by today's latest catastrophic news, viz the reality of real asset backing and the failure of auditors. I also cover Quenron and its share price and the turn my fire on Touchstone Gold - a crony capitalist pointless POS vehicle, before discussing Globo and why its shares are so grossly overvalued -a point made in more genteel terms by Steve Moore earlier today HERE
3750 days ago
In this podcast I start with a broad macro sweep following a chat with Evil Knievil earlier. The end of QE (pro tem), interest rates and how this will all affect equities and other asset classes. I then move on to some observations some general but some specific about Quindell, Fitbug, Monitise, Globo, blinkx and Independent Oil & Gas.
3761 days ago
The normal Bearcast will be up a bit later. However I was struck by news releases issued today by ASOS (ASC), Northern Petroleum (NOP), Blur (BLUR) and Globo (GBO) and so recorded a podcast special. Superficially it might seem like good news all round, however:
3774 days ago
You could not make this up, Daniel Stewart (DAN) the City Crony capitalists who make their cash from advising firms on the AIM Casino has today admitted that it is truly financially buggered but not so utterly buggered that it can’t afford lavish champagne receptions at Christmas. Having made millions floating Quenron (QPP) and the China frauds Naibu (NBU) and China Chaintek (CTEK) as well as raising cash for blue-chip Globo (GBO) this is a comedy that keeps on giving.
In its statement today the Cesspit advisor ‘fessed up and admitted:
3774 days ago
”What do the following companies have in common: blinkx, Globo, Quindell, Range Resources and Sefton Resources? It is a two part answer.
The first is that all five have sent me at least one lawyer’s letter as they did not like what I have written. The second is that the share prices of all five halve fallen SINCE they sent the letter (as well as after my articles).
The reality is that companies that issue lies in an RNS
3777 days ago
Shares in Crony capitalist Nomad and broker Daniel Stewart (DAN) remain suspended on the AIM casino as the financially challenged enterprise has still failed to get its accounts signed off and published. While we wait we have managed to obtain an exclusive image of its IPO Department. This is the part of the firm that brought you winners like Quenron (QPP), Naibu (NBU) and China Chaintek (CTEK), made £1 million raising cash for Globo (GBO) but could not quite manage to float China fraud Fraspens in August. So what will be its next offering? I ask you by midnight tonight to post a suitable caption below.
3777 days ago
Some sparkling entries in the Sunday caption contest which celebrated the financial woes of crony capitalist City advisor Daniel Stewart (DAN), the firm that coined it in floating Quenron (QPP), Naibu (NBU) and China Chaintek (CTEK). Lest we forget Daniel Cesspit has also made more than £1 million in recent years raising money for Globo. Double coke and hookers all round. You can see all the caption entries HERE but the winner is:
3792 days ago
It was only the other day that a Bulletin Board Moron owning shares in Naibu (NBU) referred to me as Winnifraud, accusing me of making it all up. Hey presto come Friday there were dire interims and t is clear that it is not me that is the Norfolk and the moron saw his investment slump in value by another 40%. Worse is to come as I shall reveal later today. But this follows the same pattern as we have seen with Range Resources, Sefton, Vialogy, Globo, Quindell, Iofina, blinkx, Gulf Keystone, Outsourcery etc. etc. Folks like myself and Paul Scott, the great share blogger, point out obvious reasons to sell and all we get is abuse. Paul posted this on ShareProphets yesterday re Naibu
3835 days ago
Infamous bear raider Evil Knievil believes that equity markets will have a poor next few months but his short portfolio is based on company specifics. In a conversation just now we discussed his biggest three short positions. And they are:
3841 days ago
I flagged up HERE some days ago the fact that revenues from Globo’s (GBO) flagship Go!Enterprise product seemed not to be growing anymore. The Bulletin Board Morons responded with a claim that Matt simply did not understand that sales were second half weighted. No doubt this is company spin. It is also bollocks.
3846 days ago
This is a truly brilliant spreadsheet from Paul Scott, the person I rate as the UK’s top share blogger and an all-round nice guy to boot. In saying all round this is not a reference to his figure although…. Paul does not write for this site and is fiercely independent in his views but he has graciously allowed me to publish this anyway. And so especially for followers of Quindell (QPP), Globo (GBO), Outsourcery (OUT) and a good few others…
3847 days ago
Shares in Globo (GBO) are 5% ahead on the back of what appears a bullish trading update. But hang on am I missing something here?
The update first. H1 2014 sales will be 45% ahead at 46.5 million Euro which is slightly head of forecasts, PBT is forecast to be slightly ahead of expectations and net cash grew by 3.2 million at the year end to 46 million Euro.
Hmmm. That looks good. But …
3857 days ago
And so Avanti Communications (AVN) has served up a duff trading statement as we warned you 9 days ago in our top 10 stocks to short feature HERE. Which tech dud will be next? Globo (GBO), Quindell (QPP) - ref Himex or perhaps blinkx (BLNX)? Again! To understand how to make money from tech stocks listen to the maestros in the video below from UK Investor Show, notably Vin Murria, the Queen of tech who is on top (outspoken) form.
3859 days ago
It is no secret that I am not a fan of Globo (GBO) – perhaps I shall have to treck up from the Mani to Athens for another visit. I sense things are getting exciting. For the bears.
Firstly I draw your attention to this absolutely devastating critique by Matt Earl, the dark destroyer out late yesterday.
3859 days ago
On twitter, on various bulletin boards and on the comments section here on ShareProphets and elsewhere we have come under sustained attack for 24 hours – let me set the record straight. And then I can get back to dealing with the snakes, rats and bats that infest my home for the summer in Greece.
3876 days ago
You may not like short sellers but the bear raider panel at the UK Investor Show 2014 called things right on a range of stocks from blinkx (BLNX), to Globo (GBO), to Quindell (QPP) as you can see in the video below. Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers and Matt Earl (The Dark Destroyer) have all promised to return for another main stage masterclass at UK Investor Show 2015 on April 18.
The 2015 show will also feature Nigel Wray, Paul Scott, Ed Croft, Mark Slater, Ben Edelman, Amanda Van Dyke, Dominic Frisby, and Vin Murria – in fact 50 big name speakers. Tickets are now on sale at £60 (Golden Ticket) and £12 (Investor ticket).
The 2014 video is below…
3885 days ago
Globo (GBO) this week issued a trading statement which is the usual gibberish from a company driven by issuing non news to support a share price which I fundamental terms is unjustifiable.
Where do we start? With the statement:
“The Group has seen a strong start to 2014, ahead of market expectations. Growth has been driven by increasing GO!Enterprise revenues, the continued growth of our consumer CitronGO! business, and new enterprise customer and partner wins…..Our focus in 2014 is on enlarging our sales teams, investing in R&D and business development, empowering our marketing strategy and setting up the infrastructure, systems and processes for future global growth.
Following an exceptional financial performance last year, driven by revenue and profit growth as well as free cash flow generation, Globo has continued to achieve strong revenue and profit growth this year across both enterprise and consumer segments. “
3890 days ago
You could not make it up. Some folks cannot but help pick overpriced glamour stocks which crash. Meet Mike Bowen who tweets as @lookatbowen and who first spring to my attention as he tweeted @tomwinnifrith the only person certifiable is you Tom – Oooh er missus. I guess he owns Quindell (QPP) then.
For the avoidance of doubt I am prepared to accept that there is a case to be made that I am certifiable. Warning folks about overvalued stocks does not make you popular. Buying shares in Quindell just to go to the AGM and ask hard questions might be construed as foolhardy. But whatever. I prefer the description “eccentric.” But as it happens on a portfolio of all the stocks the Bulletin Board Morons love (blinkx, Globo, Iofina, Cupid, Gulf Keystone, Coms, Range Resources, Sefton and of course Quindell) I was RIGHT to be bearish.
Now meet “sane” Mike Bowen.
3896 days ago
I have noted before, in relation to Globo (GBO ) as it happens (HERE) how companies that are starting to panic about a dismal share price or about investors are asking pesky awkward questions about profits to cash conversion and other investment fundamentals react by issuing total non-news. Today’s effort from Globo (GBO) is a stormer in that respect. It is prize winning non news with a dose of unintelligible corporate bullshit thrown in. In fact it is such classic MBA style bullshit that I will run a competition on the back of it.
3903 days ago
Two weeks ago Tom Winnifrith and Lucian Miers recorded a series of four videos which first appeared on their Nifty Fifty website. This video covers Globo (GBO), blinkx (BLNX), Avanti Communications (AVN), Iofina (IOF) and Quindell (QPP).
The other two videos cover companies including Gulf Keystone (GKP), Mothercare (MTC) and Naibu (NBU) but can be accessed only on the Nifty Fifty.
3913 days ago
On Wednesday infamous bear raider Lucian Miers and Tom Winnifrith recorded a series of four videos. The first covers the markets. The second and third cover “old favourites” for the bears: Globo, blinkx, Avanti Communications, Gulf Keystone, Naibu and Iofina. The fourth covers some new Lucian shorts.
The three videos subsequent to this will appear on the Nifty Fifty website later today.
3924 days ago
I have noted before how for daring to dissent from a cosy consensus that shares in certain stocks but notably Quindell, Globo and blinkx, are screaming buys I have received death threats, stalking and shit in the post and on the internet. But now those who seek to deny free speech have started an economic war and are actively seeking to ensure that I face economic ruin. Such folks will fail because most people believe in free speech but to see what they are up to read on.
You already know about the bogus reviews from folks claiming to have got food poisoning etc at my restaurant. It is okay, our local customers are loyal and love the place so we will survive. I might have to fire a waitress if these lies persist but I guess free speech deniers do not care about that.
The other tactic of free speech deniers is to write to ADVFN demanding that it fire me. As it happens while I have jvs with ADVFN it does not employ me. Myself and the merry band of writers I work with could work without ADVFN but would rather not do so and luckily Clem Chambers, the boss of ADVFN is a great believer in free speech (a concept defined here if you do not understand it) so the bullying and blackmail he faces from the free speech deniers will not work. However I now show you a letter sent to Clem the other day. The numbers 1-11 are my notes that are below.
3928 days ago
Writing negative pieces about companies does not win you friends. In the past year I have enjoyed as a result: lawyers letters from companies, being sued for libel, shit posted to me in the post, death threats, stalking (yesterday), numerous complaints about me to the FCA, defamatory comments about me and my restaurant on the internet and now attempts to get ADVFN to stop me writing. Bollocks! What I do is right and in the interests of shareholders. I am not stopping. Nor will this website.
What you must first understand is the vast amounts of money that quoted companies spend on persuading investors to buy their shares. Commissioned research from Edison, Hardman, etc. is not cheap. PR firms charge up to £10,000 a month to plant positive spin in the press. Roadshows and presentations at Proactive and Oilbarrel or the recording of soft promo videos are not cheap. My guess is that between them QPP, Iofina, Globo and blinkx will have spent c£1.5 million of shareholders funds last year on trying to persuade folks to buy the shares.
Most commentators and brokers write overwhelmingly buy notes.
3936 days ago
Globo (GBO) has today served up calendar 2013 results that look as impressive as its luxurious new Athens offices that I visited and filmed yesterday. The numbers have wowed the City – the shares are up 14% at 53p. No doubt the analysts call this afternoon will be a love in with the management. But should any of the teenage scribblers actually want to ask a tough question or two here are 10 to get them started. Many thanks to Matt Earl, the dark destroyer, for this.
3936 days ago
Globo (GBO) results out today look superficially good but read deeper into them and they beg far more questions than they answer. Just to give the City analysts a heads up on what questions to ask in the conference call later today I have now published a 10 BIG Questions “Red Flag” special HERE.
But yesterday I wandered down to Globo HQ here in Athens which is located in a respectable residential neighbourhood. The HQ is at 67 Ethikis Antistaseos street and Epistanisou Street. I was hoping to find a car park jammed with Porsches so I could run the headline “where are the shareholder’s porches?” but as you can see the Globo Car Park contains no signs of extravagance.
3938 days ago
The Mrs dropped off at the airport I venture into Athens alone for a few days of peaceful work, doorstepping Globo (GBO) and relaxation. I always stay at the same hotel but cannot for the life of me remember its name or what street it is on.
However the taxi driver dropped me off somewhere in Placa, the ghastly tourist district next to the Acropolis and I trot along streets that seem vaguely familiar, resisting the urge to buy assorted tourist tat which is sold in every shop. Like a homing pigeon it takes me just a few minutes to arrive at the hotel Adonis, a modest three star establishment but it has a hidden gem.
I haggle on price with the man and get a room for two nights for 80 Euro, a 20% discount and then just about squeeze myself and my rucksack into its tiny life. This is the first bad news for Evil Knievil, the son of a distinguished classical scholar who has himself never been to Greece. I am urging him to make a trip but fear that the lift in the hotel Adonis is er….too small for him.
The internet works, my room is quiet and cool. And so to the highlight of a day at the hotel Adonis…breakfast. Bad news again for Evil, there is no “Dublin fry up” it is all healthy rabbit food or bread, cheese and ham. And worse still the old boy would have to walk up 12 steps to the roof terrace for breakfast. But it is worth it….
As you munched your cornflakes this morning what was your view? This was mine. For the utterly ignorant among you it is the Acropolis which stands tall and proud directly ahead of me as I ate, drank coffee and – as one can do here – had a cigarette with my caffeine. This is my perfect way to start the day.
3947 days ago
When a stock is “hot” it can announce news of no import whatsoever and its shares zoom. When the “believers” start to ask about the Emperor’s new clothes in detail, when faith clashes with uncomfortable reality the reaction to such PR fluffery is negative. Blinkx (BLNX) is now in that phase as it refuses to deal with the fireworks delivered by Ben Edelman on April 5 at the UK Investor Show.
I have noted this phenomenon of how PR fluffery becomes a sign of desperation and is actually counter productive when a company cannot deal with hard questions before in relation to Globo (GBO) HERE. Blinkx yesterday served up some total non-news about a new partnership and its shares fell. The financial import of its latest deal will be negligible and it knows it. So do investors.
And so to Edelman. The strategy here has been to persuade thick journalists such as Harriet Denys of the Telegraph and Bryce Elder of the Financial Times to run with the line, or should that be lie? “Edelman said nothing new on April 5 so there is no need to comment.” Or “There were no fireworks.”
Hmmmmm. Bryce you may like to suck PR
3949 days ago
For the next two weeks I am on holiday in the remote Mani region of Greece, an area with a colourful history of blood feuds and murder. But on the 29th I drop the Mrs off at the Airport and head into Athens and the very next day we have results from Globo (GBO) whose headquarters are in the Greek capital. Oh what joy.
I do not know where Costis and the boardroom motley crew will be on results day but as a bear who has been vindicated to date I thought it only fair to pay homage at the temple of Globo in downtown Athens. My man on the ground says that it is a “mixed” neighbourhood which, given the impoverishment of Greece by the EU, I take to mean a tad on the rough side. Google Maps indicate that Globo towers is on a side street but only a short dash to a main road should I not be well received.
It all sounds rather interesting
3954 days ago
My last video postcard from Delphi starts with a morning trotting around the site of the ancient Delphi. I explain in the video what the pictures are of. Away from the main site and with my back to the Cochrane Mountain I recorded a few thoughts on the revelations coming out today about the late Sir Cyril Smith MP who was clearly a serial predatory paedophile.
That Smith was a nonce is bad enough. What is clear is that the entire political establishment knew and together with the Police not only ignored this but actively covered it up. This is not just an issue for Liberals like David Steel who nominated Smith for a knighthood. This is yet another example of the “one rule for them one for the plebs” attitude of the political classes.
The other parties knew about Smith. They did not blow the whistle because they had their own nonces. The media and political world knows the names. There are two that spring to mine both still living both awarded titles post retirement and both former senior cabinet minister (one Tory and one Labour).
Whether it be stealing from the taxpayer via expenses or buggering little boys the political class just seems to unite and get away with it. That is why the established parties are all held in increasing contempt. What the Smith affair shows about ALL the political parties is yet another Christmas come early gift for UKIP.
If Call Me Dave etc. want to start to reconnect with the plebs who pay their salaries an easy immediate step would be to order the security services to release all the files on the other paedo MPs and let prosecutions commence at once.
My financial video postcard also comes from Delphi and covers inter alia Globo, the UK economy and also the “recovery” here in Greece and it can be viewed HERE
The stadium at Delphi
3960 days ago
Yesterday I got a bullying letter from lawyers to a listed company. So too did Evil Knievil. Different companies same sort of threats. To Evil first.
Bully boy City lawyers Olswang, acting for Athens based Globo (GBO), have demanded that he does not comment on matters affecting their client at the UK Investor Show on Saturday.
3966 days ago
This video interview between Tom Winnifrith and Lucian Miers was recorded and published first on their Nifty Fifty website. In light of developments at a number of stocks featured it merits a wider audience.
On the Agenda
1. Gulf Keystone
2. Avanti Communications
3. The Market generally
4. Naibu
5. Globo
6. J Sainsbury
7. Blinkx
3967 days ago
In days gone by if AIM Cesspit posterboy Globo (GBO) issued a release saying that a Non Exec Director had farted three times in a day, the Bulletin Board Morons would have lapped it up and the shares would have jumped 15%. Times have changed and ahead of the results investors are (rightly) shit scared.
And so today, in a rather woeful attempt to reassure all concerned that it is “business as usual” Globo has announced that it has signed a “strategic partnership” with Bechtle Direct in the UK.
Strategic partnership my arse.
3968 days ago
My weekly video postcard is longer than usual as I will probably not record another for two weeks.
I am now 100% focussed on preparing for the UK Investor Show on Saturday April 5 and I touch on what I am looking forward to next week most, notably the shareholder activism session. You can still grab one of the last 50 seats going by clicking HERE.
After that I am off to Greece and I shall be sending back a few videos from a country which, I shall argue, has suffered both from being in the Euro but also from EU membership.
In that vein the meat of this video postcard covers the three reasons why, holding my nose, I shall almost certainly vote UKIP on May 22nd.
Tom’s weekly financial postcard covers Minoan, EMED, Globo, Gulf Keystone and more on the UK Investor Show. To watch that video click HERE
3989 days ago
5 Star rated (by me) share blogging supremo Paul Scott posted a comment at the foot of my most recent humble offering on Globo (GBO) which is frankly far better than the piece itself. In it he explains why he has added to his short in Globo. I think this merits a wider audience and so republish the comment as an article.
Even a few months ago if Paul or I commented on Globo adversely the Bulletin Board Morons (Globoista Brigade) would have poured on the abuse. But I sense that while die-hards who will remain loyal to the cause to the bitter end remain, their ranks are thinning. And after last week they are thinning fast. This argument is almost won and I would also regard this as a slam dunk short. Enough of me.over to the maestro. Paul writes:
3990 days ago
AIM Cesspit posterboy Globo (GBO) has put out a statement saying that there is no reason for its shares to have tanked. The market is not impressed and the stock now trades at just 48p having lost almost one third of its value in two days. Worse may be to come.
Globo refers worried investors to its upbeat trading statement of 28th January. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
It then clarifies why it has changed auditors for the second time in six months but - as we explained yesterday HERE – questions over the timing of statements remain.
Worse still
3991 days ago
Greece based, AIM Cesspit listed software firm Globo (GBO) has today announced that it fired its auditors six weeks ago and has a new firm in place. For a firm whose accounts have come under some scrutiny (see HERE) that might raise a few eyebrows but when you look at the exact timeline you will be truly kebabbed.
On 17th May 2013 Globo published its 2012 Annual Report signed off by accountants Littlejohn Frazer. At the AGM held on 10th June 2013 Littlejohn Frazer was reappointed as auditor.
At some stage in the six months that followed – a helpful fellow at PR firm Brunswick says it was in July – the company changed auditor to BDO.
On 13th January 2014 (we discovered today) Globo asked BDO to stand down.
on 16th January Globo said that it would release a Full Year trading statement on 28th January – no mention of the audit change
on 28th January that statement (bullish natch) was published - no mention of the audit change.
Today we are told that:
"Globo wishes to announce that it has appointed Grant Thornton as its sole global auditor following a competitive tender of three of the top five auditing firms.
As a result the board requested BDO to resign as its current auditor in favour of Grant Thornton, with effect from 13 January 2014. Grant Thornton is currently carrying out the 2013 Company audit."
4029 days ago
Globo (GBO) serves up a trading statement on Tuesday. My view is that whatever it says matters not a jot. I do not believe that this is an investment grade business. Where the shares go short term I know not. But one day they will collapse. When will that be, I know not. But I would never want to own shares in this AIM Cesspit posterboy. Fund manager Ennismore has a short position and this internal note is a devastating analysis of why it is right to be short.
Ennismore writes:
Globo PLC – UK listed Greek software business (short position)
4106 days ago
To great fanfare it was announced that Globo (GBO) CEO and founder Costis Papadimitrakopoulos (crazy name, crazy sort of guy) has today bought 100,000 shares at 62.27p – this is a bravado buy and means not a lot. As I shall explain.
4107 days ago
Paul Scott is very much an independent thinker – he is his own man. No doubt some Bulletin Board Morons reckon that anyone who is shorting Globo (GBO) is all part of some wicked plot involving the usual suspects: Cawkwell, Miers, Earl, Winnifrith, the late Saddam Hussein, etc. Au contraire, it is just that any sentient being knows this is going down.
4123 days ago
Two stocks but the same story. Reported profits can be whatever you want them to be. Forget trading it is all down to how your accountant presents the numbers. Profits are a matter of opinion. Cash is a matter of fact. I start with Globo (GBO) which everyone seems to be bashing today.
4396 days ago
AIM-listed provider of mobile, Software-as-a-Service and telecom software products and services Globo Plc (GBO) has today announced that it “has achieved a financial performance for 2012 ahead of market expectations” and that, having completed a “transformation into a truly international technology vendor in the hottest place in the technology market today”, it aims to continue doing so. With, on the back of the trading update, the shares currently more than 6% higher at 29.5p, capitalising the company at £100 million is it too late to get on board?