
2185 days ago

General Knowledge Quiz – which country are most Syrian refugees heading to right now?

The UK? Germany?  Trump’s America – after all the US did lead the fight against that bastard Assad? Think again. The answer is not something you will see reported widely in the Western Media for it is ….


2414 days ago

Syria – what the liberal media is not telling you – get ready for blowback as the West suffers the price of its folly

I have noted time and time again that the West has been backing the wrong side in Syria. And that side is now losing ground at an alarming rate much to the joy of native Syrians.  Now that  mortars belonging to the Free Syrian Army, aka Al Qaeda, the folks Call Me Dave Cameron termed “moderates”, no longer pound Damascus, the Western media begrudgingly and rarely shows footage of a capital that is safe, prospering, free and happy.  Now President Assad helped by Russia is seeking to seize control of the South West of Syria, the area bordering Israel and Jordan.


2771 days ago

Channel 4 News - Fake News from Israel

As the flagship fake news liberal elitist broadcaster in London it is no surprise that Channel 4 hates the State of Israel with a passion. And to that end the channel that just loves its fake news had a field day yesterday as three Palestinians opened fire on security guards at the sacred Islamic site, the old Temple. The terrorists were shot and killed but not before they had killed two Israeli guards.


3422 days ago

Life on Marbs 11 Starring Quindell fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles - penis is too small

How I suffer. Just for you, dear reader, I have now watched the 11th episode of Life on Marbs, the new ITV reality TV show starring Quindell (QPP) fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles. And it was possibly the most toe curling episode yet. JSK’s bromance with a younger guy is going well and Jon is now going to the gym to keep in shape but worries he still looks old. So an ageing slapper with possibly the most leathery skin on this planet takes him to her Botox/plastic surgeon man.

JSK goes for Botox but then asks about penis enlargement. He is told that he can get an extra 2-3 inches and seems interested. The ageing slapper concludes that he must be a bit undersized but perhaps explains why his only conquest of this series saw the girl (slapper Jordan) burst out laughing as Jon started to “perform” (see HERE). 

Jon then turns his hand


3429 days ago

Life on Marbs 10 –Quindell fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles shags slapper Jordan and she bursts out laughing

Finally in episode 10 of the world’s worst ever reality TV show, Life on Marbs, Quindell (QPP) fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles gets his end way with slapper Jordan. But as he “performs” she starts laughing. However he consoles her with a “I’ve been JSK’d” T-shirt. What a Gent. Meanwhile the world’s dimmest couple, Alex and Charles, finally split up. In Darwinian terms they were so well matched.


3663 days ago

Maaz al-Kassasbeh burned alive by ISIS – the animals want us to sink to their level, we must not

Why does ISIS exist? Because the meddling of the West created it. We ousted Saddam Hussein and created a power vacuum but also the alienation of Sunnis from the power centres in Iraq. Then we meddled to oust President Assad in Syria arming his opponents, including many who now fight for ISIS.

Sixty years of Western meddling to bring about regime change in the Middle East (I go back to Iran in the fifties) has made the West ever more hated in the region. Meanwhile the trail of death we have left in recent years through our illegal wars (Iraq) and tinkering (Syria) has acted as a fantastic recruiting sergeant among disaffected Muslim youth in the West for vile extremists such as ISIS.

Today ISIS has hit a new low by burning Jordanian pilot Maaz al-Kassasbeh alive. It hopes by doing this to get both the Jordanian regime and the West to over-react.

Jordan is an artificial country created by the West, notably Britain. The vast majority of its – mainly very poor – population are Palestinians. It should be part of a Palestinian State. A tiny minority from the Hashemite tribe have ruled since we put them on the throne. They are rich. The biggest one day massacre of Palestinians in history occurred in the early 1970s when the father of the current monarch bloodily butchered many thousand Palestinians who wanted democracy and economic justice.

When Jordan reacts by arranging hasty trials of Islamist prisoners in its jails and executing those folks many in the West will cheer. That they will be cheering the way that an ally of us ignores basic principles of justice in allowing full and fair trials before engaging in State sponsored executions. I fear there is just a lust for revenge blood.

How will ordinary Jordanians react? By showing support for the Western stooges who rule over them in these barbarous acts? I sense many will feel more alienated and more likely to support the Islamists.

Should the West throw in more of a military arsenal and “bomb ISIS back into the Stone age?” 


4240 days ago

Bon Voyage Abu Qatada – hardly a triumph for Theresa May

Abu Qatada is an Islamofascist hate preacher with clear links to Al Qaeda. Finally, after ten years he is as we speak in a prison van heading off to the airport on a one way ticket to Jordan where he is going to goal for terrorist offences. This is being presented as a triumph for Home Secretary Theresa May and the Conservative Party “Tough on terrorism, tough on the causes of Terrorism (except in Syria where want to give guns to Al Qaeda).” Bollocks.

It has cost £2 million to deport this loathsome man. He and his family have taken the grateful taxpayer for another £3 million plus in benefits and free housing over the past decade. And that is a triumph?

Three questions for Mrs May:
