1114 days ago
Thank heavens we gave salaried GPs – those not really coining it in from running their own practices – a pay rise of 3% this year. Okay, these days only 56% of appointments are face to face. The rest are over the phone or online and the number of missed diagnoses for cancer and other life threatening ailments is, as a result, soaring. The average GP works well under the maximum 48 hours per week and yet, after four years of inflation busting pay rises the data is shocking but the greedy bastards want more.
2894 days ago
It is now just under eight months since I quit smoking and although I have put on a few pounds I feel much healthier and am determined not to go back. I am delighted to see that the percentage of adult Britons who now smoke is at a modern era low of 17% and it is falling. That is a good thing in that death from smoking related illnesses tend to be ghastly and I'd wish that on no-one.
2979 days ago
Sadly Getafix has a routine hospital visit today and so, once again, we must live without his golden prose. Luckily the greedy bastard junior doctors are not on strike for a change so we hope that normal service will resume tomorrow. But Malcolm has managed to send in a snap of one of the nurses treating him and I invite you to suggest a suitable caption in the comments section below by midnight tonight
2985 days ago
The Guardian has not been delivered today. I have enquired at the Newsagents and apparently no copies of the loathsome left wing rag have arrived in Shipston. Maybe Guardian writers feel that like the other lazy, overpaid, greedy left wing bastards, the junior Doctors, University Lecturers and School Teachers they should go on strike. If that is the case one must only hope that it is a prolonged dispute. But the absence of the rag causes my father some consternation.
3027 days ago
The excitement of the junior doctors strike is over. The pampered and overpaid apprentices, training to be in the top 3% of wage earners (for a 40 hour week) said it was not about money but about saving the poor old NHS. So the Government offered them more cash and the greedy bastards stopped striking and threatening to emigrate en masse. Shame. So next up in the public sector summer of fun are the University Lecturers who are having the day off today and tomorrow.
I write as the son and husband of a lecturer so am fully aware of how much work they do. Or rather how little. And they are well paid for doing very little. They have more or less complete job security unless they commit a heinous offence like questioning global warming or liking UKIP on their facebook page.
3054 days ago
As the greedy bastard junior doctors once again man the picket lines I suspect that wont be their chant. Instead they will change that Jeremy is a Hunt which is a pun on a rude word beginning with c and they will all giggle at that sort of joke just like the little brats used to laugh at jokes about the nasty Tories when they were at footlights college Cambridge. Meanwhile with emergency cover withdrawn patients, 79% of whom earn less than the junior doctors, will suffer and some might die.
Of course that will not bother the greedy bastards as they
3076 days ago
Once again the junior doctors are on a 48 hour strike. As a reminder: junior doctors are among the top 21% of all UK workers in terms of earnings. When they finish their apprenticeship and become full greedy bastards (sorry doctors) they will - for a 40 hour week - be in the top 2-3% of earners. Most other professionals in that wage bracket (lawyers, banksters, accountants) put in shifts of at least 50% more. And they don't also expect us to worship them as saints and maytrs while trousering obscene wages.
But the junior greedy bastards want more moolah so we have a 48 hour strike. Patients (79% of whom earn less than the junior greedy bastards) will suffer, nurses ( nearly all of whom earn less than than junior greedy bastards and who will not be in the top 2-3% of earners when they hit their mid thirties) will work harder and suffer. But we are meant to support the junior saints and latter day martyrs anyway?
Junior doctors are almost entirely pampered middle class kids. Most junior doctors
3132 days ago
I refer at the start to my other podcast today on why the striking Junior Doctors are lying, greedy, bastards. You can listen to that HERE. Onto shares and I start with the madness of the 88 Energy (88E) share price today on a risk reward basis. Then it is onto Hornby (HRN), Renold (RNO), Global Invacom (GINV), Wandisco (WAND), Leed Resources (LDP), Golden Saint Resources (GSR), Fusionex (FXI) - target price 0p - Phorm (PHRM) and finally I ask all of you a question about Imaginatik (IMTK).
3132 days ago
The greedy Junior Doctors are on strike again. They are not saints as they imply, they are greedy bastards who are lying about their greed and about putting patients first. I have no sympathy as I report the true facts.