339 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - dressed to impress the Mrs and other deluded lefties

In that category I refer mainly to our friends here, the Guardian reading maskers (still) L&G. A Trump MAGA cap and a a Defund the BBC T-shirt is what the right thinking individual is wearing abroad this year. This is me snoozing on the balcony overlooking the pool.


1400 days ago

Laughing with my father as I give this present to his carer E

My father is a closet reactionary who tries to hide some of his less woke opinions from my lefty sisters by continuing to order the Guardian. Its lack of intellectual rigour, fake news and all round sanctimony angers him greatly so, don’t tell sisters T&N, so he far prefers reading a one day old Daily Mail supplied by his delightfully right wing carer E. My last gift to E was a MAGA baseball cap for she is one of Donald Trump’s biggest fans and her high point of recent years was coming within a few feet of the great man as she visited Vietnam. And so for E, a new gift, as you can see below, which arrived at my father’s on Friday.


1510 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the hard data which shows why Novacyt, Avacta, etc shares must collapse

Today’s training walk is with my daughter and is almost 12 miles. In burning heat and with my MAGA cap on which us luck. Please donate to Woodlarks here. In today’s show I warn you that you MUST sell all the corona testing plays NOW. Then I look at Intu (INTU) – a great selling opportunity – and then at one of my worst share tips & investments for which I apologise to all, Wishbone Gold (WSBN).


1971 days ago

Carer E returns from “meeting “ Donald Trump – my father a changed man

My father has been in a bad mood for almost three weeks as his lead carer, the saintly E, headed off for a holiday in Vietnam. E is a right thinking soul who backs all the causes that you, I and 99% of the population outside of London, Bristol and Oxford think perfectly sensible but which would get you tarred and feathered were you to mention on a University campus. For some reason she and my father, a faux progressive, get on like a house on fire.
