Native American

655 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - two more ways to use Green Tomatoes without resorting to chutney

The fried green tomatoes continue to win rave reviews from the Mrs and myself and so we enjoyed another batch yesterday after the arrival of two large bags of “old fashioned cornflour” with a big picture of what used to be known as a Red Indian on the front of each. I suggested that the flour might have been produced by Native Americans but the Mrs, a woman once known as the deluded lefty, gave each bag a dirty look, suggesting that – like the Washington Redskins – a makeover was needed for these enlightened times. I think I shall order some more bags to ensure we have a lifetime’s supply with the current design.  Meanwhile, I have more of the green tomato glut to deal with, without resorting to chutney as we already have more than one winter’s supply of apple chutney.


1006 days ago

Little House on the Prairie’s Laura Ingalls Wilder an offensive racist author say Cambridge academics

I am reading this series of books to my five year old son Joshua who is, of course, of Indian origin. So I explain what Laura means by an Indian and he gets it.  But in years to come  the simple pleasure of reading these wonderful books may be denied us because Laura is now like coffee, women’s knickers, fried chicken, a 42 tonne rock, trees and numerous other items officially racist. Who says so? Homerton College Cambridge.


1142 days ago

Breaking: Pocahontas says Bitcoin an environmental disaster for our planet

I can’t take Senator Elizabeth Warren very seriously but the woman who has gained massive career advantage by claiming that she is a Native American, though she is in fact 1/1024th Native American, holds great sway in the Democrat party. What she says is a good indicator of the direction of travel of the party now running America. As such, her full-on assault on bitcoin as the inherently pointless ultimate environmental vandal is of note. As it happens, for perhaps the first time ever, I agree with her. Enjoy.


2035 days ago

Pocohontas for President – a wet dream for Republicans & other Deplorables

And they are off… the first Democrat to throw their hat into the ring as a potential Presidential candidate for 2020 is Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. As an out and proud deplorable I can think of few, bar crooked Hillary herself who is – quite amazingly - considering a run herself,  I’d rather see the Dems select. Pocohontas is everything that is wrong with the Democrat party.


2112 days ago

If Elizabeth “Pocohontas” Warren has strong native American links I’m a banana, or at least a Swiss on a roll

Throughout her career at Harvard and then in the Democratic party Senator Elizabeth Warren has claimed to be part native American. In a, rather good. joke Donald Trump has termed this prissy New England liberal "Pocohontas" because she is patently almost entirely white. Put it this way…Hitler and the Nazis would, in genetic terms, have had Pocohontas down as one of them, a fully paid up member of the Aryan race. Now to prove Trump wrong as she eyes a 2020 Presidential bid Pocohontas has taken a DNA test.
