
128 days ago

Network Rail, Ramadan and the acceptability of lying

A few days ago, on the electronic trains departure board at King’s Cross there appeared a Hadith, a message from the prophet Mohammed posted to mark Ramadan. The message, posted by an employee of Network Rail, said more such Hadiths would follow. Cue outrage.


982 days ago

Are you the sort of Christian who spends all of Ramadan praying at your local mosque?

Me neither. Don’t get me wrong. If someone wants to pray at the Mosque every day during Ramadan or at any time of year that is great. But it is just not the sort of behaviour one normally associates with an apostate, that is to say someone who would, in some Mulsim countries, be killed for converting to Christianity.  Yup it is that Liverpool bomber, you know the devout Christian, Emad Al Swealmeen, once again.


3325 days ago

Reda The Heroic

It is always good to write in praise of an unsung and true hero. Even better whe it is someone you work with. Reda is the head cook here at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza and as a result of an unexpected staffing issue he is now on his sixth consecutive day of work. Thursday to Saturday he has done/is doing an all day 12 hour shift. Cooking is hard and it is hot work. that makes him a bit of a hero.

But what makes him more of a hero is that it is Ramadan. And so on Thursday the poor fellow had to wait until 9.24 PM to have his first drink of anything or his first bite to eat. Yesterday it was 9.22 PM. The smile on his face afterwards was a delight to witness.

It is truly heroic and honour working alongside him. And as a bonus he praised the dishes I have produced at the busiest times, as I found myself back in the kitchen during this short stint at the coalface.


4042 days ago

Channel 4 supporting Ramadan – who cares? But Can’t we get Graham Norton involved?

Some folk seem upset about Channel 4 running a Daily call to prayer for the 30 days of Ramadan which starts next week. C4 is a private company and can do what it wants.  It has indeed been a pioneer in trying to support those perceived as oppressed minorities and in many cases its work has been laudable, although I think that giving the Jew hating Islamofascist nutjob who runs Iran a Christmas slot opposite the Queen was perhaps a step too far.

But as I say it is a private company it can broadcast what it wants. Since I cannot remember the last time I watched anything it aired anyway, I cannot say that I would be the right person to boycott it in protest. That is if I cared. Which I do not.

But always keen to be helpful it strikes me that this is an ideal opportunity to perhaps foster greater understanding between oppressed minority groups and so drive forward the struggle for a more tolerant and understanding society.

There are some folk out there who have suggested that some elements of the Islamic community are not terribly supportive of the gay rights movement and the campaing for homosexual equality. Notwithstanding pictures of gay men swinging from cranes in Iran, Egypt and Gaza and the wave of gay bashing seen in parts of East London in the name of Islam, I am sure that this is all a big misunderstanding.

And as such, to drive this point home, following his outstanding work in covering the Eurovision Song Contest might I suggest that C4 recruits Mr Graham Norton to lead the call to prayer each day? If he is unavailable Mr Dale Winton used to be a very sympathetic host of Supermarket Sweep and perhaps he is a man to get the backing of the wider Moslem community.

Tolerance, brotherly love, etc…bring it on.
