The Troubles

557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard - the data lies you are being fed by the BBC and others: Northern Ireland does not want a United Ireland

I refer to another data manipulator, the LGBT campaigner Peter Tatchell HERE. But this is about Ulster and how you are being lied to about Catholic majorities, and the desire for Ulster to be part of a United Ireland if not now then inevitably in the future. I look at the hard data from the 2021 census which the media GroupThink, always sympathetic to the Republican cause, manipulate to post a false narrative. I also discuss the true history of the IRA and the Troubles and what are kids are not being taught as they are encouraged to romanticise evil. Maybe those of us who back Ulster might need to start explaining the real history and facts of “the troubles.” 


1012 days ago

If only the late Dennis Hutchings had been an IRA butcher he would not have been pushed into an early grave by the British Government

Today we learn the sad news that Dennis Hutchings has died aged 80. Mr Hutchings served this country for 26 years as a soldier but the “peace process” in Northern Ireland meant that he was pushed into an early grave by this wretched faux Tory Government.


1178 days ago

These SinnFein/IRA scum do not speak for Liverpool however much they rewrite history

The tweet below shows some scousers honouring the 40th anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands, terming him “The People’s Own MP.” I suggest to you that these Fenian scum, whose souls will surely burn in hell, are rewriting history and also do not speak for the vast majority of Liverpuddlians, most of whom will be horrified by this.


2075 days ago

On this day let us remember two 17 year olds, the 51 year old Railwayman, the factory worker - 25 lives ended by SinnFein/ IRA

On this day we should remember the anniversaries of 25 folks murdered by the IRA. They were civilians, largely in Birmingham. There were two 17 year olds with their lives ahead of them, numerous other young folks on a night out in a pub, a man away from his pregnant wife who never got to see her give birth or his kid grow up, a factory worker, a railwayman, the list goes on and on.


2188 days ago

Video: 46 years ago today: the ballad of Claudy

There are some who try to suggest that former IRA members like Gerry Adams or the late Martin McGuinness should be remembered for bringing peace to Ulster. There are those who say that talking to such men was a heroic act by Jeremy Corbyn.  Those folks probably cannot remember "the troubles" or if they have heard about it it is with a false narrative of one sided British brutality. On this day I ask you to remember the small town of Claudy and what happened there 46 years ago as you watch and listen to the ballad of Claudy.


3740 days ago

What is sauce for the Goose… Gerry "blood on my hands" Adams arrested.

Personally I would have hoped that for Northern Ireland to have moved on, there should have been a universal amnesty for ALL deaths that occurred during the troubles. However, folks like Gerry Adams and the Butcher of Londonderry Martin McGuinness insisted on the hugely costly Bloody Sunday enquiry and want former British soldiers prosecuted. Ok you murdering bastards so be it.

Gerry Adams who was actively involved with the IRA whilst also fronting up its political wing Sinn Fein is today in prison facing questions about the brital murder of Jean McConville in 1972. The IRA thought she was an informant so they dragged her away from in front of her screaming kids in Belfast took her over the border, murdered her and hid the body. They told the kids she had gone away to England.

As it happens Mrs McConville was not an informer. Certain former IRA men have come forward to say that Adams organised death squads to deal with informers and one claims that Adams order the killing of Mrs McConville.

What is sauce for the goose Mr Adams…let us hope that justice is done.
