
269 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: who would threaten me on my 10th wedding anniversary?

I start with that before going to Ashington Innovations (ASHI), Tingo (TIO) and Verditek (VDTK). A few big exposes on the way tomorrow, until then. 


2476 days ago

Hey Crooked Hillary - about Harvey Weinstein's $250,000 and that $3 million wedding of your brat Chelsea

The Clinton Foundation has today said that it will not be returning a $250,000 donation from a loathsome man who used his position to get sex from young women and is an alleged rapist. No silly, I am not talking about Bill Clinton but his fellow progressive Democrat and erstwhile campaigner for women's rights, Mr Harvey Weinstein. Natch the mainstream liberal media sees nothing wrong in this arguing that all the money was spent on good causes. But that is a lie.


2624 days ago

Pippa's £700,000 wedding - as a Republican how I love the Middletons

Maybe I am biased in that I am a lifelong republican. But then - though the ghastly Middleton family seems unaware of this - none of them bar the wife of our future King is actually a member of the Royal Family. Yet today's Mail runs a fawning 12 page pull out on "The Wedding of the Year" and the rest of the media is equally fawning.


2803 days ago

Donald Trump has betrayed true conservatives, we deplorables: We want HER locked up

It is bad enough that Donald Trump is considering the treacherous Country Club arse Mitt Romney for a cabinet position, given all he did to betray the GOP at the Election and to get crooked Hillary into the White House. But now Trump has betrayed conservative America and his supporters overseas with his statement that he is not going to appoint a special prosecutor to look into Hillary Clinton. This is a sell out pure and simple.


2886 days ago

The Mother In Law sends a card - as the Mrs & I celebrate our third wedding anniversary

The first time I met my parents in law it did not go terribly well. I understood fully that a man who was at that stage worth minus £200,000 was, at 44, materially older than a darling daughter and who had been married before was not exactly an ideal potential son in law. Indian families want their daughters to marry up not to marry a bankrupt bum who is a proven marital failure. I understood.

My mother in law had been trying to arrange for the Mrs to get hooked up with a nice Indian dentist from Plymouth. 


3029 days ago

Having sex with 10 people is like shagging the whole of Belfast? Really? Gerry Adams included?

The lastest warning on why we must all either have no sex or safe sex tells us that if you sleep with ten people then, if you count back their partners and their partners former partners, etc etc it is the same as if you had slept with the entire population of Belfast. I contemplate this matter as I examine the twitter connections of someone who, I belatedly notice, has followed me.

The idea of sleeping with the whole of Belfast is profoundly worrying. It is not that you would not have some fun as you worked your way through 286,000 people. But I would have thought that images of Gerry Adams stripping of and striding across a bedroom towards you would be enough to put anyone off sex for life. Perhaps that is the hidden message from the public health campaigners. 

As you are about to engage in a casual unprotected sexual encounter suddenly you will, going forward, find yourself thinking of St Gerry standing there with blood on his hands and wearing just his Y-fronts. "Gerry is that a kalashnikov or
