apple juice

165 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: 23 litres of apple juice produced

As readers of my other website know, I have a few pressing medical matters at hand. Wednesday saw a long conversation and a short examination by my GP and on Friday I should get back some rather important test results. You cannot just sit there and ponder your own mortality. Life is for living though we must all, always, consider what the alternative means for those around us.  So on Wednesday afternoon Joshua and I picked even more apples and that evening my pal C popped around to help me press.


714 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My SIPP buys shares in xxxx as Lucian's twitter account is hacked

If you see Lucian tweeting out #COYS or Buy Cineworld (CINE) you know what has happened!. I start this podcast on the subject of home made apple juice then cover Cineworld, Alien Metals (UFO), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and Jubilee Metals (JLP)


876 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - confronted by wildlife diversity amid a modest Squash harvest

The Autumn harvest is now underway at the Welsh Hovel. Yesterday Joshua and I picked about 90 eating apples, mostly a bright red but with a few Golden Delicious, from the top orchard I planted two years ago. All, bar a handful in the fruit bowl, are now wrapped in newspaper in the apple rack for Autumn consumption. We also picked a hefty weigh of crabapples which I shall make into jelly tonight.


901 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - Joshua and I press first apple juice of 2022

The apples should be falling later but this hot summer means that in the old orchard by the river they are starting to drop already. So they should be almost ripe. If I wait longer more will fall down the sloping banks into the river or just sit on the ground waiting for worms and other bugs. And so Joshua and I gathered a large plastic ball full and did our first press of ther year, aided by our new toy, an apple scratter.


1329 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel ...what I was doing as you watched the England game

I support Northern Ireland so do not give a hoot about the woke prima donnas of the England Football team so as the nation sat glued to the box I carried on working on bringing the lower, old, orchard next to the river back into shape.


1516 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: Almost tearful as I opened the box and smelled the smell

This will be our second Christmas without my Godfather and Uncle, Christopher Booker. Every other Christmas in my life, Chris sent first my parents, then my father, then my father and myself a cheese from Cheddar: a real organic product from the county in which he lived and loved, Somerset. Last year, much to my surprise, a cheese arrived as normal. Knowing that he was dying he had, two years ago, placed orders for both 2018 and 2019. But this year I was rather resigned to that tradition ending. This morning a large box arrived at the Welsh Hovel.



1573 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - making Apple Juice

On Tuesday, Joshua and I again went picking apples from the orchard by the river and we have already enjoyed an apple crumble. Next up will be another pressing of aple juice for my first stab at it was a bit of a triumph.
