
17 days ago

Video: Poking Bears And Black Swans

Analyst Dave Kranzler has a number of stark warnings of doom for stockmarket bulls but starts this podcast with a discussion of the Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin interview, something I shall be covering later in my next Russia/Ukraine podcast.


48 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: World Chess and its utterly insane valuation shows exactly why bears and shorters are needed

I start with a rant about how the MCC is annoying me today. Then onto why I should sack Steve Moore, World Chess (CHSS), Tingo (TIO) and an email from Nate, Guild ESports (GILD), Verditek (VDTK), Made Tech (MTEC),musicMagpie (MMAG) and ITM Energy (ITM)


159 days ago

Amigo – some bears are on the pitch, they think it’s all over…

It is not quite all over but it is near as damn it. The financial masochists at Craven House Capital and associated punters, who were considering an RTO of failed loan shark Amigo (AMGO) appear to have realized that their plans were insane and would be just to much of a self-inflicted punishment beating and have withdrawn. Oh dear.


180 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Upland and Kefi

In this podcast I deal with Upland Resources (UPL) – target sub 2p on Monday, 0p in the end – and Kefi Gold & Copper ( KEFI) – target way above current levels – looking at calls for share suspensions, false attacks on bears, the role of the FCA and panicked investors.


248 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: rejoicing with Steve O'Hara as Optibiotix sticks its Boots into the bears

Steve will be at Sharestock tomorrow and I think there is a lot more to come from Optibiotix (OPTI) which I kick off with in today’s bearcast. Then the scandal at Regtech Open (RTOP) for which P45s should be flying at the FCA, Vast Resources (VAST) and – a reader request- Falanx (FCS).


263 days ago

Video: Market Pain will Create the Perfect Conditions for Gold

Analyst and economist Julian Brigden of Macro Intelligence 2 Partners has music for the ears of Nigel Somerville but also for equity market bears.


320 days ago

Is Ocado a screaming short?

Ocado (OCDO) has been the most shorted stock in the FTSE 100 over the past few years and the bears have been roasted. Is there still a bear case?


362 days ago

Cineworld: Some bears are on the pitch, they think it’s all over – it is now!

The FCA should have suspended trading in the shares of Cineworld (CINE) weeks ago as I explained HERE but its crack team of regulators was too busy on the latest report into how the transgender pay gap in financial services is causing global warming to actually bother applying its own rules. But today the shares have been suspended. It is game over. They are officially worthless. Having called them as a sell at almost 200p that’s an ouzo on cornflakes moment for myself.


382 days ago

BREAKING: Advanced Oncotherapy some bears are on the pitch, they think it’s all over….it is now!

At Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff Towers it is lashings of ouzo on the cornflakes today as Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) has suspended its shares pending clarification of its financial position. That won’t take long: it’s bust! Folks really cannot say that both the Sheriffs did not warn the that this would end in tears more than 300 times over so many years as you can see HERE


390 days ago

BREAKING: Evil Banksta slams TW omission and says IOG equity is "toast"

There is no pleasing some folks is there? It seems that I missed something out from my list of 39 red flags for bears earlier. Worse still, much though it pains me to admit it, the pedant Evil Banksta might have a point.


390 days ago

A 39 point checklist for bears

This one comes from the US short selling site The Bear Cave and (in bold) I have added a UK equivalent where appropriate. Enjoy.


397 days ago

BREAKING: Now Gabriel Grego goes short Tingo - he knows about companies claiming "net cash"

Gabriel Grego has just tweeted that he has shorted Tingo (US:TIO) joining other bears such as Fraser Perring, Lucian Miers and a stack of US bears who all see this as a zero. Natch mug punters have responded with abuse as they always know better, especially as Tingo is drowning in cash and auditors never get that wrong do they? Er..


401 days ago

Tingo threatens the bears with legals (again) so here is something from Google to explain about Tingo's 9 million supposed customers

Tingo (TIO) reckons that its shares collapsing is all down to a New York broker pretending to do a placing and to “of false and malicious allegations on certain bulletin boards, social media accounts and websites” so it has called in its lawyers. Again. Just to assist I have another oddity for the lawyers to have a butcher’s at.


402 days ago

Vindicated Bears Boatman & Viceroy respond to Home REIT non-admission of a very clear guilt

Fraser Perring of Viceroy Research was the first bear to expose the shenanigans at sheltered housing provider Home REIT (HOME). Natch the former FTSE 250 member said it refuted all Fraser’s allegations. It was equally dismissive of a subsequent critique from Boatman capital. Today a partial fess up, okay the bears were right after all but the board is not to blame. Whatever.


491 days ago

Amigo – the bears are on the pitch, they think it’s all over…it is now!

We bears, well all of us apart from Simon Cawkwell, aka Evil Knievil, have been ready to celebrate the demise of loan shark Amigo (AMGO) for so, so long. Today comes that ouzo moment, Amigo (AMGO) itself admitting that shareholders will lose everything. It is a zero. It is official.


520 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the importance of bears

I am on the mend but very slowly and still in pain so a shorter than normal bearcast covering Home Reit (HOME), Tintra (TNT – target price 0p – and Caracal Gold (GCAT) also a zero despite today’s deceptive RNS with Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital’s name at the bottom. Now back to bed.


614 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: All hail Pete Brailey as other bears wake up to his Pantheon genius

I start with Muddy Waters, Pete and Pantheon Resources (PANR). Then on to ouzo man and his bear calls on (BOO) and AO World (AO). Finally onto the blow up of FTX and Almeda Research and what that tell us about crypto and NFT hype which is now bursting.


637 days ago

GOTCHA! …they think its all over…..200p to 1p in 16 months

Hurst has not stuck the ball in the back of the net yet but the crowd of bears are on the pitch clutching bottles of ouzo and is that a Fat Lady I see among them?  Surely this disgrace from the IPO class of 2021 is doomed after the latest news? You cannot say that I did not, on numerous occasions, warn you all


643 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Victoria related court papers are a bombshell but beware bears, stick to Deliveroo instead as its valuation is bonkers

I start with today’s bombshell court papers involving Geoff Wilding of Victoria (VCP) and ex PM Malcolm Turnbull and a warning for bears. Then it is onto Deliveroo (ROO) where bears should tuck in.


664 days ago

Bidstack ticks all the boxes for the bears

I start with a sort of Lucian Miers-style checklist for short candidates. How many boxes does Bidstack (BIDS) tick?


675 days ago

Argo Blockchain: another dire trading update & more smoke and mirrors for the vicar

It is hard to know where to start with today’s August trading update from running on vapours bitcoin miner Argo Blockchain (ARB). Suffice to stay it is all fodder for the bears.


775 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue Bloggers and the three bears, as we finally catch Brian Basham

We sped past Jane Austen’s house and into Alton, where I bring you a picture of three bears. No delays for the five rogue bloggers and, at 4.10 pm, with 11 miles to go, we caught up with 78-year-old Fleet Street legend, Brian Basham, and his trainer J, who had left Winchester five hours before us. We are now just nine miles from Woodlarks, and the group is again splitting into fast and slow. Amazingly, I am in the fast group. If you are yet to donate to this fantastic cause, please do so HERE.


796 days ago

Fevertree – why today’s trading update is good for the bears, even though there is no warning. Yet. Stay short!

Fevertree (FEVR) has issued a trading update, which seems to read well, but the shares are down and will fall further.  Let me explain.


802 days ago

Ouzo for the perma bears – Mirriad shares tank on dire numbers and piss poor excuses

I warned comrade Malcolm Stacey and you all that his March 7 enthusiasm for advertising group Mirriad (MIRI) was misplaced and dire results with a piss poor set of excuses vindicate this perma bear once again. Crack out the ouzo.  At 21p, down 14% so far today, the market cap is £59 million making this still a stonking short.


886 days ago

Short Peloton

Can we all agree that the covid bubble/lets all WFH bubble has burst and also that the tech bubble is bursting.I will write up the top way to cash in on this on the N50 website this weekend. Meanwhile here is some more free money for the bears.


893 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My top 10 UK stocks to crash by Christmas and why

In a long podcast I explain why the climate has changed so making it a year for the bears and then explain the common thread and individual reasons for my top ten shorts for Christmas 2022.  The terrible ten are Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Tern (TERN), Avacta (AVCT), Versarien (VRS), Chill Brands (FRAUD), Amigo (AMGO),Cineworld (CINE), Argo Blockchain (ARB), Verditek (VDTK) and Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT


910 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast – a Fake Sheikh hunting competition for detectives among you

I start with a weather report from Chez Atwater, refer to this article, and ask any cultists to explain. Then there is a fake sheikh (or not)-hunting competition regarding ADM Energy (ADM). Finally I ask if we bears really will have a long promised tea party in 2022 as slimmer of the month Lucian Miers suggests. Heck, he is even thinking of shorting Tesla again.


993 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bears getting hammered, Gabriel Grego beaten up massively today on Cassava

No doubt this will be celebrated by many a moron as well as many a fraudster. Gabriel’s latest dossier is on Cassava (SAVA) on Nasdaq. It is compelling yet he has today been flamed by the Reddit crowd and Cassava shares are roofing it. What does this all mean?  Purplebricks (PURP) shows why bears are forces for good. I discuss it. Then Acceler8 (AC8), Parsley Box (MEAL) and Metro Bank (MTRO).


1051 days ago

Cineworld – the debt markets are telling you that the bears will be happy and the shares will be toast

I still cannot see the case for owning shares in a cinema chain, any cinema chain but Cineworld (CINE) has its own additional problems and the debt markets are telling you that thy are going to come home to roost very soon.


1661 days ago

Sirius Minerals – a bad day at the office for we bears – 5.5p takeover by Anglo, mine to go ahead

The talks are advanced but it looks odds on as if Sirius Minerals (SXX) will get bought out at 5.5p per share by Anglo American (AAL). I guess that explains the very strong share price over the past few days, not that there is ever any insider dealing in London.


1735 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a truly amazing discovery by Brokerman Dan

A day of delight for Joshua as we head off to meet Thomas the Tank Engine at Llangollen and for me as Brokerman Dan makes a truly amazing discovery at the Welsh Hovel. Then it is onto Gabriel Grego’s latest triumph, why we bears do such great work and the forces of evil ranged against us.


1737 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's Bearcast: From Nigel Somerville's Big Sofa it is au revoir to an emigrating Darren + Woodford's secret £25m windfall

A day of travel adventures. I recount my breakdown last night, an angelic lorry driver and how I ended up on Nigel Somerville’s sofa. Meanwhile Darren Atwater is leaving the UK but not ShareProphets. Then I look at utter lunacy from a “woke” FRC and inept Business Secretary Andrea Loathsome. Then it is onto Neil’s sacking from Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT), what it means for the Trust and how it will help him hide another £25 million personal windfall gain. I cover Tesla (TSLA) as the bears are squeezed by book cooking. Finally a look at the murky death spiral announced by Vast Resources (VAST).


1741 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Chris Frazer of Sirius is the bears' best friend

I start with a look at who might be sued in the Neil Woodford scandal, focussing in on the directors at Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT). Then I lookl at another mini-bond disaster, this time involving Kevin McCloud of Grand Designs. Finally I discuss the latest deranged thoughts and acts of Chris Frazer of Sirius Minerals (SXX0 as he ponders an AIM (sorry main market) delisting. Timber!!!! He is, again, the bears best friend.


1788 days ago

IQE Interims – look at that shiny new debt facility: sell

Bulls claim to be delighted. Having issued a shocking profits warning on June 21, IQE has served up half year numbers which reconfirm full year guidance. There is no follow up profits warning. Well not yet. But bears have real reasons for cheer. Having stated in June that it could operate within its existing £27 million overdraft into Q1 2020, we see today that the company has secured an additional £30 million asset financing (expensive debt). Ok, no bailout placing pro tem but a sign that cash continues to be burned.


1809 days ago

Matt Earl Tweet, who is a very funny bear then?

Just to show that bears can tell jokes, here’s a Burford (BUR) tweet from Matt Earl. the Dark Destroyer.


1809 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the PR bird for Seedr tries to bully the wrong sort of journalist into printing falsehoods

In today’s (long) bearcast I look at Burford (BUR) asking questions of bulls and bears, at Thomas Cook (TCG), surely a slam dunk short at 8p, at Cabot Energy (TOAST), ADM Energy (ADME) and finally at Seedrs where the PR bird is trying to bully me into publishing a falsehood. She is picking on the wrong man. maybe she confuses me with the spineless financial illiterates and PR cocksuckers at the deadwood press?


2030 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - does the Wolf of Wall Street have British cousins?

I was  re-watching the movie last night and ask the question. I discuss signs that the FCA really is getting stuck in, albeit too late. I look at too good to be true investments starting with London & Capital Finance. I look at house prices and why I think that bad data gives far too rosy a view. I look at US jobs data yesterday and what that means for base rates. And I look at the big short positions in AIM stocks. Don't bet against the bears! Now off to West Ham. 


2132 days ago

Versarien – I told y’all

Versarien (VRS) is the reason why everyone should sign up with Primary Bid right now. Most Primary Bid offers are ones that I have no hesitation in telling you to avoid like the plague, being trapped in a lift with Emmanuel Macron or both. But just occasionally one comes along that is really worth punting on. I told you on Friday that Versarien was almost certainly in that category HERE. Today I am vindicated.


2179 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is Elon Musk of Tesla going to jail and UKOG's latest smear c/o the Daily Mail is a new low

In this podcast I cover Tesla (TSLA) which is curiouser and curiouser, Optibiotix (OPTI) and the parasitic vampire that is ADVFN (AFN), Great Western Mining (GWMO), Toople (TOOP), Angus Energy (ANGS), the Brockham Well, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) anmd its latest despicable smear c/o yellow journalists at The Daily Mail and cheered on by the vermin paid share rampers of LSE Share Talk


2180 days ago

Lucian Miers: Bloodbath on Tesla Street - my worst trade in 10 years (or maybe not?)

Yesterday started badly for the bears when it emerged c/o the FT that the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund had built up a stake of 3-5% in Tesla (US:TSLA) via market purchases. It then got worse as CEO Elon Musk tweeted, yes tweeted rather than announcing via a formal announcement, that he was considering taking the company private at $420 a share and had funding.


2272 days ago

UK Investor Show Video 2018 The Bears session Lucian Miers, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith & Nigel Somerville

And the next video is the bears with myself, the Dark Destroyer Matt Earl, the Bard of the Boleyn Lucian Miers and a cameo by Nigel Somerville on Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO). On the agenda Telit (TCM), Tesla (TSLA), Mitie (MTO), IQE (IQE), RM2 (RM2),Avanti Communications (AVN), AIQ (AIQ) and a good stack more.


2300 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - naturally I fast forwarded through the lesbian sex scenes

I have not slept since Saturday and I am cream crackered.  I discuss a few of the movies I watched flying to and from New York. Naturally watching Paddington 2 for the second and then third time was the highlight but there was also Atomic Blonde which had great eighties music and lots of violence with commies getting killed. That's fine by me but there were certain scenes I felt a bit uncomfortable watching. I digress.  On today's bearcast I cover UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Mothercare (MTC) and the idea of we bears "preying"  on retailers as legal wankers Linklaters suggest. I look at Avanti (AVN) and Pantheon (PANR) and recall an interview I did with Colin Bird. I also look at Nakama (NAK) and discuss how events can spiral badly for a company seen to be in trouble. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITH.


2302 days ago

Photo Article - Bears Party on in New York

A good day for the bears here in New York. First up I walked up from Battery Park to see where I used to work in the black and white era on Wall & Water. It is now being turned into luxury apartments. Anhow, I wandered on past the New York Stock Exchange and, as you can see, the tickers were all red. Then later on it was to meet the King of the fraudsters my pal Sam Antar who, as you can see below, is in relaxed mood. More on that in today's bearcast. 


2348 days ago

Crack out the Ouzo - UK Oil & Gas shares in freefall on Broadford Bridge disaster

If it was not ouzo o'clock at the Sheriff's Greek bolt-hole after the Servision (SEV) debacle it sure is now after UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) fessed up to disastrous news from Broadford Bridge. We bear have been utterly vindicated but there is far worse to come for the morons who thought they knew better - the shares have slumped to 1.9p but they will now inevitably fall to as low as 0.5p in the coming weeks.


2365 days ago

Three more charts that show the absolute folly of Neil Woodford

As we have seen with the debacles at Provident Financial, Capita and elsewhere, Britain's most conceited fund manager, Neil "Nomates" Woodford likes to bet - other people's money - against the herd. A share price is tanking, the market must be wrong. The bears are adding to their shorts. They must be wrong too. Nomates always knows best, I demonstrated this with a chart looking at Capita (CPI) the other day HERE. Now I offer up three more Woodford dogs...


2372 days ago

Bear Raiders Kerrisdale rips into hapless Neil Woodford on twitter

Hapless Neil Woodford has poured out his heart to the poodle press, Citywire, bleating about how wicked bears Kerrisdale have been beastly about one of the largest - and most obviously overvalued - of the pack of dog investments in his Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT). The bears have bitten back!


2567 days ago

Video: Gold, silver and precious metals - the primary trend is down

In this video from Jordan Roy Byrne, Palisade Capital covers Gold and Silver and where they could go over the very short and medium term. It also covers gold stocks which are trending lower slowly but remain in a massive multi-year bottoming process. Overall the picture is one that will make the bears not the bulls happy bunnies.


2653 days ago

Video: The Bears Session at UK Investor Show 2017: Two well known stocks set to collapse

In this video from the storming success that was the 2017 UK Investor Show, Graham Neary, Lucian Miers, Tom Winnifrith, Matt Earl, and Gabriel Grego select two well known stocks set to collapse. And make sure that you keep April 21 2018 free for next year's UK Investor Show.


2679 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: The Top short sellers, bears and fraudbusters all together on April 1 - don't miss out

You might hate bear raiders. You might think that short selling is unethical. But what you cannot argue with is that ignoring men such as Evil Knievil when they sniff out a fraud or accounting malpractice will cost you a packet. At last year's UK Investor Show the Country's top bears did a detailed presention on AIM darling Avanti Communications, one of the AIM companies most beloved by professional fund managers. Since that warning Avanti shares have collapsed by more than 90%. This year the bears have new targets.


2708 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Ouzo Photo Bearcast: Cloudtag, the fraudsters and the morons - it is downfall day for you

I waited until 10 AM before drinking a bit of my father's ouzo in celebration of the Cloudtag (CTAG) take-down described earlier HERE. That is the sort of restrained guy I am. Boy does the ouzo - pictured below - taste great and its only 51 days and I shall be back in Greece for a lot more. Today has been a 100% vindication for The Sheriff of AIM and my fellow bears and the Bulletin Board Morons and fraudsters are now in undignified retreat. I discuss what happens next, have a few new revelations and a few lessons the morons will, no doubt, not learn in this bonus podcast.If you are client of Novum stuffed into today's placing I explain how you can get your cash back.


2724 days ago

Photo Article: The walk to Anelion Part 1: gosh my Dad was a hero 40 years ago

With the snow still blowing, I set off on the walk from Metsovo to Anelion not really believing that it would take only half an hour as the chap I met last night had told me. Perhaps it was because I took the scenic route through the lower terraces of Metsovo, following the signs marked with a bear print. Evil Knievil has emailed to suggest that we bears stick together and do not eat each other but, more importantly, as I headed lower I remembered that bears, like snakes, hibernate. So the bears of the Pindus will be sleeping, dreaming of honey and Rob Terry. The wolves on the other hand...


2777 days ago

ShareSoc's Roger Lawson attacks evil shorters & backs failed regulators as Paysafe shares tumble

Here we go again. Wicked and evil bears launch an attack on a great British company and Roger Lawson of ShareSoc insists he knows better, just like he did with Globo and Blinkx, and attacks the bears. He opines on his blog with three readers:


2785 days ago

Avanti Communications share suspension on December 30? New bond default?

Well here is an early Christmas present for all good bears, Avanti Communications (AVN) has sort of fessed up to the fact that its shares may be suspended from the AIM Casino on 30th December and that it may be facing a new bond default. Oh dear. If that is not a cue to sell as fast as you can, what is?


2797 days ago

Spot on: Waseem Shakoor on Bulletin Board censorship and when Cloudtag shares will hit 0.1p

Bear raider Waseem Shakoor had called Cloudtag (CTAG) pretty well so far and he is also bang on the money on the matter of free speech. He has just posted this on the ADVFN asylum and he is 100% correct. Or is he? My target is 0p as this is a fraud. Shakoor is just too generous with his 0.1p target. He writes:


2847 days ago

The Misys IPO, it is one to dodge and it shows we bears are right

Until it was taken private back in 2012 Misys was one of those stocks you did not need to own. Its track record was okay but not brilliant. It had a habit of letting investors down now and again. Its departure was not greeted with wailing and the gnashing of teeth. But now it is planning a comeback in what is flagged up as being one of the largest IPOs for many a year. Caveat emptor.


2853 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Moron investors in the Cloudtag fraud feel on top of the world

I start with the woes of Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank. Then on to why dogs leave it to the last minute to report results. As such I look at Strat Aero (AERO), Vislink (VLK), IGAS (IGAS), and Wolf Minerals (WLFE). I touch on Inspirit (INSP) as it runs out of cash and is - I gather  - not paying suppliers. I then look at the two frauds: Highlands Natural Resources (HNR) and Cloudtag (CTAG) where the morons are as happy today as the Quindell (QPP)  Morons where when those shares hit 650p. How the morons laughed at the silly old bears as they told us that £20 was on the cards. But of course those backing the Cloudtag fraud insist that it will be different this time. 


2993 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast special - the delightful symmetry of Andalas & LGO Energy

There is so much delightful (for we bears) symmetry between LGO Energy (LGO) and Andalas (ADL) as both sink to a level where flippers in the recent placings must now take a loss. Right down to the CEOs both having facial hairs. It is uncanny and the subject of this podcast which also makes general points about stocks where the share price dips below a placing price in short order. It is all about human psychology.


2996 days ago

Video: TW, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl - the Bears Avanti special at UK Investor Show

And so the four bears wandered onto stage for the final presentation at UK Investor Show. We majored in on why Avanti Communications (AVN) was a 0p stock but we covered many other stocks besides. Enjoy


3103 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 January - Please Mr Lenigas stop lying to your mad followers

Bears are the new regulators, in fact the only regulators. Jabba the Hutt wants shorting banned. Worse still he is telling his deluded followers that shares in Afriag (AFRI) and his other dogs fell because of shorting. That is untrue as I explain in this podcast. I also cover: the after effects of ouzo, Frontier Resources (FRI), FastForward (FFWD), TrakM8 (TRAK), PeerTV (PTV), Sirius Minerals (SXX), London Capital (LCG) - in detail - and Jiasen (JSI)


3106 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 24 January: Himex this is jail for Rob Terry & bad news for Watchstone + crap AIM investment companies

I am sorry for the delayed podcast but I am only just back from time in the Grim Northern welfare safari with the mother in law and thus can now let myself go with a volley of bad language.  I end with an explanation of who benefitted from the £150 million + Himex fraud at Quindell (QPP) laid bare earlier HERE and how it also affects Watchstone (WTG). Before that I talk of my annoyance on the silly blogger spats and the explain the difference between a cash shell and an investment company and why I regard our work on exposing the latter as invaluable. In the middle segment I have more bad news for oil companies such as XCite (XEL), IGAS (IGAS), Petroceltic (PCI) & Gulf Keystone (GKP) and for the sector as a whole but also for the markets. Dont blame China, we bears are still in the driving seat.


3188 days ago

Globo – Administrators called in it is a wipe-out

Roger Lawson famously suggested, on the ShareSoc website  that he and other shareholders in Globo (GBO) might go in and assist the board. I guess his services won’t be needed now because it is all over. A duff call by Lawson and yet another win for the bears he attacks so often.


3195 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 October: Is InternetQ another Globo? Chemring, Dialight & More

A busy day with my daughter beckons. In the evening it is the new James Bond film. But first a lunchtime bootcamp with Uncle Chris (Booker) to put her straight on the Evil Empire, the EU. In the podcast I ask if InternetQ (INTQ) is the new Globo (GBO)? Then I look at Chemring (CHG), Dialight (DIA) - another win for the bears - Afren (AFR) gets a mention as does LGO Energy (LGO), BP (BP.), Union Jack Oil & Gas (UJO) and - just to niggle Wildes - Premaitha (NIPT) whose shares are moving ahead nicely - more to go there!


3232 days ago

New Short for autumn – Boohoo at 33p, valuation a rum n’coke: first warning shot fired

Sadly for us bears most of the slam dunk mid-cap AIM shorts have already gone our way. We have had great sport with Monitise, Tungsten, Quindell, Range Resources, LGO Energy, Cupid, Globo (still more to come there), Gulf Keystone, etc. We won. The Bulletin Board Morons lost. Only Avanti Communications is still left to topple. It will.  But now I think we have a new quarry to stalk: (BOO) looks a slam dunk short at 33p.


3396 days ago

The Bears Move on: Quindell short becomes a Slater & Gordon short

Slater & Gordon overpaid grotesquely for the Quindell (QPP) legal business but the Aussie company is now beginning to pick up the tab as the bears move in. Two of the bear pit panel at UK Investor Show are already short of Slater & Gordon as is well known Aussie bear raider John Hempton of Bronte Capital. Lucian Miers opens the batting for the UK bears.


3428 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 March - 12 stocks that look certain to place out shares

As a weekend treat I canter through the biggest fallers on the market on Friday and look at which ones seem certain to issue new shares -probably at a big discount - over the coming months. It does not take me that long to come up with more than a dozen names and make a few observations about other matters to do with bears, shorting and the fine firm that is Daniel Cesspit along the way.


3550 days ago

Rob Terry invests not a cent to buy a million Quindell shares – what bollocks

Quindell (QPP) bulls have today celebrated the news that chief fraudster Robert Terry and sidekicks Laurence Moorse and Steve Scott have bought 1.575 million Quenron shares at c123p. However they rather miss the point that the trio have not actually risked a cent of their own cash. This is the latest smokescreen and is such a curious transaction it only makes the sell case even stronger. Within the stock puffed up to 133p on the back of this nonsense it is another chance for the bears. 

The deal Terry (who is buying 1 million shares) has arranged is that the cash for the trade is provided by Equities First Holdings LLC,


3566 days ago

The Bears Scent Death at Quindell – King of the US Bears Muddy Waters weighs in

Quindell (QPP) took on the bears and Quenron is losing. I first cited red flags about this fraud in April 2013. A year later Gotham City Research took it apart and now the shorters are upping the ante. The smell of Death is clear and now the best known US Bear Muddy Waters has also chipped in via twitter.


3566 days ago

Reader Poll – which of the 10 stocks in the Bear Portfolio will crash most by Christmas

So far the bear portfolio of Matt Earl (the Dark Destroyer), Evil Knievil (the fat man), Lucian Miers (the Bard of the Boleyn) and Tom Winnifrith (the Sheriff of AIM) is down by an average of 18.2%. Today one stock leaves the portfolio (New World) having duly collapsed and in its stead goes African Minerals (AMI) which will collapse. But which of our 10 shorts do you think will slump most by Christmas. The deadline for voting is midnight tonight as things are moving rapidly with at least one constituent.


3566 days ago

The Matt Earl, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Tom Winnifrith Summer Bear Portfolio revisited and updated view

Back in the summer, July 9, the 4 Bears sat down and compiled our top ten shorts for the summer. There has been one disaster – Concha (CHA) – but despite that an average loss (gain for us) of 18.2% per short is not bad. So where do we stand now?

I speak not for the others but for myself and based on conversations we have had of late. Would we buy any of these stocks? Certainly not. Which in my view are still shorts?


3649 days ago

Should Short Selling be Banned – Reader Poll Results

Perhaps we did not give enough options in our reader poll? We should perhaps have included “short selling is okay, unless the bears are shorting a stock I own in which case they should be sent to prison for life immediately.” Anyhow we gave you three options are here are the results:


3659 days ago

FACT: Bears Do Not Destroy Jobs – capital Misallocation Does

"If a certain high profile company goes bust will you be happy to have destroyed 2,000 jobs?" I am asked by a poster on ShareProphets. Clearly I am not happy if any job is lost (except, perhaps, that of Fat Sam Allardyce) but please understand that if a firm goes tits up it is not the fault of the bears.

Firms go bust all the time, whether they are listed or unlisted. They go bust because they run out of cash and cannot refinance. That one simple metric lies behind every corporate demise.


3663 days ago

Globo – Uh, Oh….

It is no secret that I am not a fan of Globo (GBO) – perhaps I shall have to treck up from the Mani to Athens for another visit. I sense things are getting exciting. For the bears.

Firstly I draw your attention to this absolutely devastating critique by Matt Earl, the dark destroyer out late yesterday.


3666 days ago

Why shorting shares is both vital and good for investors and for society

Shorters, or bear raiders, are vilified by the ignorant as destroyers of wealth and of jobs. Some folks want shorting banned. They are wrong. The only people who benefit from banning shorting are crooks, liars and frauds. Capitalism needs shorters for it to work efficiently. Here’s why.

Let me ask you to point out how many PLCs the FCA or before it the FSA ever called out for fraud and had suspended? Er…zippo. The Regulator is a box ticker, an agency of Government and thus, by definition, useless. It would argue that its job is not to seek out fraud but to act on it when shown evidence. That might just be a defence but you then ask who will seek out fraud and thus present the authorities with that evidence?

Occasionally you have a kind hearted soul such as myself who does just that. But the reality is that spending months and months researching a company really is not going to make you rich. The ShareProphets operation generates enough revenue to allow me to spend some time doing such work but I could not afford to do it full time. 

And thus the only folks who are going to have enough of a financial incentive to do such work are those in the bear raiding community. It took Gotham City many months to prove up its dossier against Spanish fraud Gowex. Now I know that Daniel Yu gets an intellectual kick


3668 days ago

Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl and Tom Winnifrith – the top 10 stocks in London to short for summer

Anyone who was at UK Investor 2014 knows that the Bears session (HERE) saw some great calls. And so ahead of a long sweaty summer I asked Evil Knievil, Matt Earl (The Dark Destroyer) and Lucian Miers for their top 5 shorts of the summer and for good measure I add in my own. Between us we have thus compiled the top ten stocks to short in London!

Starring with the heavyweight – Evil Knievil. His top 5 are:


3673 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #70 – Off to The Greek Hovel & The Political Paedophile Cover Up Edition

This may be my last video postcard for a while. The Mrs has bought a hovel in Greece and I am off late on Thursday night to start its renovation. It really is a hovel and right now has no internet and is a 15 minute drive from the nearest habitation. But I will work hard on getting connected ASAP.

And then I shall keep you updated on gripping matters such as the construction of an eco-loo and a humanure system and on bush clearance and digging out an earth floor or tow. Oh.. and on the snake situation.

From humanure I turn to the Westminster paedophile cover-up. It is a cover up and everyone on Fleet Street knows who is being protected and why the ripples could spread far and wide.  The age of those directly involved is no defence as I explain.

My weekly financial video postcard starts with a discussion of those bears who have attacked Quindell (QPP) and blinkx (BLNX) inter alia. Tom explains why they need to be more transparent. Having said that, I also explain why bears play such a key role in protecting investors on AIM. This video can be watched HERE
