
167 days ago

Born on this day 1915 Paddy Leigh Fermor – photos and memories of a visit to his house with a heavily pregnant wife and my late father and step mother

He would have been 109 today but, despite the vast quantities of ouzo and nicotine he imbibed, Paddy only made it to 96. He is an important part of this family’s life. My father and he were friends and one family holiday the whole family visited his house in Kardamili for lunch.  I was not on that holiday but my sister who had just left King’s Canterbury was.


857 days ago

Photo Article - a last view of the back garden at Shipston

I am not sure that it made economic sense but I headed to Shipston yesterday to pick up the lawnmower of my late father. I also found a sharp saw so that might have improved the maths a bit. The house is meant to be sold within days so this was my last trip.


1209 days ago

It is my dead Dad’s Birthday

I am sure that my siblings and a number of other folks who loved my dad, who died last October, will be remembering that it is his birthday today. He would have been 83.
