
191 days ago

Even more Monkey Business - VSA being sued for a third of its balance sheet

Oh dear, oh dear. There’s trouble at t’mill for VSA Capital (VSA) the corporate advisory firm run by the egomaniac and self-styled Very Sexy Andrew (Monk). You cannot say that I did not warn you. It is all to do with VSA’s erstwhile client, fellow Aquis listed dog Silverwood Brands (SLWD) and its failed attempt to buy a 20% stake in cosmetics retailer Lush. Honestly you could not make this shit up.


192 days ago

A reader reminds Scirocco abut a raft of RNS’s it has "forgotten" to issue

Nigel Somerville normally covers this perma dog but a reader brings me the following paper trail which you can follow for yourself. The natural conclusion is that there are a stack of RNS statements that Scirocco Energy (SCIR) should have issued but has forgotten. Oops. I guess following the rules is for little people.


284 days ago

Photo Article No 2 Sharestock 2023 - the worst dressed speaker contest, Jim's Dog meets one of my cats & the Tingo spy

After Brian Kinane finished it was myself and Peter Brailey on oil stocks. I want you to appreciate how awful is his dress sense. Jim Mellon’s dog could not handle Peter’s shirt and went outside to talk to one of my cats and also to my wife and Dominic Frisby, a man sporting an equally high volume jacket. My wife is the lady not leading the dog, that is Jim’s sister.


295 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - how critical is the financial position at the charlatan run dog Caracal?

In today’s bearcast I look at Avacta (AVCT), Brandshield (BRST) and what it says about the state of AIM, Caracal Gold (GCAT), Red Rock Resources (RRR), Genflow Biosciences (GENF) and Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL)


306 days ago

Big Dave Lenigas & Pennpetro: just how do you define “short delay?”

I only ask because the insolvent Standard Listed dog PennPetro (PPP) run by Big Dave Lenigas had its shares suspended on August 1 as it could not get its accounts on time. Back then, Big Dave said this was a “short delay”. It is now September 8.


362 days ago

AIM jam tomorrow dog Inspirit Energy Holdings – kicking the can down the road for over 10 years or is it 17?

In today’s operational update, Inspirit (INSP) as it has done since its IPO on 26 July 2013, kicked the can down the road, announcing more delays


509 days ago

Mirriad statement – it is totally screwed: Told y'all! Ouzos all round at Sheriff Towers

On 20th January 2023 serial dog Mirriad (MIRI) put itself up for sale. Guess what? Absolutely nobody is interested. Well knock me down with a feather. Anyone wanting to buy the technology that has spunked so much cash over the years only need wait for administration.


513 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - even Jaya loves "doggy"

Normally little Jaya is rather frightened of dogs but the stray now spending most of her time up at the Greek Hovel has won over even my young daughter and her, normally hard hearted, mother as you can see below. “Drat”, I said as we returned home today after lunch, “I forgot to buy more dog food.” “Fear not” said the Mrs, “give her more ham.” I have.


513 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - wildlife diversity

As Joshua and I bought snake repellent canisters on our first day here, we were assured that the snakes were still asleep. So far, we have seen a few lizards and a pine martin but that is more or less it in terms of wildlife diversity. Apart from what you see below.


525 days ago

In the minus 99.99% club, Mosman Oil & Gas Interims – why is it not admitting to insolvency?

At the top of the results statement covering the six months to December 31, serial dog Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) yaks on about how there will be lots of jam, sorry oil, tomorrow. That will please the morons. I doubt they will look at the hard numbers for they are awful and show that this company is already, to all intents and purposes, insolvent. And then there is an explicit warning from Mosman itself


541 days ago

The fraud WANdisco – it was always a dog

Yesterday we learned of the mammoth fraud at Wandisco (WAND) which may well sink it.  Bulls always pointed to huge forecast earnings but while the FCA always tells us that the past is no guide to the future it often is. We perma bears pointed to the actual numbers.


558 days ago

Forward Partners – a 2021 IPO dog or a very cheap AIM stock?

The last time I looked at Forward Partners (FWD) , an investment company specialising in unlisted tech plays was on the first anniversary of its AIM IPO, that is to say in July 2022, when I, not for the first time, poured scorn on the enterprise HERE. At that stage the shares had slumped from 100p to 45p. Today after a dismal trading statement the shares are 37p – a £50 million market cap. The 2022 year end NAV was 71p so is this a chance to buy?


558 days ago

Vast Resources explicitly warns yet another placing needed: only 1?

With the last placing just 21 days ago, serial AIM dog Vast Resources (VAST) has today warned that it will be doing another placing. This is a company that has done more placings over the years than I have had inappropriate thoughts about Cheryl Cole. Yes! That many! And that is one reason why its shares are 98% down over 16 years.


580 days ago

Clem Chambers reckons there’s money in Sweet Transvestites from Transylvania – spoooof!

It is 50 years since the Rocky Horror show first appeared and to celebrate this Clem Chambers and the AIM dog that funds his sons’ business, Online Blockchain (OBC), has another spoof for you all as it tries to get away yet another bailout placing.


680 days ago

GOTCHA! Parsley Box – delisting on the menu as the money runs out

The fight to be the worst IPO of 2021 is a bitter one but along with (MADE) which pre-published its own obituary this afternoon, Parsley Box (MEAL) has to be a contender and again I warned folks numerous times that this was a dog with fleas. Today it served up news which went down like a wet dream involving Liz Truss.


706 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Chill Brands manages minus revenues in H2

Normally I am envious of Robert, today I am not. On that note and now with the blessing of Aunt L, I tear, once again, into Colin Bird and Tiger Resources (TIR) after interims from Bezant Resources (BZT), then onto a shocker from Chill Brands (CHLL) and finally a laugh at former Neil Woodford dog Xeros (XSG) which is still spunking half a Bernie a month seeking to revolutionise the world of washing machines. Versarien (VRS) also gets a mention as I increase my forecasts of cashburn.


708 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 David Beckham dogs a spoofing day

I start today’s Bearcast by agreeing with the vile Peter Mandelson on why the Tories really are toast. Then it is onto musicMagpie (MMAG), ProCook (PROC), Online Blockchain (OBC), ADVFN (AFN), Cellular Goods (CBX), Gild eSports (GILD) and Eden Research (EDEN). What a roll call of infamy.


749 days ago

Pure Gold Mining – can anyone explain to me why this is not suspended for being bust?

What is the biggest disgrace to come out of Canada? Justin Trudeau in his Pride socks at the Eid parade (or was it the other way round)? Darren Atwater’s idea of customer service?  The music of Michael Buble? No. It is Pure Gold (PUR), the TSX and London listed dog which has been exposed HERE so many times. Today we have quarterlies to June 30.


839 days ago

Catenae Innovation: only a partial ‘fess up: the future looks bleak

Naughty, naughty Nomad Liam Murray of Cairn Financial for signing off on today’s release from AIM perma-dog Catenae (CTEA) for it is only a partial ‘fess up. With the shares already suspended for failing to gt accounts out for the yar to September 30 2021, things look truly grim.


863 days ago

Vast Resources not on a Swiss Roll – more bad news

The most flea ridden dog on AIM, Vast Resources (VAST), has served up yet more bad news. Just a year after consolidating its shares on a 100 for 1 basis the shares are just 0.38p to sell, more than 95% down on the year.  With today’s disaster, another 100 for 1 consolidation beckons. Let me explain.


864 days ago

W Resources – Nomad and broker resign or are resigned: surely game over now?

Long term Michael Masterman AIM dog W Resources (WRES) has announced that its Nomad Grant Thornton and its joint brokers Alternative Resource Capital and Shard Capital have all resigned with immediate effect. The question is: did they resign or were they resigned?


884 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast – my longest for many months but, IMHO, jolly entertaining

Fear not,no waffle, this is not bad.  I start with Rishi Sunak, his Mrs and tax non-payment. Then I look at Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), caught telling another monster porky today, Vast Resources (VAST), Omega Diagnostics (ODX), Victoria Plumbing (VIP), Arden Partners (ARDN), Ince (INCE) and a new uber dog on the Standard List, Ajax Resources (AJAX), another overvalued POS example of crony capitalism.


899 days ago

Iofina – Bankski is back in, spiv trading idea – follow him!

The on off long term love affair between self-styled “Brexit bad boy” Arron Banks and perennial AIM dog Iofina (IOF) is back on, for reasons he explained to me in a tweet today as his stakebuilding emerged.


949 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast – V is for Vindication day

As I write, four of the top 12 fallers are stocks that I have exposed as total wronguns and one of the four even coughed up that I had gpt a scoop on Friday. In today’s podcast, which should please Matthew and his dog, I cover: Omega Diagnostics (ODX) and its porkies, MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC), a Turner Pope dog still valued at £40 million even now but not worth a fraction of that,  Guild ESports (GILD) & the greed of David Beckham, Vast Resources (VAST) and the fraud Chill Brands (CHLL ) which could be going down the plughole for good within a  couple of weeks. I forgot to discuss the latest news from Zak Mir and Lift Ventures. That will have to wait for another day.


983 days ago

ADM Energy – does it have any intention of playing by the rules regarding its sack the board GM?

Following our 13 December bombshell about a sack the board requisition at AIM dog ADM Energy (ADME) the company ‘fessed up the next day and admitted it had received the correct paperwork from Richard “nobody likes me and I don’t care” Jennings of Align Research. But is it still playing by the rules?


984 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Christmas Eve Bearcast - no rest for those exposing the wicked

I end with a seasonal message of goodwill to all men. I start with a detailed demolition of Versarien (VRS), Deepmatter (DMTR) whose placing statement is a disgrace and finally of Love Hemp (LIFE) an Aquis dog from Peterhouse Capital where, after today, there are more red flags flying than on May Day in Moscow. It is a shocker. I also have somewhat implausible news about Central Copper Resources.


997 days ago

DO THE EFFING MATHS MORONS: Tern - why its shares should more than halve even AFTER today’s circa 20% fall

AIM listed investment dog run by charlatans, Tern (TERN) has dashed the hopes of the Bulletin Board Morons when it issued the Device Authority funding update RNS which revealed that Device was not worth billions or even hundreds of millions but less than $40 million for 100% of the company based on latest funding round which included a new third-party technology investor (which presumably would have been granted access to the latest accounts, budgets and been able to assess the technology). Let us pray for those morons too stupid to listen to our countless warnings and thank heavens that the Salvation Army will be there to assist them this Christmas.


1013 days ago

RentGuarantor – A red flag wearing dog coming to the Aquis lobster pot on December 8. Bargepole

RentGuarantor Holdings PLC provides a rent guarantee service to tenants wishing to rent property in the UK from the Private Rental Sector. The rent guarantee service is an online service where applications can be managed on a secure and bespoke digital platform designed and built by RentGuarantor Holdings PLC So says the company but ahead of its 8 December listing on the lobster pot c/o Alfred Henry there is already a massive red flag fluttering. In fact there are a number.


1014 days ago

Balchder Cymru IQE: ci gyda chwain yn rhybuddio eto

Just how many profits, or rather lack of profits, warnings has IQE (IQE) issued during  the 21 years since its 2000 IPO at c400p. The shares are today 40p after the Pride of the Welsh tech sector added another warning to its, already extensive, collection. I hope that folks have listened to my warnings over many years that this is a dog with fleas, or ci gyda chwain as we say here in the post-industrial, rain sodden, second world province.


1058 days ago

And today's ramp from David Lenigas is....

To be fair, shares in the company are up by 26% today at 0.43p on news that it has finalised and ended a death spiral. But any company that has to use a death spiral is likely to be shit and shares in this company are down by 39.06% over 1 year, 86.01% over 5 years and 96.65% since its IPO just over a decade ago. Truly a penny dreadful, just the sort of stock David Lenigas likes to ramp. Dave’s dog de jour is…


1065 days ago

EXPLOSIVE: Shame on Allenby Capital & Optiva – disgraceful float of Ben’s Creek, another US coal dog from colourful Adam Wilson

If this rings any bells it should. Ben’s Creek Group PLC was only incorporated on 11 August 2021 with the “colourful” financier Adam Wilson of Daniel Stewart and Atlantic Carbon ( another US coal dog) infamy the driving force. Now it plans to raise £7 million valuing the shite within this company at £28 million. There is so much that I doubt Optiva and Allenmby are telling mugs who are ponying up ahead of an AIM sewer listing in two weeks time.


1078 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Placing alerts on Union Jack & Wildcat Petroleum

I have an update on the Union Jack (UJO) placing which I forced it to ‘fess up to last Friday and I can now reveal that worthless ramp Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) is now seeking fresh equity at almost any price. At 1p, a £21 million market cap is about £21 million too high in my book. I also discuss Jubilee Metals (JLP) and Mark Slater and that links nicely to an IPO I am dodging and I explain why I am passing on what appeared a likeable and competent team. Finally a detailed look at perennial dog Mirriad (MIRI) whose shares are – despite slipping 10% today – still a stonking sell.


1171 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I find this AIM Sewer crony capitalist greed too much to bear

I return to the subject of Sosandar (SOS) – goaded by PL – then to Braveheart Investment (BRH). I discuss companies late filing accounts using the covid excuse – is it not time this ruse was stopped. Then I end with some words on the Manolete (MANO) dog.


1191 days ago

Catenae – is it Timber Time Tomorrow?

Today the Telegraph reported that UK Vaccine passport plans are to be scrapped.  Given that a blockchain supported vaccine passport was the only hope for AIM uber dog Catenae (CTEA), are there any other reasons to continue to hold this share where the company is valued at circa £5 million?


1220 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: even by the standards of Roland "Fatty" Cornish this is an utter disgrace

There are a lot of disgraceful things happening today and so this is a long bearcast and Matthew and his Dog will enjoy it. In it I cover: the fraud Supply@ME capital (SYME), the Zoetic (ZOE) fraud, the utter shocker at Live Company (LVCG), where Fatty  covers himself in shame, Sarah Willingham’s Nightcap (NGHT), a gotcha! for me but more smoke and mirrors and valuation anomalies from Ms W and finally Braveheart Investment Management (BRH). In the excitement I forgot to mention uber dog Bidstack (BIDS) which is now down to its last seven weeks cash and where a bailout placing must be imminent. If you enjoyed today’s show, how about backing the Rogue Bloggers HERE?  


1243 days ago

Versarien and that smelly Korea deal: another way to look at it.

This is the take of Tweeting CEO, an occasional poster on Bulletin Boards. I do know who this poster really is and he is not an AIM CEO but talks an awful lot of sense. My own take on the deal which saw a Korean firm, Graphene Labs, invest £1.93 million to get a 2.2% stake in the Neill Rickett’s dog is HERE but here is another view:


1243 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: How much for a slice of warm dog said the Korean to loathsome Neill

I start with a few words on the passing of Phil the Greek of whom I was always a great fan though I remain an ardent Republican. I am sure Phil would have approved of the title of this bearcast. I look at morons and Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Versarien (VRS), Novacyt (NCYT) and Yourgene (YGEN).


1257 days ago

Rutherford Health – what can I say other than you are deceiving, cash-guzzling scumbags

I ask you to review the following three statements from Neil Woodford poster-dog Rutherford Health (RUTH) formerly known as Proton partners and tell me why I should not view the managers as scumbags with an issue in the investor transparency department.


1309 days ago

Terpenetech 2019 accounts out – the Eden Research 2015 Panama Pump fraud (now) endorsed by KPMG laid bare

It was in August 2015 when a heavily cash-strapped AIM dog Eden Research (EDEN) engaged in a blatant Panama Pump style fraud with a company, Tepenetech, with which it had long been associated. The 2019 accounts for Eden, signed off by KPMG, still pretend that this is a legitimate deal. But Terpenetech’s own accounts for calendar 2019 are, finally, just out and the fraud is there for all to see.


1342 days ago

Great Western Mining – the case of the dog that barked in the night.

The mystery of that dog is that there was no barking. The mystery of today’s mega spoof from Great Western Mining (GWMO) a long term hound from the AIM kennels, is what the company does NOT say, rather than what it does say. The omissions are critical.


1353 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Supply@ME ends the year with another monstrous porky

I start with Joshua’s Advent calendar which today, I think, is #fakenews. Then I look at Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Coral Products (CRU) – you guys all owe me a bottle of ouzo, Sarah Willingham’s dog Nightcap, Remote Monitored Systems (RMS) and then finally  don’t all fantasise about killing me at once  the con that is Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and today’s misleading RNS. May i wish you and your families all a very Merry Christmas and please do not dare to reply with any message about Happy Holidays.


1377 days ago

The Mystery of the 2 Dogs that barked in the night: Supply@ME Capital “trading update”

Well actually there is no trading – as in generating real as opposed to accounting sales – to report on, Supply@ME Capital (SYME) again offers an update with not one single inventory monetization transaction processed. That is one mystery, the transaction cannot be heard barking at all. And there is another dog that could not be heard barking:


1443 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - meet my "new dogs" Oscar & Winston

I lie of course. How could I inflict such pain on Sian and Quincey (the two rescue cats who boss this house)? However, Oscar (top) and Winston (bottom) are daily visitors at the hovel. They live about 150 yards upstream and seem to escape, go for a swim in the river, and come and visit me once a day. The owners are terribly apologetic and say they are building a bigger fence but I rather hope they don’t as these are wonderful dogs and I enjoy their visit. And it is not as if my cats mind. Should they meet, Quincey arches his back and hisses and the dogs retreat pronto.



1488 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I will be spending a lot of time with the FCA it seems

I start with a few other comments on Greek Hovel matters. Then I move on to talk about three companies which I shall be or are discussing with the FCA: Zenith (ZEN), Eqtec (DOG), and Verditek (VDTK). Then onto NatWest Group (NWG) where I apologise for my bad language. Finally my thoughts on the gold price and comments on gold stocks I own: Centamin (CEY), Ariana (AAU), Kefi (KEFI), Bluebird Merchant (BMV), and Xtract (XTR).


1494 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is Cineworld now a slam dunk zero thanks to blundering Boris?

My wife’s young cousin – L – and her young man will arrive shortly to our house to cat sit and the Mrs, Joshua, and I can head to the Greek Hovel. I wonder what Covid restrictions there are in Greece and how they will be applied? Here in the UK, BoJo has new rules and I ponder if they will mean the death of Cineworld (CINE).  On the subject of death, I discuss Versarien (VRS) and also its moronic shareholders and why ADVFN (AFN) scores an own goal in not banning them. I look at Coro Energy (DOG) and also International Consolidated Airlines (IAG), British Airways as was.


1579 days ago

Tern Plc – at least 50% overvalued even if you believe its stated NAV ( which I don’t)

Nigel Somervile HERE and myself HERE both took apart yesterday’s ludicrous and dismal results announcement from AIM dog Tern (TERN).  Neither of us believe its NAV is real but even if you are credulous enough to swallow that canard the shares should surely be 50% lower. Here’s why.


1615 days ago

Today's Primary Bid Offer is SRT Marine Systems and closes at 9 PM Tonight

I have not got a scooby about this one so offer no advice. But if you take part in this Primary Bid offer HERE and registered via Shareprophets remember we get a small fee.  I should however flag up that young Steve Moore, who was, after all, trained by a master and is thus usually right, reckons that this is another FinnCrap dog to avoid.


1635 days ago

G3 Exploration – it is what it DOES NOT say today that is the killer!

Insolvent AIM dog G3 Exploration (G3E) promised us, on February 7 that it would have news for us on 13 March. The news came today and it is not was NOT said that is the killer. Good news travels fast, bad news is delayed. The shares have crashed  40% to 10p mid but a 20% spread tells you this is uninvestable. The target  for a company I first exposed with the bloody dossier at 260p  remains 0p.


1635 days ago

When does Purplebricks go bust? Some maths for y'all

We have warned about this Neil Woodford dog so many times.  Now, you may find this tasteless but I suggest that no-one in their right mind would actually buy a house right now as the grim Coronavirus reaper stalks this land. Do you want to have to sell your place with all sorts of strangers wandering around touching door handles, or more likely no-one wandering around? And why buy now when the grim reaper may well be freeing up a stack of houses and flats to come onto the market as a glut from anytime soon? Who has enough income security to take on a mortgage these days? This begs the question of when exactly will Purplebricks (PURP) go bust. Here is the maths.


1675 days ago

BREAKING Catenae: some creditors are more equal than others, how much of the £153,000 has already gone

AIM dog Catenae Innovations (CTEA ) spent the latter part of last week contacting creditors persuading them to swap sums owed for equity in a truly shite deal for those owed cash. What it did not say is that at least one creditor was given a far better deal. Some, it seems, are more equal than others.


1677 days ago

Toople – observations on the Prospectus: More red flags for Tea Vicar?

Perma dog Toople (TOOP) published its Prospectus today so I took a quick look through the tome and draw out some interesting elements below. Suffice to say the document is strewn with red flags and unanswered questions but demonstrates quite clearly the unacceptable greed of certain City advisors. They will prosper from this deal. Those owning the shares will not and this stock is utterly uninvestable at any price. So here is today’s list lof red flags and questions from the document.


1678 days ago

Toople & the DMS deal: the questions are mounting

Over the weekend I flagged up more questions that are begging about the purchase of DMS Holding 2017 Limited announced by uber dog Toople (TOOP) on Friday.  So far no response. So here are a couple more for financial advisor Cairn, of Cloudtag infamy, to ignore completely.


1678 days ago

Toople – now about that acquisition sloppily and misleadingy announced yesterday: is there really a £900,000 black hole?

Yesterday I raised a number of concerns relating to the acquisition announced by uber-dog Toople (TOOP).  I fear there are more. We can start with the fact that the RNS needs to be re-issued as it refers to the wrong companies. Then there is a matter of a potential £900,000 black hole which could sink Toople completely…


1683 days ago

St James House: Its Doomsday Clock is at 30 seconds to midnight

On 6 December 2019, AIM uber dog St James House  (SJH) issued a trading update indicating more losses for second half of the year ending on 31 January 2020.  It also stated it was actively exploring options to improve the working capital position of the group before the end of its current financial year end on 31 January 2020 as it was working capital constrained.


1727 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Tin hat on time as the Morons and greedy City w*nkers are exposed again and don't like it

In today’s podcast I look at the lessons from the Oracle (ORCP) debacle, at gold miners and how M&A will destroy value over the next 24 months, at Kefi (KEFI), Ariana (AAU) and at long term AIM uber dog Sareum (SAR)


1734 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Myself and Olive harvester T2 have an idea for a Quindell reality TV show, whaddya think?

The penultimate day of the Greek Hovel olive harvest saw the three remaining harvesters slaving away until it was almost completely dark. One more day to go and then I shall be free to write a bit more. Pro tem I have a few thoughts on the Quindell (QPP) fraud and also on IMC Exploration (IMC) a dog that should be taken out and shot at once. Its sampling news today was utterly risible.


1751 days ago

Vindication 2, Verseon – Neil Woodford dog to leave AIM, his investors losing 99%+ in 10 months, announces bonkers plans – are the directors on Acid?

`Curiouser and curiouser!’ cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English); `now I’m opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! Good-bye, feet!’ (for when she looked down at her feet, they seemed to be almost out of sight, they were getting so far off). `Oh, my poor little feet, I wonder who will put on your shoes and stockings for you now, dears? I’m sure I shan’t be able! I shall be a great deal too far off to trouble myself about you: you must manage the best way you can; —but I must be kind to them,’ thought Alice, `or perhaps they won’t walk the way I want to go! Let me see: I’ll give them a new pair of boots every Christmas.’


1755 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I apologise you might not be morons you might be criminals instead

In today’s podcast I look at Brady (BRY), Westminster Group (WSG) the dog run by disgraced former Tory MP Tony Baldry of 3DM infamy, Inspirit (INSP), Koovs (KOOV), Neil Woodford dog Verseon VERS) where it must surely be almost lights out time and at IQE (IQE).


1758 days ago

BREAKING: Has Scotgold Resources misled investors on an industrial scale?

I have never been a fan of this dog from the AIM Casino kennels as my scathing coverage on this website demonstrates. But now a shareholder appears to show that Scotgold Resources (SGZ) has committed market abuse. I’d go further, I believe that it has deceived investors on an industrial scale as to its cash needs, ahead of an equity refinancing. After publication of the company’s annual report the shareholder has written to regulators flagging up the issue. I will now be contacting regulators and also the company’s shameless and disgraced Nomad SP Angel of MySquar and BlueJay Mining infamy, to pursue this matter. The shareholder, Mr C, writes:


1760 days ago

Plutus Powergen fesses up to misleading investors – why is this not a hanging offence?

We live in a world where lying and deceiving of others is now deemed acceptable. Whether in politics or business, sport or indeed any aspect of life, the ninth commandment is now seen as something that need not be obeyed. I do not regard this as progress and that brings me to AIM Casino dog Plutus PowerGen (PPG), its colourful directors James Longley and Charles Tatnall who have featured here many times and its pliant Nomad Allenby which will sign off on almost anything.


1762 days ago

Brady – the scale of the “modest” black hole becomes clear, £4m – will the FCA take action on investor deception?

AIM dog Brady (BRY) will shortly be taken over by PE firm Hanover at 10p a share. If the deal is not supported by shareholders the company will go bust. I have already twice written to the FCA and AIM Regulation demanding that they investigate how Brady and its Nomad Cenkos mislead investors. Today the scale of that deception has become clear.


1780 days ago

Neil Woodford uber dog Verseon – uh oh, comedy shit show

Yesterday Neil Woodford backed AIM listed uber dog Verseon (VERS) announced the sale and leaseback of its HQ in Fremont California, bringing in a net $9.5 million which would still have left it insolvent. Today, uh oh the deal is off. This is a shit show of the highest order.


1783 days ago

Oooh Er MRS… its death or mega dilution by Christmas: Yet another win for the Sheriff of AIM

You cannot say that you were not warned repeatedly by this website about AIM uber dog Management Resource Solutions (MRSas you can see HERE. The latest news is grim indeed and raises the spectre of a complete wipeout for shareholders as opposed merely to being diluted to oblivion. I think we can score this as yet another win for The Sheriff of AIM.


1783 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Neil Woodford, the book by myself, Cynical Bear and Nigel Somerville

The FT says today that no-one emerges from the Neil Woodford scandal with any credit. I beg to disagree with the PR cocksuckers at the deadwood press yet again. Meanwhile three folks who do emerge with real credit are now negotiating a book deal. I also look at Brady (BRY) and its crazy share price and in detail at uber dog Plutus Powergen (PPG)


1804 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Versarien, Metro Bank and Brady - 3 more dogs that should be shot

In today’s podcast I consider the political news. It’s time to become a Gilet Jaune! Pick up your pitchforks!. Then I look at three dogs that should be shot: Versarien (VRS) – AGM bollocks today – Metro Bank (MTRO) – Bond issue pulled, could be a zero – and Brady (BRY) – no news so a letter to the FCA is on the way.


1826 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I am glad Mugabe is dead & burning in hell with Martin McGuinness

I start with the incredibly exciting matter I flagged yesterday. It did happen and I shall be able to say more in 4-6 weeks. Then onto the death of Robert Mugabe. I am sure the BBC will focus on early heroics. It should not. That is like saying “but… Hitler created some good art early on.” I celebrate Mugabe’s death wishing it had happened years ago. I look at how the regulators fail to tackle white collar crime reference Sefton (SER) and at why Altitude (ALT) MUST be investigated. I also cover Alien Metals (UFO) and Neil Woodford dog Xeros (XSG).


1846 days ago

Corero – a big stock overhang, no earnings visibility and the threat of a placing – what’s not to like?

Steve Moore and I have been perma bears of software dog Corero (CNS) for many moons. Of course some folks knew better, notably City investors Miton which built up a stake of 15.89% across two of its funds. Then last week Corero issued a shocking warning which Steve covered HERE and I covered HERE.


1883 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - my apologies for teasing Malcolm Stacey on ethical investment, I am a partial convert

I start with a few notes on  tomorrow, logistics and the funeral of Uncle Chris Booker. Then it is onto Yourgene (YGEN), Thomas Cook (TCG), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), Amur Minerals (AMC), and the dog St James House (SJH) formerly known as the Boxhill hound.


1901 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - does Arden need to issue a warning?

In today’s bearcast I touch on Neil Woodford and the duffing up he is getting today from Andrew Bailey head of the chocolate teapots at the FCA. Then I comment on Optibiotix (OPTI), RedT Energy (RED), Remote Monitoring Solutions (RMS)_ – formerly the criminal dog Strat Aero – RM2 (RM2) and Arden Partners (ARDN


1901 days ago

Today's Primary Bid offer is Sareum - No thanks it's a dog

ShareProphets earns a small commission any time a reader who registered with Primary Bid via ourselves subscribes for one of its offers. For that reason we urge you all to sign up HERE. But today’s offer, Sareum, (SAR) is a total dog, as I have noted often enough on this website, so since we have integrity, we advise you to make us no money and avoid this hound like the plague.


1901 days ago

Neil Woodford dog RM2 shares collapsing – statement needed ASAP

A week ago shares in “disruptive pallets” Neil Woodford dog RM2 (RM2) were 38p. Today they are off by almost 20% at 28.5p and surely a statement is needed. It cannot be good news. And this is why.


2002 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 19 miles in the mud and dog pooh

I start with a recount of what is my longest training walk yet as I build up to the 33 mile Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks stroll on May 25. As you think of me wading through mud and dog pooh, gosh I loathe selfish dog owners, please make a donation to this great cause HERE. Then I look at Interserve (IRV) and dumb bleaters and at Metals Exploration (MTL), Tim Blackstone's fave hound, and why its latest bombshell surely calls for a change in the AIM casino rules when it comes to Nomad Resignations.


2004 days ago

NetScientific dissembles

NetScientific (NSCI), the AIM casino listed investment dog backed by Neil Woodford, says that it notes its recent share price movement and confirms that it is not aware of any reason for such movement. It then goes onto to try and spoof any mug punters still reading..


2073 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a tale of two Morons - Craig the IOG shareholder and a chap called Neil

In today's bearcast I have a hot rumour about Neil Woodford and I look at a moron called Craig who owns shares in Independent Oil & Gas (IOG) and is a classic moron. I look at that company at Circassia (CIR) - a Woodford dog - and at Gear4Music (G4M). Tomorrow I take my family and my son Joshua's godfather Lucian Miers to the London Stadium to see mighty West Ham in the cup so I'm not sure when Saturday copy will arrive.


2097 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Hungover, travelling & Big Sofa - what a day

I had far too much to drink last night. But it really was not my fault. Thus as I travel across Greece today and back to Bristol I feel a bit worse for wear. In this podcast I comment on Hollywood Bowl (BOWL) in light of yesterday's corrupt journalism bearcast. I look at Andalas (ADL) forced to make a belated statement by this website's expose on Saturday HERE. I cover Big Sofa (BST) and LB Shell (LBP) another AIM Casino dog whose sole purpose was to support the lifestyles of crony capitalists.


2115 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: why Frontera could be a zero within days & the old offshore based asset stripper Jim Mellon does his annual spoof

In today's bearcast I explian where I was yesterday afternoon with Joshua. Roaarrrr! Then I look at Condor Gold (CNR), Galantas (GAL), Amur (DOG), Flybe (FLYB), Asiamet (ARS), the spoofing by the loathsome & always wrong CBI and at Frontera Resources (FRR) and why it could be a zero within days.


2122 days ago

TomCo – London’s broker of worst repute quits claiming association damages its reputation

SVS Securities did a bailout placing for the fraud MySquar (MYSQ) days before its downfall, knowing full well that the company was a wrong ‘un. That had to be reversed PDQ as it emerged that the ex CEO had half inched almost a million quid..  Suffice to say it will act for almost anyone and its reputation is of being a thoroughly low grade and morally bankrupt operation. So when it quits an account to protect its reputation you know that the company in question is toxic. Welcome to long time uber dog Tomco (TOM)


2123 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 5 resignations and counting, is wretched Mrs May toast?

In today's bearcast I clarify why I believe Mrs May's Brexit deal sucks and should be binned. But what happens next? I outline a few possibilities but admit I have not got a scoobie. I then look at Neil Woodford dog Eve Sleep (EVE) and again at UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) after today's disastrous news.


2126 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the changing meaning of the word "refute" in the English language

In today's podcast I look at Babcock (BAB), which is not a fraud, and the fraud Globo (GBO) and the use of the word "refute". I also cover Johnston Press (JPR), RM2 (RM2) - another Neil Woodford dog - Haydale (HAYD) which looks increasing;y like a zero, Online Blockchain (OBC) and Amur Minerals (AMC)


2164 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - First Derivatives More to Come (ho, ho, ho - crack out the ouzo)

Our Winnileaks Matt Earl special on First Derivatives (FDP) has set the cat amongst the pigeons. But I have bad news for the men from God's chosen lands of Ulster who run First. I have more and hope to air soon. Ho ho ho. Get the ouzo and ice ready. In this podcast I also cover spoofing at BlueJay (JAY), Fastjet (FJET), Frontera (FRR), the scandal at Indigovision (IND) which is enough to have us all voting for Jeremy Corbyn, Mayan (MYN) and, in some detail, Condor Gold (CNR), the gold dog which has sent so much of the cash of my good pal Jim Mellon to money heaven. I fear Jim will have to get his wallet out again soon.


2180 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Laurence Smith threatens me and makes me want to quit, Premaitha - well that's a shock!

I have had one of those days which happen all too often when I think I want to retire. Blame Laurence Smith. All is explained in this podcast. I look at today's news from Premaitha (NIPT) which is certainly a bolt from the blue, comment on the nature of corporate lying, ref Frontera (FRR), cover RM2 (RM2), Optibiotix (OPTI), Sosandar (SOS) and Online Blockchain (DOG).


2181 days ago

RM2 – Wins "Significant" Contract er... whatever it is still 5 minutes from bankruptcy

Shares in Neil Woodford uber dog RM2 (RM2) are up by 59% at 0.875p. That means that the market cap has jumped by £14.4 million to £38.8 million on the back of a contract win termed “significant” but which clearly is not and does not change the fact that this company is five minutes away from midnight, that is to say bankruptcy. It’s got to be placing ahoy.


2187 days ago

Xeros Results tomorrow – share price tells you that this Woodford dog is almost out of cash ( again)

No doubt Cynical Bear who has called Xeros Technology (XSG) superbly, as a sell, will be a smug fellow tomorrow as this Neil Woodford Dog announces its interim results. The share price action is telling you that folks already know the worst – shareholders have to bail it out again or it will be going down well before the Christmas decorations go up.


2187 days ago

TrakM8 AGM – another day another profits warning on the way

My long term bearishness about TrakM8 (TRAK) a company that issues misleading RNS’s, makes ludicrous acquisitions as it racks up its debts and never translates profits (a matter of opinion) into cash (a matter of fact, unless you are an AIM China fraud) is well documented here.  Of course,  Thirsty Paul Scott had cosy chats with the management and knew better than a "nutcase of the first order". Today the shares have tanked to a new multi year low after another dire statement.


2235 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - get your wallet out to see Brokerman Dan in his undies and...Vin is back!

Thank you, thank you. we have reached our £20,000 target for Woodlarks. In fact Luke Johnson has just pledged £1,000 so we are now well over £21,000 but if we reach £25,000 Brokerman Dan will undress for you. More on that in the podcast but please donate, if you have not already, HERE. Elsewhere I look at Facebook (FB) and Robber Barons of the nineteenth century, at Imaginatik (IMTK) and Vin Murria, the Queen of Tech, at Range Resources (RRL) and at RM2 (RM") a Neil Woodford dog where I reckon cash is already looking tight, again!


2254 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - that Richard Jennings is a good man, Tony Baldry is not

Say what you like about Richard Jennings of Align Research but, though he has his faults, he has made a very generous donation to the Woodlarks walk campaign and we are now 53% of the way to target. See just how generous and perhaps spare a tenner, as you consider my training walk in today's stifling heat, HERE. In the podcast I look at Great Western Mining (GWMO), Andalas (DOG), MySquar (FRAUD), IQE (IQE), Westminster Group (WSG) - run by loathsome slug and ex Tory MP Tony Baldry - and TrakM8 (TRAK).


2264 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sorry I made a mistake yesterday

The mistake in yesterday's podcast was on Telit (TCM). In fact it is even worse than I thought! The good news is that sponsorship of the walk I'm doing with Brokerman Dan for Woodlarks has now topped £9,000. I explain here why this walk makes the difference bewteen Woodlarks having to cut services or carry on, please do give a tenner today. This afternoon sees Joshua and I on another training walk, my second in two days. Think of my pain and COUGH UP HERE. In a long bearcast I predict that, after today's shocking news, FastJet (FJET) will be sold for £1 and explain why. I look at Havelock Europa (HVE), 88 Energy (88E), Lyin' Steve Sanderson's UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Frontera (FRR), Andalas (DOG), Mysquar (FRAUD) and Audioboom (BOOM).


2293 days ago

Mereo - the worst Primary Bid offer ever flops disastrously - it says it was a success. Whatever.

On Saturday Cynical Bear asked if the Mereo Pharma (MPH) offer at 300p via Primary Bid was its worst ever? The answer, notwithstanding stiff competition from uber dogs such as Toople (ROOP) was clearly YES!. And the placing has flopped. Living in la la land Mereo says it was "successful". Like fuck it was. You lie Mereo!


2319 days ago

Breaking: Arian Silver's disgraced CEO Jim Williams to be fired - Lithium RTO and fund raise imminent

A City source has revealed to me that the long serving and self serving fat cat boss of serial uber dog Arian Silver (AGQ), Mr Jim Williams is set leave the company within days. The forced departure of Williams, whose pay has been obscene in relation to the 99% shareholder wipeout which he has presided over, is a prelude to yet another fund raise.


2326 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 3 more Woodford disasters today & one tells a MASSIVE FECKING LIE as well

Oh dear it is another bad day at the office for Neil Woodford. First up I answer the question posed by Cynical about the great man HERE. Then I look at the disasters one of which told a monstrous lie in its RNS today: Mereo BioPharma (MPH), Mirriad (MIRI) and Hvivo (DOG). Then I look at Concepta (CPT), shares in which we own, Nighthawk (HAWK) and its dead cat bounce and finally at uber ramp Sound Energy (SOU) and what a CPR based on 2D seismic really means, i.e. Jack shit.


2370 days ago

Servision admits that shareholders are fecked, another vindication for the Sheriff of AIM

With its shares suspended pending clarification, long time aggressive accounting, cash guzzling, AIM uber dog Servision (SEV) has updated those dumb enough to hold its shares, despite all the warnings here, about the slide into the abyss.


2384 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Who is mad enough to back the next Arian bailout placing as it's looming rapidly

I have a stinking migraine and am very tired after a sleepless night so this podcast rattles through Provident Financial (PFG), Milestone (MSG), Feedback (FDBK), Amur Minerals (AMC) and, in depth, Arian Silver (DOG).


2387 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: doing some futurology to help my good friend Neil Woodford & is it game over for Andalas

Oddly enough Britain's most conceited fund manager Neil Woodford has yet to agree to appear at UK Investor Show to answer some simple questions from me. What is he frightened of? I will have to go ahead with the session without him but I hope that he does not bleat on about how he had no right of reply! Anyhow, I discuss my futurology piece of yesterday and how it should be viewed if you are, like Nomates Neil, a big holder of auto related stocks. I cover BCA Marketplace (BCA), The AA (AA.) and Northgate (NTG) in this section. I also look, en passant, at another Woodford dog RM2 (RM2). Then I cover Milestone (TOAST) and finally pick up on the most excellent post on the comments section of this site by Drunken Sailor on POS Andalas (ADL)


2404 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Reach4Entertainment shares are a buy but I do not believe a word of today's trading statement & its PR men should be shot at dawn

I start with why this bearcast is late. I got back very late from London where I was watching my daughter play Harold Wilson in Made in Dagenham and she was brilliant. So too was the musical. Well done Olaf although you are wrong about the gender pay gap! I look at the market bounce and the shit that is leading it. I look in  real detail at the trading statement at Reach4Entertainment (R4E) where I am a shareholder, at Woodford dog RM2 (RM2) which is going on a one way trip to the vets in a fortnight and also at Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT). Post bearcast it announced its NAV at 85.93p which means gearing must surely be through the 20% barrier. I also look at Optibiotix (OPTI) and the warrant exercise issue.


2413 days ago

Strat Aero, chairman, CEO and Chairman & founder walk plank, training unit canned just six weeks after open offer

Surely this is putting the cart before the horse. On 13 December long term,, AIM uber dog Strat Aero (AERO) launched an open offer to raise up to £510,000 at 0.035p ( to complement a £590,000 placing at the same amount. The offer was 81% taken up. Today came the bad news...


2413 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bruno Brooks, those 17 f*cks, Anthea Turner and today's RNS nonsense

Yes indeed it is THAT Bruno Brooks, the one who was shagging Anthea Turner, etc, etc. who runs AIM uber dog Immedia (IME). I explain why its RNS today is the biggest F*ck of all. I also explain why no article on Julie Meyer today - I've been too busy cooking and serving poisonous pizza NOT! Then I look at Defenx (DFX) in some detail before having a butchers at another Neil Woodford dog Utilitywise (UTW).


2419 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Natch the deadwood press showers me with praise over today's Quindell News: pigs will fly first

I start with today's personal triumph on Quindell (QPP). And it is a real personal triumph for me, not that the deadwood press or my critics will recognise that. I then cover Milestone (MSG) - Ho Ho Ho - Pets At Home (PETS), Joshua's fave store, N Brown (BWNG), Worldwide Blockchain (BLOC) and Velocity (VEL) another dog from the FinnCap kennel.


2462 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: waiting for an email from the Oxford University Alumni department

Yes I have spent much of the morning in conversation with folks in the City of my birth. I do have an Oxford degree - does Larry Cummins of Milestone (MSG)? The questions mount, the shares are tumbling -  I explain whay happens next. I look at the latest bullshit from holocaust denying fraudsters MySquar (MYSQ), comment on the pointless ramp of boiler room dog Inspirit(INSP) on UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and on Anglo African Oil (AAOG) and finally have a few words on a stock we own, Sosandar (SOS).


2470 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - if you lost money on Friday sue ABC for its fake news

I start with a look at whether some current assets are really current assets, taking my inspiration from my earlier analysis of Jim Mellon's flagship dog Regent Pacific. I explain why getting this right is so important in endeavouring proper company analysis. Then it is onto Friday's market sell off caused by what even ABC now admits was 100% fake news about Donald Trump. I look at the tax plans of POTUS which are inspirational and compare them with the rhetoric coming out of Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party. I increasingly think Corbyn will win the next election and explain why that would be such a disaster. Tomorrow there may be no bearcast as I am travelling but I plan to do a double video share tip for paying subscribers only


2471 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bearcast: this time Neil Woodford is only talking 50% bollocks but what about Brokerman Dan on Ascent you ask?

The publicity hungry, failing, fund manager Neil Woodford is all over the papers. On the markets he's right ( and bearish) but when discussing his own (failing) funds he is talking utter bollocks and I explain why. Brokerman Dan (Levi) has formed a shareholder action group on Ascent Resources (AST). I discuss his case against them and make a few suggestions to the company. I comment on R4E (R4E) on the disgraceful behaviour of Pathfinder Minerals (PFP), look at RM2 (RM2) and then finally at Sabien (SNT) which look either to be on the brink of a last gasp fundraise ( at a more than 99% discount to the IPO price) or of insolvency. In the same breath I mention Inspirit (INSP), another AIM boiler room dog that should be shot.


2480 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast:Would you invent Mothercare if it didn't exist and Westminster's quandry

Apologies for the lack of a bearcast yesterday, I was just feeling tired and hacked off with the world of work. So you can have two today. I start with a look at the markets covering Greka Drilling (GDL) and related party dog Green Dragon (GDG). Then it is onto Mothercare (MTC), BCA Marketplace (BCA), On Line (ONL) and finally in some detail Westminster Group (WSG) where I wonder if the curse of Tony Baldry is about to strike.


2482 days ago

Strat Aero signs "Significant commercial agreement" - really? But what about the looming insolvency?

Today's pre-placing ramp is for serial offender in this regard, Strat Aero (AERO). The totally insolvent AIM dog boasts that it has signed a "significant" Commercial Agreement with Alnahdi Aviation Technology , experts in aviation technology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to collaborate on establishing a UAV Training Centre in the KSA." Fab. So how much will this bring in? Er...


2499 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I really want to be sick, no I am not joking

No I really want to be sick. The day started so well with Joshua, myself and more fit young mums making a paper image of Colin the Dog. But then I just got sick so hence the lack of content from me today. After this podcast goes up it is back to bed. On bear cast today a demolition of minus 99.5% lifestyle company Arian Silver (AGQ), 13 Energy (i3E), today's spoof from Magnolia (MAGP), a "fucked if I know" response from me on R4E (R4E) - a share we own - and a look at today's dire news from one of Jim Mellon's many AIM dogs FastForward (FFWD).


2514 days ago

Well spotted Roger Lawson - The Sharesoc man inadvertently discovers some big red flags at Rosslyn including a looming profits warning

Roger Lawson of ShareSoc bought a few shares in Rosslyn Data (RDT) as a recovery punt in a placing. That he was able to get EIS relief added to the attraction although I still worry he will lose money on this company which I have highlighted many times (HERE) as a howling dog even by the standards of AIM. Lawson attended the AGM yesterday and reports back on what appears to have been a curate's egg in his mind. I think he is being well generous.


2515 days ago

Why an ASA complaint is such a major red flag - case study Sabien

Natch the AIM listed uber dog Sabien (SNT) never got around to mentioning it but, like Purplebrikcks (PURP) today, it was censured by the Advertising Standards Agency, ASA, back in January 2013. Good companies just do not need to mislead clients.


2519 days ago

Milestone is worthless: sell

Nigel Somerville raises a red flag about AIM uber dog Milestone (MSG) HERE but is too nice a guy to point oiut just how worthless and overvalued this crock is. I am not so nice.


2523 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Savannah Resources you are so fecking transparent

Some companies are so transparent. I look at the RNS from Savannah Resources (SAV), do the maths and predict a placing within weeks. I then crow about one I called earlier, Applied Graphene Materials (AGM). Then it is onto Interquest (ITQ) which is back on the AIM casino thanks to Nomad Allenby, a firm that I take to task for being morally bankrupt. I look at Johnston  Press (JPR) which is nothing to do with Luke Johnson who is also mentioned. I then look at Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) and i3 Energy (i3E) as well as the dog Haydale (HAYD) 


2551 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the most pointless company on AIM, Torotrak or Starvest

This may be the last bearcast you listen to. I hope not. To ensure you can listen to tommorrow's podcast and read two belting exclusives for just £5.99 sign up HERE. Today cover in detail  sheer pointlessness of Starvest (SVE) & Torotrak (TRK). Both need to do placings both should, like flea bitten ageing hounds in pain, go on a one way trip to the vet. Once again I apologise to my old friend the offshore based asset stripper Jim Mellon for intruding on private grief as I look at another dog he has backed, Billing Services (BILL)


2551 days ago

BREAKING: Deborah White the rule breaking useless boss of Milestone to be out by the weekend

Deborah White should have been fired as boss of AIM uber-dog Milestone (MSG) so many times. The company has been a serial non deliverer, shareholders have lost nearly everything and Debs has made out like a squealer being amply rewarded for her abject failure. Then last Autumn was the crime that should have seen her go to jail


2560 days ago

The Andalas Dilemma: Shareholders are caught between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

The only real question at AIM Casino uber dog Andalas Energy (ADL) is who exactly is the devil? On the one hand there is the incumbent board led by disgraced Dave Whitby and on the other hand you have a shareholder action group set up by the colourful Brokerman Dan (Levi). In the old days of the Troubles those prisoners in Northern Ireland who were not operating alongside fellows such as the blood stained murdering bastard Gerry Adams, were referred to as "ordinary decent criminals" or ODCs.


2560 days ago

Sign the Petition and get Jim Mellon's AIM dog Condor Gold put out of business

Social Justice campaigners SumofUs have taken on mining giants before and, as Newmont discovered, won. Now the campaigners want perennially cash strapped AIM dog mining minnow Condor Gold (CNR), which is backed by my old friend Jim Mellon, stopped from abusing and bullying Nicaraguan peasants as it tries to develop the low grade La India mine. 64,467 folks (including me, sorry Jim) have already signed the petition. SumofUs does not hold back in its critique...


2587 days ago

Andalas - great news about the jam tomorrow, shares soar 45% but folks do know that it is bust don't they?

Credit where credit is due. Andalas Energy (ADL) the AIM dog created to fund the lifestyle of Dave "Rule Breaker" Whitby has announced that it has signed a legally binding deal to develop the Jambi-1 30+MW independent gas-fired wellhead power facility in Jambi Province, Indonesia and to procure gas from Pertamina, the global fortune 500 national oil company. Andalas will have a 49% stake in the project and state owned construction outfit PT PP Energy will have 51%. So far so good but hang on Henry!


2589 days ago

AIM dog Eastbridge goes bust having given all its cash to a conman on the run - who will take the rap for this f**k up?

Peterhouse Corporate Finance, Mr Greg Colliar, crap Nomad Northland, Mr William Vandyk are you sitting comfortably? You sure? Now read on for yet another horror story emerging from the AIM casino....


2594 days ago

Jim Mellon 's Regent Pacific profits warning - premature ejaculation proving a bit of a cock up

Oh dear, oh dear, it seems as if my old friend Jim Mellon had a bad day at the office on Friday. Hat tip to a reader who has just alerted me to a quite diabolical (lack of) profits warning from Regent Pacific which has many British shareholders thanks to its all share rescue takeover of AIM dog Plethora (PLE).


2616 days ago

Milestone Group Plc – is Para & Co (UK) Ltd good for the money?

This morning AIM uber dog Milestone (MSG) announced that a new investor, Para & Co (UK) Ltd, was providing a cash advance of up to £400,000 of cash via a convertible loan note as part of a total capital raise of up to £1.5 million for a maximum interest of 29.9% at a price of 0.29 pence per share. Nigel covered this earlier here but let's dig further into the affairs of this new investor. 


2624 days ago

Servision - from bad to worse - 2 profits warnings in less than a month, lying to AIM on June 15, shares crashing but still 100% too high

A couple of weeks ago AIM uber dog Servision (SEV) warned that its calendar 2016 results would be worse than expected. Today we have those numbers and guess what? Not only was that June 15 trading statement a slam dunk lie but we also have a new (lack of) profits warning about 2017. Why the AIM Rule breaching delay in announcing that bad news. It gets worse...


2629 days ago

Mayan Energy the dog has a new trick but it makes no sense at all - coke & hookers better value

Another day and another director walks, a new strategy is adopted and yet more confetti is issued by AIM casino uber dog Mayan Energy (MYN), formally the hound known as Northcote Energy. But this latest move just makes no sense at all. Let me explain with a little bit of help from a friend....


2636 days ago

Photo Article: a dog in a truck in Kambos

I guess that in England the owner of this dog and this truck would have been locked up by the Health & Safety Executive or prosecuted by the PC nazis at the RSPCA. The poor hound is not muzzled and not on a leash and travels in the back of the truck everywhere. FFS he is not wearing a seat-belt, call the old bill now!


2663 days ago

Fruitcake backers Arron Banks & Jim Mellon plus AIM dog Manx Financial get Private Eye duffing up

Arron Banks is a big UKIP backer as is his pal Jim Mellon, although the old asset stripper of Uramin infamy is not actually allowed to vote in the UK as he lives offshore in the Isle of Man. Private Eye this week looks at how the two men have not exactly prospered by backing the underperforming, sub scale, IOM-based, AIM-listed, bank Manx Financial (MFX). It also questions whether Banks is as rich as he claims. Enjoy...


2720 days ago

More Bad News for Advanced Oncotherapy

It has arrived! My £52 costs and 32p investment in one share in AIM dog Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) is not money wasted.


2725 days ago

Did Joshua just say his first word? Can you guess what it was or was not?

Those of us who are hip trendsetters and thus watch Midsomer Murders (think Graham Norton, Mr & Mrs Adam Reynolds and myself) will remember the battle that the second Inspector Barnaby has with his Mrs as to what will be the first word that their baby says. "Mummy" she repeats often as she states at her daughter."Daddy" says the Inspector again and again. Natch, her first word is Dog, for we all know that - until his retirement - the star of the show was Sykes.


2733 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The mystery of the dog Sabien and the bark in the night

Those who read Sherlock Holmes will understand the title. In this podcast I mention Islington in EU and a chat with Chris Booker - more on that HERE. I look at Blancco Technology (BLTG), Sabien (SNT), Quadrise (QFI), Prairie Minerals (PDZ) and Lionsgold (LION).


2740 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Extreme Bad Language Special because AIM is an ffing joke

If you object to bad language do not listen. The madness and corruption of AIM, the willingness of the crony capitalists to deceive investors to get away another placing just got to me. In today's podcast I cover Blur (BLUR) - but would commend young Steve's coverage which is superb HERE, FastForward (FFWD) - the Jim Mellon spoof - Advanced Oncotherapy (DOG), Independent Resources (IRG), Amur Minerals (AMC), Sunrise Resources (SRES) and Zenith Energy (ZEN). 


2742 days ago

Advanced Oncotherapy - Death Spiral accelerating, what about the 25p hurdle?

When AIM uber dog Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) announced that instead of going for non dilutive funding ( as no-one would provide it) it was being forced to resort to a dreadful £13 million death spiral from loan sharks Bracknor, its shares were 65p. When the death spiral started the shares were 58p. Now it just £100,000 of the death spiral loan notes on the first £1.3 million tranche converted, the shares are just 43p to sell. Bracknor now has three reasons to panic.


2745 days ago

Crack out the ouzo, 100% vindication as TrakM8 bailout placing gets underway, investor misinformation confirmed

This morning, after a series of profits warnings, AIM uber dog TrakM8 (TRAK) has announced that there is a bookbuild underway on a £1.66 million bailout placing at just 65p. The shares are now 67p bid so you'd be a moron to participate but conversations are being had between institutional morons and hapless broker FinnCap right now, not withstanding the fact that today's statement lays bare the Nov 28 interim statement as 100% misleading.


2748 days ago

Andalas - will it shortly have to kiss goodbye to its Tuba Obi East Farm In contract?

Dog Andalas Energy (ADL) was readmitted to the AIM Casino based on the back of the Tuba Obi East Farm In as described in its AIM admission document of 27 April 2016:


2749 days ago

The broker that raised £10m for Advanced Oncotherapy downgrades its stance on the dog to hold - damning note

If you had raised £10 million for the AIM dog Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) less than 5 months ago at 100p then your stance on the stock - at 54p-58p- would be some sort of buy. Oh no. broker Beaufort who did indeed raise that cash has today downgraded its stance to, what may be termed a corporate "hold" (i.e. sell) and makes it clear that the shares will fall allowing lower entry points. I should cocoa. Beaufort today opines after the Bracknor death spiral announcement of Friday - the underlines are mine:


2753 days ago

Management Resource Solutions - New Meeting called to sack chairman Murray D'Almeida - a wanker of the highest order

The battle between good and evil continues as suspended AIM dog Management Resource Solutions (MRS). You may remember that there is a meeting on Friday to oust certain directors but the board, acting like democracy despising a'holes, found a pretext to stop shareholders voting in new guys.


2764 days ago

Pete Landau accused of A$2m+ theft fraud & forgery: Part 1, The Pirate

Oh dear the curse of ShareProphets today falls on Pirate Pete Landau, formerly boss of AIM dog Range Resources (RRL) and several other stockmarket hounds and a man who sent me a string of lawyer's letters because he did not like my investigative journalism. I now have an official document where the Pirate stands accused of theft, fraud and forgery, of half inching more than $2 million and much else. The victim is Citation Resources, an ASX company linked to Range and now in administration.


2773 days ago

Murray D'Almeida - why is he so ashamed of Management Resources? I can't think...

In a recent review of the 100 most influential businessmen on Australia's Gold Coast, the chairman of AIM dog Management Resource Solutions (MRS) came in at 95. His lists his CV below. He is happy to boast about Beacon Hill Resources (BHR) which he steered onto the rocks while overseeing the, smelly as a three week old pile of rotting kippers in 50 degree heat, hairdresser shares issue. But for some reason leaves MRs off his CV. What is he so ashamed about? Perhaps he senses that Winnileaks one (HERE) and two (HERE) with more to come, was on the way. Murray's shamefully selective CV is displayed below.


2774 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Hard number crunching on Corero and Jim Griffin for the slammer?

With a hat tip to the pizza hard man Darren Atwater, I start with the sad tale of the demise of wearables darling Vinaya. Does this hold any lessons on investing or warnings for Cloudtag (CTAG) and Fitbug (FITB)? Oh yes! Then it is on to London Capital Group (LCG), Kennedy Ventures (KENV), Autins (AUTG) where - in my view - the now ex CEO Jim Griffin should face a full stewards at the FCA, insolvent dog Andalas (ADL) and finally a look at Corero (CNS) where I crunch the hard numbers for you and the results are not good.


2775 days ago

Tom & Joshua Winnifrith Bearcast - Was there also insider dealing at Management Resource Solutions?

Three generations of Winnifrith males appear today. Young Joshua is with me as I record and chips in now and again. we start with my father helping Boris Johnson with some of his history errors. Poor show Boris. Then I look further at Murray d'Almeida and Management Resource Solutions (MRS). I follow up my earlier Winnileaks massive expose HERE by asking if insider dealing took place? Then I turn to uber dog & AIM rule breaker Milestone Group (MSG) before commenting on Torotrak (TRK), Cambria Africa (CMB) and Challenger Acquisitions (CHAL). Then I revert to, the unacceptable face of capitalism which I covered in a bearcast special earlier. I repeat my warning for shareholders: it is all about unknowns.


2793 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Birthday Bearcast - where's my ffing ouzo Paul Scott & Chris Bailey's a freak

I start by explaining why Chris Bailey of Financial Orbit is a freak!. it is all to do with Star Wars. Then it is onto TrakM8 (TRAK) following my kerboom article of earlier. I make specific points about Paul Scott's favourite dog but then general points about why company's acquire and why that turns me off.


2804 days ago

ShareProphets share tips of the year Number 21 - Buy Minoan says Tom Winnifrith

Minoan (MIN) has been something of an AIM uber-dog for many years. It is a stock that I have tipped with success once and with lack of success more than once. Its failure to deliver on gaining planning consent on its Cave Sidero site in Crete over more than a decade is perhaps why its shares languish at 6.25-6.5p. But 2017 will be THE year.


2828 days ago

Servision - vulture loan keeps it afloat for a couple of months

My analysis of interim results from AIM dog Servision (SEV) which came out in September was that it was not generating cash and that its balance sheet was a trainwreck. I summarise of course but you can see the full analysis here.


2845 days ago

Corero - just when is the next rescue placing?

It was only seven months ago that AIM uber-dog Corero (CNS) appointed Cenkos as its joint broker and promply raised just under £9 million at 22p. Gosh i am glad that i am not an institutional client of Cenkos with the raft of dogs and frauds it has acted for in recent years. The shares are now just 9.5p to sell. But another bailout placing looks inevitable. Just do the math!


2854 days ago

Mkango shares hit new low of 2.75p - remember to book in for 17th November bunfight

Shares in AIM uber dog Mkango Resources (MKA) have today hit a new all time low of 2.75p as the ramp has failed and as investors start to appreciate just how close this company is to, once again, running out of cash.


2877 days ago

Octagonal – a nice core business in GIS hindered by conflicts of interest and duff legacy investments, the Inspirit dog with fleas

Octagonal (OCT) published a trading update yesterday which contained some strong numbers from its wholly owned subsidiary Global Investment Strategy UK Limited as follows:


2884 days ago

Mkango - the ramp has failed, its a countdown to the bailout placing

Have you looked at the chart of AIM dog Mkango Resources (MKA)? It is a corker. It is all down to the looming cash crisis and that is why the shares now trade at 3.5p-4p which is below the IPO fund-raise price from June 15. That tells you how much trouble this piece of Turkish is in.


2951 days ago

Update: Glenwick - now is this a California crook I see with a stake? No!

Welcome to your new job as a NED at soon to be suspended AIM casino dog Glenwick (GWIK), Amanda Van Dyke would you care to discuss your new 6% shareholder? Er why not? A tad embarrassing per chance?


2953 days ago

The Scoundrels at FRAUD Strat Aero offer patronising and weedy response to ShareProphets expose: I declare war part 1

Yesterday I exposed the scoundrels at AIM dog Strat Aero with the publication of a 338 page Texas legal disposition containing emails and other evidence that is damning. Not only does this show that Strat is up to no good and thus faces a very real chance of losing the $20 million claim against it and its officers, but it also casts a light on the sordid goings on on the AIM Cesspit. The Strat response is so offensively bad that it merits a declaration of war from the Sheriff of AIM on this piece of Turkish. Strat, as a PLC, you are a dead man are toast.


2957 days ago

LGO Energy now just 0.14p to sell - placing ahoy? Bring back Big Dave Lenigas?

Oh dear Oh dear, things are looking ever bleaker for Neil Ritson and AIM dog with fleas LGO Energy (LGO). Interims out next month will be diabolical, the cash position by now is looking grimmer than a wet Thursday in Scunthorpe and ramptastic announcements are just not having any impact on the share price, surely it is time to bring back Big Dave Lenigas. Cometh the day and all that.


2957 days ago

Starcom - le AIM ramp de jour but valuation crackers

Those lucky folks who got in on the most recent bailout placing for AIM dog Starcom (STAR ) in March at 1.5p have done brilliantly. The shares now trade at 4p mid and this is now le ramp de jour for certain morons on twitter and the bulletin boards. But the valuation is surely insane at £5.4 million given the ongoing losses, painful lack of tangible asset backing and the inevitability that another placing is imminent.

Starcom makes interactive padlocks and places some store on the latest release of its flagship product Watchlock (Pro version). But


2978 days ago

Highlands Natural - the joke Helium deal with Opera collapses - the lies go on

A month ago Highlands Natural Resources (HNR) announced that it had sold some assets it had bought days previously for $91,000 for £4 million in shares in fellow standard list dog Opera (OPRA) as well as £240,000 in cash. Today that joke deal has collapsed leaving Opera desperately seeking another acquisition and with its credibility in tatters and Highlands needing to explain the lies it has told.


2995 days ago

POS AIM dog Servision - painting itself into a corner next week

AIM dog with fleas Servision (SEV) waits until the wire to report its calendar results, ie until June 30. That is partly because it is a shoddily run company and partly because it always need a placing to get its accounts signed off without a horrible emphasis of matter statement. No new cash = not a going concern. But this year it looks rather different and the wire day is Thursday. This looks grim.


2998 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I am utterly fecked off with everyone

I am not writing much today as I am 100% fecked off with everyone especially Ben Turney, Jason Drummond and lyin' George Osborne. Instead I finished my olive pruning. I think I am going to quit writing and become a full time olive pruner. I discuss Teathers Financial (TEA), the Brexit vote, Photo-Me (PHTM), Chemring (CHG), Churchill Mining (CHL), xCite Energy (XEL) and dog spreadbetting waste of space London Capital (LCG)


3002 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 40 degree heat with the snakes including Phil Crawford of Lombard Risk

I start with the murder of Jo Cox MP and the disgusting way EU suporters are using it to lie and smear as you can read HERE. In Greece today it is 40 degrees plus and I am a sweating wreck after a session of olive pruning, braving the snakes which brings me to Phil "InterX" Crawford of Lombard Risk Management (LRM) and the question he has to answer NOW. Elsewhere I look at Highlands Natural Resources (HNR) following up on this piece, C-Dialogues (CDOG), XCite Energy (XEL) - all shout Timber!!!!!! - Scancell (SCLP) and the uber dog Mkango Resources (MKA).


3009 days ago

William Dewsall you greedy bastard - come clean and be specific on the Gable so called guarantee

On May 25 it was announced that in order to prevent a capital adequacy ( or inadequacy) issue a private company owned by the uber-greedy bastard William "£15 million will do nicely " Dewsall was to offer a £10 million guarantee to ailing AIM dog Gable (GAH). The only issue was - as we revealed here - that the vehicle in question Hogarth Underwriting Agencies - had net assets at June 2014 of £357,981. The reported profit for 2014 was just over £93,000. 2015 accounts were overdue. Problemo?


3084 days ago

Starcom - keep the lights on placing at no-one is watching O'Clock - how predictable

The boy Moore is actually on holiday while I am at my keyboard so I shall do the crowing for him as his words of warning on uber-dog Starcom (STAR) came good with a keep the lights on placing at no-one is watching O'Clock (3.54 PM) the day before the Easter break.


3140 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2 Feb - why we are buying BP today at 335p

I have won £5 from Shipston's Buffett for tracking down a long lost cousin to whom he has not spoken in 50 years. That is my main achievment today. I shall comment on InternetQ (INTQ) and MX Oil (MXO) elsewhere. I start with a look at BP (BP.) and explain why we have bought the shares today. Then I look at Corero (CNS) in detail and at Condor Gold (CNR), Nighthawk (HAWK), Petroceltic (PCI), Mosman (MSMN) and Aureus (AUE) before a detailed look at the dog Blur (BLUR).


3148 days ago

Serial D. O. G. DOG Servision - when is the placing?

AIM casino listed Servision (SEV) went public on New Year's Eve 2004 ad has been a serial disappointer ever since. More than eleven years on its shares have collapsed, more than $14.672 million has been sent to money heaven and the only commendation one can make is its consistency. It is always losses, more losses, more jam tomorrow and when's the placing? And it is that matter that needs addressing for the answer must be soon. Beware the ramp.


3155 days ago

Condor Gold - Lack of Offer Period over - it's screwed

Back in September ailing AIM listed gold dog Condor (CNR) announced that it was undertaking a strategic review and was in an offer period. Today it says both processes are over. It was bollocks from the start, you can't polish a turd and this company - of which I have been a long term bear - is screwed. It is almost game over. It will be lights out in May.


3195 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 December - Condor Gold & Rose Petroleum are delusional

The pain killers are really starting to kick in and so I must warn you that this podcast contains some bad language. Well quite a lot of bad language actually. On the agenda are the delusional fantasists who are running both Rose Petroleum (ROSE) and Condor Gold (CNR) into the ground. There is an apology on LGO Energy (LGO) but its shares, down again today, are still toast - I discuss what a strategic review means and why Bulletin Board morons are just so blinkered...they are in love you see. Then it is onto Iofina (IOF), Quoram (QRM) and the dog Fitbug (FITB)


3208 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 26 November - taking more lectures from Hanoi Jane Paul Scott

Oh no Paul Scott is giving me health advice again. If he promises never ever to waterboard me again with online retail gross margins I might just quit smoking. Away from that I look at car crash Slater & Gordon (SGH) following up from the earlier detailed piece HERE. In a similar vein I look at NAHL (NAH). Then it is onto EKF Diagnostics (EKF), Moneyswap (SWAP), Oilex (OEX), Forte Energy (FTE), Alliance Pharma (APH), Iofina (IOF) and the Fitbug (FITB) dog. There is no mention of Jabba The Hutt today, David Lenigas must wait for Gold & Bears on Saturday for his next drubbing. And boy will it be a drubbing.


3252 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 13 October - back to swearing at Big Dave, Fatty and all the other scumbags

In today's podcast I look at yesterday's Quindell (QPP) news, Big David Lenigas and his ramping and personal abuse (if he wants a war then I'm up for it), Golden Saint Resources (GSR) and what Roland "Fatty" Cornish should do now, Sefton Resources (SER), Galantas Gold (GAL), Auhua Clean Energy (ACE), long term AIM dog Image Scan Holdings (IGE) and SeaEnergy (SEA)


3286 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 September - more nonsense from and questions for Quindell

I start by clarifying certain rumous circulating that I am starting new businesses or getting involved with those who do. Au contraire. Very much au ffing contraire. Then it is onto today's ludicrous announcement from Quindell (QPP). I also cover Sefton Resources (SER), Goals Soccer Centres (GOAL), Auhua Clean Energy (ACE) - a dirty AIM dog if I ever I saw one - Asian Citrus (ACHL), Aquatic Foods (AFG), Daniel Stewart (DAN), Iofina (IOF) and of course Monitise (MONI)

Bulletin Board Morons can line up to apologise to me over Monitise and Iofina ( and of course Quindell) at any time. Don't all rush.


3300 days ago

Blinkx AGM – even Roger Lawson of ShareSoc gives up on CEO Brian Mukherjee, when is his P45 due?

That blinkx (BLNX) is a total dog is now beyond doubt. Steve Moore and I called it right and we are still bearish (see HERE) but now it seems that shareholders are waking up and that for CEO Brian Mukherjee the “black bag” day may be looming. Even Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is on his case.

At no-one is watching O’Clock


3300 days ago

EBITDA is a bull market metric for fools and knaves – ref blinkx and Globo

I leave it to Steve Moore to have the pleasure of plunging the knife into the dog blinkx (BLNX) after its profits warning HERE. It is a dog pure and simple and the shares, at 21p, are a stonking sell with a 12p target for starters. On the matter of blinkx we long term bears are again vindicated while the self-proclaimed expert on the stock, the disgraced ramper Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is one more shown up as a fool as well as a knave. But now to EBITDA.


3300 days ago

Eden Research – Today’s statement stinks

Eden Research (EDEN) is an AIM listed dog with a track record of non-delivery. It is the sister company of that other dog Environmental Recycling (ENRT) and both companies felt my ire back in 2005 when Environmental was called 3DM. It pissed away cash on fascist lawyer’s letters. It was 3DM that picked up the censure from the FSA for lying to investors. Today the Eden dog has put out an announcement which just stinks. I am back on its case.


3305 days ago

Ben’s AIM CEO No 2 is either a big girl’s blouse or a snake

Yesterday Flip Flop Ben Turney gave a platform to an AIM CEO who was bleating about how his share price kept tumbling and blamed bashers, insider dealers and more or less everyone. The man is either a big girl’s blouse or a snake.

Shares in most AIM companies have been utter dogs 


3329 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 28 July - Desperate Dan on Coronation Street & Mosman update

I am bored by removing the fake twitter followers some twat gifted to my account. 2000 have gone, 3500 to go. And so a quick update on the two great Manchester Soaps, David John Hopkins and Coronation Street - Desperate dan is in both! And then a detailed look at the dog Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and where it is now - a POS - following last week's scoop from myself.


3333 days ago

Scoop: Mosman Oil & Gas placing at 1.75p underway

POS AIM casino dog Mosman Oil & Gas (MOSMN), is – I can exclusively reveal – right now struggling to get away yet another keep the lights on placing at just 1.75p a share. This story gets worse. And worse.


3346 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 July Offending everyone edition

Once again IT issues in Greece delay this podcast. I start by explianing why the reaction of Paul Scott and the craven deadwood press to the new national living wage proposed by George Osborne displays 100% economic illiteracy. It is simply a transfer of wealth from business to the State, the poor will gain nothing. Then onto defending David Lenigas and Andrew Bell from some of the sillier comments made by some folk and to explain why flip flop Ben Turney is again wrong on New World Oil & Gas. hats off to Paul Curtis for the silliest remark of the day as I stck the boot into Gulf Keystone and then also to the prep, pump and dump at Beowulf Mining. And finally I have another go at biotech dog ValiRx.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3399 days ago

Exclusive: Rose Petroleum Placing closed last night - as predicted at 0.3p

Last week I forced a statement out of Rose Petroleum (ROSE) after stating HERE that it was seeking to raise £3 million at 0.3p - the shares were then 0.6p. Rose, pathetically, said that it was looking to raise £3-5 million but denied that any price had been set. Well Gotcha fellows.

Time for another rushed statement methinks from the AIM Casino listed dog.  The shares


3409 days ago

1 More Question for Rosslyn Data Technologies

Shares raced ahead almost across the board on Friday. Even dogs like Rosslyn Data (RDT) managed to eek out some gains but its stock still languishes at 14.25p despite a raft of meaningless huff and puff releases and well down on its IPO price of 33p a year ago. And so I have a small question for the heavily loss making firm.

It is not about


3436 days ago

MoPowered – it is Five Months to tits up: time to ‘fess up losers

Shares in AIM casino dog Mopowered (MPOW) now trade at just 2.5p having already slumped by 50% since the bailout placing at 5p last September. You may remember that just ten weeks later the company issued a grisly profits waning (November 24) but since then there has been radio silence. That is ominous.


3467 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 10 March

Hi this is NOT Lloyd Grossman in this podcast. I discuss the court battle ahead plus also Igas, Tern, Bango - as in Bingo Bongo Bango - Mopowered, Superglass, Webis - and my old pal Jim Mellon, Golden Saint and the dog Beowulf.


3485 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 20 February

On today's podcast I look at Quindell (long time no speak) and Afren - the calm before the storm next week. I also look at Berkeley Minerals and at Solgold, Pinnacle Tech, Tavistock Investents, Sefton Resourcces/Brokerman Dan and long term dog & Bulletin Board darling Iofina. And there is comment on naughty, naughty Gotham City Research.


3765 days ago

Arian Silver – The Dog takes the Piss Again: a Welsh joke

Woof, woof, woof! How many times have I warned (correctly) that AIM & TSX listed silver company Arian (AGQ) is a total and utter dog? I have lost count. Those who ignored me have lost 90% in three years but at 34.5p the shares are still hugely overvalued. The quarterlies were slipped out at 6.59 AM today just a minute before the 7 AM rush so that folks might not notice just how dismal they are. I noticed…

Woof – where do you start? Arian is building a new processing plant in Mexico and the uber-Welsh management team finds that prospect almost as exciting as the idea of being stranded alone on a desert island with a flock of pert young sheep. I am rather less excited about Arian’s prospects.
