
537 days ago

The left's favourite economist Stephanie Flanders tells porkies about poverty in the UK

I cannot remember which future Labour bigwigs she dated when at Oxford but Stephanie Flanders has always been the economist the left puts on a pedestal. This week, she stated that the poorest fifth of the population are now much poorer (in the UK) than most of the poorest countries in central and Eastern Europe…they would be better off in quite poor countries in the European Union.” Natch this was retweeted thousands and thousands of times. Those evil Tories they are just bastards aren’t they? Well some of them are, but on this matter the data just does not support Ms Flanders’ claim. As we live in a post fact world I suppose that does not really matter but just for the record…


670 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Talking with Lucian Miers, THG and Versarien, both possible zeros

In today’s Bearcast, I discuss banksters’ bonuses and the evil Tories, Made.com (MADE), Checkit (CKT), musicMagpie (MMAG), Versarien (VRS) and THG (THG).


1478 days ago

Chariot Oil & Gas - a couple more emails from (rightly) disgusted shareholder Mo Majid

Earlier today I flagged up an email t0o the great and the good from disgusted Chariot Oil & Gas (CHAR) shareholder Mo Majid which raises major questions. Now, thanks to Winnileaks I publish two of the 17 emails sent by Mo to the company and its evil PR spinners Celicourt wheich went unanswered. they raise grave questions about Chariot and also about its use of Fat Bastard, the whore blogger, Malcolm Graham Wood to ramp the shares. Enjoy. 

From: Mohammad Majid


2072 days ago

Laurel & Hardy Oil & Gas - Zac plunges in his bloodied knife & calls on shareholders to sack the board

The City's No 1 Oil analyst, Zac "the knife" Phillips of SP Angel spares no-one, except corporate clients like Mosman (MSMN) when he is ordered by evil John Meyer to write shite or get the sack. Luckily Hardy Oil & Gas (HDY) is not a corporate and thus The Knife is at his poisonous best. He opines... 


2075 days ago

On this day let us remember two 17 year olds, the 51 year old Railwayman, the factory worker - 25 lives ended by SinnFein/ IRA

On this day we should remember the anniversaries of 25 folks murdered by the IRA. They were civilians, largely in Birmingham. There were two 17 year olds with their lives ahead of them, numerous other young folks on a night out in a pub, a man away from his pregnant wife who never got to see her give birth or his kid grow up, a factory worker, a railwayman, the list goes on and on.


2305 days ago

Dead heroine and villain Winnie Mandela - The Guardian injects its usual poison into the debate

There is no doubt in my mind that the appalling way that the evil apartheid regime treated the late Winnie Mandela and her children is a very legitimate mitigating factor for Winnie as she trudges her way on the long march towards a meeting with St Peter. Indeed the evil of apartheid and the way it treated all dissenters and all black Africans is another factor St Pete will take into account. But I very much doubt that he will be utterly forgiving and, I am sure, that Mrs Mandela will show no sense of repentance. Natch the Guardian, the newspaper of the liberal elite, thinks she did nothing wrong and it goes further, in its usual poisonous way, as it tries to silence debate on this matter. .


2428 days ago

MySquar - Eric Schaer & Piers Pottinger may your souls burn in hell, you are despicable & evil

I shall cover the abject results from fraud MySquar (MYSQ) in detail later. But first there is the matter of why the souls of CEO Eric Schaer and chairman Piers Pottinger will burn in hell. They are men beneath contempt - I refer you to a statement in today's numbers relating to events in Myanmar.


2511 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: The most important bearcast ever - news of a big change here on Thursday

I have been thinking long and hard about this all summer but there is no alternative as the great Lady Thatcher used to say. Evil Google provides no content but sucks all of the ad revenue from online media. Our advertising revenue has collapsed so ShareProphets must either accept the custom of utter dirtbags like Darren Winters, continue to be subsidised by the UK Investor Show or fold. Or it must charge for access. I believe that asking you to pay £6 a month for 300 articles and for utterly unique content is something you will agree to and so on Thursday it is pay to play. I explain why evil Google is forcing our hand and what will happen and what the choices are in, perhaps the most important bearcast in our history.


2581 days ago

End Austerity NOW - Saturday Caption Contest Result

On Saturday we supplied the picture below of two food bank using victims of evil Tory austerity marching to make the world a better place. We asked you for suitable captions and many were supplied as you can see HERE.


2680 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Terror attack on London Edition

Clearly this is the story of the day. I reflect on this from various angles. I then move onto Franchise Brands (FRAN) shares in which surged 16% forcing a suspension. No insider dealing here guv, walk on, walk on. Then it is onto Bowleven (BLVN),  Yolo (YOLO), Starcom (STAR) which I may have called Starvest but I meant Starcom, Van Elle (VANL), Nyota (NYO) and finally the uber dog Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) which is in freefall. Hah! Death spiral shylocks Bracknor your spoof is not working is it! On the subject of terror I mention that evil bastard Martin McGuinness.You should not speak ill of the dead but for this unapologetic murderer  and for those in the media who praise him as a good man I make an exception HERE.  Mr McGuinness was a wicked man who sought no salvation in apology and repentance and, if there is a hell, his soul is right now burning at the heart of it. 


2680 days ago

Uber liberal Jon Snow of Channel 4 fills me with revulsion as he eulogises unrepentant murdering bastard Martin McGuiness

And so Martin McGuinness is dead. I welcome no death - as I explained here with reference to this unrepentant murderer of many - but equally I would agree with Norman Tebbit that old Martin is right now suffering agony in a particular part of hell reserved for the truly wicked. Martin's crime, in the eyes of St Peter and indeed many on this earth, is not so much the killing many innocent folks but a failure to accept that this was a sin, that he had sinned and to show remorse. For that McGuinness can only be viewed as evil and damned to burn in hell for eternity.


2687 days ago

UK Investor Show on April 1, now officially our biggest event in 15 years

I have been putting on annual Investor Shows for 15 years now and working with my friend Nigel Wray on all of them. The names may change but the stars are always there - Nigel himself, Evil, my friend Mark Slater and there are always surprises too. Perhaps I will have more on that front shortly - talks are ongoing. But yesterday we hit a milestone. A massive one.


2714 days ago

Video: Darren Winters' evil Mrs Tatjana reckons cancer is down to bad thoughts - but she can help cure it

The evil Mrs of charlatan and snake oil salesman Darren Winters lied to a judge the other day saying that I was not a reliable witness and that she was planning legal action against me. Methinks not darling. The scale of just how wicked Tatjana Winters is can now be revealed as she, like her husband, prays on the vulnerable and desperate once again.


2734 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Why Worthington morons should report me to the official liquidator

There are two parts to this podcast. I start by explaining how a liquidation works with reference to the fraud Worthington (WRN). I know some of its shareholders are obsessing about this and reckon they should report me to the liquidator. Go ahead, we are already talking. Then I move onto a quite brilliant column by Luke Johnson about the myth that is the sharing new economy and specifically how it effects uber but also the media world with evil google and the bulletin boards in my sights


2818 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: What to do about 2 great evils in our society: smoking & Roland "Fatty" Cornish

I think that about eleven minutes in I managed to send my dad to sleep with this podcast but I hope you make it to the end. I discuss correct and incorrect policy responses to two of the great evils in our society and, oddly, the answers are more or less the same.


2833 days ago

The Chairman's Blog 20: Sir Benjamin Dover of Global Mining Endeavours deals with AIM Regulation, Evil, Jon Bellis & Miss Skirt

Following the example set by Paul Warwick the chairman of worthless penny stock Andalas (ADL) in starting a blog, Sir Ben Dover of AIM listed Global Mining Endeavours has decided to follow suit and like Paul promises to be candid in his approach. Blog number twenty....


2925 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron of the Week: back for Worthington's Final collapse

As I noted earlier, Friday really could be Worthington's (WRN) last stand. No doubt its supporters on the LSE will have all sorts of excuses and will be blaming the usual suspects (me, Brexit, Evil) for their losses. This is too much of an opportunity to miss for we voyeurs of the moron community. But posts from other threads can also be submitted in the comments section below with a deadline of Sunday 24th July. I reckon Cloudtag (CTAG) and Highlands Natural (HNR) on the LSE and ADVFN asylums will prove happy hunting grounds.


2952 days ago

Benn sacked, Alexander quits #KeepCorbyn failing - who is most out of touch?

Oh dear. Hilary Benn was sacked by Comrade Corbyn for plotting against him last night. Now shadow Health Secretary Heidi Alexander ( who?) has quit. It seems more shadow ministers will follow and they all want Corbyn out - what don't these folks get about democracy?

Loyal members across the land, and a few folk like me who just wanted to show fraternal solidarity with Jezza, elected the bearded loon last year. Okay Labour backed the losing ticket in the referendum but those wanting to oust Comrade Corbyn were the real Euro loons who forced the Eurosceptic leader to jump onto a sinking ship. 

It is the ousters who were enthusiastic supporters of the evil Blairite regime that really


2999 days ago

Free Speech explained for the 8th time, for Bulletin Board Moron Duck & Dive

For the 8th time - the first perhaps for our many new readers - I feel the need to explain what free speech really means.  I do this for Duck & Dive, a poster here, who seems to think that we are obliged to approve & publish his comments here which are defamatory and make untrue allegations about this website. 


3371 days ago

I did not go into journalism to see small PIs burned but to nail bad guys & I won’t change just to win New World popularity

That New World Oil & Gas (NEW) is an omnishambles is clear. Ben Turney has one route for going forward (see HERE) which has made him the hero of the LSE Asylum and the twitter lynch mob. I regard his actions as morally reprehensible but publish his articles anyway as I support free speech. But his case is both misleading and shocking in that it targets the very folk that I thought he, Brokerman Dan, Nigel Somerville, Malcolm Stacey and others who have written on this website wanted to protect – ordinary punters.

Ben, the asylum and the lynch mob seem to think that those who are now short of New World are wicked shorters. I see comments that it is “my shorting friends”. Au contraire, the professional shorters like Lucian, Matt Earl and Evil have nothing to do with this. Neither are any City brokers running a naked short.

If Ben and his new pals understood how the City works


3470 days ago

Prize Reader Competition: Slater & Gordon & QLS Guess the bid

The prize is a free invite to the pre UK Investor pizza and drinks with myself, Evil, Ben Edelman and other speakers which takes place the night before the show (ie Friday April 17th.) Join us as we speak freely before the show. All you have to do is guess how much Slater & Gordon will pay to buy QLS. Now accept that there is an option ( which I am going for) that it will NOT BID AT ALL so as a tie-break please supply the date at which S&G announced either a bid or that it is not bidding.
