
199 days ago

Celadon statement needed ASAP as shares continue to tank: still a £60m short

I really do hope that in penning this piece I am not going to interrupt another feminazi lunch being attended by Celadon Pharmaceuticals (CEL) PR head honcho Ms. Sarah McLeod. For I fear that Ms McLeod needs to stop discussing the gender pay gap and ensure her client – a company I have oft warned is drowning in red flags – to issue a statement as its share price continues to tumble. Here’s why?


202 days ago

Celadon placing and loan notes issue: Gotcha Ms Sarah McLeod

The last time I warned folks about Celadon (CEL) its PR woman Sarah McLeod called to complain bitterly that I had ruined some feminazi lunch she’d been attending with what she termed my “daily hit job.” She then demanded free access to the site not having actually read the article or having any idea what I write on a daily business. Well Ms. McLeod GOTCHA. As I correctly predicted your client has had to pass the hat around. It may not now be existing on vapours but its valuation is still tonto.


2120 days ago

The BBC hit job on Justice Kavanaugh continued all day

As I note elsewhere, I celebrate Brett Kavanaugh joining the Supreme Court but I’d rather that Donald Trump had nominated someone who is far more conservative. Naturally the BBC, the state funded British broadcaster and purveyor of fake news, which serves as a media hub for elitist metropolitan liberal group-think, took a rather different tone.


2368 days ago

Middle class women celebrate as more working class girls chucked on the dole in the name of feminism and progress

I noted the other day the extraordinary way that those fighting the feminist cause really did not appear to give a stuff about working class girls and women suffering real exploitation, preferring to show masive outrage on behalf of middle class girls suffering far less. Now the feminazi movement moves up a gear and is today celebrating a victory which sees working class girls chucked onto the dole. Hooray, trebles all round in Islington!
