
1370 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - the woodburning stove in its full glory, before, in between and after

The main living room at the Welsh Hovel is now complete. Ancient beams have been exposed, the sash windows mended but the crowning glory is the fireplace. The three photos below show the amazing transformation.


1734 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: The fireplace in its full glory as the floodwaters rise

The 1600s fireplace revealed by Brokerman Dan at the weekend is now shown in its full glory… can you see how large it is? Joshua is very excited as it now means that Father Christmas has an easy way to come and visit us. Meanwhile…


1735 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: The emergence of the fireplace from the 1600s

Yesterday I showed you a before and after shot of the 1600s fireplace Brokerman Dan had uncovered behind a 1970s monstrosity at the Welsh Hovel. The great man wants you to see all the steps between and the photos below show that, starting with the end result. You will note the piles of birds nests he removed from the chimney.


1735 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel, a true hidden gem from pre 1700 emerges

I suspected that we would discover a gem here and I was not disappointed as Brokerman Dan removed the ghastly 1970s fireplace you can see below from the living room at the Welsh Hovel. This room was part of the original part of the house so pre-dates the window tax of 1696. It has another gem which Dan and I will uncover next week but today’s gem is also below.


1752 days ago

Photo article: Another hidden gem emerges at the Welsh Hovel

There are seven fireplaces at the Welsh Hovel. One is an enormous beast with an oak beam across it – a 17th century offering in the oldest room in the house. There were five which had ghastly modern constructs from the 20th century on them which the listed buildings folks have consented for us to remove and explore what is behind them. And there was one on the master bedroom which had a Victorian fireplace which we planned to treat with paint stripper but leave in place. However…
