
1059 days ago

Balchder Cymru IQE: ci gyda chwain yn rhybuddio eto

Just how many profits, or rather lack of profits, warnings has IQE (IQE) issued during  the 21 years since its 2000 IPO at c400p. The shares are today 40p after the Pride of the Welsh tech sector added another warning to its, already extensive, collection. I hope that folks have listened to my warnings over many years that this is a dog with fleas, or ci gyda chwain as we say here in the post-industrial, rain sodden, second world province.


1095 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: So Jo Battershill do you understand why you now have fleas?

In today’s podcast I discuss Optibiotix (OPTI) and another battle from the ShareProphets comments boards. Then I look at Alien Metals (UFO) and Anglesy Mining (AYM), at Kanobo (KNB), Guild ESports (GILD) and at Reabold Resources (RBD). I start with a few words on last night’s video recording with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Personal Banking and Fairer Financial Services. With reference to it, if I sound conceited it is because, in my humble opinion, I have every right to be. The Alien expose to which I refer is HERE.


2663 days ago

To our shame, being racist in 2017 Britain is acceptable as long as its the Jews you hate: Ebrahim Bham speaks tomorrow

Following on from the "Jews caused Grenfell Tower" Al Quds day march you would have thought that the British Authorities might try to put a temporary ban on public demonstrations of overt Jew hating. Oh no. This form of racism appears to be perfectly acceptable in Britain today. Is it any wonder that across Western Europe Jews are packing up and heading to the one place they feel safe, the only democracy in the Middle East: Israel?
