
2548 days ago

The young woman asked me to undress and then fondled my genitals

I tried to look on the bright side all week. Most folks with an enlarged testicle do not have cancer. After his fondling session, my Doctor had said it was almost certainly a result of a dibetes induced condition. And anyhow the five year survival rate for testicular cancer is now 90%. And my advanced age puts me at low risk anyway. None the less, Friday's appointment at the Bristol Royal Infirmary was something I dreaded. My father and my wife shared that dread and so on Friday the Mrs and Joshua came along too for moral support.


2564 days ago

Considering my own mortality as the man fondled my testicles

This is not the sort of matter that my father would consider that a gentleman should discus in public. But, as my critics often point out, I am no gentleman and, in 2017, we should perhaps talk openly about men's health. I have for some weeks had intermittent pains in my private parts and my left testicle now appears to be larger than my right one.


2731 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: V is for Vermin, Vendetta and Vindication

There is a convicted criminal & twice bankrupted man who is barred from being a company director who wants to shut this website down and me with it. Events today at Cloudtag (CTAG) - where the shares will, as I explain, now tank fast - and in the Courts regarding Darren Winters show how vital our work is. And frankly it requires gonads of steel to see off fraudsters and criminals who do not like what we do.  I also cover Stratmin (STGR) and Management Resource Solutions (MRS) today and thank you all for the supportive messages. We are 100% vindicated today. Certain convicted crims should just send me a case of ouzo and STFU
