house arrest

1213 days ago

The data which shows the farce of house arrest, masks and lockdown

The data below is from the ONS and covers England and Wales. 2020 data is provisional so maybe tweaked a bit but with that caveat you will note a couple of things. Or if you are Boris Johnson and everyone else in the political and media class GroupThink you will ignore a couple of things which show how we citizens, we Winston Smiths, have all been taken for fools. Clearly more folks died in 2020 than in the years immediately before that. Suicides were up, untreated cancer deaths were up but Covid is responsible for most of the uptick. But for those who talk of the new plague, it is not that much of an uptick is it? More critically…


1307 days ago

Protect The NHS – Do not leave your house in England & Wales today under any circumstances ahead of Bella

There may be ice on the road and pavements today or even snow as Bella sweeps the country. You may slip. You might hurt yourself. Your car may skid. You may be injured. It is vital that we all protect the NHS by agreeing to 24 hours of house arrest. Surely, even though ICU bed usage across the country is at lower levels than it was this time last year, such a National clampdown ahead of a  dose of global warming, is the logical extension of the policies of bonkers Boris, the little twit Matt Hancock and Mad Mark Drakeford since March.


1370 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Even by the standards of Welsh Labour Carolyn Harris MP is terrifyingly stupid

In today’s podcast I recount three crossings of the border out of house arrest Wales into free England and on a visit to a local store. I discuss Carolyn Harris MP on kettles, a woman who makes Matt Hancock seem like Einstein. I discuss what a dead cat bounce actually is with reference to Malcolm’s article of earlier and also why I’m glad fund managers are telling MP’s where to stick it when it comes to who should run (BOO)


1370 days ago

Photo Article: The madness of Welsh economics in action

Tomorrow, notwithstanding the house arrest fire break that starts at 6PM tonight,  I head over the border to England. I do so perfectly legally, because I am doing so to get my annual flu jab. There is no surgery in our village here in Wales so almost all of us are registered with an English infidel GP a few hundred yards away on the other side of the river. Once in England I may wish to go shopping or head out for lunch at a restaurant or to go for a snifter at a boozer.


1377 days ago

Wales under house arrest: Who is going to certify Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford as clinically insane?

I flagged up last week that Mark Drakeford’s plan to keep the English infidels out of our beloved Wales was insane. I sit here, 30 yards from the border, ever alert to the danger of a plague-ridden scouser trying to swim across the River Dee and will be out shortly to plant anti personnel devices across my fields in line with Mr Drakeford’s diktat of last week. But now the wretched little man, suffering from a severe case of little man syndrome, has gone further.



1433 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Joshing with in house Euro loon Jonathan Price as he, quite rightly, faces house arrest

London Millionaire liberal elitist, our own in-house Euro Loon Jonathan Price, faces house, or should I say mansion, arrest within days. About bloody time. I joke with him on email but I am not sure he sees the funny side. After that digression I discuss Red Rock Resources (RRR) – do you believe Andrew Bell?  – Amigo (AMGO), Sunrise Resources (SRES), Cobra Resources (COBR) and the very odd price movement at joke company Anglesey Mining (AYM). Cheryl Cole gets two mentions in this podcast


1537 days ago

New Monopoly set launched in Wales - a land led by intellectual pygmies

When, in a post Covid 19 world, our political leaders look for a new way to squander taxpayers cash, one inevitable option will be a public enquiry into what happened. Since the entire political & media class agreed on almost everything and will never admit they were blundering idiots in thrall to Prof Pantsdown it seems a pointless way of burning my hard earned cash but then when did that stop our leaders? If there is an enquiry I do hope it looks at the cretinous buffoons who are meant to be in charge of the rain sodden second world nation where I live, that is to say Wales.
