1058 days ago
The twitter exchange below may be deemed a little cruel and harsh. But you can bet that the family below are keen food bank users when not bleating about state subsidised social housing. For folks like them the State really should do absolutely everything for them as that is part of their “human rights”
2514 days ago
Okay she was not born Laurel. Once upon a time she was called Gavin and was a junior record holder in the New Zealand male 105 kg class. Then Gavin decided he was a woman, had the snip and took hormone treatment and went back to weightlifting. Now, as Laurel, she will compete in the 90kg plus contest at the next Commonwealth Games in Australia.
3118 days ago
Every time another case emerges showing that the welfare state is a bottomless pit for taxpayers cash that solves nothing, the liberal media and political elite say "this is just an exception". But it seems to be dawning on some folks that there are so many "exceptions" that the exception is now the norm. The system is broken. Have you met Shanique?
Born in the UK she moved to Jamaica with her parents as a baby. The she came back here. She got pregnant so has a 4 year old son by a dad who she says is abusive and who seems unwilling to pay a cent towards his upkeep. She has the right to stay in the UK but no right to state help or social housing.
And so she is appealing that natch (did anyone say legal aid?) and pro tem that means her local council must put her up but not in social housing but in a hotel which is costing the grateful taxpayer £50 a night plus £72 a week for food, essentials and whatever.
Shanique says the hotel room is not big enough and is making life hard as she is forced to eat junk food which is making her son ill and it is also a bad base from which she can go out and get a job. She fails to explain
3143 days ago
Turkey's record on human rights, free speech on committing genocide against the Kurds on backing ISIS is disgraceful. Ignoring all that, the EU (with Britain involved) is doing a deal with the Turks on the migrants which will still see Europe having to take in millions and will cost us a packet and will see millions of Turks also now heading for Northern Europe. It is an awful deal at every level and Call Me Dave Cameron is at its centre. This should make every waverer decide today to vote for Brexit - the UK cannot afford to be part of the EU Club any longer.
3412 days ago
Tara was due a vets visit two weeks ago but cunningly broke out of the house, found some food and thus got a repreieve. The Mrs was not to be foiled again and so, on Thursday night, the thinner of our two cats was treated to a wet-food treat of a supper and then put on a strict regime. She and the morbidly obese three legged Oakley were locked up away from all food.
Friday morning came and the cats were in full cry. Sometimes in unison and sometimes in rotation they mewled and demanded food. But there was no relenting and at 8.30 Tara was put in her carrying box - which she hates - and bustled off to the vets. We need to discover why a cat that eats like a horse is so terribly thin. The results arrive on Tuesday.
Suffice to say that after her ordeal and Oakley's fasting, which he regarded as a breach of his basic human rights, both creatures have been spolied rotten by both of us.
3456 days ago
The Mrs is finally back from India tonight but her delay is clearly a breach of my human rights. Will any political party remedy this? The podcast refers back to yesterday's bonus China fraud Bearcast on Gate & Naibu (see HERE) before moving into the farce of today's two China Norfolks in the news, JQW and Sorbic. Then there are the lessons we learn from Arria, the Kenmare tale, Optare, Mosman and Ubisense which seems like a POS.
3456 days ago
I finally struggled back home to Bristol at 11 PM last night – 38 hours after leaving for London. I was greeted by two wailing cats, Tata and Oakley who guided me to where there food should have been. Cripes – the auto cat feeder had not worked.
Tara is think as a rake but eats like a horse. Oakley has three legs, is morbidly obese but is less greedy than his companion. He is just lazy. But both clearly felt aggrieved. I
4215 days ago
I just give up. What on earth is the point in working and paying taxes? Because I have to I guess. But some folks have an easier life. Davodreza Asasbahi-Gotti is a 37 year old Iranian who came to Britain in 2002. He lives on benefits and has his housing bills paid for via benefits. And he has now committed 40 crimes in the UK including theft and assaulting a police officer. He was set to be thrown out in 2009 but claimed it was (you guessed) a breach of his human rights … it “would breach his right for respect to private and family life.” But then it turned out that he did not – as he claimed – have a wife and two kids living here at all. That was a lie.
And so now his lawyers (paid for on legal aid ‘natch) are claiming that it is a breach of his human rights to stay here as he is a drug addict and suffers from depression as a result of “developed adjustment disorder” – whatever that is.
So to summarise. He arrived in the UK illegally. He has lived off your taxes for more than a decade. He has repeatedly lied to stay in the UK. He has committed 40 crimes and been convicted. He has never worked and is a drug addict. And yet…
He remains in the UK costing taxpayers tens of thousands of pounds via benefits, legal aid and by committing crimes. He contributes nothing to the UK and we still cannot throw him out. As you go to work tomorrow just remember that more than a third of your pay packet is going to fund this sort of nonsense.
And this sort of nonsense
And this sort of nonsense
But according to those who oppose welfare reform, these are just the odd "one-off case" and the system is fine. Right...
4220 days ago
For all the posturing by hopeless and useless Tory wannabee leader Theresa May and others the reality is that terrorist Islamofascist hate preacher Abu Qatada is staying in the UK. The Court of Appeal has backed his claim to stay. And that means that he will stay here in a large house (funded by you, the taxpayer), receiving thousands of pounds of benefits for him and his family each month ( funded by you), making no effort to work or get a job, preaching hate and almost certainly assisting evil terrorists. The UK law is quite simply a joke.
There are those who say that the Government should simply over-ride law and stick him on a plane back to Jordan or just get him bumped off. But once you give the State the power to ignore the rule of law for one individual (albeit a total scumbag) it can then use such arbitrary powers as it wishes – the Rubicon has been crossed. Pretty soon you will find whistleblowing bearded scientists lying dead in the woods. Oh, okay we have been there already. You will find folks arrested for shouting dissenting views at the Prime Minister. Oh, okay we have been there already. But you get my point – you cannot trust the state with arbitrary power to break the law.
And so we just have to recognise that the law sucks and get the daft Human Rights legislation driven through by the Wicked Witch and her husband the war criminal Blair amended. If that is not possible within the EU then the case for leaving gets ever stronger. But change the law and then kick him out. Meanwhile, sickeningly, we all pay for his benefits.
As for Theresa May. Heck we all know that she wishes to lead the Tory party and she talks tough. But does she actually do anything useful at all?
4303 days ago
Two political stories from yesterday (hat tip The Commentator) that made me smile. Both concern sex. I start with Silvio Berlusconi who is apparently still hoping for a political comeback. I wonder if even he is vaguely embarrassed by reports that he called Germany’s leader Angela Merkel an “unfuckable lard-arse.” I suspect he would simply plead that it was fair comment. Am I alone in saying that Silvio’s buffoonery is quite entertaining? Sure he is a corrupt old sleazebag but he is an Italian politician so what else do you expect?
Closer to home I see that a Worcester disability campaigner Chris Fulton is demanding that the British Government pay for him to have sex with prostitutes, something that the Dutch Government already does. In Amsterdam, the disabled can have Government funded sex with a hooker up to 12 times a year and Mr Fulton (who has cerebral palsy and motor neurone disease) reckons that this would give him more freedom and allow him to break down barriers. ““The idea is to give disabled people more of a choice. There’s still a lot of stigma attached [to disabled people having relationships] from research I’ve done and experiences I’ve had.”
Hell’s teeth. Government’s across Europe are going bust so why not go out (economically speaking) with a bang? I am sure that in denying Mr Fulton his State funded shagging we are breaching his human rights. Can’t he get legal aid to hire the oh so charitable wicked witch CBE to take his case to the European Court? Perhaps Mrs. Blair could get him huge compensation for the stress caused by having to fund his “research” on this matter.
I wonder what Berlusconi’s take on Mr Fulton’s case would be? Or if he has any views on the Wicked Witch?
4330 days ago
Whenever the words “breach of human rights” comes up your blood boils. Whether it is the terrorist who you cannot deport because it would upset the life of his family (a cat), the Somali pirate or Rwandan mass murderer whose ‘uman rights would be compromised if he had to go back home to face justice or whether it is the thought of the wicked witch whose Chambers promoted this daft legislation and has grown rich on it, my blood always boils. Aaaagh Cherioe Blair what did we do as a nation to deserve you?
But now there is another oppressed and unloved minority whose human rights are, they claim, set to be breached. I refer to a group of men and women even less loved than that other great ‘human rights beneficiary Abu Qatada. I speak of course of expense grubbing greedy MPs.
The expenses watchdogs wants MPs who used taxpayers cash to buy a second home to rent out to hand back any profits made over the past two years. I cannot see what is the problem with that. It was our (i.e. the taxpayers capital) that funded these entrepreneurial ventures, we should get the profits. About 70 MPs are affected and are now threatening legal action to stop this happening.
4369 days ago
Rashid Rauf was born in Birmingham. He was thus as British as you and I. But he joined Al Qaeda and was almost certainly part of the team that planned the July 7 attacks in London a few years ago which caused mass slaughter. The good news is that a US drone took him out in Pakistan. He was fighting a war against Britain and the US and lost. That should be the end of the story. But in our crazy world it is not.
His family is now set to sue the British Government for its part on the “murder of one of its own citizens.” The family claims that the British Government “illegally shared intelligence” with the Americans so enabling the drone strike that killed their son. Thus they no doubt want vast amounts of compensation. They describe what happened to their son in a remote part of Pakistan run by the Taliban as “cold blooded murder.”
So what the hell was Rauf doing in what was known to be an Al Qaeda safe house in an area run by the Taliban? Studying botany?
4410 days ago
The European Court has today ruled that the UK has breached the human rights of prisoners by handing out “Indeterminate” sentences – i.e. ones where the crim is not actually released until he is shown to be reformed. The legislation was daft ( it was a Labour Act) since it created a bureaucratic nightmare and it does seem unfair not to tell a crim when he is going to be set free. For once Europe has got it right. Well done the Evil Empire. Busted clocks, twice a day and all that.
But as it happens the UK was going to scrap this legislation anyway.
And it is when you get to the detail of this case that your blood starts to boil. The Telegraph reports: