
181 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - The stink of bad cheese

I start with a note on the Hamas lovers at Lancaster University then spend 97% of the podcast on shares: Argentex (AGFX), Ironveld (IRON), Caracal Gold (GCAT), Upland Resources (UPL), EventBrite (US:EB) and in some detail Roquefort Therapeutics (ROQ) which should be a zero.


199 days ago

Castings – half-year trading update, a “high level of demand” Buy

Iron casting and machining company Castings plc (CGS) has announced that its schedules continue to reflect strong heavy trucks demand (approximately 75% of revenue) and plans to further capitalise on this in both the short and long term.


254 days ago

Ironveld - where is the missing Grosvenor £5m?

It’s over a year ago now since the smearing of Richard “nobody likes me and I don’t care” Jennings of Align following his failed attempt to remove Establishment figure Giles Clarke and his lackey Martin Eales at Ironveld (IRON).


702 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Ironveld breaks AIM Rules again, chatting to 2 CEOs, Argo ducks a question (twice)

I start with a reference to this personal podcast about Christmas Day 1914 HERE. Then it is onto Ironveld Resources (IRON), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) and Argo Blockchain (ARB) and it is one of two more reasons given to book your seats at ShareStock on September 10 NOW HERE


703 days ago

Ironveld Resources: “we have done nothing wrong” – Letter to The FCA & AIM Regulation, let’s see about that

A spokesman for Ironveld Resources (IRON) denied to me yesterday that sitting on price sensitive information for at least 6 weeks during which time the share price slumped by 30% as some folks “miraculously” knew the bad news, is not doing anything wrong. “The company does not believe that it has done anything wrong”. Neither do 90% of the inmates of Wormwood Scrubs. Whatever you say Giles Clarke and Martin Eales.


707 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: More WhatsApp messages fall into my hands – Giles Clarke what is sauce for the goose

Yesterday I discussed how Ironveld Resources (IRON) via its PR man Tim Blythe of BlytheRay ands the awful Mail on Sunday was smearing Richard Jennings but ignoring the real issue which were breaches of AIM Rule 10 and 11. But what is sauce for the goose… I today read to you a string of remarks made by Giles Clarke, Ironveld’s chairman in WhatsApp messages now in my posession. After yesterday’s indignation perhaps Mr Clarke wants to consider his position. Then onto Abingdon Health (ABDX), liquidity drying up and what it can mean, Parsley Box (MEAL) and musicMagpie (MMAG). I also discuss Wishbone Gold (WSBN) urging a note of caution on “nearology.”


709 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - in smearing Richard Jennings as a racist via the Mail on Sunday, Ironveld exposes how it broke AIM Rules 10 & 11 and why its bosses should be fired & sanctioned

Today’s Mail on Sunday carries a nasty hit job on Richard Jennings of Align accusing him of racism. You can read it HERE. The story is clearly manufactured by Ironveld Resources (IRON). I do not know enough SA slang to comment on Jennings’ words. However, amazingly the dickhead journalist not only failed to report matters showing Jennings as a supporter of poor blacks in Zim South despite having the evidence, but the whatsapp messages referred to show Ironveld driving a coach and horses through AIM Rule 11 and AIM Rule 10 so misleading its investors. I explain why that may have enabled some smart money to get out at the wrong prioe and why this should be enough to see Martin Eales and Giles Clarke fired at once. Unlike the wretched Mail I bring you the full whatsapp thread.


713 days ago

BREAKING: Aristo Knob Giles Clarke of Ironveld fecks democracy and (yet again) his long suffering shareholders

Today’s GM at Ironveld (IRON) was a farce with Chairman Giles Clarke (Rugby and Oxford so obviously a  scholar and a gentleman so beyond reproach) refusing to take any questions and showing an utter contempt for democracy.  There were 4 attendees.


713 days ago

BREAKING: Richard Jennings says he will sue Ironveld and board members for defamation

Not content with giving shareholder democracy a good shafting today, Ironveld (IRON) and its directors stand accused of making defamatory statements about GM Requisitioner Richard “Nobody likes me and I don’t care” Jennings who tells me that his lawyers are now working on a defamation action.


728 days ago

SHOCKING: Outrageous reward for failure: how can anyone back posh twit Clarke & wannabe sociologist Eales at Ironveld

Shareholders in Ironveld (IRON) will, thanks to Richard “nobody likes me and I do not care” Jennings of Align soon have the chance to oust Giles Clarke and Martin Eales. The former (Rugby and Oxford don’t you know and thus a terribly good chap who should not have to deal with plebs like Jennings) has accused the Align boss of being a bully. Yes, a pissed off shareholder who complains must be a bully. Whatever. In the real world, it is Clarke’s own record that needs scrutiny and which is a shocker.


732 days ago

Richard Jennings vs Ironveld, the Align boss hits back at bullying toff value destroyers and suggests he may sue

It is quite clear that Ironveld Resources (IRON) is a serially underperforming AIM dog and that its management should be held to account. Since Giles Clarke took the helm its shares have plunged from 4.5p to just 0.35p.  But Giles is a top fellow who went to Rugby School, then Oxford and was head of the England and Wales Cricket Board so we are not allowed to say what a crap job he is doing and how he should never be allowed to run an AIM company again. Clarke is a jolly fine fellow and anyone who says otherwise is just a smelly oik. Step forward professional northerner Richard Jennings.


732 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Photo Bearcast: Fevertree and its endangered dividend & bashing the City establishment

I start with some advice from Greece on coping with the heatwave. Then it is Jennings versus Ironveld (IRON) and why – in this case - you really should back Jennings. Finally re Fevertree (FEVR) what do you make of the photo below? And why its dividend should be chopped. And why it is still a short whatever PL suggests.


732 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: falling for a £49 covid test scam

Yes I fell for this scam sponsiored by the British and French Governments ands I mention this in the context of folks getting, wrongly, excited by news today from Novacyt (NCYT). Make no mistake: the covid testing bubble is over. I discuss Fevertree (FEVR) where I predict two more profits warnings – stay short. And then on the vicious attack on Richard Jennings by Ironveld (IRON). Jennings is a litigious fellow so may well be talking to his lawyer. I wouldn’t bother myself but cant think that Ironveld’s board is doing itself any favours with such antics. 


733 days ago

BRAVO: Richard Jennings defends himself and states some awkward truths about the small cap gutter and those who operate there

Bravo, Jennings. Naturally, his latest battle, this time with Ironveld (IRON), sees deluded shareholders smearing him. It is always the way, But Mr “Nobody Likes Me and I don’t care” has hit back with a remarkable statement, correcting some canards, but also lashing the Square Mile’s corruption. He is bang on the money:


733 days ago

Why, oh why, Is Ironveld turning down Richard Jennings funding offer?

The latest spat involving Richard “nobody likes me and I don’t care” Jennings of Align Research, is with AIM hound, Ironveld Resources (IRON). Inexplicably, Jennings has offered Ironveld money at 1p. Even more inexplicably, Ironveld has said no, forgetting that beggars cannot be choosers. Jennings has fired off the letter below, which is, as you’d expect, forthright and menacing.


1165 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: The amazing view we have created for teenage mutant curtain twitcher Abi Lancelotte

On one side of the farmyard at the Welsh Hovel lies a scrap metal skip, full to the top with more than three tonnes of iron. On the other side is the pile of sandstone blocks pictured below, many already hewn into shape. All were retrieved from the nettle and bramble covered large earth mounds that once separated our fields from the paddock where we have created the mound which will end with a Ha Ha. Suffice to say, we also removed vast amounts of plastic, tyres, asbestos and other horrors for safe and legal removal.


1877 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Hey dumbfuck clients of Cenkos give me $225m and I'll offer you a 10% yield

In today’s bearcast I start with a range of matters relating to Neil Woodford including brokers lifting our research, Purplebricks (PURP), Provident Financial (PFG) and Non-Standard Finance (NSF). And I make Neil a generous offer on Proton Partners (PPI). Then I look at Diversified Gas & Oil (DGOC) and the dumb fuck clients of Cenkos (CNKS). Finally a brief look at Ironveld (IRON) and at the Bluejay (JAY) hound. Postcript: Cynical Bear points out that today’s TRI shows Woody is in fact selling Purplebricks in the market as well. Timber!


4174 days ago

Bellzone ..Good News but the shares are down? A problem?

Two months ago shares in Bellzone Mining (BZM) were steaming ahead as all iron ore stocks made stellar on hopes on a surge in Chinese demand and a consequent increase in iron ore prices during 2013. Some of that euphoria has now evaporated and with Bellzone itself serving up mixed news the shares have slipped by 2p to 14p since the start of the year. This still values the company at £102 million but to lose 12.5% of your market value in less than seven weeks is a little un-nerving. So is it time to cut and run?


4191 days ago

Baobab Resources – Good News in the Price, follow Lucian Miers and sell

After many years of scratching around Southern Africa for a project with real prospects AIM listed Boabab (BAO) appears to have found something that could be a winner in the form of the Tete pig iron/vanadium/titanium target in Mozambique. With iron ore stocks all rallying sharply in the past two or three months on the back of hopes of resurgence in Chinese demand, Baobab shares have raced ahead to 35.75p which values this company at £106 million. This is a stock that has now got far ahead of its fundamental value and I can reveal that last week well known bear raider Lucian Miers opened up a short. That is a good call which you should follow.
