
407 days ago

Zak Mir does comedy, bent journalism & charting in his nappies - update from Lift Global Ventures

Most journalists worry that Artificial Intelligence, AI, will in due course threaten their jobs. Zak Mir claims to be a member of the National Union of Journalists but, judging by an update from his Aquis listed Lift Global Ventures (LFT) yesterday, his work will only be threatened by advances in the development of Artificial Stupidity.


429 days ago

Predator Oil & Gas - more cans of worms vicar?

An insider dealing director, directors who troll journalists on twitter or who threaten critics, these are never good signs. But worse is the determination of Predator Oil & Gas (PRD) to avoid issuing a prospectus when issuing shares. For the second time it has found a loophole to dodge making disclosures. Just what is the company hiding?


1212 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: what is it with politicians and sleazy American blondes?

I start with Boris and the blonde and what it says about double standards for the public sector ( our servants) and the private sector.  My big political scoop of the day, BTW, is HERE.  Then I discuss procrastinating ahead of a Woodlarks training walk. The weather is foul here in Wales but off I go, so as you listen so think of my suffering and donate HERE. Then it is onto Hargreaves Lansdowne (HL), poodle journalists, Link and Neil Woodford.



1317 days ago

Tier 3 stops Covid spread, Tier 2 does not – a question of logic for the lockdown fanatics

Daily, on our TV screens we are assured by “public health experts” whose jobs at the Ministry of Truth are safe, whatever happens to the economy, that tier 3 measures are more effective than tier two measures in controlling covid. That is to say numbers often rise enough to push a tier 2 district into tier 3 and then as controls tighten that district can return to tier 2 and eventually to tier 1.  But there is a massive logical flaw in this claim which the media, collectively, fails to spot.


1450 days ago

Coronavirus spoof of the day? Versarien is on the bandwagon, what it doesn't say tells you all

To put this in context, even morally bankrupt Nomad SP Angel, the Nomad of choice for fraudsters, does not think this news is financially significant and so has forced ramping Neill Ricketts to alert his moronic investors via an RNS reach not an RNS.  Natch, folks who think it’s okay to murder journalists don’t care about facts so Versarien (VRS) shares are up 12% at 46p – an £8 million increase in market cap on news that even the Nomad thinks is financially irrelevant!


1534 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: No Roy I will not pay more tax to keep paying Polly fecking Toynbee £300k a year

Thde good news is that Buzzfeed UK has been shut down for good. The bad news is that pampered journalists are increasingly demanding that we plebs pay more in tax to subsidise them. I discuss that then the increasingly murky goings on at All Active Asset Capital (AAA), death spiral nonsense at Tertiary Minerals (TYM) and then buyers remorse at Restaurant Group (RTN). Finally I have bad news about Woodlarks & need your help, please respond.


2094 days ago

Does Safran know that its employees threaten journalists? Ref Antonio Mateos and Berkeley Energia

I am contacted on twitter, as you can see below, by a man claiming to live in Spain who opposes Berkeley Energia (BKY) and its plans to create thousands of jobs at Salamanca. I do not wish to deny the poor the dignity of work this chap does. Follow the thread for it ends with a clear threat - I should stay away from the project...


2180 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is Elon Musk of Tesla going to jail and UKOG's latest smear c/o the Daily Mail is a new low

In this podcast I cover Tesla (TSLA) which is curiouser and curiouser, Optibiotix (OPTI) and the parasitic vampire that is ADVFN (AFN), Great Western Mining (GWMO), Toople (TOOP), Angus Energy (ANGS), the Brockham Well, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) anmd its latest despicable smear c/o yellow journalists at The Daily Mail and cheered on by the vermin paid share rampers of LSE Share Talk


2329 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bearcast: No Luke you are wrong - it is because Jamie Oliver as an A grade a'hole

In today's bearcast I look at the writings of Ian Cowie in the Sunday papers and his cunning scheme to avoid IHT by losing all your money and his patronising view that journalists know better and can be trusted. A bit like Estate Agents and MPs then? I then discuss Luke Johnson's view that we are celebrating the business woes of Jamie Oliver because we envy him. Luke is not all wrong but overlooks the fact that Oliver is a patronising A grade A'hole.


2442 days ago

Carole Cadwalladr, the death threats, the Guardian and the Russian meddling in Brexit canard

I see that Guardian journalist Carole Cadwalladr is complaining that she has received death threats after writing what she, without any justification, claimed to be an expose of Russian meddling in the Brexit vote. Let us be clear: Carole is talking shite on the Russians, as she does on almost everything, as I noted here, but death threats against journalists are always utterly wrong. I speak as a journalist who has received death threats.


2611 days ago

British Airways- why I was not flying Saturday: an ex customer writes about it and the journalists it bribes

I was due to fly back to Greece on Saturday with British Airways but I did not. It is not for the reason you think, there being no British Airways flights at all out of Heathrow and Gatwick due to an IT bollocks up, but for other reasons equally damning of the airline, now part of International Airlines Group (IAG).


2719 days ago

One third of freelance journalists are having a lifestyle subsidised by the taxpayer & yet they bleat

One of the handful of lesbians who have broken my heart by rejecting my advances oh so cruelly tips me off how the organ for journalists, The Press Gazette, is bleating on about poor freelancers. Good God these guys are idiots.


3485 days ago

Weekly postcard #95(audio), on Paris, Muslim bashing, free speech, Farage and Le Pen

In audio format because I cannot be bothered to make myself look even vaguely presentable, my weekly postcard starts with the murders of fellow journalists at Charlie Hebdo. I look at the reaction of the political establishment to the fact fascist pig Marie Le Pen and her Front Nationale and of the factually innacurate claims made by Nigel farage of UKIP. The left's double standards on free speech are again examined but then we move onto the demonisation of the Muslim community but our failure to be honest about the scale of the problem we face.

To read my article on Charlie Hebdo to which I refer click HERE

To read Richard North's excellent piece to which I refer click HERE 



3728 days ago

Exclusive: Buchanan Communications Admits to Range Resources Dirty tricks, apologises and disciplines staff member

Fleet Street still has not touched this story because it is too busy sucking PR cock to cover the stench emanating from the City’s largest financial PR firm. We can revealed exclusively that Buchanan Communications has admitted that a staff member did wage a dirty tricks campaign against Range Resources shareholders campaigning to change the way Range is run.

We broke news of this dirty tricks campaign last Friday HERE

Buchanan represents more AIM listed firms than any other PR agency and is owned by Sir Martin Sorrell’s WPP Group (WPP). Journalists on the nationals want PR firms to spoon feed them stories or cushy well paid jobs in PR when they fancy a move to the dark side so NO national paper dared touch this story.

As private investors get screwed over on a daily basis on AIM just remember whose side, PR arse-licking Fleet Street is on….it ain’t yours.

Buchanan has now confirmed that its chairman Richard Oldworth has written to the dissenting Range shareholders apologising
