2221 days ago
I have commented before on the champagne socialist, Tuscan castle dwelling, Guardian writing, hypocrite Polly Toynbee thinking, each time, that the poisonous old windbag had reached a new depth of liberal depravity and surely she could sink no lower. And then, each time, £300,000 a year Toynbee sinks lower.
2484 days ago
As we know big Corporations love the EU. Goldman Sachs led the cheerleaders for Project Fear and the ball breakingly liberal virtue signalling elitists at LinkedIn have jumped in on the act with some selective use of their own data.
2895 days ago
I like to boast that I spend fewer than five day a year in London so much do I loathe the place. But as, bad, luck would have it I am drawn to the capital today on personal business. And thus when my soon to be 16 year old daughter, known as Olaf, called to ask if I was free to attend her parents evening - which happens to be tonight - I was able to say yes.
3061 days ago
There have been three nationwide polls since the debate on a nationwide basis. Reuters decided to poll a lot more registered Democrats than Republicans so again skewing its results in order to create a bogus lead for Crooked Hillary. You can discount any of its polls, its fudges have discredit it completely. The other two (Fox & Rasmussen) show Hillary with leads of 3% and 1% and swings to her of 2% and 6% respectively. Great news for the crooked one? I am not so sure.