
1243 days ago

Video: 15 Minutes of Margaret Thatcher that all students plus the fake Tories in power today should have to watch

Boris Johnson, Princess Nut Nuts, Rishi Sunak and Matt Hancock all need to watch this video as you have forgotten what capitalism and freedom of speech really means. As for students attending the Marxist Madrassas we used to call Universities, this should be compulsory viewing. From 1977 the great William Buckley interviews the greatest… Margaret Thatcher, a woman who understood why all freedoms were so vital.



1954 days ago

Desperately stupid virtue signalling academic of the day: History Professor Tanja Bueltmann of Northumbria

I really worry that kids are forking out £9,000 a year by virtue signalling fools on the left wing madrassas that pretend to be British universities in 2018. Today's horror show comes from Professor Tanja Bueltman a history professor at Northumbria University.


2016 days ago

Two women sexually assaulted by penis owning “Karen White” thanks directly to the transgender madness that has infected the Tories

Karen White insists that she is a woman. She is what progressives would term a woman with a penis. Right now she is "transitioning" but is a woman. Got it? Welcome to the transgender asylum.
