mental health

127 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: feeling depressed about the beating of Rod Liddle in a post fact world, Labour fantasists on the boat people and Robotyne in Ukraine

I start with this tiny village in Ukraine and the blood still being spilled there. It is everything that is worst about this terrible war and which the Western hawks pretend is not happening. Then it is onto Question Time, Rod Liddle, mental health and Labour canards about stopping the boat people. It is all so depressing. 


2304 days ago

Do 47% of millennials really have mental health issues or are they just bedwetting snowflakes playing victim again?

I take mental health very seriously and would never trivialise it. My mother killed herself when I was 8. I have suffered from bouts of severe depression and have been open about having a serious breakdown some six years ago when everything went wrong and I just could not cope. That I met the woman who is now my wife at my lows as I considered diving into the abyss I thought I faced, may well have saved my life. I do not joke about or trivialise such matters.


2696 days ago

Dusseldorf attack - Orwellian use of Yugolaslavia by Police, why not blame Donald Trump

You will remember that the killer of Jo Cox MP had a long history of mental health issues yet sections of the mainstream media still term him a right wing extremist. In Dusseldorf in Germany last night a man attacked folks with an axe injuring seven and he has already been branded as mentally ill. He may well be but the Police, without questioning from the liberal media, are also insisting that he hails from the former Yugoslavia. This is Orwellian.


2857 days ago

A good reason NOT to employ millennial women - they are statistically pathetic

Seventy-five years ago, eighteen year old men and women were dealing with the Luftwaffe bombing our cities to oblivion, with death all around them and the stresses of war. Some had psychological stress but they were relatively rare and, frankly, who could blame them? Wind forward to today and 26% of 16-24 year old women report suffering at least one mental health issue a week. 9% of men suffer likewise. It is hard to know where to start.


2911 days ago

Allahu Akbar screamed the machete wielder in Belgium as he attacked 2 cops - how a liberal explains this one

The cry was clear as the chap attacked two female cops in Belgium this afternoon. The BBC is still not reporting the jihadist reading material of the Russell Square attacker and insisting that the chjap was simply an insane Norwegian and his acts had nothing to do with his belief in the religion of peace. We shall see. But this time it is hard to spin it. Even the BBC is using the word "jihadist" in its coverage.


2912 days ago

Russell Square - the BBC still evades the point & so becomes ever less trusted

Out in the real world evidence has emerged showing that the Russell Square killer had been reading books supporting islamic extremism in recent months. The BBC is still buying the line from the Old Bill, calling this a killing by someone with mental health issues and referring to him as a Norwegian born in Somalia. Actually it is worse than that.


2914 days ago

Russell Square - just why are the Police NOT telling us one key fact

Yesterday's news was all about how the Metropolitan Police is dressing up more and more of its officers to look like RoboCop to keep us all safe. Remind me, what was the name of that Brazilian chappie the Met shot dead for no good reason? If you trust the State you would have been reassured until about 10.30 PM when reports came in of a stabbing in Russell Square in the heart of the capital: 1 dead, five injured.


2938 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: the Dallas Cop & Jo Cox Killers what it says about America on race, the West on mental health & hateful liberals

I reflect on the killing of the Dallas Cops and the two innocent young black men gunned down by the Police and on the death of Jo Cox MP: what it says about race relations in the USA, how we too often judge contemporary events outside the context of history, what it says about how we treat those with mental health issues on both sides of the pond and finally on the double standard of the hateful liberal mind.


2960 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: Almost every reaction to the awful murder of Jo Cox MP is so utterly wrong

The murder of Jo Cox MP throws up key issues that are not being discussed: accountability ( or rather lack of it ) in public services and also how we treat and view mental health issues in the UK. The reaction of MPs and the media shows what a different world they live in from the rest of us. The reaction of the left and the some in the Remain camp in using this as an opportunity to smear and shut down debate is repulsive. This is an awful event but folks need to get some things in perspective. Knowing a little bit about murder and also psychiatric issues first hand - as I explain in the podcast - I speak from the heart as well as the head.
