
589 days ago

And folks wonder why State schools lag… trivial snowfall stops play (in state schools only)

Here in the last village in Wales the snow has been falling for a couple of hours. On the grassy bank outside my kitchen there is, perhaps, half an inch of global warming. On the road down to my house and other roads in the village it is yet to settle at all. But, quelle surprise, the village school has already cited ef ‘n’ safey reasons for a full shutdown.


702 days ago

NHS Nurses - greedy, deceitful and shameless witches

You are told by the BBC and the rest of the liberal media that nurses are grossly underpaid and that their decision to walk out on cancer and other patients leaving them to die is thus all the fault of the wicked Tories. But here in chart form are the facts….


2033 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast on this Brexit betrayal day: Answering a Neil Woodford question for Roger Lawson.

Neil Woodford needs money for his funds urgently but to give to a far more deserving cause which I may have mentioned once or twice go HERE. I discuss damning statistics for the AIM Casino, Inspirit (INP), Mobile Streams (MOS) and in the Woodford section Paypoint (PAY), Imperial Brands (IMB) and now Strix (KETL), another jolly good income and growth play he is dumping. 


2034 days ago

BREAKING: Neil Woodford – whilst buying dividend slashing dog Kier (while everyone else sells), he’s been selling high (but safe) yield Paypoint

This morning Nigel noted that Neil Woodford had been buying Kier – around 1.2% of it in the wake  of last week’s awful results and a 79% pruning of the dividend. It is not exactly the sort of performance for an equity income fund, I would have thought! But It turns out that Neil has also been selling Paypoint (PAY) – which trades on an underlying yield of c 5.5% (but 9.9% if you include bonus payments) and where the payout is safe as houses. That sounds perfect for an equity income fund! I must be stupid…..


2648 days ago

42 BBC fat cat women like Fiona Bruce and Laura Kuenssberg dress up naked greed as a feminist fight

42 grossly overpaid readers of autocues at the state funded generator of fake news that is the BBC have written to their boss today demanding that they be even more grossly overpaid. The least grossly overpaid of these women earns £150,000 a year or, put another way, just over 1000 license fee payments. They have made demands for substantial pay rises because they are doing their bit in the invaluable fight for women's equality, they are fighting as feminists. This is a truly selfless act on their part. Yup.


2652 days ago

It is the Greed of BBC stars that is the issue NOT the gender pay gap

Today we learn the names of all BBC stars earning over £150,000 a year. It is only the existence of an overpaying state funded broadcaster that keeps presenter pay up at stratospheric levels. In the USA where there is a free market and no state subsidies the pay for doing an easy job (reading an autocue) is falling and not that high. This is the tip of the iceberg. 
How many BBC staff you have never heard of are earning £100,000, 75,000 or whatever? Quite simply pay is out of control. And who is funding that?


2997 days ago

Senior police officers - more greed & laziness paid for by the grateful taxpayer

Luke Johnson penned a great piece in the Sunday Times this weekend making the point that public sector pay rises have not been justoified by any increase in productivity. For instance there are several million fewer kids in secondary schools today than there were in the 1970s. It would be hard to claim that output - in terms of skills in RR&R or other key subjects - has improved yet pay for teachers has gone through the roof.


3032 days ago

University Lecturers on strike again tomorrow - will anyone notice as the greedy bastards are even lazier than usual?

The University lecturers are not happy with their pay offer and so will tomorrow again be withdrawing their labour. For many that will be a real pain as they will actually have to go to the campus in July, in order to signal their displeasure. 

You can have a look at how much lecturers can earn in the tables HERE which the Union is too embarrassed to update. For a job with long vacations allowing you do do "research" on a beach of your choice and with total job security, it sure is worth working your way up the greasy pole is it not?

The current pay offer 
