
828 days ago

Supply@ME Capital – even a low grade rat wants to jump off this sinking ship

We have previously noted why Ms Susanne Chishti is unworthy of Non-Exec Director of the year. But even low-grade corporate rats know when the game is up.  The shock March 4 resignation of the one credible figure at Supply, its ex-chairman Jim Coyle, after just a few months at the helm, should have been a warning. Now, it appears that Chishti walked with immediate effect last Thursday.


1585 days ago

Rats rat on David Lenigas & Doriemus

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Formerly AIM then NEX and now ASX listed sub scale resource dog Doriemus has today learned a valuable lesson: whan a rat says that his word is his bond, or indeed actually signs a placing letter, that means nothing.


1756 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition TWELVE with Tom Winnifrith, Kirsty Fuller of Big Sofa, Adam Reynolds a cat and a rat

There are two guests in this week’s show, First up I discuss recent events at Bahamas Petroleum (BPC). then I discuss sexism in the City and Big Sofa (BST) with its boss Kirsty Fuller. Then it is on to Adam Reynolds where we cover Sosandar (SOS), Optibiotix (OPTI), Big Sofa (BST), Yourgene (YGEN) and Concepta (CPT). It is during this segment that the cat and the rat feature.  If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


2233 days ago

Photo Article - Progress at the Greek Hovel, next up roof

Business partner Darren is still obsessing about the dead snake and rat photo and unable to focus on the real progress made at the Greek Hovel. Okay, he is not the only one. But as you can see below, the pointing of the walls is now almost complete - in one shot you can see a completed wall next to an undone one. Next up are the roof and floorboards and having just whizzed a large sum out to Greece that should start next week. Doors and windows have also been ordered. The last major work will be the floors on the ground floor of the new wing and in the rat room and then it is on to power points, installing a range cooker, a woodburning stove, lighting etc. We are getting there...


2233 days ago

Grotesque large, very poisonous but dead, snake and rat photos from the Greek hovel

The headline really does reflect the photos so if you are squeamish do not look any further. This trio of pictorial horrors arrived this morning in an email from George the Architect. Chief builder Gregori the snake killer has been at work.

Most snakes of this type of adder, the most poisonous of the nine Greek species that are poisonous, are 20-30 centimetres long. This one was forty centimetres in length.  You may wonder what it is hanging out of its mouth…


2656 days ago

BREAKING: I met a snake at the Greek Hovel and I killed it!

This day goes down in history. I am terrified of snakes. Everyone in the village of Kambos knows it and laughs at the idea of the weird Englishman from Toumbia living in a hovel in the snake fields at the top of snake hill. But I need to do manual labour and so this afternoon headed to the hovel. Retrieving my pick axe from the rat room, or spare bat room as it is now known, I went onto the illegally constructed level above it, the snake veranda.


2786 days ago

The feral kitten at the greek Hovel who looked like Kitosh is now resident as a magnificent cat

It was in the summer of 2015, I think, that I made the acquaintance of a feral kitten at the Greek Hovel. The timid little thing was terrified of humans but I managed to persuade it to take a few saucers of milk. I did so because I love cats and who cannot love a sweet little kitten? I also thought how much it looked like Kitosh, pictured, the cat I owned before Oakley. And there was self interest at play as well.


2973 days ago

Mr Rat is back at the Greek hovel: doesn't he know I'm the frigging Gruffalo?

He is back. In the space between the window at the far end of the room from my bed and the shutter sits a smallish rat. It is where the rats always sit. I thought that I had driven them all away with generous helpings of rat "sweeties", the little blue pills which help send them to a "better place".



2985 days ago

One noise of the night explained - bats have taken over the rat room at the Greek Hovel

I can hear a loud chirping noise from outside as I prepare to go to sleep at night. Surely it cannot be a bird? I hear nothing in the day. Tonight all has been explained. Beneath the one room that is habitable at the Greek Hovel is the bat room, named after the dominant species of inhabitant when I arrived. Behind me but a level down, underneath the snake veranda, is the rat room, the veranda and the room both named for similar reasons. The latter has been cleansed of rats and it is where I store wood for the winter.


3193 days ago

PeerTV – Rat leaves sinking ship

Yesterday I urged you to back rebel shareholders who wish to oust the useless board at AIM listed confetti issuing machine, PeerTV (PTV) – HERE. You have until 3 PM today to contact the registrar to vote at the AGM on Monday and I urge you to do so NOW. Details on what to do can be obtained by emailing [email protected] - but the rats are already deserting but the confetti issuance also continues.


3363 days ago

Feeling frigging macho as I kill a rat at the Greek Hovel

I thought that I had driven the live rat from the Greek Hovel but as I returned tonight I heard a distinct scuttling noise. A year ago I would have panicked but these days I am just not scared of the little critters any more. And so I picked uo the mini spade I use to clear ash from the fireplace and headed towards the noise.

I saw the rat dart under a pile of rugs. I lifted them ine by one and at rug five there stood the rat - a small thing about three inches long excluding tail - blinking in the light. 

Thwack. I missed.
