rent boy

2235 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: In praise of Ed Croft, Martin Sorrell's hookers on expenses, & John Meyer must man up and take responsibility

I start by praising Ed Croft who despite all that I have said about him has donated £30 to my charity walk for Woodlarks. To those 90% of you listening who I have not insulted at all surely you can spare a tenner. We have now raised £6,263.16 (before gift aid), surely you can donate £10 HERE. Then I look at Martin Sorrell (ex WPP) and the hookers on expenses, Lord Browne of BP and the rent boy on expenses and natch I mention someone who put a sex toy and batteries and lots of lingerie on her expenses. Their crime is nothing to do with sex it is theft and I discuss that. Then it is onto Connect (CNCT) where I ponder its banking covenants and to Haydale Graphene (HAYD) where I wonder if the cash position is enough. Finally I explain to another J Meyer ( this time John not Julie, no relation) of SP Angel why the MySquar (MYSQ) fraud is HIS responsibility and what he needs to do ASAP


2825 days ago

Why do we all despise MPs? Think about the Right Honourable Keith Vaz for a second

Last night MPs voted by 203 votes to 7 to elect the Right Honourable Keith Vaz to the House of Commons Justice select Committee. You will remember that Vaz had to step down from chairmanship of the Home Affairs committee just a few weeks ago after being caught offering to pay for illegal drugs for a rent boy with whom he went on to have unprotected anal sex with. It was Vaz who exploited the sex worked as he insisted that the poor hooker engage in this high risk activity.


2874 days ago

Emily Thornberry - the default mechanism of a cornered lefty: scream "xxxism!"

Emily Thornberry is a rich fat slug living in a multi million pound Islington townhouse who sneers at folks living in chavtastically decorated former council houses and who work hard in the productive part of the economy driving white vans. Ms Thornberry is a state funded parasite whose vast wages are paid by white van man, by you and I. She is entitled to her snobbish views although it might seem a tad ungrateful to those who pay her wages. It is also rank hypocrisy since Emily is a front bench spokesperson for the party that claims to support the working man, the Labour Party. That gaffe was last year's foot in mouth.

Her new brush with the headlines results from an interview on Sky News in which she failed to name the French Foreign Minister. She them demanded that she be asked about Korea instead and then failed to name the new PM in South Korea. To be honest I know that the leader of the South Koreans is a woman but that is about it and as for the froggie I have not got a scooby. I suspect that less than 1% of us could name either the frog or the dog eater. 

But then again


2880 days ago

The pious sanctimony of the loathsome Keith Vaz as the taxpayer takes it up the arse again

I do not care a jot that Keith Vaz offers to buy coke for young men who he pays to have unprotected anal sex with. Nor do I care that reports are emerging showing that his pattern of behavior is not a one off. I feel sorry for Mrs Vaz who must be feeling very confused right now, not knowing which way to turn. But Vaz himself has no shame.

The oily old windbag has a history of sinning normally in the cash for favours department and in any normal job would have been fired years ago. But Vaz is an MP. And so yesterday he stood down from the Commons Home Affairs committee which he chaired. Naturally he said that he was doing so "for the sake of the committee"" not for himself you understand, Vaz makes this noble sacrifice for others because he cares. What a saint.

And naturally


2882 days ago

The Treatment of Scumbag Keith Vaz - the moral bankruptcy of the public sector exposed

If Keith Vaz was holding a senior management position in the private sector, the rent boy shagging, drug buying MP would not be wandering into work today. He would be suspended on full pay as an enquiry would be underway and concluded within two weeks. Actually following numerous previous episodes Vaz would have been fired years ago had he worked in the productive part of the economy. Luckily for him, Vaz "works" in the public sector, the part of the economy we in the private sector fund. So there is no accountability.

Vaz has been caught on tape so appears to be slam dunk guilty of offering to buy illegal drugs and of paying male prostitutes for sex. Given that the committee he chairs is producing reports on prostitution right now and that he has spoken in debates at sleaze central on drugs he is guilty not only of a crime ( offering to buy illegal drugs) but of what we in the private sector term "an undeclared conflict of interest (COI)" 

As a libertarian


2883 days ago

Keith Vaz MP, The Bishop of Grantham and a couple of Polish Rentboys

I used to have a girlfriend from India who arrived in this country convinced that the entire British establishment and anyone who went to a public school (with the exception of myself, naturally) were closet homoseexuals. If she is reading the tabloid press today she will no doubt be concluding that she was right all along.

First there is the Bishop of Grantham


3051 days ago

Brexit joke scare story of the day - vote to stay in the EU or risk another Auschwitz

Project Fear becomes even more desperate in its attempts to scare us into staying in the EU. Today's "you couldn't make it up but we will anyway" comes from Lord Browne, the former boss of BP.


3357 days ago

Edison is paid to puff Tungsten but cannot bring itself to do so, so writes garbage - SELL

Paid for researcher Edison is paid by companies to produce notes. The hooker never tells her client how small his cock is she just gets on with it and thus Edison is always looking on the bright side. But in its utterly misleading note on Tungsten (TUNG) out today, even the rent-boy of the research world cannot bring itself to say buy. That is a pretty big Red Flag.
