
467 days ago

Socialist Grifter Avaaz lies about Elon Musk’s tax rate of 3% AND that of a Ugandan rice trader as it demands a billionaire tax to save the planet

It is hard to know where to start with today’s utterly lie packed email rom the grifters at Avaaz – highly paid individuals who want to soak the rich, that is not them but entrepreneurs like Elon Musk. Now Musk is right now, a bit of a hero, for his utter destruction of a BBC reporter as you can see in the video below.


509 days ago

#BoycottHershey – go woke go broke on #InternationalWomensDay

One good reason to boycott the America chocolate company and all its teeth rotting products is that it fired workers in the US who refused to take a covid vaccine. But today its International Women’s Day (March 8)  Canadian operation has served up another. Meet Fae Johnstone who has been appointed and paid to be one of its five women ambassadors on this day. Remember this is the socialist, woke hell hole that is Canada. Have you guessed yet?


1193 days ago

Labour’s Charlotte Nicholls MP another who despises the values of the working class, another treasure for George Orwell

I was siting there with two middle class, university & public school educated affluent lefties discussing why the working class was abandoning Labour. One, that being the Mrs, opined that it was because they liked voting for Toffs, that is to say Boris. This was a theory of one of her colleagues in the world of sociology. The other, daughter Olaf, did not dissent. Such is the state of denial among the British left.


1251 days ago

Site Publisher Comrade Atwater & his Mrs march through the cold snows of Ottawa to feed those made poor & hungry by Justin Trudeau

When you elect a socialist crackpot like Justin Trudeau, a hereditary politician and all round knobhead, it will eventually end in tears. The problem with socialists is that eventually they run out of other people’s money, as the greatest leader this country has ever known once observed. So in the snows of the socialist hell hole that is Canada, they are not yet at the pet eating stage but homelessness and hunger are a growing problem. But at least Mr Trudeau hopes to end lockdown in time to wear his Eid socks at the Pride parade. Or is it the other way round?


2815 days ago

Guardian writer Monisha Rajesh calls for assassination of Donald Trump - will the liberal rag fire her?

After the Socialist MP Joe Cox was murdered by a mentally ill man the left wing Guardian Newspaper was quick to blame and condemn right wing Brexit campaigners who it claimed - with no evidence at all - had prompted this act. So what is its take on the tweet yesterday from Monisha Rajesh,a writer on travel matters who the Guardian uses regularly. She thinks that President elect Donald Trump should be assassinated.


2917 days ago

The Labour battle of promising ever more insanity & unelectability: Corbyn vs Smith

Every day I receive at least one text message or email from either Comrade Corbyn or Comrade Smith as they each seek my support to become the man to take Labour over an electoral precipice. For as each day goes on they make promises that are more and more insane.


2988 days ago

Just two weeks to stop crooked Clinton handing the White House keys to Trump

By June 7th after the California Democrat primary we will know for sure whether the Dems really want to hand the presidency to Donald Trump on a plate. 

Right now, crooked Hillary - for that is how she is perceived - is about 100 delegates short of winning the Democrat nomination. However that is in good part to the fact that the unelected Super Delegates , party officials, right now break for her c525 to 30 ( with 157 undeclared). In terms of elected Delegates Hillary leads crackpot socialist mad Bernie Sanders 1,771 to 1,449. 

But Sanders has been winning most of the recent primaries including West Virginia where he slaughtered crooked Hillary even though Clinton had beaten Obama in the same state. Democrat strategists should note that a third of those voting Sanders (so a fifth of registered Dems) in West Virginia say they would vote Trump in a contest against Clinton. That hands the state to the GOP. 

As of today, 
