1567 days ago
I pray that Donald Trump and the fragrant Melania recover from Covid and unlike godless liberals who tweet about praying for things I do actually pray and to someone I believe in. However Lucian has a bet on Mike Pence to be the next President and I discuss this. I then move on to look at UK Oil & Gas UKOG) where I diod tell y’all, Attis Oil & Gas (AOGL) and share rampers from the AIM swamps, Purplebricks (PURP) and also the latest mystery at Supply@ME Capital (SYME),the worthless POS from the province of Norfolk. Later i am recording a video that I am sure many of you will enjoy.
2178 days ago
To be fair to Mercer he was in the army so has some real world experience but he now seems to be well and truly part of the Westminster swamp, as the tweet below shows.
2259 days ago
The main item on the shopping list yesterday as Joshua and I headed into Clifton was a new Jeremy Corbyn, Strong & Stable, mug for the Mrs to replace the one Joshua had smashed, in an early sign of his sound gut political instinct. That mission was accomplished. Jeremy Corbyn is already making me poorer and the Sinn Fein/IRA loving old bastard is not even in power yet.
2292 days ago
In New York and the liberal coastal cities they are having a twitter wankfest as pop star Taylor Swift has come out as a Democrat and intervened to tell voters how to vote in the Tennessee Senate race. Of course all those endorsements from multi-millionaire celebs, Hollywood perverts and airheads helped crooked Hillary Clinton to the White House didn’t they. But the Tennesse race is meant to be tight.
2302 days ago
Naturally the BBC, Channel 4 “fake” News and the rest of the liberal media presented a hopelessly one sided account of the Senate testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and the man she accuses of groping her 36 years ago, would be Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. But normal folks can see through all this.
2586 days ago
No comment on the cartoon below is needed from me. I suspect that the liberals who inhabit the swamp that is British & American academia would not find this funny or even understand the joke.