
2834 days ago

Russell Square - just why are the Police NOT telling us one key fact

Yesterday's news was all about how the Metropolitan Police is dressing up more and more of its officers to look like RoboCop to keep us all safe. Remind me, what was the name of that Brazilian chappie the Met shot dead for no good reason? If you trust the State you would have been reassured until about 10.30 PM when reports came in of a stabbing in Russell Square in the heart of the capital: 1 dead, five injured.


2854 days ago

Nice - the BBC really does not want to say the obvious: It was ISIS which did it

Somehow I managed to work out how to tune my father's TV onto the BBC News Channel. Newsnight had been too busy bashing the Tories to give more than a brief mention to a story that broke before it went on air and which now leaves almost 80 people lying dead in France. Sof dozens of dead froggies, lets remind ourselves again how across the world liberal media pundits think Boris Johnson is frightful. The interweb was miles ahead of the Beeb's flagship show once again but over on the news channel there was now full coverage.

I went to sleep at 1.30 AM by which time the BBC had at least accepted that it was not an accident ( circa midnight) and was most definitely a terrorist attack. Jeepers you don't say. One Belgian terrorism expert had stated the bleeding obvious that it was an attack by ISIS but the BBC itself was making no such claims instead insisting that we have no idea who was responsible.

Hmmm. The wicked Jews? 
