
374 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: starting the post mortems on Deepverge & Microsaic

But first, the changes needed to Bulletin Board to deal with defamatory trolls. I write as someone reporting one incident to the Police last night and taking up another with twitter earlier in the week. Then, I might be a bit premature, on the post mortems of Deepverge (DVRG) and Microsaic (MSYS) but I name ALL the guilty men


537 days ago

The snake oil salesman Arthur Millholland of Canadian Overseas trolls ShareProphets and Tom Winnifrith - this did not age well

On 8 April 2022 I reported Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and its CEO Arthur Millholland to the FCAbranding the CEO a “snake oil salesman” as you can see HEREHis response issued via RNS on 14 April was a direct attack on me and on this website. He branded his critics as “snake oil salesmen” and false “prophets”. He was talking about me. He said critics  did not understand accounts and were in it for my their “nefarious” gain. I suggest, never having had a position long or short in Canadian, just being a journalist who trained as an oil analyst I am today vindicated as the company warned it could go bust and its shares collapsed. Millholland’s statement is below. It has not aged well.


1142 days ago

Meet some trolls who own shares in Remote Monitored Solutions, and here is a picture of a swimming pool in Greece owned by a real value investor

For the past year myself and Gary Newman have repeatedly warned about the crazy valuation of Remote Monitored Systems (RMS), about the director lying – another one exposed today – and about the collapsing face mask bubble. We were met with derision and abuse for numerous online trolls.  On a day when our analysis has been wholly vindicated with Remote shares crashing, here are three of those trolls in action.


1318 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Okay unless you can do better my villain of the year has to be Mad Mark Drakeford

First I start with Joshua’s Advent calendar and the appearance of the star. Then who is to be my Christmas carol villain of the year then it has to be Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford who today has just gone complelely bonkers as I describe HERE. Then I look at Vin Murria’s Summerway Capital (SWC) and explain why you are not too late even at 1.65p. then a look  at AFC Energy (AFC) and my new policy on dealing with abusive trolls. I discuss Fox Marble (FOX) and averaging down and then the scandal that is Remote Monitoring Systems (RMS) gets even worse. Surely the Oxymorons must investigate.


1622 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice!

This podcast is dedicated to all those trolls who have given me and my family such grief over certain stocks. I discuss Indaba and crony capitalists and a bloke who did the wrong course at Oxford. I look at Versarien (FRAUD), NMC Health (NMC), Bidstack (BIDS), Intu (INTU) and Nakama (NAK).


2193 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: C'mon Dave Lenigas tell your UKOG twitter trolls that attacking a charity for the disabled is disgusting

As of last night a group of UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) twitter trolls have moved from attacking me over THIS ARTICLE to having a pop at Woodlarks over the walk on Saturday. Big Dave Lenigas is copied in on these tweets. I urge him to state clearly that attacking charities for the disabled is obscene and to make a donation HERE - as should any bearcast listener who has not done so already!  I have recorded a special Woodlarks podcast today which you can listen to HERE. In this bearcast I ask what will make an overvalued market crack and look at Tern (TERN), Amur (AMC), Metals Exploration (MTL), Optibiotix (OPTI) and Uk Oil & Gas (UKOG) once more. 


2326 days ago

Russia: Jeremy Corbyn is right

This will not make me popular but I have to say that my fellow Russianophile and guest on RT, comrade Jeremy Corbyn, is taking the correct, if massively unpopular line on the alleged Russian Chemical attack in Salisbury. I don't care if old Jezza is still on the payroll of the Czech secret police he is right.


2378 days ago

A few of we right wingers are total arseholes but the few have allowed Cathy Newman and Channel 4 News off the hook

My sister N is the sort of public sector employed lefty whose prime source of information is the Guardian. And since I am about the only Tory she speaks to, for there are few to no-one in her social circle, there is no-one to challenge the lies she is fed by the BBC's sister publication. And thus when I asked her if she had seen the Cathy Newman car crash interview with Jordan Peterson on Channel 4 Fake News she said "I've read about all the abuse and death threats she is getting."


2809 days ago

The vile double standards of the liberal left when it comes to Melania Trump

I was rather fond of Michelle Obama if not of her other half, President hopey change. Okay she has a range of misguided views on all sorts of things but she seems to have a sense of humour and a pleasant enough demeanour. But there were those who criticised her generating, in many cases, a stock response from the liberal left and media: racist. If it was not racism that drove attacks on Mrs hopey change it was sexism. Now many of Michelle's defenders are now on the attack against the latest Mrs Trump, the lovely Melania.
