
507 days ago

Photo Article - The reason no articles yesterday, my first training walk for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, schoolboy errors

I had hoped that Darren would have added all the photos I sent him from the top of Moel Famau, a large hill the other side of Mold. But, he is not a Good German and I shall sack him later. Instead you can see me below with my chunky two year old daughter Jaya on my back and try to imagine views, stretching miles and miles, out into the Irish sea.


513 days ago

One last time, Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks Annual 34 mile walk – we are on!

This will be the sixth walk and we have agreed the last. Maybe Lucian and I will do something different next year, maybe not. The old boy did turn 60 last year. The date is now set for June 17 and we will walk the 34 miles from Winchester to the Woodlarks camp. So far those signed up are:


1217 days ago

My first training walk to help save Woodlarks

Because of the lockdown rules and because so many of its campers have immune deficiency issues, Woodlarks cannot open this year and so it has no income. So if the Rogue Bloggers do not do another walk and do not raise £48,000, Woodlarks may not reopen at all next year so please do donate now HERE. As such, we band of seven have pledged to go the extra mile. This year it is 34 not 33 miles from Winchester to Woodlarks on May 29. And I am not in great shape.



1510 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: In defence of Boohoo's management

In today’s podcast I tempt fate – as I am about to record a video with Matt Earl – in defending Boohoo’s (BOO) boss. I discuss the shares vs cash debate, Rolls Royce (RR.), sharp share price moves, ref Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and what the real unemployment number will be as furloughing is wound down. And now for a long training walk for the Woodlarks walk in 2 weeks time. We are now at 36% of target: please donate today HERE


1510 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: let's hear it for a despised & reviled minority who are the true Coronavirus heroes

I refer, of course, to smokers. Before Malcolm gets on his high horse, hear me out. What I say is logical if a bit crazy. In that vein I also discuss the mad idea of buying the ten worst stocks on AIM and ask for your nominations. I start with Catenae Innovation (CTEA), Tern (TERN), Clear Leisure (CLP) and Attis Oil & Gas (AOGL). I also discuss the crazy idea of buying FinnCap (FCAP) shares. I look at the Powerhouse Energy (PHE) ramp and at the curious case of Anexo (ANX) placing today as directors dump shares. The Woodlarks walk appeal is now at 34% please, as I start another training walk this afternoon, donate HERE.


1972 days ago

Woodlarks Training walk Number 2 - 16 miles in rain wind and mud - Part 1

You know what fun I have with training walks. Getting wet. Getting lost. Scrambling up nettle infested steep hills as a result of getting lost. It is all part of the build up to May 25 and the 33 mile Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks Charity walk. Today I have just finished my second serious training walk. After 11-12 miles to Swineford last Saturday , today I have just completed 16 miles. It would have been 15.5 but er...I got lost.


2194 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Why I walk for Woodlarks, how I got involved and why it matters so much

On Saturday I shall try to walk 33 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks with Brokerman Dan and Lucian Miers, my fellow rogue bloggers. In this podcast I explain why I got involved so many years ago, what Woodlarks does and why all of you should donate to this great charity HERE. Please take 12 minutes out to listen and then make a donation.


2194 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Hell's teeth Lucian says it is actually 33 miles! IQE - I smell panic & Rangers' Dave King Court date

Brokerman Dan has been replaced as the maps man on our Woodlarks Charity walk on Saturday. Perhaps we now know why in his former career he did not always get away. For it turns out that the walk is not 32 miles but 33. Lucian has mapped it out in full. Cripes. We now need just over £2,000 to reach our £20,000 target so if you have not yet sponsored me please do so HERE. Get us to target & I will shut up about it. In the podcast I look at IQE (IQE), Rangers FC and another date in court for Dave King, Thirsty Paul Scott not understanding what research means & wanting me not to cover Sosandar (SOS), Cenkos (CNKS), ADVFN (AFN) and Online Blockchain (OBC), Highlands Natural Resources (HNR) and Fishing Republic (FISH) which, I think, is AIM toast in waiting 


2196 days ago

Getting half lost in the Somerset hills – my last big training walk before the monster on Saturday

On Saturday myself, Brokerman Dan and Lucian Miers, aka the rogue bloggers, will walk 32 miles from the infamous Horse Hill “Gatwick Gusher” oil well to Woodlarks, aiming to raise £20,000 for that amazing charity. Reminder – Woodlarks needs that cash to up its income from just £126,500 last year, to close its deficit and keep doing its amazing work providing holidays for handicapped folks who would otherwise get none.  Yesterday was my last long training walk…



2205 days ago

Walking through the burning Greek Sun - not plain sailing

My 32 mile walk for Woodlarks with my fellow rogue blogger, Brokerman Dan, is now just two weeks away and I am conscious that most of my training has been on the flat. What better way to prepare for the Surrey hills than to walk up a Greek mountain in the burning summer heat? And so at 8.30 AM off I set....


2205 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Its not that I don't believe Rob Proctor means what he says, but...

I am now back from my 12-14 mile walk of which the first six were solidly uphill. I shall post details of what happened on my own website but it was an adventure. Think of me trekking up the mountain road and please make a donation to Woodlarks ahead of my 32 mile walk with Dan in two weeks time. Donate here. In today's podcast I look in detail at Audioboom (BOOM) and its statement of yesterday. And I flag up some more red flags regarding Telit (TCM).


2225 days ago

19 Mile Training walk for Woodlarks, another disaster: poor Lucian Miers

In the build up to my 32 mile charity walk for Woodlarks on July 28, I planned to build on last week’s 15 miler stroll with 19 miles and it all started so well. My pal Lucian Miers drove over from Winchester first thing and at 8 AM we started walking from just near Bristol Temple Meads. According to my calculations the Bath Bristol Railway path was 13 miles and Bath to the Hop Pole Inn on the other side was 6 miles largely along the Kennet & Avon Canal.


2237 days ago

Walking, walking, walking – update on my training for Woodlarks, another day of humiliation

I see that  Brokerman Dan, who will be walking 32 miles for Woodlarks with me on July 28, has tweeted about completing a 15 mile training walk. In the smug looking selfie that accompanied the tweet the old bastard looks fresh as a daisy, as if he had just strolled to and from the local corner store. If only it were that way for me.


2243 days ago

My first training walk for Woodlarks completed - don't laugh 5 miles is okay says Brian

In just under two months I shall be doing a 30 mile walk for the excellent Woodlarks Charity with my friend the blogger and former bank robber Brokerman Dan. Dan is rather fitter than I am and keeps tweeting messages about how he is just popping out for a quick 10 mile training yomp. I do not know if he is just trying to spook me or if he is serious but I have a horrible feeling that it is the latter.
