
2006 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The return of Wildes, Roger Lawson and Lucky Lord Lucan

I am plagued today by Bulletin Board Morons reporting me to the FCA, by Roger Lawson and some ungracious comments on fraud busting at Globo (GBO), Quindell (QPP) and Patisserie Holdings (CAKE) and by our former in house Bulletin Board Loon who has returned to really rile me with some vile comments on the holocaust which expose him as the Jew hating vermin that he is - HERE. I comment on Angus Energy (ANGS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Domino's Pizza (DOM), Feedback (FDBK), Photonstar Led (PSL), Starcom (STAR) and Cabot Energy (CAB) . Footnote, Roger is now planning to run an amendment flagging up that I did advise folks to sell/short Patisserie warning "something's not right". Roger you are a gent.


2032 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Kidnapping the Chavs cat, the disappearance of Wildes and more

In today's podcast I explain why own in-house Bulletin Board Moron Wildes has disappeared, how I am considering kidnapping the Chavs cat, a forthcoming contest and then I look at Amur Minerals (AMC), MX Oil (MXO), Audioboom (BOOM) and Online Blockchain (OBC).


2082 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I agree with everyone on one matter & with in house Bulletin Board loon Wildes on another

I start with that upon which we are all surely agreed. Theresa May's Brexit deal is awful, she has acted treasonously towards Ulster and she must go now. Then it seems that Wildes and I agree on one aspect of news from Falanx (FLX) - I discuss its news today. I move on to Totally (TLY), Debenhams (DEB), BCA Marketplace (BCA), Johnston Press (JPR), Purplebricks (PURP) and First Derivatives (FDP)


2108 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel – one step at a time

The carpenter and his assistant were hard at it again today. This time, as you can see below, building steps from the second floor kitchen up to the living area. They asked what I thought. Cala said I, lying.


2140 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - is my correspondent transgender or does he really know about women's knickers and Tesla

In today's podcast I discuss the moral bankruptcy of Naz Shah MP and her comments on Non Invasive Pregnancy Tests,  yes Premaitha (NIPT). I look at Tesla (TSLA) and the lessons from women's knickers, at Kefi (KEFI), Frontera (FRR) and the credibility test vs Yorkville, Derriston (DERR) and explain to some folks, I fear it is in house BBM Wildes, what a DCF model involves and why it is used, ref RedT (RED)


2149 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - The most deluded soul of the week: our own in house BBM Wildes, David Lenigas or Elon Musk

In this podcast, my last from the Greek Hovel for some weeks, I discuss the delusions of David Lenigas, Tesla pot head Elon Musk and our own in-house Bulletin Board Moron Wildes in a tag team combo with the Archbishop of Canterbury. Who is most deluded? I have the answer and explain why.


2268 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - when a scam unravels... the 3xs are talking to me every day about Julie Meyer

The 3xs are the best friend of a fraudbuster or an investigative journalist and right now xs are lining up to me to chat about Julie Meyer. The Winnileaks service is buzzing. Julie's reign of terror over the xs is over. Away from that I comment on whether it is better to travel to arrive, the idea that UK Equities have only been this cheap during world wars - bollocks in the Telegraph - Interquest (ITQ) whose management are A grade a'holes and Westminster Group (ditto) where the issue is not where earnings will be in 4 years as our in-house BB loon Wildes suggests - but whether the company will be bust in 4 weeks.


2795 days ago

LGO Energy - cash bonus in Spain not enough, another placing inevitable & another sleight of hand by Ritson

Loons, like our very own LGO Energy (LGO) owning fanatic Wildes, will have yesterday celebrated news that 11,200 barrels of Spanish oil which had accumulated over the summer had finally been sold. But shares in LGO still fell to just 0.11p. Here's why.


3116 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 15 January: The Force Awakens, The Sith Lord cast into exile

The Sith Lord Zak Mir will be leaving the rebel alliance for good on Sunday. As of now this site is (with the exception of the miserable froggie Thierry who has penned a great piece today) fundamentals only, no TA nonsense. We will do some buy tips but not of that ramping shite Bulletin Board Morons love - this site is becoming more critical and bearish. In terms of the market I comment on the joke that is ISDX in light of Nigel's great article today then onto MX Oil (MXO) - explaining market abuse & insider dealing for Wildes and other morons - LGO Energy (TOAST), Koovs (KOOV), UKRProduct (UKR), EG Solotions (EGS), Webis (WEB) and BMR (BMR)


3196 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 October: Is InternetQ another Globo? Chemring, Dialight & More

A busy day with my daughter beckons. In the evening it is the new James Bond film. But first a lunchtime bootcamp with Uncle Chris (Booker) to put her straight on the Evil Empire, the EU. In the podcast I ask if InternetQ (INTQ) is the new Globo (GBO)? Then I look at Chemring (CHG), Dialight (DIA) - another win for the bears - Afren (AFR) gets a mention as does LGO Energy (LGO), BP (BP.), Union Jack Oil & Gas (UJO) and - just to niggle Wildes - Premaitha (NIPT) whose shares are moving ahead nicely - more to go there!
