
1027 days ago

Video: the great Ron Paul warns dollar panic will lead to economic collapse

Ron Paul for President! Sadly he never made it past the Republican Primaries. America is not ready for a honest, sound money libertarian yet. But the good doctor is still my hero. In this new video, Dr Paul discusses the need to reduce the size and scope of government. He argues that people today rely on the government too much, and politicians can’t resist taking advantage of this dependence. It’s like an addiction, and stopping it is a problem. The plunge protection team has done a miraculous job of propping up the market. But, unfortunately, Paul argues, the dollar will continue to decline, and inflation will result in the prices of everything going up.


1309 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lucian & I discuss Mike Pence at 33-1 as next POTUS bet

I pray that Donald Trump and the fragrant Melania recover from Covid and unlike godless liberals who tweet about praying for things I do actually pray and to someone I believe in. However Lucian has a bet on Mike Pence to be the next President and I discuss this. I then move on to look at UK Oil & Gas UKOG) where I diod tell y’all, Attis Oil & Gas (AOGL) and share rampers from the AIM swamps, Purplebricks (PURP) and also the latest mystery at Supply@ME Capital (SYME),the worthless POS from the province of Norfolk. Later i am recording a video that I am sure many of you will enjoy.


1950 days ago

Pocohontas for President – a wet dream for Republicans & other Deplorables

And they are off… the first Democrat to throw their hat into the ring as a potential Presidential candidate for 2020 is Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. As an out and proud deplorable I can think of few, bar crooked Hillary herself who is – quite amazingly - considering a run herself,  I’d rather see the Dems select. Pocohontas is everything that is wrong with the Democrat party.


2306 days ago

#Oprah2020 - Bring it On, we deplorables can't wait for someone even better than Hillary

The last tgime longtime Harvey Weinstein apologist Meryl Streep rapturously endorsed someone it was when Roman Polanski - a man who sodomised a 13 year old girl before fleeing the US to escape justice - won an Oscar. Boy that Meryl had great taste. But Meryl's big new endorsement, post the Golden Globes, is of the actress and chat show host Oprah Winfrey to run for US President in 2020 for the Dems. Oh please, as a paid up deplorable, I beg of you make it be true.


2442 days ago

Emmanuel Macron spends 26,000 Euro of taxpayer cash in three months on make-up - let the sans culottes use cake

It has emerged that in the three months since being elected French President, Emmanuel Macron has spent 26,000 Euro of taxpayers 'cash on his make-up. As it was revealed that over-taxed Froggie citizens had coughed up two bills to a personal makeup artist called Natacha M; one for €10,000 and another for €16,000 Macron's aides said that her services hads been needed as “a matter of urgency”. Hmmm. Really? What emergency does the odious little Queen imagine that might be?


2729 days ago

Glass Ceilings: Hillary Clinton and the fascist Marine Le Pen

"We have never had a female President we need one now" they said. "But she is an appalling and dreadful woman" we countered and then she lost. " A big reason was sexism, it was because she was a woman, the glass ceiling is still there " They said. 


2732 days ago

Eight reasons to delight in a win for President Donald Trump

I am a bad winner. I wanted Donald Trump to win and I wanted crooked Hillary Clinton to lose even more and my eight reasons why that would happen, published two months ago, proved 100% correct. I was punching the air all night as I stayed up watching the results. Georgia Yeeeees! North Carolina Yeeeeees! "Racist" Trump's share of the black & hispanic vote is up on 2012 - Yeeessss!!! Take that Matt Frei you ignorant bastard. Dippy Millennials in tears at Clinton HQ YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Oh what fun I had and so in the cold light of day, I list the eight moments that brought me most joy from the past 24 hours.


2789 days ago

The smartest easy money political bet - Lay Crooked Hillary Clinton. I bet Bill won't

Okay it will probably be the first time that Crooked Hillary got laid in years but I suggest you open a bet against her being the next President at Betfair right now. The price is now 1.59 meaning that to win £1,000 you risk £590. Let me explain.


3312 days ago

A real politician who does not believe in the Money Tree - Rand Paul for President

None of the British parties has the slightest intention of eradicating the UK budget deficit - they are all Money Tree worshippers. And our record on free speech and civil liberties over the past few years has been dire. Rand Paul ( son of Ron Paul) is different and yesterday announced he was running for US President.

Come January this website will be edited for a short while from New Hampshire as I pay a holiday visit to experience the primary there - West Wing junkies will know how exciting that can be. All supporters of liberty and sound money should stand with Rand. This website does. Watch him announce his candidacy yesterday and compare his message with the banal issue evading words of our own leaders. Rand Paul for President!
