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No Hannah Winterbourne you have not always been a woman you used to have a penis

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 27 March 2018

The Sun Newspaper stands accused of transphobia for running a story about a man who used to be a woman marrying a woman who used to be a man. Hannah Winterbourne, a soldier, who is the bride says the story is untrue because she has always been a woman and her husband always been a man. I guess this is a timely refresher on the Orwellian world of 1984. You see I use Oldspeak..

That is to say when someone is born with a penis, no vagina and no boobs and at 14 his voice breaks and he grows hairs all over his body I would term such a person to be a man.  But Hannah says she has never been a man even though she used to have a penis but now has a vagina thanks to surgery which also supplied her with boobs. Meanwhile chemicals altered her body so much so that she now feels broody. 

But in Newspeak Hannah is allowed to say that anyone who suggests that because she had a penis until she got it chopped off and used to have to shave that she was once a man really does not get it, she has always been a woman. And if you can't accept that then in 2018 Airstrip One you are a bigoted transphobe. The fact that Hannah also identifies as a trans rather marks her out from other "women" like my wife who would simply say that they were women and always have been.

The sun headline is 100% factually accurate but in 1984, oops, 2018, that is not really the point is it?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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