250 days ago
My “crime” for which I should, presumably, be locked in the Tower is to have suggested in THIS ARTICLE that not only was Ukraine losing the war but that it had been losing since last summer and that thed political and media GroupThink had lied about numerous aspects of and events in this war. I cited specific examples of those lies.
280 days ago
I have my own battle with Bath Spa University. The time is now almost right to relay to you the Orwellian treatment it dished out to me but more critically to my wife after I gave THIS outstanding lecture. Suffice to say it is an Orwellian, woke shit-hole with zero credibility in terms of academic rigour. Bath Spa should also be reminded of its horrific treatment of academic James Caspian after the publication of the seminal Cass Report.
418 days ago
As ever, the Mrs. puts on Radio 4 over breakfast to push my blood pressure up. I suspect it is all part of a cunning plan to make her a wealthy young widow. “Just a little bit more woman’s hour, that should bring on the coronary,” I can almost hear her saying it to herself.
458 days ago
The BBC’s Verify Unit has not had a good week. Well it never really does. It is an Orwellian Unit fronted up by someone who faked her own CV designed to sniff out fake news. Well here is an easy one for Marianna Spring and her team.
555 days ago
If I had had surgery when I was a kid to help me be what I wanted to be and thought I was, I would today have only one leg and one eye. I would not be a proper pirate but I could at least identify as Long John Silver. These days some folks think kids should have whatever they want to help them be what they want. If they want to “transition” so they can change gender it is fine to pump them with chemicals and start snipping here and there. So what if 25% of folks who do transition regret it and what to change back, lets pump the teenagers full of hormones. Do you think this is repulsive, I do. But dare I say that?
709 days ago
I discuss both Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) where my target remains 0p. And I say that as the loyal owner of one share. Then also the green idiots suing Shell (SHEL) for not being green enough. Words almost fail me but, as usual, in the end they do not. I forgot to mention it but I commend to you my article on the utter bastardisation of democracy and Orwellian use of language by the Committee of the MCC, HERE
712 days ago
I am one of those MCC members who voted the wrong way. I really don’t care that much for the retention of the Oxford vs Cambridge match at Lords and as for Eton vs Harrow, I’d rather both establishments were shut down altogether. But I don’t like being sledged and I loathe the Orwellian abuse of the English language which seems to be the order of the day at the MCC these days.
734 days ago
Jon Sopel, his former colleagues at the BBC, the Euro loon Femi, the whole of the liberal elite are applauding ghastly Jacinda Ardern for stepping down “on a high” as Prime Minister of New Zealand today. It is almost as “brave” as when Phil Schofield came out as gay just as his 17 year old bunk-up/work junior was going to out him to a tabloid. The reality is that Ardern’s party is now trailing in the polls and its ratings are tanking fast. Defeat in the October Election is inevitable and that is why Ardern is quitting, whatever little Sopel says below. But what of her record on, say, covid where the liberal left applauded her for the most draconian lockdown in the world, bar North Korea. Here are the facts and they do not make for good reading:
904 days ago
The other day I served up a detailed podcast on some of the lies that the political and media classes try to get us to swallow. The flip slide of this Orwellian nightmare are the things that you cannot say without risking being branded some sort of “ist” and potentially silenced. I got an email today from UEFA.
1029 days ago
The City of Glasgow has published a report on which statues it should tear down and which street names it should erase from history to appease the woke mobs and the Black Lives Matter movement. The press is all over the fight to save a statue of the explorer David Livingstone but is missing out om the even madder call to erase Sir Robert Peel from history.
1079 days ago
This is Orwellian. A LinkedIn link to THIS ARTICLE which discusses hard data on the effectiveness of mask wearing in stopping spread has been removed and if I persist in spreading “misinformation” LinkedIn says that “Repeatedly creating content that doesn’t comply with our Professional Community Policies could lead to your LinkedIn account being restricted.” I have appealed the decision on the basis that what I report is hard fact from which there can be only one logical conclusion. The facts are…
1264 days ago
I start with the refugees which leads nicely into the vicious and Orwellian attack by Channel 4 News on Steve Brown of Orcadian Energy (ORCA) where I am a loyal shareholder. What has happened here is a direct attack on free speech, an attack by the media itself. It is horrific. Then it is onto Versarien (VRS). Ian Westbrook may well be within £1950 of being able to make the loathsome pig Neill Ricketts sweat like an AIM CEO so with 22 hours to go, please keep donating HERE. Meanwhile, Neill is up to his old tricks of disseminating over-egged “news” via non RNS means as I expose HERE. Surely the Oxymorons must act?
1279 days ago
Provoked by the sheer silliness of some of my neighbours back in the last village in Wales, I signalled my opposition to mask wearing on the village Facebook site last night. The response, as you’d imagine, has been Orwellian. And as such, I have a modest proposal for the face nappy jihadists…
1430 days ago
Merseyside police do not have any useful work to do. After all, there were only 49,414 violent crimes in the Merseyside area in 2020. That is 135 a day. So with nothing better to do, I bring you a picture of four cops from the supposedly cash-strapped Merseyside Force “in action” outside an Asda in Liverpool yesterday. They are, of course, breaking the law.
1455 days ago
Yet again we see evidence of how Britain’s Police forces, drunk on emergency covid lockdown powers and egged on by second rate headline seeking quote merchants, such as Priti Patel, are behaving in an Orwellian fashion. West Mercia, the force that failed to spot the industrial-scale sex abuse in Telford over three decades, has already disgraced itself with its antics on snowballing. And now this video below emerges. Tell me with a straight face that you are proud to live in a free Britain.
1471 days ago
Britain’s Police forces are increasingly drunk on the new lockdown powers they have been given by our airhead, but authoritarian, Home Secretary Priti Patel. My family and I managed to break five of her daft laws today with acts that have seen fines handed out by cops from various forces in recent days, such as sitting on a bench or drinking a cup of coffee, without the Rozzers catching us. But some poor sap from Bristol was not so lucky. His crime is shocking.
1471 days ago
It is my birthday so the entire family became a criminal family to celebrate. I reckon it was five crimes under the new lockdown laws and with the Orwellian North Wales Police and the Orwellian West Mercia rozzers to cope with it, it is lucky we were not all arrested and deported to Australia. In order we:
1475 days ago
I am almost longing for those heady days in July when the daftest thing the Police did was to take a knee to an organisation that wanted to er…defund the Police. At least, at that point, Plod just looked ridiculous. Now Forces across the country compete to use new Covid powers in the most authoritarian and pointless way and they look sinister and frightening. We had thought that the force that was most authoritarian was that of Northants leading the fight against eating Big Macs, before Derbyshire served up a storming entry with its designation of drinking a cup of coffee as having a, now, illegal picnic. But in the race to hand out £200 fines, we have a new winner of today’s most Orwellian force in Britain award.
1475 days ago
The two charming young ladies committed two heinous crimes yesterday and the Derbyshire Police reacted as you would expect from an organisation drunk on the new powers it has been given by Priti Patel to stop a plague where survival rates in the under 70s are 99.95%. No, the young ladies were not sledging. No, they were not going for a Big Mac. Their vile and evil crime was walking in the open air in a socially-distanced manner while holding a cup of coffee. What selfish bitches. Go on Priti, lock ‘em up for good and throw away the keys, you know that you want to.
1507 days ago
Back in November 2017, I gave a guest lecture at Bath Spa University where my wife then worked. What then followed was truly Orwellian and paints this wretched and failing institution in the worst possible light. Why mention this now, three years later?
1548 days ago
Today an email arrives from sister T about my father’s funeral on Thursday. It generates a strong but measured response to all attendees from me. Were we 30 who were attending the funeral to head off afterwards to a grouse shoot that would be legal. Were we to head to the White Bear and book five tables in a crowded back room and sit there mask free that would be fine and dandy. But if we go on from the church to bury my father in the same plot as my late step-mother, in an open field, right on the edge of Shipston, there is a problem.
1556 days ago
With a wife who is a person of colour and a mixed race son I do not need to be told that Black Lives Matter. Of course they do and anyone who disagrees is a bloody numbskull. But does that necessarily mean that one must support the “Black Lives Matter movement”?
1561 days ago
I have a soft spot for Lisa Nandy – the Labour MP for Wigan. I think one of my sisters or maybe it was me sat on the lap of her grandfather Lord Byers once upon a time. In what is termed show business for ugly people, Ms Nandy scrubs up fairly well. Above all, she is, by the, admittedly low, standards of her party a voice of sanity and reason. However, I am afraid that her weekend utterances might in today’s Orwellian world be described as misspeaking, you and I might call it lying.
1585 days ago
My late Uncle Christopher Booker did not believe in the idea of passive smoking. It was one of the few areas where we disagreed. I cannot see that inhaling other folks’ smoke can be good for you although, as an ex-smoker, I really do rather enjoy the smell of forbidden pleasure and the evidence that it causes massive harm if done in limited amounts is far from compelling. However, the two reasons to ban smoking in the workplace are a) that you may make the working environment of your colleagues less pleasant and b) that you might just be damaging their health.
1617 days ago
The peak years for state school entrance to my old University, Oxford, were in the 1960s. Then, successive Governments and Education ministers including, in a rare error of judgement, the blessed Lady Thatcher, started to scrap grammar schools. That ladder which gave bright working-class kids educational and social mobility was whipped away as they went along to comprehensives. Comprehensive schooling has, almost entirely, failed both the bright poor and the not so bright poor who, on most measures, fail in later life as badly as they did in the “bad old days”. But one institution has a solution… an establishment where most of the senior staff went to public schools and Oxbridge. Yes, you have guessed it…
1643 days ago
Nadia Whittome MP is an uber woke member of the Alt Left, who today has waded into bat for the rights of the trans community. She offers up a terrifying vision of the Orwellian state she wishes to create.
1895 days ago
Labour has today said that it will, if elected, close the Gender Pay Gap by 2030. No doubt the liberal media, notably the BBC, will lap this up. But the hard data shows exactly why on this matter, as on so many other matters, Jeremy Corbyn is talking unmitigated bollocks. Two years ago I gave a lecture to sociology students at Bath Spa which gave the hard data which shows the lie at the heart of what Labour says. Naturally, offering facts rather than woke nonsense landed me in an Orwellian soup which I will give full details on one day. The lecture was recorded and with its slides is below.
1941 days ago
However bad our leaders are in this country, my colleague Darren Atwater cannot truly laugh as he is Canadian. And the Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau is a truly pathetic figure. His attempts to dance Indian style made Theresa May’s dancing Queen seem kind of cool. Perhaps more importantly he has helped to train wreck the economy, is mired in corruption scandals and is the crown prince of “high woke”. Seriously, Titantia McGrath could not compete with a chap who wore Happy Eid socks to the LGBT parade. Oddly, and for reasons I cannot quite put my finger on, Justin did not wear LGBT socks to the Eid celebrations. There are allegations of sexual harassment against Justin but none of this matters to the liberal media because he is just so incredibly woke. Justin can get away with anything.
2325 days ago
I start with a reflection on 9/11 and the Orwellian claims to be fighting terror as discussed in more detail HERE. Then it is onto Roger Lawson of ShareSoc and his claims of how the mainstream press view me. Heck if they really thought that why do they keep lifting our stories and running them as their own work? Whatever. I regard the MSM as part of the problem of stockmarket corruption and not the solution and explain why. Then it is onto UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Toople (TOOP), Oneview (ONEV) and a real problem with Nomad resignations on the AIM Casino, Frontera (FRR) and Online Blockchain (OBC) where directors really need to Show Me The Money or the shares will carry on sliding.
2486 days ago
As you know I regard much of the discussion on the gender pay gap as absurd with data misused by many - something that landed me in the soup at Bath Spa University in a most Orwellian way. The most excellent Kate Andrews of the IEA has just produced a stunning report taking this discussion one and once again bases her superb work on hard data.
2493 days ago
The Sun Newspaper stands accused of transphobia for running a story about a man who used to be a woman marrying a woman who used to be a man. Hannah Winterbourne, a soldier, who is the bride says the story is untrue because she has always been a woman and her husband always been a man. I guess this is a timely refresher on the Orwellian world of 1984. You see I use Oldspeak..
2498 days ago
I heard yet another whining Policewoman on the radio today saying that the Old Bill were not able to contact victims of sexual assaults for several days, in some cases, because they were overstretched. Whatever. The Boys in blue have time to paint their nails blue in protest against slavery, to arrest someone for tweeting a picture of a burning poppy, to investigate Katie Hopkins for hate crimes every time she opens her mouth. I am sure we could all add in numerous other examples of things the Old Blue do have plenty of time for.
2506 days ago
This will not make me popular but I have to say that my fellow Russianophile and guest on RT, comrade Jeremy Corbyn, is taking the correct, if massively unpopular line on the alleged Russian Chemical attack in Salisbury. I don't care if old Jezza is still on the payroll of the Czech secret police he is right.
2705 days ago
My father and I chat every day about urgent matters such as the GCSE's of my uber smug daughter Olaf and less critical matters such as how the world is going to pot. Being keen on history my father is a big supporter of General Lee statues noting that - unlike say George Washington - Lee opposed and hated slavery. He also opposed the secession of the South and agreed only to join its army as he wished to stand shoulder to shoulder with his fellow Virginians.
2776 days ago
I could just about accept the poll tax that is the BBC license fee if I was served a diet of high quality non news, as Lord Reith desired, and full impartial news. But in fact my license fee goes on paying idiots such as the tax dodging, virtue signalling, fraudsters pal Gary Lineker seven figure salaries to front up crap. And as for the news?
2789 days ago
Wall to wall coverage of the London Bridge attacks continues on BBC World News. the only interruptions are the adverts which are largely for BBC news itself. How much do they cost and what exactly is their purpose? But in between the adverts and the latest recycling of old footage the BBC served up a montage of how London and the World reacted. It was so utterly dismal and predictable.
2807 days ago
That we have to pay for the Guardian's sister outlet, the BBC via a poll tax is bad enough. Its output is low grade and often biased. But now the BBC wants to get you fired if it does not like your views. Hey George Orwell you missed this one in 1984...
2875 days ago
I noted yesterday the ludicrous line being spun by the German Police that the axe wielding chap on the rampage at Dusseldorf station was from the former Yugoslavia, a country that had not existed for 16 years. Within minutes they had been able to say that the man had psychological issues. if only the NHS was so efficient in terms of diagnosis there would be no crisis. Yet the Police could not say where the chap came from. And the liberal media - in as much as they covered this at all - played along.
2876 days ago
You will remember that the killer of Jo Cox MP had a long history of mental health issues yet sections of the mainstream media still term him a right wing extremist. In Dusseldorf in Germany last night a man attacked folks with an axe injuring seven and he has already been branded as mentally ill. He may well be but the Police, without questioning from the liberal media, are also insisting that he hails from the former Yugoslavia. This is Orwellian.
2910 days ago
In this podcast I look at the utterly fascistic behaviour of lawyers Fladgates and why I am not taking the fight to them to stop an Orwellian attempt to close this website down by telling lies. I look at how past events causes us to do crazy things - that is my Grandparents and Adept Telecom (ADT). I look at madness at Beowulf (BEM) and end with news of a, very much on the cards, road trip to Liverpool and Burnley. This section contains shockingly bad language from Mahmud of Boohoo.com (BOO).
3053 days ago
It is the anniversary of 9/11, the Al-Qaeda attack on the twin towers in New York. I look back on that with a few thoughts notably on how we in the West have rewritten history in such an Orwellian manner as we repeat our past errors. I then look at what the market for classic cars is telling you about the stockmarket and house prices. It is not good. I've been here before and know how it will end.
3065 days ago
Last week the Americans held a press conference in Turkey in which the USA warned the brave Kurds (its ally) to stop besieging an ISIS held town of Jarablus and to allow the tanks of the fascist President Erdogan to cross the border to take control. That was bad enough but what followed has been far worse and our media, notably the BBC, has done nothing in the face of Orwellian lies and betrayal.
3104 days ago
I have noted HERE that the BBC will do anything it can not to report that a Moslem has killed Westerners in a terror attack. And when it is finally forced to accept that the latest atrocity was (as per usual) committed by an Islamist it makes all sorts of excuses. These days its Orwellian spin is in overdrive but with the Ansbach attack it surpassed itself. Who was the victim? Yes you got it in one did you not? As you can see below...
3111 days ago
Nottinghamshire Police Force ,led by the admirable Sue Fish, and working with the Nottingham Women's Centre has become the first UK police force to classify sexual harassment as a "hate crime" but what the Nottingham Rozzers define as harassment is terrifying. As the Mother-in-Law lives in Nottingham I must now steer well clear of her because I am - in that County - now guilty, on a regular basis, of acts which can constitute hate crime.
3179 days ago
A few weeks ago I penned an article asking why a certain celebrity couple who usually adorn the tabloids had seemingly disappeared from the news. Publications across the world, but not in England & Wales, know why - you see there is an injunction out about the extra-marital activities of one of the two. But I did not mention that or any details of what the injunction covers, the article was 100% safe from a legal stance.
Lawyers acting for the celebs, the Web Sheriff firm, then emailed
3213 days ago
And so the Dutch referendum on the EU's Trade treaty with the Jew hating Government of the Ukraine has seen a resounding 64% no vote - the opinion polls again under-estimated scepticism as some "shy voters" did not dare admit to politically incorrect views in liberal Holland. Naturally the EU and the Dutch "inners" were across the media last night explaining why this vote does not appear what it seems. It was a classic of Orwellian newspeak. Thus we were told:
The turnout was low (32%) and a spokesman for the inners told Newsnight that most of those who did not vote were on his side. So really it was a win for the EU.
3413 days ago
I start this podcast with a mention of my personal weekly podcast this week - The Orwellian BBC is not fit for purpose - you can catch it here. Then onto Wildes, LGO Energy (LGO), Sefton (SER) and the consequences of wage inflation and the abandonment of sound money.
3413 days ago
I found myself watching the BBC News this week and it was horrible in an Orwellian way. The biased BBC has a clear political agenda and it lies to its viewers by act and omission and by deliberately misleading them. On the public sector vs private sector wage issue the sleight of hand was obscene. On the migrants it just lied. The BBC should be privatized and lets see how many of us will actually pay to watch The Guardian on screen.
3421 days ago
It is 9/11 and I look back 14 years. I also reflect on the Orwellian way we all viewed Syria earlier this week. Looking forward, we have sold 90% of the restaurant in Clerkenwell to the pizza hardman Darren Atwater. we end up slightly ahead on the deal but I have had enough of running businesses and blame my own old age and the Tories for that. This is the start of my wind-down. On AIM its a cracking day with another China fraud kill, China Chaintek (CTEK) and more fun and games at Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Redhall (RHL), Monitise (MONI), Sefton Resources (SER, Cloudbuy (CBUY) and Golden Saint Resources (GSR). And I am getting into bed with Rob Proctor of Audioboom (BOOM). Not literally but...well I explain in full. in the podcast.
3497 days ago
On 19 August 2014 Quindell (QPP) put a statement up on its website about someone it dismissed as a "blogger" accusing me - for it was me - of making it all up and promising shareholders that it would take legal action against me. A truly fascistic lawyers letter (in full below) from legal eagles Dorsey & Whitney arrived the same day. It demanded that by 4 PM that day (ie within hours) I must withdraw all artices, sign an apology drafted by Quindell and that if I did not that Quindell would seek an injunction and sue me for damages and costs. Fuck you Quindell, Robert Terry and Dorsey & Whitney, see you bitchez in court.
As I noted at the time, the idea that I would sign a confession drafted by Rob Terry is Stalinist or Orwellian or both. It was like the though 1984 was a blueprint not a warning.
I did not cave and yet Quenron
3772 days ago
Rent-a-quote MPs and the Daily Mail are lining up to bash the BBC for including an interview with former DJ and convicted nonce Jonathan King in a documentary about the unbelievably tedious rock supergroup Genesis. Bash a paedo sells newspapers and may have popular appeal but this is the stuff of 1984.
The hard reality is that among his many crimes against impressionable young folk, was the fact that Mr King discovered Genesis and played a key role in the band's early career. Yes we knew that King was a nonce, but his filthy secret is that he launched Genesis on us all. To make a documentary about the rise of Genesis and to ignore Mr King’s key role, to treat him as a non-person, is to rewrite history in an Orwellian fashion.
As such having agreed with my deluded lefty step mother for the first time in years (on bombing ISIS) and now find myself supporting the BBC just 48 hours later for not rewriting history. This is an unusual turn of events.
3902 days ago
The head of the Premier League Richard Scudamore will almost certainly be fired next week. The media knives are out. His career obituary has been written already. His crime was to send some pretty unpleasant sexist emails to pals on his work email address.
Had Scudamore said publicly what he wrote in the emails he should have been fired. Had he sent them as a round robin to his entire address book she should probably also have been fired. But he did not. He shared private jokes (albeit not funny ones) with his pals.
Had the lads shared these comments in the pub there would not have been an issue. However technically ones work emails belong to one’s employer and so Scudamore seems likely to be toast. But do we really want to live in a world where to share an (unfunny) joke with a pal or indeed to send any communication that is not work related you have to switch from your work account to a Hotmail one and send it to your mate on gmail?
Has life really got that serious? The working day benefits from the odd light hearted non-work bit of banter and must we really all switch onto personal accounts to take part in such exchanges lest anyone be offended.
It strikes me that Scudamore has done a good job in promoting women’s soccer. He could continue to do that with folks knowing that underneath it all he is a bit of a sexist beast. I wonder how many men in the world of soccer are entirely beyond reproach in this matter? How many are prepared to stand up and say that they have never told a sexist joke or made a disparaging comment about girlies in private? For if that is the qualification to be CEO of the Premier League I very much doubt that there would be that many suitably qualified candidates.
We can live in a grey world with strict rules about what you may or may not say to a mate on a work email if we like. It all seems rather Orwellian to me. How long before email audits to establish that employees have never made an inappropriate comment are demanded by some PC imbecile with limited real world experience?
Or perhaps we might just get on with our lives and be judged by the end results we deliver? Is that too much to ask?