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Linkedin describes hard data on the effectiveness of mask usage in stopping covid spread as “misinformation”& censors link

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 9 February 2022

This is Orwellian.  A LinkedIn link to THIS ARTICLE which discusses hard data on the effectiveness of mask wearing in stopping spread has been removed and if I persist in spreading “misinformation” LinkedIn says that “Repeatedly creating content that doesn’t comply with our Professional Community Policies could lead to your LinkedIn account being restricted.” I have appealed the decision on the basis that what I report is hard fact from which there can be only one logical conclusion.  The facts are…

  1. Covid spread in California and Texas track each other pretty accurately in 2021 and 2022.

  2. In late 2021 Califiornia institutes a mask mandate so mask wearing in California will become more common. Texas does not.

  3. This makes little difference to the tracking. California actually outpaces Texas in Covid rates but the basic trends are unchanged in both states.

    This is all demonstrated in the article with an accurate graph.

The only logical conclusion from this hard data, hard facts are that increased mask usage makes no material difference to the spread of covid.

But Linkedin says that reporting what is fact is misinformation. Well, maybe in 2021 it is if you have become an Orwellian control freak arm of big Government. But in my day reporting facts which challenge the narrative spun by your Government is called good journalism.

Of course the Texas/California data is not unique. I have also commented on data from New York and New Jersey and from 3 contiguous stares in Dixie. I have delivered hard data. And that data should alert citizens that they are being misled into a false sense of security by Government and a mainstream media ignoring facts and telling you masks make us all safer from covid.

 The facts show they clearly do not. But reporting facts is now something that can be censored and indeed, in the UK, under legislation being proposed, penning such an article could become an actual crime, the crime of covid misinformation.

Reporting fact is now misinformation. Boy, the ministry of truth is doing such a fine job.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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