
524 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Just how screwed is MJ Hudson, a timeline of deceit and destruction

In today’s Bearcast I look at Tintra (TNT), Inspirit Energy (INSP), MJ Hudson (MJH) run by the founder of the West Ham United supporters on Linkedin but for whom there look to be no excuses, Bidstack (BIDS) and the Abrdn Smaller Companies IT (ASCI)


537 days ago

Video: Mask wearing was utterly pointless, told y'all, Linkedin not apologising for its fascist censorship

Throughout the covid scamdemic mask jihadists in my home village and the political and media class insisted masks stopped the spread of covid.  I showed with hard data time and time again that masks did not work. Yet still some folks carry on masking. For them, here is a video with a stack more hard data. Ha! You’ve been had! As for LinkedIn and other social media platforms which censored my mask coverage, now that I and others are vindicated, how about an apology you free spech deniying liberal-fascists?


754 days ago

Video of a "Work" day at LinkedIn - is the "new economy" sustainable?

LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft so will not go bust and is not shortable. But the video of a day of work for a 22 year old employee would, in a listed company, make bears salivate. No doubt this bird earns way more than me with her zero years real life experience post her liberal arts degree. But just how does she contribute to the top or bottom line? I sense that all to many new economy companies are run this way, sustained by bull market easy money. I have seen this before in the dotcom boom.


898 days ago

Reporting FACTS not allowed if they disprove the Group Think covid narrative – LinkedIn rejects my appeal

Earlier today I reported how, in an Orwellian fashion, LinkedIn had censored a link to THIS ARTICLE reporting hard data on covid spread rates in two states, Texas and California. The only logical explanation for the data is that mask usage makes no real difference to spread rates. 


899 days ago

If you are going to slate anyone for Covid misinformation how about SAGE for its forecasts, the worst in history

Earlier today I reported how LinkedIn was censoring me for reporting facts because those facts challenged the set narrative on mask wearing. Reporting hard facts, data which is verifiably true, is now “misinformation” which in the UK will soon become a crime. If we do go down that line how about we start with SAGE and its forecasts which were obviously so completely bonkers yet have influenced Government policy. Was not SAGE supplying misinformation as youcan see in the chart below?


899 days ago

Linkedin describes hard data on the effectiveness of mask usage in stopping covid spread as “misinformation”& censors link

This is Orwellian.  A LinkedIn link to THIS ARTICLE which discusses hard data on the effectiveness of mask wearing in stopping spread has been removed and if I persist in spreading “misinformation” LinkedIn says that “Repeatedly creating content that doesn’t comply with our Professional Community Policies could lead to your LinkedIn account being restricted.” I have appealed the decision on the basis that what I report is hard fact from which there can be only one logical conclusion.  The facts are…


928 days ago

Fake vaccine News from top TV Shipman, Dr Sara Kayat & ITV. Meanwhile Pfizer boss Albert Bourla comes clean on the booster charade

This remarkable claim is, of course, just a lie. Dr Kayat claimed on a national TV show which then tweeted out the lie that 12 days after getting the AstraZeneca jab you are 100% safe from hospitalization and death from covid. Hard data shows this to be patently untrue. Yet where is twitter which takes down thousands of vaccine sceptic tweets for being “misinformation” when this obvious lie is broadcast? When, as someone earning his living analysing numbers and data, I offer hard data on covid, folks such as the mask jihadists of Holt or creepy LinkedIn either say I canot comment as I am not a trained Shipman like Dr Kayat or just censor me. Meanwhile…


941 days ago

A covid forecaster even worse than Professor Neil Pantsdown Ferguson - I bet LinkedIN won't censor Dr Susan Hopkins

What I posted on Linkedin about covid and the actions of the charlatan Chris Whitty is fact. But it is censored because LinkedIn says it went against its policy on misinformation. But you can bet it did not bother to censor Dr Susan Hopkins, the chief medical adviser at the UK Health Security Agency, when she forecasted on December 13 that by New Year’s Eve 1 million Brits a day could be catching Omicron variant covid. Sure: anything is possible. I could be shagging Cheryl Cole on New Year’s Eve but I suggest that is about as likely as the Hopkins forecast. Yet…


941 days ago

How Linkedin censors those who disagree with the media and political class covid GroupThink

It seems that Chris Whitty, the man who ensured hundreds of folks with covid were put into old folks homes to act as superspreaders among the most vulnerable, who has served up bogus forecast after bogus forecast as gospel to justify lockdown measures that have been proven not to work is to get a Knighthood. A poster on LinkedIn greets this with a post featuring a picture of the chief doom-monger and says “A true legend and absolute gentleman. He deserves this! Congratulations Sir.” I replied:


1054 days ago

LinkedIn thinks this job is perfect for me, what do you think?

Now and again LinkedIn sends me adverts for jobs which it thinks I am well suited to apply for. Invariably I’d rather eat my own toes than apply and it is fair to say that the employer would, almost certainly, eat its own corporate toes than hire me. However today’s offering is special. I cannot ever think of a greater mismatch. What do you think?



1083 days ago

Meet Craig Inglis – a moronic Saltire flying Scottish troll from LinkedIn

Craig Inglis used to be a soccer referee and before that he was manager of the Raith Rovers supporters club. You can see his profile here. He is now apparently a full-time investor. I suggest he is a moron. He asked to “connect with me” two weeks ago and last night I accepted his offer. Quick as a flash this morning he has pinged me and we have had the following exchange. Where do these morons come from?


1228 days ago

BREAKING: Winnileaks Expose as Julie Meyer MBE’s business partner turns on her and slates her by email

Thanks to Winnileaks I have obtained an email sent by Julie “lingerie on expenses” Meyer’s business partner Dr Rene Eichenberger on Friday in which he reveals a falling out and slates the shamed “entrepreneur” of Ariadne Capital infamy.  Rene does not hold back and his LinkedIn profile does indeed show him leaving Julie at Viva Investment Partners and now working alone at a new firm. Natch Viva’s website shows Rene still on board. The email reads:


1720 days ago

As Bidstack shares continue to tank CEO Lyin’ James Draper takes to LinkedIn for an unofficial trading statement

Of course what Bidstack (BIDS) should be doing is issuing a trading statement via RNS. Does it still expect to have 24 games live by December 31 as forecast by Peterhouse. Or to have FY revenues of £5.75 million (having managed £26,000 in H1) or to achieve FY losses of just £500,000 (having lost £1.5 million in H1). The answer of course is No, No and No which is why the company should be issuing a formal profits warning and if Nomad Mark Brady at SPARK was not such an utter poltroon he’d be forcing the issue. Instead Lyin’ James Draper has issued a trading statement on LinkedIn. My guess is that his nose is just that bit longer as a result.


2279 days ago

LinkedIn's selective data use to mislead about the bad effects of Brexit

As we know big Corporations love the EU. Goldman Sachs led the cheerleaders for Project Fear and the ball breakingly liberal virtue signalling elitists at LinkedIn have jumped in on the act with some selective use of their own data.


2354 days ago

EXPLOSIVE: LinkedIn censors John Galt but I publish "Julie Meyer: A history of scandal and lawsuits" #Metootech

An ex employee of Ariadne Capital, terming him self John Galt after the Ayn Rand character has already exposed the truth behind the myth that is First Tuesday. In his second post on LinkedIn he now exposed the series of scandals and lawsuits that have marked the career of Julie Meyer MBE of Ariadne.  His punishment, someone complained and his account has been suspended. Luckily I copied the posting before that happened and so since I really am a free speech supporting libertarian unlike some folks I could mention...


2365 days ago

Julie Meyer: What we know about First Tuesday

John Galt is, as you know, an Ayn Rand character. It is also the "nom de plume" of a former senior staffer at Ariadne Capital Limited (now in a shocking administration after £10.5 million disappeared in 10 months as we revealed HERE) who has said that he will expose Ms Meyer. His opening salvo has appeared on LinkedIn today.


2369 days ago

STRANGE BEDFELLOWS: Julie Meyer cites those who sent me death threats & defend fraud as she defames me on LinkedIn

Poor Julie Meyer. The Times this morning picked up on her increasingly bizarre attacks on ex employees, suppliers owed money and me on LinkedIn "Wow . . . just all I can say is freaking Wow". Indeed Julie. I pointed out to Julie's lawyer that her post on me was defamatory and he said he'd advised her to take it down but, hey ho, it stays up. Anyone who thinks citing the folks who send me death threats, shit in the post and more, because I was exposing the £3 billion Quindell fraud, as witnesses for their side is, I put it to you, keeping strange bedfellows.


2434 days ago

I'm being censored by some Godless liberals for believing in Christmas

I wrote earlier today about the LinkedIn writers group discussing alternative greetings to "Happy Holidays". I posted my thoughts HERE and put up a similar comment on the LinkedIn Group.Guess what?


2434 days ago

Anyone wishing me "Happy Holidays" should know that I find that offensive

A LinkedIn group for writers to which I belong is agonising about what to say to folks this year as we approach December 25. Being a bunch of wretched and godless liberals there are endless variations of Happy Holidays but until I chipped in only one chap explaining why he wished people a Merry Christmas. 


2614 days ago

Happy Birthday to -now five years old: my 20 most read articles on this website

"Congratulations on your anniversary" said a raft of messages from folks I once knew, barely know or don't know at all but who are connected to me on facebook for grown ups, that is to say LinkedIn. Er ....what thought I... what anniversary? 


2825 days ago

The Four Words that Made Me the Most hated man in the room

This was the strap on an article posted on LinkedIn. aka facebook for really boring adults. It is a great headline which arouses interest but I really doubt that "I'm an emergency surgeon" was quite the answer you were thinking of as you hit the link. I am sure you could do better. For instance, when with the mad public sector working bunch of lefties who are the friends of my Mrs, I could come up with:


2844 days ago

The weirdest LinkedIn profile ever...Brokerman Dan joins facebook for grown-ups

LinkedIn, aka Facebook for grown ups is where those in the business world connect with each other and oggle good looking PR birds from the world of commerce or humourless left wing lawyers who look like a squirrel. In your profile you say what you are good at and joining LinkedIn today we have Dan Levi, aka BrokermanDan. Now just look at his profile - it has to be the most unusual out there. Whatever else you say about him, Levi can be quite amusing.


3054 days ago

Tom Winnifrith new job, PR for Pinsent Masons or helping the BBC communicate to itself

You know I have been thinking about a career change. As happens every week facebook for grown ups, LinkedIn, has sent me a selection of jobs on offer that it thinks I would be interested in. Second on the list is Senior Internal Communications & Engagement Advisor at the BBC. So that is where my license fee goes, great. Er what does one do here?


3208 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 15 October - my uber foxy legal team is on standby

My uber foxy legal team is on standby. I trust that I will not get flamed in the way that whining tedious feminist Charlotte Proudman flamed her LinkedIn admirer, for saying that my barrister/lawyer legal team are very foxy. well they are. That is fact. And they are on standby for when our latest opponent can get round to serving me properly. I discuss that plus panic for myself and the cats as the Mrs returns then Vmoto (VMT), Carclo (CAR), PeerTV (PTV), Afriag (AFRI), Iofina (IOF) and Fitbug (FITB). CEB Resources (CEB) is coming up later.


3236 days ago

Charlotte Proudman – just another whining, boring humourless lawyer and a hypocrite to boot

The ghastly feminist lawyer Charlotte Proudman was doing the rounds on the British news channels last night and did herself no favours, as she whinged away in a nasal faux working class drone she showed herself to be little more than a humourless, publicity seeking hypocrite.

You remember that on the tedious LinkedIn website Ms Proudman posted a photo of herself in which she polished up well prompting some buffoon of a lawyer (Alexander Carter-Silk) to post a comment “I appreciate that this is probably horrendously politically incorrect but that is a stunning picture!!! You definitely win the prize for the best LinkedIn picture I have ever seen.”

Ms Proudman promptly accused the sexist old beast of being a sexist old beast stating: 


3275 days ago

10 Shocking Moments At Afren I Never Want To Relive – Afren’s ex IR man spills the beans

Afren’s  (AFR) ex head of IR Simon Hawkins has just posted an amazing confession on LinkedIn which really begs the question who knew what and when about the corrupt management team. And have all the bad guys been named and shamed.  If you have lost money prepare to explode with rage. Mr Hawkins writes:


3872 days ago

Why I do not write articles on Bulletin Boards/LinkedIn groups

I appear to have fallen out with another LinkedIn Group – the West Ham Supporters. My “crime” is that I posted links to articles wot I wrote about the Irons. Apparently to stay there I have to write the whole piece on that discussion group.

Hmmm. I am a writer and earn a living from writing articles. So how about a new business model for me? I shall stop writing for websites where I earn money and will just post articles direct on LinkedIn Groups or on Bulletin Boards and so earn no money.

Can anyone spot the minor flaw in that one?

If you are not a professional writer and you wish to post your thoughts (judging by the timings, in many cases when you are being paid by someone else to do an actual job) that is fine.

But if you actually get the cash to pay for cat food, vets bills, a round of drinks at the Conservative Club and other essential things in life by being a writer, but then give everything away for free I would suggest you have a problem.

On that basis I have quit West Ham LinkedIn supporters. A surprising number of folks from there read this website. They know where to find me…

I guess it is better to quit than to be evicted as I was from the LinkedIN Friends of Greece and UKIP groups.


3884 days ago

I appear to have been evicted from the Linkedin UKIP Group

My crimes? Questioning the party’s immigration policies and also its Jew hating “friends of Palestine Group”.  UKIP claims to be a libertarian party. Hmmmmm. I was never a party member but now I cannot even see the rants of the faithful on its LinkedIn page.

Libertarians tend to believe in free speech. Libertarians do not want the Jews driven into the sea. Libertarians do not want to restrict free movement of people in search of work. Libertarians would reform the welfare state in order to stop folk moving just to live on welfare but also to deal with indigenous welfare junkies. UKIP is about as Libertarian as Genghis Khan.

So I have now been booted out of LinkedIn UKIP ( having refused suggestions that I stop writing any criticism of the party at all) as well as UKIP Friends of Greece. My crime there was to suggest that Greece was corrupt and an economic basket case and that Albania (low tax, relatively honest) was a role model for poor Hellas.

I also got stick in the West Ham LinkedIn Group for wanting to fire Fat Sam Allardyce last season. I sense now that my views on that matter are now rather mainstream. But at least the West Ham LinkedIn group allows free speech. You can question and criticize. I guess the Cockney Boys are the only true libertarians left on LinkedIn.


3939 days ago

An Idea Pinched from Geoff Miller – the West Ham LinkedIN Endorsement

Geoff Miller posted a piece earlier today on the West ham LinkedIn members group of which I am a member. The boss of AIM listed GLI Finance (GLIF) is quite a witty fellow and his piece reads.

I have added "West Ham Supporter" to my list of Skills and Expertise on LinkedIn, and it would be great if anyone that is connected to me could endorse me, and if you are not connected to me, feel free to send me an invite to connect.

Having thought about what skills and expertise should appear on my LinkedIn profile, I realised that the unfailing ability to genuinely look forward to every season, the extraordinary ability to ignore all the bad times and relive the good times again and again and again, to exclaim that WHU is the greatest football team the world has ever seen, and mean it sincerely and completely, should be reflected on my LinkedIn profile, far more than all the work guff that gets peoples' endorsements at the moment.

Hence I have added "West Ham Supporter" to my Skills and Expertise and I would like to invite everyone to endorse me.

I feel the same. If you are on LinkedIN (a tedious version of Facebook for grown-ups) you will see that I am quite often endorsed for things like blogging but on reflection my most consistent skill over the years has been “Supporting West Ham in Bad Times and Worse” and feel free to endorse me accordingly in my LinkedIn page.



4001 days ago

Ex Sefton Nomad today publicly backs my call to have the shares suspended

Some of the Bulletin Board loons out there seem to think that the City is on the side of Sefton Resources (SER) in its libel battle with myself and Dan Levi. Au contraire…our big name backers grow by the day. And today came a fascinating endorsement which should make Sefton supporters as well as its uber expensive bully boy City lawyers Pinsent Masons think long and hard.

I posted an open letter via video this afternoon to the AIM regulation team calling on it to suspend Sefton shares pending a full investigation. Heading over to LinkedIN (Facebook for grown-ups) I see that this video has been “liked” by Tim Metcalfe.

I am not sure if I have ever met Mr. Metcalfe but I know full well who he is and he is incredibly well regarded in the Square Mile as a good and honest operator. He is currently joint CEO of the highly regarded City Corporate Finance house Zeus Capital. But until last year he was MD at Northland Partners. And that is where he knows Sefton from because Northland used to act for Sefton as its Nomad until the two parted company.  

Why did the two firms part company? Hmmm.. The fact that Mr. Metcalfe likes my call to have Sefton shares suspended might just give you a hint. Fox Davies was Sefton’s next Nomad and it quit because it felt that Sefton was deliberately misleading investors. I already have the head of Fox Davies called as a witness in the forthcoming libel trial to testify to that. But perhaps there is a pattern emerging here? Do you think Mr. Metcalfe would make an interesting witness in the great libel trial?

Or perhaps now that the City is publically starting to back me the AIM Cesspit Regulation team will finally do something to end this farce once and for all and suspend the shares pending a full enquiry.

Tim – feel free to get in touch at any time.


4030 days ago

Weekend Video Postcard #40 Albania Edition

I am back in Albania. This is a short postcard containing the sort of thoughts that got me booted out of the LinkedIn friends of Greece last summer.

My financial video postcard will go live when I can find an internet link that does not crack up once an hour. i.e. not today! It will be on



4053 days ago

The most pretentious corporate mission statement in history – Starcom MediaVest

I see via Linkedin that a foxy Greek bird who used to work for me has a new job and so I go to check out her new employer a firm called Starcom MediaVest which as far as I can see is something big in advertising. I could not fathom exactly what it does from its website but its mission statement “our purpose” is an absolute stormer. I reproduce it below. Try not to laugh too much at this classic piece of pretentious nonsense.

Our Purpose

SMG is the Human Experience Company. People and experiences are our purpose and the heart of our business.

Our Dream

We live to grow our clients’ businesses by transforming behavior through uplifting, meaningful Human Experiences.

Our Beliefs


4107 days ago

Ask a PR Man a simple question – Will Tindall at the airport

“Tom Winnifrith, well I never.” What the hell… I turned round as I wandered around baggage recalim at Gatwick airport with only one thing on my mind, to see Will Tindall, PR man and active member of the Linedin Cement and Concrete production discussion group. Just back from a week’s skiing he looked in good form. A brief pleasantry followed but I had to ask “Do you know where the loo is?”

In PR you always know the answer and so without a moment’s thought Will stated “It is over there” pointing in a specific direction.  Helpful, knowing your facts – the ever efficient PR man.

Except having come from “over there” I knew that “over there” was the one place at Gatwick devoid of loos. And so I headed in the opposite direction, as we agreed to meet for a beer later in the week. 180 degrees away from “over there” turned out to be the right call.

I look forward to that beer Will.


4187 days ago

I am in the top 1 Per Cent of LinkedIn which means er...nothing

LinkedIn has emailed me to say thanks. Aaah how touchingly American. And …I mean that most sincerely. Facebook for grownups is celebrating having 200 million users and apparently I have played my part as my profile was among the top 1% most hit upon in 2012. I am so touched. Grabs Onion. Weeps. I’d like to thank various of my stalkers, notably Mark & Sarah and those folks at legal firms Pinsent Masons and Kermans for crawling all over my activity log almost every day and making this possible. And so what does this all mean? Absolutely nothing.

While Facebook is inane, LinkedIn is just rather boring. Other than alerting me to the networking activities of Alecto Resources boss Damian Conboy ( liaising with the playboy PR bird Lucy HERE) I cannot say that it has really brought me much in the way of laughs over the past year. For what it is worth I am now on Facebook. I use it as I use LinkedIn to churn out links to my articles and so to attract readers to And for what it is worth, over the past month LinkedIn has brought in about 3% of my traffic and Facebook 1.3%.

Natch I ‘d like to thank the two firms concerned but not by giving them any money. I am a customer in that I add to their metrics they boast about to hoodwink Wall Street. But the cash I generate for both firms is exactly £0.00. I have never clicked on an advert & will not do so. I use them for free marketing and that is it. I will link in or whatever the term is on Facebook with anyone (even one of those aforementioned stalkers) as it means they get alerted to my articles and might just be read them.

I am also sure that the 1% is misleading. In the same way that I think I am around the 2 millions most followed person ( of 500 million) on twitter ( @tomwinnifrith in case you want to push me over 3,000 today), the scales are logarithmic. So the top 2000 twitter people in terms of followers are followed by 1 million + or whatever and hen it tails off quite dramatically. And of course most of the twitter followers of those with a million + followers are paid for robots, exercises in vanity ( as I explained here) I am pretty sure LinkedIn traffic patterns are pretty similar. So being on the edge of the top 1% is a lot closer to being in the bottom 1% than it is to being in the top 0.1%. And on twitter I am closer in absolute terms to being the least followed person on this planet than I am to being the 1 millionth most followed.

Alerts on this article will naturally whizz off into the ether by twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn – I still fail to grasp why I add anything at all to your bottom lines, but thanks for having me none the less.


4289 days ago

Friends of Albania – no escape from the Health Nazis

As you may remember, having been booted out of the LinkedIn friends of Greece ( for pointing out that Greece was bust and uncompetitive – hardly a revalation) I am now a keen member of the LinkedIn Friends of Albania ( also LinkedIn West Ham Supporters, Friends of Israel, UKIP etc). But i am beginning to have second thoughts.

As it happens my Dad has bought my spare Albanian Lekke from me and landed in the country on Sunday night for a 10 day working holiday.


4312 days ago

Facebook Earnings Visibility Weakens Again But Stock Still On An Unjustifiable Premium Rating: Sell

The bad news for Facebook (US:FB) mounts on the earnings front with events at both Zynga (US:ZNGA) and at LinkedIn (US:LNKD) contributing to its woes. Gradually even the most diehard bull must be starting to recognise that there is no earnings visibility at all for Mark Zuckerburg’s company. It is on that basis


4329 days ago

I am officially a friend of Albania at last – Madlands, Murderlands on the way

You may remember that I was evicted from the LinkedIn Friends of Greece Group for saying that Albania was a better value holiday destination than poor old Greece. This mortified me, as a long standing Hellenophile, but I know when I am not welcome and so two months ago applied to join the LinkedIn Friends of Albania group. This morning, in a frightening display of efficiency my application has finally been accepted.

I see that the trending discussion is on how to combat drug and alcohol abuse in Tirana. I am ready to contribute my two lekke worth.

I wonder how many other folks on LinkedIn are Friends of Albania but also participate actively in the Friends of Israel and West Ham United supports groups. I suspect that a Venn diagram of these groupings would show me all by myself


4361 days ago

Light blogging ahead, journey back Playboy PR girl finally gets in touch

The bus timetable on the internet said that there were buses at 10 am and 12 noon from Athens to Igounemitsa. My late grandmother (Lesbia Winnifrith) only missed one train in her life and that was when she was so early she caught the one before. My mother’s side of the family (Bookers) only ever turn up on time once – at their funerals. Luckily I did a Winnifrith and arrived at 9 to find that the bus was actually at 9.30. Eight hours later I arrived in Igounemitsa.

This is the ferry port that takes you to Corfu or, in my case, Italy. I am now killing time as the vessel does not leave until midnight. This place is like a half finished Tilbury without the glamour but much hotter. I doubt the “new port” at which I am staring will ever be completed. But enormous ferries still chug into the quayside to load and unload. These vessels are vast and as I sit here in a cafe on the other side of the road it seems as if their sheer momentum could carry them through the building site and across that road. But that would be hard work and this is Greece.


4380 days ago

Taking Precautions in Albania – Damian Conboy/Playboy PR girl tribute (Petra Hat tip)

I start by thanking the lovely Petra ( pictured left) for her assistance in the photo shoot required for this story. She has asked my to accompany her to a beach party starting sometime after 1 am tonight. I tried to explain that this not the sort of thing 44 year old codgers do, but after her assistance today, it would be rude to refuse her invitation. No early start for me tomorrow.

I am advised by a concerned reader that I should take precautions in Albania. You know what I mean? It is really hot there. I need to wear a hat to avoid sunstroke or my sensitive (getting ever less anaemic white) skin getting burned. And so I have bought suitable apparel and, killing two birds with one stone, I thought I’d start keeping my side of my proposed deal with Lucy Sharp the playboy PR girl who networked so effectively with proven liar, Damian Conboy of AIM listed Alecto Resources (ALO).

I have been somewhat disappointed that Ms Sharpe has not yet been in touch to start arranging how she is going to help me to understand this networking business but I am sure she is busy helping Mr Conboy turn his initial networking into value-add for shareholders of Alecto.


4395 days ago

G4S Looking for new PR Manager – Linkedin News

I see on Linkedin that G4S is looking for a new PR manager. The company that has completely ballsed up security for the Olympic games is seeking someone to: “be responsible for managing Secure Solutions UK’s media programme, focused on protecting and promoting the brand, raising G4S’s profile in the industry and wider market place, and positioning G4S as a thought leader. The role will involve developing and delivering all PR-related activities for this diverse and growing business, as well as managing crisis communications effectively, with the aim of supporting business growth, enhancing the company’s reputation and protecting the brand.

It seems to me that G4S has managed to raise its profile quite considerably in recent weeks without the need for a new PR manager. As to the challenge of “protecting the brand” well that will need quite a bit of spinning. Positioning G4S as a “thought leader”. Er…discuss.

If you are seeking a new opportunity with a view to making a bunch of complete clowns seem like they have one brain cell between them you can apply HERE

I wonder what that bloke Comical Ali who used to spin for the late Saddam Hussein is doing now. He would probably have the right sort of experience for this gig.


4397 days ago

Mining Man Meets Playboy PR Girl - Learning with Linkedin

The harmless sweet looking little old lady I chose to sit next on the overnight ferry to Athens turned out to be the Greek national loud snoring and snorting while asleep champion. My night was thus fitful and so I sit in Athens with not enough energy to do anything but too much energy to sleep. The obvious answer is to scroll through the updates of my various LinkedIn connections: you never really learn much but you can pretend to be working (virtuous) and it should send you to sleep. Learning that my pal Will Tyndall had joined the group “Cement, concrete & construction” was fairly gripping – I bet they have some pretty fascinating discussion threads going there – truly a cyber place you’d want to hang out.
