
277 days ago

Apparently I am guilty of treason for telling the truth, citing facts, on Ukraine

My “crime” for which I should, presumably, be locked in the Tower is to have suggested in THIS ARTICLE that not only was Ukraine losing the war but that it had been losing since last summer and that thed political and media GroupThink had lied about numerous aspects of and events in this war. I cited specific examples of those lies.


301 days ago

The Welsh just like being spanked by Nanny State at 20 mph – reports from the last village in Wales

There was a recent survey showing that those, like myself, living in the rain sodden post industrial second world nation of Wales were among the most depressed in the world and one of the reasons cited was the rollout of 20 MPH speed limits. They are absolutely everywhere. The overpaid political midgets in the Senedd left it to the discretion of local councils as to where to apply the new limits and the power-hungry non-entities who run local councils across this once fine land could not wait to impose the limits everywhere they could.


744 days ago

Video: Mask wearing was utterly pointless, told y'all, Linkedin not apologising for its fascist censorship

Throughout the covid scamdemic mask jihadists in my home village and the political and media class insisted masks stopped the spread of covid.  I showed with hard data time and time again that masks did not work. Yet still some folks carry on masking. For them, here is a video with a stack more hard data. Ha! You’ve been had! As for LinkedIn and other social media platforms which censored my mask coverage, now that I and others are vindicated, how about an apology you free spech deniying liberal-fascists?


762 days ago

Greek Hovel olive oil prize contest: Face nappy covid madness on the way to Spain - can any mask nutter explain the logic?

Okay mask nutters please explain how this stops the spread of covid and you can win a jar of my finest olive oil from Greece if you can. Just enter your logical explanation in fewer than  200 words in the comments section below.  A friend of mine flew to Spain yesterday and says:


936 days ago

You think the 2022 two day heatwave was bad and worse is to come – so when did global warming start?

The Met Office and the BBC and the rest of the liberal intelligentsia really are creaming themselves over the two day heatwave back in Airstrip One. Okay there were not quite 10,000 excess deaths in fact there were sod all excess deaths but that was probably down to mask wearing and the mass rollout of untested vaccines. So when did global warming start in the UK?


1002 days ago

BREAKING: Bidstack’s new investor of PPE useless covid masks infamy doesn't give a FF about disclosure rules

Bidstack (BIDS) has surprising news today of a new investor. Well: shit always attracts flies. Why would anyone buy shares in the market when the company’s FY results out just a few weeks ago explicitly warned of a looming cash crisis and need for an urgent equity refinance? Step forward Timmy Horlick, let me explain.


1038 days ago

Greece – still lockdown loving covidiots

Greece was often praised for its authoritarian approach to the scamdemic.  You may remember the Guardian and BBC claiming that, while our evil government committed genocide by negligence, Greece’s draconian lockdown had cured the country of covid. Of course, it did not.  The lockdown gave the economy another good kick but, as the table shows, Greece has fared relatively badly in terms of covid deaths.



1056 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - that will be £43 to clear the anal glands said the doctor

Suffice to say, as the doctor outlined exactly what the problem was this afternoon and then what the solution would be I felt really very uncomfortable indeed. Luckily…


1105 days ago

Reporting FACTS not allowed if they disprove the Group Think covid narrative – LinkedIn rejects my appeal

Earlier today I reported how, in an Orwellian fashion, LinkedIn had censored a link to THIS ARTICLE reporting hard data on covid spread rates in two states, Texas and California. The only logical explanation for the data is that mask usage makes no real difference to spread rates. 


1106 days ago

Linkedin describes hard data on the effectiveness of mask usage in stopping covid spread as “misinformation”& censors link

This is Orwellian.  A LinkedIn link to THIS ARTICLE which discusses hard data on the effectiveness of mask wearing in stopping spread has been removed and if I persist in spreading “misinformation” LinkedIn says that “Repeatedly creating content that doesn’t comply with our Professional Community Policies could lead to your LinkedIn account being restricted.” I have appealed the decision on the basis that what I report is hard fact from which there can be only one logical conclusion.  The facts are…


1113 days ago

Masks Dont stop covid spread - the New York and New Jersey Data

How many times do I have to serve up data from directly comparable regions with differeing mask policies where data, real world data, shows that far greater face nappy wearing makes no difference at all to covid spread, whatever the mask jihadists of my home village insist. “But you are not a doctor” they squeal “so your opinion does not count!” But I do look at data and the data does not lie. I showed you England vs Wales then three Southern States in the USA.  Now let’s look at New York State and, on the other side of the Hudson River, the Garden State, New Jersey.


1118 days ago

Justin Trudeau locks himself up because he is healthy – he is bonkers and should move to Wales

Canada’s ridiculous hereditary Prime Minister Justin “blackface” Trudeau, has been thrice jabbed for covid. He is often seen in a mask although obviously not when partying with other G7 leaders. He is a fit and healthy young man.  But…


1135 days ago

UPDATED: IVF bad, Abortions Good – The illogical moral vacuum of the Scottish Government policy on vaccines, at least Germany has a GSOH

Of course, covid vaccines and boosters are voluntary say our leaders, it is just that we will try to “persuade” and “cajole” you all into having them. First we will start with the grown-ups and then, in Scotland at least, we will be coming for your five year olds.  And of course vaccines work don’t they? Sorry did someone mention Israel?


1142 days ago

Austria v Sweden in pictures - the GroupThink covid doom-mongers were just plain wrong, give them more knighthoods

The FT, the BBC and the rest of the political and media class warned explicitly that Sweden was heading for disaster with its relatively relaxed approach to Covid. The bodies would pile up inMalmo and Stockholm. Instead those in the GroupThink bubble lavished praise on Austria whose draconian lockdown, suppression of dissidents and crushing of civil liberties and its economy, would have made its most famous son proud. Austria was the posterboy for lockdown. So if the GroupThink crowd were right and folks like me were wrong, Sweden would have suffered far more covid deaths than Austria: right?


1155 days ago

Mark Drakeford - another Z for logic here in poor old lockdown Wales

Throughout the scandemic Wales, under the leadership of mad Mark Drakeford, has had tougher lockdown rules that the infidels across the border in England. Yet covid numbers, here in the rain sodden post industrial principality have been resolutely and consistently higher than in England. Doctor: the medicine is not working and is having awful side effects what should we do? Up the dosage!


1186 days ago

The Greek Hovel Summer 2021 – our last weekend and a holy day cancelled pointlessly by the scamdemic

As I make preparations to travel to Greece once again for the olive harvest up at the Greek Hovel, my mind drifts back to the last weekend of our summer vacation. My trip in a couple of weeks will be a solitary one, my annual chance to be part of a community that is tied by its DNA to the olives, but also to detach myself from the insanity of life back in Airstrip One. It is a chance to consider what I want to do with the rest of my life and other matters and, obviously,to drink a lot of ouzo and Metaxa. But back to last summer.


1194 days ago

For the mask jihadists in my home village and elsewhere - they dont stop Covid spread: read the inconvenient (for you) truths

I am berated by mask jihadists here in my home village of Holt for my refusal to wear a face nappy. My national leader here in Wales, a deranged chap of low intellect called Mr Mark Drakeford, tells us we have to wear one everywhere, even in a open air school playground when we pick up our kids. Yet if you ask them for data to back their views all they can say is “most doctors say“or “the experts say”. They cannot cite one single study to back up their extreme claims. My GP will not treat give me a flu jab unless I mask up, but nobody at the Village Surgeries Group, over the border among the English infidels, can offer me one shred of evidence as to why a twice jabbed chap who also has antibodies from surviving covid is more likely to transmit the disease to other twice jabbed folks if not wearing a mask. There are no facts to justify this fascist diktat. Well chaps you want some facts?


1216 days ago

Plan A, Plan B – don’t they teach anyone in Government basic stats and logic? The Covid Lockdown insanity of the British political class

Plan B for England should covid case numbers increase involves bringing back face masks, vaccine passports and an encouragement to work from home. And this, we are assured by the experts, will help to stop the spread of covid, protect the NHS, make us all safer, yak, yak, yak.  But the problem is that there is already hard data from the British Isles to show this is utter rubbish.


1269 days ago

Another chart the mask fanatics & cultists cannot explain

A couple of weeks ago, I showed data from three US states which demonstrated very clearly that wearing a face nappy makes sod all difference to covid spread. Now here is data from closer to home which makes the same point. Can the mask cultists explain this? Of course not so they will insist that I am not a doctor so not allowed to opine. Of course my job does focus on looking at numbers and explaining them but Harold Shipman is more qualified to interpret data than I am. Whatever..


1280 days ago

BREAKING: The chart that demonstrates beyond doubt the utter pointlessness of mask mandates

Now back in Wales after a two month break from the cultists, I am again running the gauntlet of the mask jihadists as I go about my daily life, heading to the village shop without a face nappy. I cite the Danish study, they insist that nearly all Welsh doctors say masking works. I point out the seven day rolling average deaths in Sweden has been 0 for more than a month, they say you are not a qualified doctor your views do not count. But, of course, my work is all about looking at numbers and data, something the jihadists of Holt cannot hope to understand at a meaningful level. So here is a chart for them to consider and then ignore as they relay instead on the “expert” views of a bloke on the telly.


1285 days ago

Is this peak Covid lockdown madness?

If you are walking down the street, wearing a mask and you see a mate and talk to him you are helping to spread covid. That is the message from this crackpot Australian politician. Careless talk, or in fact any talk at all really does cost lives. In years to come we will look back on such control freakery to stop a plague with a 99.97% survival rate and be amazed at how the world went mad.


1306 days ago

A Modest Proposal for the Orwellian mask jihadists of Holt

Provoked by the sheer silliness of some of my neighbours back in the last village in Wales, I signalled my opposition to mask wearing on the village Facebook site last night. The response, as you’d imagine, has been Orwellian. And as such, I have a modest proposal for the face nappy jihadists…


1335 days ago

Remote Monitoring Systems 2nd face nappy order but it is still trivial & what about deal one?

We still do not know the status of the first face nappy order announced by Remote (RMS) on March 4 for 100,000 masks and then 1 million every month thereafter. We were told on 4 May that within a couple of months the distributor Francis Mcintrye would be ordering as planned. I sense that with face nappy wearing set to become voluntary in the UK soon that this will come to nowt. But fear not there is news from India.


1342 days ago

#ImDone - this is what you should all be posting to Lyin' Boris Johnson today

This oppressive Government is beneath contempt. Wimbledon can go ahead with full crowds but kids are seeing school proms and parties scrapped along with sports days, end of term plays, concerts, Brownie and Scout camps, residential courses. There will be no singing or dancing at my wife’s cousin’s wedding as it finally goes ahead at the 4th time of asking but in pubs and stadia across the country folks will sing, dance, not just sit at tables of six as they watch the Euros. Of course, at the G7 folks broke all of the silly rules in place as VIPs can’t catch covid. There is no logic in any of this, it is just mean and oppressive. And masks?


1425 days ago

Backdoor Blasphemy laws via mob rule in 2021 Britain as the wretched Police again show a double standard

A teacher at Batley Grammar school in Bradford showed students in a religious studies class a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed. Over in France, such actions can see you getting your head chopped off and what happened next is just so predictable. A mob gathered outside the school. Had that mob included James Delingpole, Piers Corbyn, Toby Young and Laurence Fox and the protest been about lockdown, the Police would have waded in, made arrests and broken it up.


1459 days ago

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? No! I must remind myself that God has not forsaken me it is just the bloody useless Church of Wales (and England)

When the plague swept through this part of the world, the doors of the Church in this village stayed open at all times. Folks sought comfort and the pews were packed. Three vicars died of that plague, for it was one where the survival rate was not anywhere near 99%, but the Church stood by its flock. Wind forward to 2021.


1461 days ago

I have my misgivings but my appointment for covid jab now fixed – as I feel ever more sceptical about lockdown

I am not wildly happy about having the jab. It has not been tested on folks who, like me, have had Covid. We also do not know if there are any serious long term side effects on all sorts of patients – yes, I know that all vaccines can produce some side effects. And having already had covid, all the evidence suggests that God has already vaccinated me and so there is no need for a second dose organised by the stupidest man in the Western world, Welsh first minister Mark Drakeford. But…


1471 days ago

Remote Monitored Systems - is this tweet low grade ramping or outright market abuse

Though he does not declare so in the tweet below, he has elsewhere: penny share huckster and known associate of Zak Mir, Mr Alex McKinley is a shareholder in joke company Remote Monitored Systems (RMS). You know, the maker of masks to stop covid spread that are so good its site turned into a covid hot spot. Yes, that fine enterprise.


1478 days ago

You couldn’t make it up: Covid mask maker Remote Monitored Systems delays production as staff catch er…Covid

Remote Monitored Systems (RMS) ’s Pharm2farm subsidiary has produced plenty of masks in trial runs so its staff should never have been short of protective masks to wear. So, on that basis it’s not a great sales pitch is it: “our masks are so good our own staff caught and spread Covid.” No wonder this company has not got any customers.


1486 days ago

Breaking: Remote Monitored Systems – now set to give away its first masks

I can reveal that the first 50,000 masks produced by Remote Monitored Systems (RMS) subsidiary Pharm2farm will be given away absolutely free to NHS staff. There is absolutely no evidence that NHS staff are short of PPE right now so this gesture, though it will be seen as lauadable by many, is wholly un-needed. It may thus be a PR hit but what does it say about commercial reality. First things first, I hope it goes to the NHS staff who need it ,most, such as these folk.


1487 days ago

Photo Article: the Welsh Hovel makes it into the Daily Mail

As you know, we have had a spot of flooding here at the Welsh Hovel. In fact so much that we are on page 33 of today’s Mail. I stress that I do not read that frightful rag but my neighbour did and, so that you do not need to hold your nose, I bring you the dramatic picture below.


1490 days ago

Private Eye vs Peter Hitchens - what would founder Editor Christopher Booker have thought?

Private Eye was co-founded by my late uncle Christopher Booker. At his funeral, there were a few folk from the Eye led by the current Editor and professional celebrity Ian Hislop and also Chris’s great pal Peter Hitchens. Today the latter takes on the former, rebutting an appalling hatchet job on himself in the Eye. Once upon a time, Private Eye challenged the establishment. Today it is part of the establishment and thus lockdown sceptics like Hitchens who dare to question the mask & lockdown GroupThink gripping the political and media classes are “the enemy.” I am in no doubt at all that Uncle Chris would be in the barricades with Hitchens on this one. He would also be appalled by the casual way that Private Eye just distorts facts in its attack on his good friend. This is not the journalism which Christopher Booker would have recognised as worthy of praise.



1518 days ago

SHOCKING EXPOSE: The twitter pumping of Trevor Brown in the days before and the day he dumped all his Remote Monitored shares

Braveheart (BIM), the investment vehicle run by Remote Monitored Systems (RMS) boss Trevor Brown who is also a major investor in Braveheart, sold ALL of its Remote shares on 16,17 and 18 November at 2.9p-5p, netting it c£15 million. Not only did Brown sign off on ramptastic RNS statements by Remote on 11 and 16 November pushing the line that the company would, by the end of November, have a machine in Nottingham producing Covid stopping masks but he was also active on twitter pumping the stock. Of course the machine did not arrive in November, something Remote fessed to on 26 November. With more delays since, trial failures and a bailout funding the shares have collapsed to 1.22p. Now back to the pump.


1520 days ago

Masks do not stop Covid Spread or save you from the virus - a chart from Florida

I have noted before, the hard evidence from Denmark that mask wearing neither stops you catching or spreading Covid. Hell’‘s teeth if it works so well why are we in Britain where we are today after five months of forced muzzling up?  Here is another bit of data for the mask jihadis to explain. It is from Florida.


1551 days ago

Okay Mr Liberal, you were okay with facebook censoring the US election but what about Professor Carl Heneghan?

During the US election, Facebook and Twitter took it upon themselves not only to restrict what President Trump was able to communicate to electors but also to stop folks discovering about the sordid business deals and sexual antics of Hunter Biden and allegations that his dad Joe was involved in the former.  The new media giants were happy to link to stories about Trump which were palpably untrue and had been proven to be untrue, but Biden allegations which are well sourced were blocked. Twitter and Facebook claimed, without evidence, that they were fake news and folks had to be protected.


1566 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - Defying the stupid laws on bonfire night

Our very elderly neighbours toddled along. Joshua’s pal H and his younger brother came with their parents and, unmuzzled, we drank mulled wine as the kids had chocolate peanuts, apart from H’s younger brother who has an allergy. As my bonfire roared into life, someone a bit higher up the slope in our village was letting off fireworks and in the distance, over the river among the infidels of England, there was another defiant display lighting up the sky.


1581 days ago

Ahead of my father's funeral: Arguing with a sister and the vicar about mask wearing – here is what the CDC says

If you have actually looked at scientific studies, at facts, at hard data, you will by now be convinced that wearing masks will not stop you either catching or spreading Coronavirus. But folks find all sorts of reasons for not actually studying the data as I discovered when discussing my father’s funeral with the vicar and a sister. I am still unspeakably angry with Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock for the way we must tell people they cannot be with his family next week. But it seems the vicar and at least one sister goes along with the GroupThink.  Among their arguments for not only wearing a muzzle themselves but also for being cross with we refuseniks were:



1583 days ago

Wales under house arrest: Who is going to certify Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford as clinically insane?

I flagged up last week that Mark Drakeford’s plan to keep the English infidels out of our beloved Wales was insane. I sit here, 30 yards from the border, ever alert to the danger of a plague-ridden scouser trying to swim across the River Dee and will be out shortly to plant anti personnel devices across my fields in line with Mr Drakeford’s diktat of last week. But now the wretched little man, suffering from a severe case of little man syndrome, has gone further.



1602 days ago

Lies, damned lies and covid statistics from the Government and the deadwood press

In order to justify its civil liberties and economy wrecking lockdown, social distancing and mask policies, the Government needed to say there might be a “second wave”. And lo and behold if you believe Matt Hancock or the other half of this GroupThink madness, that is to say the BBC, ITV and the deadwood press, now we have it. Except that we do not.


1657 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: masks in Manchester to a water deprived Kambos and the Greek Hovel

I will start writing up my Greek diary tomorrow when I feel a bit more rested after the travel. But in this podcast, I give you a taster of a few of my thoughts and of life here in Kambos where I shook a man’s hand for the first time in months yesterday. I also look at the latest Covid madness from bonkers Boris and at BP (BP.) and the question of its dividend. Of course it should be slashed and if it is, I’d expect the shares to bounce.


1660 days ago

The Greek Hovel August 2020: day 1 and it's Masks at Manchester

No not a reference to the former vocation of my Mancunian pal Dan. Instead the start of our trip to the Greek Hovel. The Mrs had booked a 7.45 AM flight which meant a 4.30 AM departure from the Welsh Hovel. The Mrs had an early night, I decided to stay up accompanied by Bradley Walsh, Suzanne Jones, John Thaw and David Suchet and to try and do a bit of work. I reckoned I’d catch up on my sleep on the flight. No-one had told me I was sitting next to Joshua.
