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Mark Drakeford - another Z for logic here in poor old lockdown Wales

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 22 December 2021

Throughout the scandemic Wales, under the leadership of mad Mark Drakeford, has had tougher lockdown rules that the infidels across the border in England. Yet covid numbers, here in the rain sodden post industrial principality have been resolutely and consistently higher than in England. Doctor: the medicine is not working and is having awful side effects what should we do? Up the dosage!

The logical failures of mad Mark, now supported in Government by Plaid Cymru the Party of Wales, are legion and have beenn well documented on this website, but we have two more this week which really take the Welsh cake.  The threat posed by Omicron is clearly very mild as we have seen in ground zero South Africa and now here in Airstrip One where hospitalisations and deaths from the new variant are really very low. But Drakeford and the his Cotttage Burning allies insist that it is so severe that we must act at once. So Nightclubs will be shut as of 27 December. Look Mark: if it is a mortal threat, which it is not, why are you waiting a week to act?  Another Z for logic.

It gets better. In a new law passed by diktat, if you go to work when you could work from home the Welsh Rozzers can fine you £60 and your employer £1,000. This is to stop the spread of the variant which has killed almost nobody in the world. But you can still go to the boozer and drink and eat, laugh and sing as you watch Wrexham AFC on the telly in an enclosed space without wearing a mask. You cannot, however, go to a soccer game as all matches including those of mighty Wrexham – at home to Solihull Moors on Boxing Day in a vital playoff 6 pointer – will be played behind closed doors in open air stadiums.  Can Mad Mark explain the logic in this package of measures?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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