276 days ago
My “crime” for which I should, presumably, be locked in the Tower is to have suggested in THIS ARTICLE that not only was Ukraine losing the war but that it had been losing since last summer and that thed political and media GroupThink had lied about numerous aspects of and events in this war. I cited specific examples of those lies.
340 days ago
I have a facebook account which I very rarely use. I post links to my articles on it and now and again visit it it to check whether I am the subject of a two minute hate here in the last village in Wales. Following revelations that the Welsh Government imposed draconian lockdown rules on us for purely political rather than scientific reasons I am waiting for some of the face nappy fascists here to apologise but suspect they will not. Anyhow I was on facebook the other day and was contacted out of the blue by a chap living in Greece. My late father would have been horrified.
760 days ago
Jon Sopel, his former colleagues at the BBC, the Euro loon Femi, the whole of the liberal elite are applauding ghastly Jacinda Ardern for stepping down “on a high” as Prime Minister of New Zealand today. It is almost as “brave” as when Phil Schofield came out as gay just as his 17 year old bunk-up/work junior was going to out him to a tabloid. The reality is that Ardern’s party is now trailing in the polls and its ratings are tanking fast. Defeat in the October Election is inevitable and that is why Ardern is quitting, whatever little Sopel says below. But what of her record on, say, covid where the liberal left applauded her for the most draconian lockdown in the world, bar North Korea. Here are the facts and they do not make for good reading:
1000 days ago
Analyst Peter Grandich says his clients tell him that it’s difficult to get goods and prices are rising quickly. Yet, the Fed’s ability to deal with inflation seems limited. Peter says that the lockdown created secondary effects on supply chains, and now things are becoming compounded with China and Russia and the Fed’s tools are largely useless at correcting this situation.
1036 days ago
Greece was often praised for its authoritarian approach to the scamdemic. You may remember the Guardian and BBC claiming that, while our evil government committed genocide by negligence, Greece’s draconian lockdown had cured the country of covid. Of course, it did not. The lockdown gave the economy another good kick but, as the table shows, Greece has fared relatively badly in terms of covid deaths.
1135 days ago
Wretched First Minister of Wales, the criminally insane Mark Drakeford, is at it again. Despite imposing a stricter lockdown than England on Boxing Day and insisting that England is a pariah as a result Welsh cases have continued their prior trajectory (as have English cases) suggesting that the measures taken made no difference at all. Welsh cases are now far higher than in England. All of this is explained and demonstrated HERE. So how does Dripford explain this? Simple sheeples..
1137 days ago
Over the past few days I have shown time and again the growing mountain of hard statistical evidence that shows – as some of us have been saying for a very long time – that all the measures imposed by Government to try and control the scamdemic just do not work. Instead the collateral damage they cause ruins lives. Still the those inside the GroupThink of the media and political classes plough on, unable to admit their horrific blunders. Writing as I do, 30 yards inside Wales, once again our dear leader, the criminally insane Mr Mark Drakeford, has shown the folly of GroupThink. Consider the graph below.
1141 days ago
The FT, the BBC and the rest of the political and media class warned explicitly that Sweden was heading for disaster with its relatively relaxed approach to Covid. The bodies would pile up inMalmo and Stockholm. Instead those in the GroupThink bubble lavished praise on Austria whose draconian lockdown, suppression of dissidents and crushing of civil liberties and its economy, would have made its most famous son proud. Austria was the posterboy for lockdown. So if the GroupThink crowd were right and folks like me were wrong, Sweden would have suffered far more covid deaths than Austria: right?
1153 days ago
Throughout the scandemic Wales, under the leadership of mad Mark Drakeford, has had tougher lockdown rules that the infidels across the border in England. Yet covid numbers, here in the rain sodden post industrial principality have been resolutely and consistently higher than in England. Doctor: the medicine is not working and is having awful side effects what should we do? Up the dosage!
1162 days ago
As this wretched Government in England and the even more wretched one in Wales implement more and more draconian and ludicrous policies it emerges today that there are just 10 folks across the UK in hospital with the Omicron variant, yes that is the new strain of Covid that we are told will overwhelm the NHS. Yes, that NHS – envy of the fecking world,let’s all bang pots in the street- where only 4% of beds are currently filled with Covid patients. But, of course, what we are not told is how many of the ten were admitted with Omicron or were there for some other reason and were subsequently diagnosed with Omicron. This is madness – consider what the NSPCC says today about lockdown, something Michael Gove and most of the political and media classes are pushing for.
1177 days ago
I noted on Friday that in South Africa, where the new strain of Covid has emerged, the number of fatalities and indeed the number of hospitalisations is the same as the number of times I have shagged Cheryl Cole this week. That is to say, zero. All viruses mutate in a Darwinian way. To ensure species survival those that are more transmissable tend to be weaker, killing the host makes no sense. But, of course, mask jihadists – which includes almost everyone at the BBC - as well as most of the villagers where I live here in lockdown Wales, say that one must “liste to the science”. I offer hard data they offer doom and say that only scientists – as opposed to those who earn a living analysing data – are allowed a view. The fanatics want the State to strangle our liberties and the economy again. So here is a doctor fighting this strain at the centre of the epidemic appearing,amazingly, on the BBC today. Watch what she has to say on the basis of hard data and take that as your cue to resist Sajid, Boris and the rest of the deranged control fascists now running Airstrip One. Watch the video quickly before Youtube removes it for being what Prince Harry would term fake news.
1188 days ago
I have already brought you data from the British Isles and also from the USA showing that mask mandates and covid passports do sweet FA to stop the spread of the plague with a 99.9% survival rate. Now here is a case study from central Europe involving more than 50 million folks. Will the mask jihadists and lockdown fanatics accept that this is a statistically significant sample?
1215 days ago
I start with the three horrors which will make you despair and that is even before we deal with another INSET day, a day of yakking for teachers and inconvenience for the working prime carer who is your host today. Then I look at impending lockdown lunacy and at one company which, i suspect, is already struggling but which will be hit for six, NightCap (NGHT). I skip onto Bezant (BZT) another Colin Bird pump and place, Dev Clever (DEV) – a stock for financial masochists only – Ben’s Creek (BEN) with a new shocking expose of its link with a disgraced financier and then the Woodfordesque dealings involving Boanerges Ltd (BNRG), WeShop, Vela (VELA) and BrandShield (BRSD). For the avoidance of doubt the maths on Boanerges are:
1215 days ago
Plan B for England should covid case numbers increase involves bringing back face masks, vaccine passports and an encouragement to work from home. And this, we are assured by the experts, will help to stop the spread of covid, protect the NHS, make us all safer, yak, yak, yak. But the problem is that there is already hard data from the British Isles to show this is utter rubbish.
1233 days ago
The Mrs was doing a seminar yesterday on data analysis. I doubt it was half as good as this classic from her husband given to the woke morons attending Bath Spa but she challenged their preconceptions on covid an a very entertaining way. Which profession has suffered most covid deaths per thousand? The students said nurses. The answer is, of course, security guards. Take back those pay rises for nurses whose average wage (more than £33,000) just a few years into the profession is already more than the UK national average wage. Anyhow back to our hero Tim Martin…
1284 days ago
If you are walking down the street, wearing a mask and you see a mate and talk to him you are helping to spread covid. That is the message from this crackpot Australian politician. Careless talk, or in fact any talk at all really does cost lives. In years to come we will look back on such control freakery to stop a plague with a 99.97% survival rate and be amazed at how the world went mad.
1302 days ago
I start on the issue of PLCs with unpaid bills from lockdown. There will be some catch-ups and icebergs ahead. Cineworld (CINE) is a case study. Then the stock I am buying tomorrow. It is NOT Open Orphan (ORPH) or Red Rock Resources (RRR) as some of you think and I discuss both. Then to Ben & Jerry’s and its hatred of the Jewish state. I am tempted to buy a share in Unilever (ULVR) to go to its next AGM.
1314 days ago
I have yet to update you all on the dynamics of the, now four, eateries that surround thde small square in the centre of Kambos, the village closest to the Greek Hovel. As Greece implements new laws to make life for all four of them that much harder, it is topical.
1332 days ago
The attitude of the Guardian is that if it does not agree with you, you must be an alt-right freak. If it can’t smear you by what you say it smears you by association. It uses the same – utterly flawed – logic that links vegetarians to war crimes via Adolf Hitler. And I am sorry to see my hero Peter Tatchell who has done more to fight for freedom than anyone else in Britain today, disappearing down the same rabbit hole.
1337 days ago
So there was a gay pride rally in Florida and a guy drove his car into the crowd. Bastard. A local Democrat politician denounced this as yet more right wing terrorism and pretty soon folks were linking this outrage to the state’s Republican Governor, Ron deSantis, hated by liberal bien pensants for, inter alia, having limited mask rules and relaxed lockdown rules something which has not actually seen cases surge but who cares it was wrong anyway. The hashtag #DeathSantis continued long after the facts emerged…
1343 days ago
At first lockdown was to flatten the curve, then it was to save the NHS – the envy of the fucking world. Now it is to achieve what? To try to eradicate what is only the 30th most common cause of death. Let’s go back to the NHS and a killer chart showing bed usage.
1390 days ago
What did the wretched Canadians do to deserve Justin Trudeau as their leader? The man who wears his Eid socks to the Pride Parade, or is it the other way round, is a virtue signalling loon par excellence. His latest outburst is on the gender unemployment gap.
1393 days ago
Sometimes it is what the BBC does say that marks it out as not fit for purpose. Think its wildly partial coverage of the Brexit debate or perhaps of its collective take a knee not to the idea of racial justice but to the extremist and corrupt BLM organisation, which even most black folk think racially divisive. But sometimes it is what it refuses to cover that makes the case to #defundthe BBC so clear cut. Did you know that there was a demonstration in London this weekend? You will not have done so if you watched the BBC.
1398 days ago
For the second year on the trot, the Woodlarks camp for the disabled cannot run low cost unique holiday camps for folks who would otherwise, almost certainly not get a holiday. This unfashionable charity is another victim of lockdown and so now needs £48,000 to ensure it survives iunto 2022 when we hope it can re-open. So for the 4th year the Rogue Bloggers will be walking and begging!
1406 days ago
Daughter Olaf reckons that young folk have been hit hardest by the bonkers lockdown and so, like Brexit, which like everyone else in Islington she considered a monstrous display of alt-right Xenophobic ignorance by stupid poor people, this is a crime against the young by bloody old people. Of course, and not for the first time, she is wrong.
1418 days ago
The data below is from the ONS and covers England and Wales. 2020 data is provisional so maybe tweaked a bit but with that caveat you will note a couple of things. Or if you are Boris Johnson and everyone else in the political and media class GroupThink you will ignore a couple of things which show how we citizens, we Winston Smiths, have all been taken for fools. Clearly more folks died in 2020 than in the years immediately before that. Suicides were up, untreated cancer deaths were up but Covid is responsible for most of the uptick. But for those who talk of the new plague, it is not that much of an uptick is it? More critically…
1421 days ago
When I was growing up, the majority of the population wanted to bring back the death penalty and my Guardian-reading teachers would explain why this was a great example of why we needed elected representatives to moderate the unhealthy views of the dirty plebs. Or, as you and I might see it, to block the democratic will of the people because the liberal intelligentsia always knows best. In 2016, the people were allowed their say on Brexit and, bloody hell, the dirty peasants went and did the wrong thing just showing that decision making should be left in the hands of a small elite.
1424 days ago
A teacher at Batley Grammar school in Bradford showed students in a religious studies class a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed. Over in France, such actions can see you getting your head chopped off and what happened next is just so predictable. A mob gathered outside the school. Had that mob included James Delingpole, Piers Corbyn, Toby Young and Laurence Fox and the protest been about lockdown, the Police would have waded in, made arrests and broken it up.
1430 days ago
Once again the JD Wetherspoon (JDW) founder is a brave voice of sanity lashing the madness behind the Government’s lockdown policy. He offers hard data to back his case, there can be no response. The great man opines:
1432 days ago
I start with a few words on Greece and lockdown as per this article from my own website. Then I discuss why I ignore broker share price targets and then the use of the sort of reasoning I’d need to show to get into INSEAD to do an MBA with relation to claims made by companies. Those two sections cover Ariana (AAU) and Remote Monitored Systems (RMS). I also look at MyHealthChecked (MHC) and at Catenae (CTEA).
1434 days ago
The graph below is pretty clear. Having lockdowns as a way to fight covid does not work. It looks at age adjusted excess deaths per million. You will see that Sweden, no lockdown, does pretty well, far better than the UK with a draconian lockdown. Florida with a very lax lockdown does marginally worse that California with a very tight lockdown, but not that much worse. Lockdown jihadists, mainly from the “tolerant” left, have repeatedly warned that Republican run Florida was heading for Armageddon. Many of those fanatics lived in New York with a far more draconian lockdown. Look how it fared…
1438 days ago
Last night, the leader of Plaid Cymru, the party of Wales, held an online rally here in Wrexham for the faithful. Sadly I was unable to attend since spending an evening, even online, with a bunch of cottage-burning obsessives is not my idea of fun. In fact I’d rather watch Nish Kumar being an unfunny woke bore. It is that much my idea of “not fun”.
1442 days ago
I do not despise Policemen or Policewomen. But increasingly I find ever more reasons to despise the institution that is the Police Force, especially Cressida Dick’s useless Met in the nige plagued cesspit that is London. All I want of a Police force is for it to act tough on serious crimes like burglary, muggings, rape and, in London, stabbings. Is that too much to ask? Are my views not reflective of what nearly everybody else in this country wants. Instead we get folks arrested for throwing snowballs or drinking a takeaway coffee alone in their car during lockdown. And now this…
1442 days ago
I always will be a Republican. I can see no reason why the Royal Family should exist in its current constitutional position. Having said all of that, if there has to be a Monarch, the one we have and her consort Phil the Greek are, without doubt, the best one could wish for. As human beings, they are thoroughly admirable.
1449 days ago
I have already apologised for, in 2019, supporting Ms Atherton, a careerist lady who deserves unemployment in four years time. I have asked her on Twitter if she endorses what you can see below and natch’ she will not reply. Yet again we see Policemen (or in this case women) drunk on emergency Covid lockdown powers and behaving in a way we thought we would be never see in Britain. North Wales Police you are a disgrace.
1457 days ago
When you elect a socialist crackpot like Justin Trudeau, a hereditary politician and all round knobhead, it will eventually end in tears. The problem with socialists is that eventually they run out of other people’s money, as the greatest leader this country has ever known once observed. So in the snows of the socialist hell hole that is Canada, they are not yet at the pet eating stage but homelessness and hunger are a growing problem. But at least Mr Trudeau hopes to end lockdown in time to wear his Eid socks at the Pride parade. Or is it the other way round?
1460 days ago
I am not wildly happy about having the jab. It has not been tested on folks who, like me, have had Covid. We also do not know if there are any serious long term side effects on all sorts of patients – yes, I know that all vaccines can produce some side effects. And having already had covid, all the evidence suggests that God has already vaccinated me and so there is no need for a second dose organised by the stupidest man in the Western world, Welsh first minister Mark Drakeford. But…
1468 days ago
My pal Luke Johnson has been a massive critic of the lockdown policy of Bonkers Boris Johnson but, for him at least, every cloud has a silver lining, he has managed to pick up the Curious Brew beer and cider brands for a pittance from Aquis listed Chapel Down (CDGP).
1468 days ago
The Government’s latest covid travel restrictions are non-sensical,smash the young and the poor disproportionately and the penalties for flouting them are offensive. Matt Hancock, you are a disgrace.
1481 days ago
Okay I do not really support the Socialist Workers Party. They are so nutso that they make even the Cottage Burners of Plaid Cymru, who are bonkers, look like rational and sane human beings. But that said, I stand shoulder to shoulder with the comrades.
1481 days ago
Yet again we see evidence of how Britain’s Police forces, drunk on emergency covid lockdown powers and egged on by second rate headline seeking quote merchants, such as Priti Patel, are behaving in an Orwellian fashion. West Mercia, the force that failed to spot the industrial-scale sex abuse in Telford over three decades, has already disgraced itself with its antics on snowballing. And now this video below emerges. Tell me with a straight face that you are proud to live in a free Britain.
1485 days ago
I start with the question of who should pay for lockdown via taxes or inflation. Then it is onto an article by Harriet Dennys in the Mail on Sunday on NightCap (NGHT), the AIM baby of Sarah Willingham of Dragon’s Den which could go bust by July. The article is so bad, so full of massive factual errors and so utterly misleading that it is easily the worst piece of financial journalism I’ve seen so far this year. And that includes articles by Zak Mir. Seriously, writing this sort of bollocks does have consequences.
1488 days ago
The first call was mid-morning. On that occasion it was two young WPCs. If one was a filthy old man with a thing about uniforms it would have been a bit of a treat but my initial concern was that someone had read my writings about my crime family flouting daft lockdown laws on my birthday and snitched. Oh no. It was about the floods – the two young ladies just asked if there was anything they could do for me. Well since you mention it officers…
1489 days ago
Private Eye was co-founded by my late uncle Christopher Booker. At his funeral, there were a few folk from the Eye led by the current Editor and professional celebrity Ian Hislop and also Chris’s great pal Peter Hitchens. Today the latter takes on the former, rebutting an appalling hatchet job on himself in the Eye. Once upon a time, Private Eye challenged the establishment. Today it is part of the establishment and thus lockdown sceptics like Hitchens who dare to question the mask & lockdown GroupThink gripping the political and media classes are “the enemy.” I am in no doubt at all that Uncle Chris would be in the barricades with Hitchens on this one. He would also be appalled by the casual way that Private Eye just distorts facts in its attack on his good friend. This is not the journalism which Christopher Booker would have recognised as worthy of praise.
1491 days ago
I have cousins in Scampston, Pickering and near Whitby and so know this part of the world well. It is gorgeous. A year ago, we were, in fact, on holiday in Pickering for a week – the whole family loved it even though Joshua was not impressed that the steam train was not running. If you are tempted and think that there is no basis at all for mask madness and lockdown lunacy and are looking for somewhere to stay, I suggest you need look no further than Rosedale. Back this business.
1498 days ago
To we libertarians former Congressman Dr Ron Paul is our idol. The good doctor has campaigned against pointless US wars, for sound money and budget responsibility, against the Patriot Act and for free speech and to protect the constitution for years. In recent times he has questioned the efficacy of masks and lockdown but also suggested that the damage they cause to liberty and the economy is not worth it. He is a good guy. He is not inciting violence, he abhors it. He is a brave voice often castigated by his own Party, the Republicans, and one that should be heard. But facebook does not want that voice heard. Big tech is now deciding who can or cannot question Government but it is only libertarians and conservatives who it is muzzling.
1499 days ago
Ben won’t be losing his job because of lockdown. For him there will be no pay cut, no furlough, no money worries. He is not going to see his house repossessed, the business which he has spent years building up destroyed in a flash. He does not lie asleep at night panicking about how he will pay the bills. Ben does not seem to have had his cancer scan delayed. He has not suffered the misery of being barred from being with a dying loved one or from attending his child’s birth. Ben has not had to tell folks they could not attend his father’s funeral. Ben has a really well-paid job and lives in the lovely middle-class City of Oxford surrounded by lovely green fields in which to stroll. Ben wants you all to look on the bright side and obey all the rules of lockdown. Lucky Ben. Smug Ben. Insensitive Ben. Go to hell Ben.
1499 days ago
Today’s expose of Iconic (ICON) is shocking and shows that Dave Sefton is again getting shareholders in a PLC to takle the equity risk for his private ventures. I explain the pattern and what Damon Heath at Shard Capital needs to do about this on Monday. This has got to stop now. Then I look at the religious cult members Evil is tackling with his Tesla short and how it will play out. I start with my act of lockdown defiance today which has confifrmed to daughter Olaf what a boring old man I have become.
1502 days ago
Your taxes pay for some moron in Kettering to issue this tweet boasting of how Northants Old Bill used patrol car time to stop a vehicle containing four adults to quiz them about where they were going and then issue them vast Covid fines. So could Northants Police be doing something more useful? Here are a few stats for you.
1502 days ago
My local MP Sarah Atherton has penned a column in the local free magazine here in Wrexham. I shall tonight, ignore every single advertiser in the publication and burn my edition of Essentials Magazine, something I will now do every month until this wretched woman loses her seat. And now for that apology
1504 days ago
I start with the non financial GroupThink but explain how this is relevant to three shares: Remote Monitored Systems (RMS), Optibiotix (OPTI) and Cineworld (CINE). And i outline why two of thre three are screaming sells and one a screaming buy. Guess which? I refer to this article I penned earlier on how dissent from GroupThink is being stifled.
1505 days ago
The last time I posted on the Facebook page of the last village in Wales was to say that if folks wanted to walk across our fields then they would be more than welcome to do so. At the height of lockdown, it seemed a decent offer and I had even cut back the grass so folks could do so in a socially distanced manner. That was met with overt hostility from some who saw this as an act of wicked selfishness.
1508 days ago
It has not yet snowed this winter in the last village in Wales. Apparently the global warming was deep, crisp and even just 15 minutes away among the accursed English infidels on the other side of the border. And in the hills above Wrexham, the global warming was deep enough to allow folks to go sledging. And thus, my neighbour C took her young daughter up to the Horseshoe Pass where she always used to go sledging when she was a girl.
1519 days ago
I note that Matt Hancock has a First Class degree in PPE from Oxford and admit that I cannot match his Geoff. I only achieved a Desmond from the same place in the same subject and, at the time, I remember thinking that I was jolly lucky not to have racked up a Douglas. I am pretty sure that my late uncle Christopher Booker had the same feeling after coming away with a second from Cambridge where he read history.
1520 days ago
Wood cutting has become almost therapeutic in these dark days in lockdown Wales. Half an hour on weekdays and an hour a day at the weekend is the plan. Sometimes I have a day off. It all starts with a large pile of branches from trees cut down at the Hovel over the summer. I might drag three to the main barn and Joshua drags a small one if he is with me. That would be a weekday cut. At the weekend we double up.
1522 days ago
Daily, on our TV screens we are assured by “public health experts” whose jobs at the Ministry of Truth are safe, whatever happens to the economy, that tier 3 measures are more effective than tier two measures in controlling covid. That is to say numbers often rise enough to push a tier 2 district into tier 3 and then as controls tighten that district can return to tier 2 and eventually to tier 1. But there is a massive logical flaw in this claim which the media, collectively, fails to spot.
1523 days ago
Earlier, I pointed out that the number of deaths per 100,000 Brits so far this year is far from the highest of recent years. If you believe Matt Hancock or Mad Dog Mark Drakeford, there is an epidemic of deaths on a monumental scale and to stop that we must wreck the economy, destroy civil liberties etc. You should not believe either of these charlatans. Their next excuse for lockdown is that we must save the NHS which, they claim, is swamped. That too is a just a monstrous porky.
1523 days ago
Here in Wales, thanks to First Minister, Mad Mark Drakeford, all 50 JD Wetherspoon (JDW) pubs are shuttered and will stay so for the foreseeable future. As I noted in a photo article just published, life just over the border in “free” England is not much better for the boozers. Tim Martin is, yet again, my hero of the day, using Wetherspoon’s AGM as a platform to expose the Government and a supine 4th estate which laps up lockdown lies without question. The great man opines:
1524 days ago
To make Matt Hancock appear like a logically thinking quick witted genius is a task which is almost impossible, as I noted yesterday. But there is one man in the British isles who can do it, that is to say the first minister of Wales, Mr Mark Drakeford. This poltroon should have been, as I have already flagged up, taken away by the men in flapping white coats many months ago for his utterly illogical lockdown response to Covid. As I sit here at my window, gazing out at the river that runs at the edge of our garden and fields and which keeps the English infidels, on the other side, away, the rain sodden principality appears utterly cursed.
1524 days ago
I do not agree with the politics of communist journalist Ash Sarkar and she says some remarkably silly and insensitive things. But, as a believer in freedom, I defend to the utmost her right to say and write as she pleases, just as I defend other figures such as Sasha Johnson of BLM. Her right is to offend me with her ludicrous views. I also have a lot of sympathy for Ash for the way that she is attacked.
1526 days ago
As you may know, my occasional panic attacks consist of a nightmare that I have somehow managed to go back to Oxford as a mature student but, sitting in Schools facing finals again, I realise that I have done even worse than last time and that my Desmond will be removed and I am, if lucky, heading for a Douglas. One of the papers I must face is logic. Observing recent events, if I am compared with the current crop of Oxford-educated poltroons running the country, I reckon I might come top of the class and be set for a Geoff.
1526 days ago
The chart is so simple that my cat could understand it, although it seems to be beyond the wit of Guardian-reading lockdown fanatic and mask jihadist Mr Darren Atwater. Point one is that lockdowns make no impact on the number of Covid deaths. Those who can ignore the hard factual evidence from Sweden HERE or Greece HERE and insist that lockdowns make sense will, like my Best Man, still not be persuaded. For them, facts do not matter. Point two is even more interesting.
1529 days ago
Here in Wales, all 50 of Tim Martin’s JD Wetherspoon (JDW) pubs are now closed as a reaction to crackpot Mark Drakeford’s latest mad plans. Yet Covid cases are roofing it as never before. Lockdowns do not work and today Tim Martin has issued a statement making it clear why and how badly we are going wrong in the UK. The great man says:
1530 days ago
I stand by my view that most journalists in the MSM are rightly despised as expense fiddling, PR-cock-sucking worms. However, I take my hat off to Tristan Kirk of the London Evening Standard, a paper that has in the past employed some amazing journalists though modesty prevents me from naming them. His expose on the crazy lockdown laws and penalties for breaking them is stunning. The only question is why is he running it on Twitter rather than in the paper? But as it is on Twitter, I bring it to you in full: Kirk writes:
1531 days ago
The pompous, virtue signalling, radio presenter James O’Brien this morning apologised to his listeners on LBC for suggesting that all those questioning the Covid vaccine were swivelled eyed lunatics pushing alt-right crackpot conspiracy theories. Well thank you James, now how about an apology to those of us voting for Brexit? How about you admit we were not all alt-right freaks? Okay back to Covid.
1532 days ago
Back at the height of the first lockdown to beat Covid and save the NHS, I was rationed as to how much flour and yeast I could buy at any one time as, in droves, folks started home baking. As I noted at the time, if one reads Defoe’s account of the Great Plague, people assumed in 1665 as they assumed in 2020 that changes in the way we behaved would be permanent. They will not be.
1534 days ago
Yup that Right Said Fred. I’m too sexy from 1991. I kid you not. The Freds are still going and in this era of masks, lockdown and “strongly encouraged” vaccination, they have emerged as spokesmen for freedom. I’m not sure what their politics are but, as a libertarian, I’m struggling to disagree with their active tweeting @TheFreds at this moment in time. With apologies to Dominic Frisby, the song below released last week must be the theme track for 2020.
1536 days ago
There is a new poll out today which shows that the red wall is collapsing. A year ago in traditionally Labour seats like Wrexham, where I live, the Tories were on 48% with Labour on 39%. Now Labour leads by 47% to 41%. Of course, there are four years to the next election but MPs such as the ghastly Sarah Atherton, in these parts, should see that the writing is on the wall. Like so many folks here in Wrexham handed P45s thanks to insane lockdown policies – supported by silly Sarah –, folks like Ms Atherton will themselves be encountering a P45 in due course.
1538 days ago
This week has seen our beloved Home Secretary Priti Patel do what she does best: annoy folks on the left. And also what she does less well, that is to say remove undesirables from this land. Priti attempted to deport 50 folks who were Jamaican nationals and had been convicted of a range of very serious crimes including rape, murder and child abuse. Who on earth would want a convicted paedophile carrying the passport of another nation hanging around in the UK? Step forward 50 Labour and Lib Dem MPs and an array of celebs. Among them, Lib Dem Daisy Cooper.
1539 days ago
To great fanfare, Scotland’s first poisoned dwarf, Ms Nicola Sturgeon, has announced a £500 bonus to valiant healthcare workers across Scotland. And, notwithstanding the grotesque subsidies paid by England and Wales to the feckless heathens, she demands that Boris Johnson makes this a tax free bonus.
1540 days ago
I have noted before that the former babysitter to ex-wife Big Nose, that is to say Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford, is insane. He has now announced new measures here in Wales to destroy what is left of our hospitality sector and I urge the men in white coats to drag this wretched man away before he cancels Christmas. You may remember that we suffered a “firebreak” lockdown here in Wales between 23 October and 9 November to stop the spread of the virus…
1543 days ago
As the lockdown in England ends a new lockdown based on tiers begins with Boris Johnson insisting that all restrictions implemented will stop the spread of Coronavirus. The man is mad…
1543 days ago
On December 2 England comes out of lockdown to be replaced by er….lockdown in all but name. JD Wetherspoon (JDW) boss Tim Martin is again our hero of the day as he has lashed out at this lunacy. The great man opines:
1545 days ago
I have yet to complete my diaries from the Greek Hovel 2020 so you may not be aware that I am now in business with Nicho the Communist and his son but I am am and on that matter I spoke to both the son and also to lovely Eleni at the Kourounis Taverna today. How I wish I was back in warm Kambos rather than wet Wales. Or do I? A lot has changed.
1554 days ago
The handouts are happening in the woke US state of Oregon. More than 75 strippers will be each given grants of $2,250 for assistance with rent, utilities and internet. It is all so 2020.
1560 days ago
I discuss why they scan and reflect on the links between pointless lockdown and suicides. I discuss the final victory of Joe Biden and then look at house prices and why they have not yet collapsed and why this is not a re-run of the 1970s.
1560 days ago
It is not often I have nice things to say about the loathsome lard-bucket Mike Ashley but, just for today, he is my hero as his Frazer’s Group has put out a statement on the Covid shutdown. As you might expect, Mike does not mince his words:
1567 days ago
The Mrs is set to give birth in nine days and has insisted that we give our daughter, we think it is a girl, an Indian first name. Fair’s fair – Joshua has a Western first name. We do actually have a set of names decided but the shorthand name for Joshua’s little sister has, until now, been Priti, if only to trigger the lefty friends and relatives of the Mrs who seem to dislike the Home Secretary with a passion. But not now …
1570 days ago
Layla Moran MP reckons we need lockdown until Covid is eliminated, i.e forever. But she is not, perhaps, the dimmest MP in Westminster. Labour’s Carolyn Harris reckons that banning Tesco-selling kettles in Wales is fine as that is only fair on little shops and anyhow we can all buy Kettles on Amazon anyway. Clever folks don’t become MPs. But when you encounter a member of the Welsh Assembly, the Senedd, you realise that folks like Carolyn Harris and Layla Moron are, in comparison, intellectual giants.
1570 days ago
I have, in the past, viewed President Emmanuel Macron as a poseur in the mould of Tony Blair. He was, I thought, Europe’s equivalent to the ridiculous Justin Trudeau. His views on the rights of French fisherman to plunder British waters and his “helpful” interventions in the process of Brexit have not endeared the child husband to me. But maybe I was wrong.
1575 days ago
Clinically insane sufferer from little man syndrome, Mark Drakeford, rules a land now into its third day of house arrest. Its third day when shops are not able to sell what are deemed non-essential items such as clothes for my four year old and also for another baby due shortly, or a card to send to someone suffering a bereavement, or a computer. Today my laptop broke down…
1580 days ago
Do you remember the bad old days when the Police were there to catch criminals and stop crime? It seems a lifetime ago. Today, let’s go to Leicestershire where the Police Force has taken time out from investigating someone who tweeted sceptical thoughts on the efficacy of lockdown to celebrate #WorldMenopauseDay. It is not that this is not something we should not care about but haven’t the Old Bill got anything better to do, like breaking up a 3 year old’s Birthday party as there were more than six adults present? But it gets worse.
1580 days ago
There are six of us who called my father Dad and we have all been fairly reproductive. Thus with my father’s sister and his carer we are already at 24. And that number would have been higher had my wife not been almost due to produce a final grandchild and had my son not been too young to understand why so many are in tears. The Mrs and Joshua will not attend. Pro tem my father and the vicar do not count in the 30 who can attend, although I gather that the Welsh Government is considering changing the status of priests and corpses for services in this rain sodden Police state*.
1580 days ago
Leeds City council has done a review of all the statues that the Black Lives Matter movement wanted pulled down in this 2020 summer of madness. It established that folks like Queen Victoria, Sir Robert Peel and the Black Prince had no direct connection to slavery. The Black Prince er?
1585 days ago
JD Wetherspoon’s (JDW) results today were, predictably, impacted by the insane lockdown. No doubt middle class and affluent #FBPE morons on twitter who have been calling for a boycott of JD Wetherspoon in retaliation for Mr Martin’s pro Brexit stance will today be cheering. After all, if any of his staff do lose their jobs they will only be poor people whose lives don’t really matter. Naturally Mr Martin has lashed out at the Government’s insane policies and his dissection is clinical and ruthless. The great man opines:
1599 days ago
Lockdown in our part of Wales starts in just under two hours. The Mrs has already escaped to England with Joshua. I am staying here but need some supplies so must rush to get them from a store where they don’t make you wear a face nappy before the North Wales fuzz sets up roadblocks on the bridges over the River Dee. Before my Dukes of Hazard style contraband run, I discuss various conspiracy theories over Rolls Royce (RR.) and IAG (IAG). I look at the massive issues now hanging over Verditek (VDTK) as I expose its latest desperate ramping and another past lie. Finally, Dev Clever (DEV), what is going on with Asimilar (ASLR) and Mark Horrocks as its share price slides again.
1601 days ago
Joshua’s nursery is in England which is a blessing as it re-opened well ahead of institutions back here in the second world on this side of the border. And it means that although we go into Welsh lockdown on Thursday, I am going to be allowed to sneak over the bridge to take him to the nursery in free England.
1601 days ago
In order to justify its civil liberties and economy wrecking lockdown, social distancing and mask policies, the Government needed to say there might be a “second wave”. And lo and behold if you believe Matt Hancock or the other half of this GroupThink madness, that is to say the BBC, ITV and the deadwood press, now we have it. Except that we do not.
1602 days ago
I do not consent to the liberty and economy destroying policies of this Government given that they are based on no science at all. With a hat tip to the person from Hertford College with whom I communicate most often these days, the wonderful Elaine, I have downloaded the two A4 posters below from this HERE. Natch’ the Mrs will not allow me to put them up in the house but they can and will go in my battered old car.
1603 days ago
I invite those who listen to add their personal experiences in the comments section. I relay three experiences that I am close to and how Government measures are trashing the real economy in ways folks do not yet appreciate. And how this is just not sustainable and will, in due course, impact share prices.
1636 days ago
Big Nose and our daughter Olaf are on the train to her mother in West Wales and I am on the phone to the latter. She has a medical exemption and is a proud non-mask wearer. We agree that it is rubbish. Her mother shouts over that she is also a rebel. This top City lawyer goes round M&S not only not wearing a mask but also heading the wrong way on the social distance arrows trail.
1638 days ago
Yesterday, an old friend refused to consider that masks should not be compulsory for all. His thesis was, in part, based on the fact that someone he plays table tennis with had died of it. With such folks, or with the lockdown fanatics, there is no point mentioning Sweden, or pointing out hard data, or steering them towards authoratitive studies that challenge their narratives. Instead just sit back, let them rabbit on, and play Covid Bingo. Enjoy.
1689 days ago
I start with a few words on the end of lockdown for those of us living within 5 miles of England. Then I look at the growing scandal involving Boohoo.com (BOO), and its suppliers using slave labour in, Leicester, spreading disease and treating workers like, well, slaves. It is a scandal. But who will Baillie Gifford which wanks for Britain on virtue signalling ethical investing (see HERE) react as it is a major Boohoo backer? Now Matt Earl’s words about bumper margins at Boohoo, in my second video show HERE, seem even more prescient. PS remember to book your seats for MineProphets on July 18 HERE.
1696 days ago
I awoke this morning to strange sounds from the formal lawn behind the housse. I wandered downstairs and opened the door. Having entered single file through a small gate from the farmyard, the lawn was full of 10-15 bulls. The photo below was taken by my neighbour as a few of them wandered up the lane to his drive.
1734 days ago
I outlined at the weekend how the Government will now lie about Covid 19 in a most brazen fashion and will make appalling policy decisions which only compound previous blunders, simply to cover up those initial blunders. The media and oposition almost all went along with the GroupThink response to Coronavirus so find it hard to offer questions now, other than on minor issues of implementation. But some in the media go further spinning outright lies on behalf of the Government in its hour of need. Today’s Daily Telegraph serves up a real shocker as you can see below.
1734 days ago
Great stuff Lord Sumption. you are the voice of reason.
1774 days ago
I start with a few comments on Coronavirus as more evidence emerges HERE of why the economy wrecking Government lockdown is such complete madness. It reminds me of an incident around 2000 years ago today when the mob persuaded a leader to adopt a policy not backed up by the facts. I then look at why Roger Lawson is so utterly wrong about Carson Block of Muddy Waters and should apologise. Finally I discuss the behaviour of folks like Alison Rose of NatWest in this crisis. Shocking and unethical maybe but would you not do the same?