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The Leeds statues BLM wanted removed: a lesson for Basketball England

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 21 October 2020

Leeds City council has done a review of all the statues that the Black Lives Matter movement wanted pulled down in this 2020 summer of madness. It established that folks like Queen Victoria, Sir Robert Peel and the Black Prince had no direct connection to slavery.  The Black Prince er?

Yes, some folks in BLM really thought that the Black Prince, Edward of Woodstock 1330-1376, was hooked up with slavery or racism. Having been taught history in Britain’s failing schools – where almost everything in Britain’s past is viewed as a shameful demonstration of imperialism and racism – they were not aware that this warrior hero wore black armour. In the 1300s, it is highly unlikely that Edward ever met a non-white man. The furthest south he got was France.  Briatin was not slaving at that point. That Leeds City council even bothered responding to that complaint tells you a lot about the times in which we live.

But what is also telling is that Leeds asked its residents what they thought about removing all these statues of folks who had no direct connection to slavery and only 6% wanted them pulled down. The clear message is that those shouting and screaming in the summer of rage were a tiny minority.

That councils, the media, the Police and the political class treated them as otherwise, taking a knee and promising to review the status of any monument or street name which the mob attacked, shows just how out of touch the new establishment, our leaders and betters, have become. But it also demonstrates the woke tyranny that exists in Britain today: no-one dares question patent lunacy if that risks you being called out as a racist.

Perhaps after this, folks will look again at the removal of the statue of Thomas Guy and at other memorials?

I have noted before the parallels between this summer and the witch hunting hysteria of the 1640s. In that era, Britain faced a crisis of its own making, the Civil War, which was the perfect petri dish for the madness of Matthew Hopkins to flourish in. Today, the insane covid lockdown policies emerging from the political class GroupThink provides a similar petri dish.

In the end, most folks realised that Hopkins and his ilk had gone too far and there was a reaction against the excesses of the witch hunters. Might this survey from Leeds encourage more folks to speak out against the tyranny associated with demands made by some of the more extreme members of the Black Lives Matter Movement?  Perhaps Basketball England might look at the poll readings and think again about tyrannising 13 year old girls in the name of BLM?

Or maybe we live in such dark times that the tyranny will continue and folks will be too afraid to speak up against it.






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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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