164 days ago
Last Friday Robert Kennedy junior, RFK, said that in ten battleground states he was withdrawing his candidacy for President and urged his supporters to back Donald Trump. In British terms this is like a Kinnock urging folks to vote Tory. The son of Bobby Kennedy, the nephew of JFK is backing not just a Republican but Trump. I discussed HERE how this really can make a difference and makes a Trump win all the more likely. But the Democrats are cheats.
585 days ago
The Labour leader is today sitting on the fence as he announces his party’s new policy for the North Sea. When the People’s Party gets into power, it will stop all new drilling, it says, in order to tackle what it terms “the climate emergency” says Sir Keir Starmer as he takes a knee, not this time to BLM but to the followers of the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg. Except, that is, that Sir Keir will not stop all drilling
593 days ago
The month of June, now known as Pride Month, or a quarter of the 30% of the year appropriated by 3% of the community, is drawing to a close. Scenes of naked men flashing all at young children taken to parades in America this weekend just gone, by parents who should be in jail are all over the internet. I marched against Clause 28 but the overt sexualization of toddlers in this way is surely wrong? Or maybe my values just belong in the last century as the decadent est marches full steam towards Sodom & Gomorrah.
1128 days ago
The envy of the fecking world is, as it has done every year for the past two decades, claiming that it is at breaking point and that it needs more cash if it is not to collapse within weeks of the start of the year. It is an annual ritual and, as we bang our pots and pans demanding that GPs on £100,700 get even bigger pay rises even though almost half still refuse to see patients face to face, or that hundreds of diversity directors on £75,000-£100,000 are vital in the fight against covid and need pay rises too, do we ever question the scale of waste? How much does the NHS spend on things or staff which make not a jot of difference to patient outcomes. Over to the Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust.
1175 days ago
The British media is, not surprisingly, full of footage of folks in Brooklyn and a few other urban liberal ghettos for posh folk, rioting and attacking cops because Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of what they term a racist killing. Yes the two men who died were white but logic, proportion and the truth died a long time ago on the left. You will not be shown how in real America, in the flyover states, in the suburbs and in the small towns there are no riots because folks agree with the jury system and because the jury bravely defied political and media lies and pressure to reach the right verdict. But you will not be told about this. Never. You will be told this is a stor about gun ownership, white supremacy, racism and injustice.
1343 days ago
Who to support in the Euros? There is no team from the island of Ireland and so it will be Wales which gets my backing as well as my normal second team, that is to say anyone playing against England. When Wales gets knocked out, maybe mother Russia is the team to back.
1354 days ago
Over the years, I have lost count of the times when I started a column noting how my late Grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, once Director General of the National Trust, would be spinning in his grave at the latest woke nonsense from the body he loved. Ahead of the Trust’s annual meeting, enough members threatened revolt to force metropolitan liberal elitist chairman Tim Parker to give notice that he will resign. But if folks think that things will change then they are mistaken.
1355 days ago
Sasha Johnson of Black Lives Matter is a dangerous extremist but someone whose right to free speech I have always supported wholeheartedly. How I wish those on the left showed we conservatives such consideration. Last night she was shot in the head and it should go without saying that my prayers are for her and her family as she battles for survival. I hope so very much that she pulls through, as she is a young woman and a mother and has much to live for. However…
1356 days ago
Last week, I flagged up the video of WPC Nusheen Jan shouting “Free, free Palestine” as she was meant to be escorting a march. In expressing a political view, Officer Jan directly flouted the Police Rulebook. Hers was a sacking offence. But…
1384 days ago
Sometimes it is what the BBC does say that marks it out as not fit for purpose. Think its wildly partial coverage of the Brexit debate or perhaps of its collective take a knee not to the idea of racial justice but to the extremist and corrupt BLM organisation, which even most black folk think racially divisive. But sometimes it is what it refuses to cover that makes the case to #defundthe BBC so clear cut. Did you know that there was a demonstration in London this weekend? You will not have done so if you watched the BBC.
1413 days ago
I received a personalised letter today from a party that wants my vote in the Senedd elections on May 6. I will give you the quote then you guess whether it is from Labour led by bonkers Mark Drakeford, the Lib Dems, The Tories or the cottage burners of Plaid Cymru. Which party said it will “create 65,000 more jobs. And provide the basis for economic recovery by increasing funding for every pupil in Wales, and launching the biggest road building plan in a generation.”
1428 days ago
My grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, loved the National Trust and was thrilled to be its Director General helping it to preserve old buildings and countryside. For him, as a socialist, part of the joy was that this would open up an opportunity for the less privileged to access the rich history of Britain. Today I am sure he is again spinning in his grave as the organisation goes further and further down a woke cul-de-sac.
1465 days ago
Yesterday I revealed how joining the ever longer list of things that became racist in 2021 was celebrating the life and mourning the passing of Tom Moore. Who said so? A Church of England Vicar.
1493 days ago
Earlier this year, a BLM/ANTIFA demonstration in Washington DC turned ugly, stores were being burned and looted, a church was attacked and a British DJ tweeted out about the demonstrators “shoot them.” Was she fired?
1515 days ago
I do not agree with the politics of communist journalist Ash Sarkar and she says some remarkably silly and insensitive things. But, as a believer in freedom, I defend to the utmost her right to say and write as she pleases, just as I defend other figures such as Sasha Johnson of BLM. Her right is to offend me with her ludicrous views. I also have a lot of sympathy for Ash for the way that she is attacked.
1525 days ago
I support West Ham with a bit of a passion, albeit from the wilds of North Wales. I bring my kids up to support West Ham, something which many folks would consider a reason to report me to social services given the misery such support often brings. So my second team is, obviously, anyone playing Millwall. The tribal feelings are strong when it comes to our friends from South of the river in East London. I really want them to lose every game if only to ensure that we never have to play them again, given what has happened in previous games: pitch invasions, fighting and even stabbings. I was there the last time Millwall visited Upton Park and it was truly awful. Thankfully, only one person died. But you get the gist – I do not like Millwall football club or its fans. But not today. Well not completely.
1530 days ago
Of course Black Lives Matter. This is a mixed raced household so why would we think anything else? However, as I noted at the weekend, the Black Lives Matter movement has fallen from popular grace and is now overwhelmingly seen as increasing racial division by both white and BAME folks. As I noted then, there are those last redoubts who seek to hide inconvenient truths. The teaching unions and the school system is one redoubt. So too are the Marxist Madrassas, such as Manchester University. Also doing its bit is the National Trust. But the strongest supporter is, of course, the BBC.
1530 days ago
For seven years, as I described here, I have been noting the various ways that the National Trust has pursued a costly woke agenda, alienating its core supporters, and, as a result, being less able to deliver its core mission of saving historic buildings and lands. My Bennite grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, who ran this body as its Director General, would, I am sure, have washed his hands of the NT in disgust by now, resigning his membership. This weekend, the Trust doubled up on its latest woke blunder: the publication of a detailed report which, effectively, branded one third of its properties as racist.
1530 days ago
I noted yesterday that while popular opinion is now turning massively against the Black Lives Matter movement, there are still redoubts, notably the BBC and other sections of the media establishment and academia. Today’s madness from one such redoubt is from Manchester University where students want to ban the noun “black”. The sheer lack of academic rigour on display is horrifying.
1531 days ago
The last sixteen months have seen three enormous deaths for me, the passing of the three most important men in my life. And there was a fourth.
1532 days ago
The tide is turning against a radical Black Lives Matter Agenda as I demonstrated here yesterday. But there are last redoubts manned by members of the liberal elites who are determined to push this agenda. Academia is one such redoubt and there are moves to make history GCSE more BLM friendly. I discuss two of the changes proposed from Tudor England and Nazi Germany and deal with actual facts and try to put them into context. I also explain why this patronising nonsense is divisive, insulting to folks such as the Jews and the Roma and also fails to tell our kids of all colours who they are which is surely what history is all about. Of course the Government can stop it. If only we had a Conservative Government.
1532 days ago
Back in July polls showed that most folks supported Black Lives Matter. The few of us who pointed out that an organisation that wanted to defund Britain’s (unarmed) Police, end capitalism and the nuclear family and shut down jails while boycotting Israel was somewhat questionable, were dismissed by the liberal media elites as racist. They did not challenge the facts they simply smeared the sceptics. Those who dared to suggest that the late George Floyd was not exactly the heir to Mother Theresa were clearly alt-right freaks. The Premier League, BBC Presenters, Basketball England as well as the Metropolitan Police of Cressida Dick determined that we should all take a knee. But times have changed.
1547 days ago
For seven years I have been recounting various episodes which will have caused my grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, a former Director General of the National Trust, to spin in his grave. Slowly, the organisation he loved is destroying itself but like the frog in slowly heating water it seems oblivious to its fate. For those who run the Trust live in a small liberal and elitist bubble.
1564 days ago
In this podcast, I debunk the idea pushed by Nate Silver and the MSM that Georgia is now winnable for the Dems. I look at Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio (all three of which are now looking very winnable indeed for Donald Trump) and ponder where Trump would get the final votes needed for victory: any one of Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota with, perhaps, a helping hand in Maine. I consider the impact of the latest BLM riots in Philadelphia, Biden on fracking and of last night’s bombshell interview with Tony Bobulinski - which you can see HERE. The BBC and MSM will not cover it but some floating voters or even Biden leaners will watch it and, I suggest, come to the conclusion that creepy Joe is a lying crook. If that swings just a few more votes in somewhere like Arizona then that could be enough for Trump. Bottom line: there is no blue wave. The Senate is staying in the hands of the GOP and while the Economist says Trump’s chance of winning is just 8%, I’d now score it at 45-50%. The next two days of polling will tell us more.
1571 days ago
Leeds City council has done a review of all the statues that the Black Lives Matter movement wanted pulled down in this 2020 summer of madness. It established that folks like Queen Victoria, Sir Robert Peel and the Black Prince had no direct connection to slavery. The Black Prince er?
1620 days ago
This is the difference between we on the right and the new left when it comes to free speech. When one of us says something the left do not like, they form a flash mob and try to get the sinner booted of twitter or youtube, they try to ruin his/her career, and the Marxist Madrassas students and lecturers unite to no platform the miscreant who is denounced. His or her opinion is silenced and his or her career may be ruined without any debate on what he or she actually said. We on the right want our opponents to enjoy free speech, not only because we hope, in vain, for the same for ourselves but also because we are confident that in a free debate, the folly and in some cases sheer toxicity of their views will be exposed. Meet Sasha Johnson, a leading member of BlackLivesMatter in the UK.
1626 days ago
My friend Bill Long and I attended a lecture a few years ago in New York, given by the historian Madge Dresser and organised by the American branch of the National Trust. Its theme was the links between slavery and National Trust properties. Although Madge and I disagreed a little on the history of the South Sea company, it was balanced, fair and very interesting indeed. But in the wake of BlackLivesMatter, the NT has decided that it has not acknowledged its sin fast enough or sufficiently enough and so has commissioned a major new report. Yes: that is the same NT that is firing 14% of its staff, 1200 folks, because it says, untruthfully, that it faces a cash crisis and there is no other way.
1685 days ago
Before anyone kicks off because they may not like my conclusion, let us be clear, Black Lives Matter as a slogan is fine. However, White Lives Matter really is, at best, meaningless gibberish. You need to put this into context.
1694 days ago
Yes that George Washington. The man who lead the US to Independence from Britain in 1776, a founding father, a chap who most folks admire as doing more good than evil. Yet on his statue in Portland Oregon they inscribed the words genocide and fascist. The goons at ANTIFA need to spend a few days at Auschwitz to discover what a real fascist looks like.
3065 days ago
Lardbucket welfare slut Emma Lawlor, who was featured earlier HERE, is a despicable parasite demonstrating that the welfare state is failing. But, at least, she can say that she was born into an area where life on benefits is deemed normal. There can be no such excuse for the parasites born into privilege. I refer as a case in point to the nine "activists" arrested last week campaigning for BlackLivesMatter and against the racism of climate change by disrupting London City Airport. Judge, Elizabeth Roscoe, noted how they were all white. I note something else.
The ringleader Natalie Geraldine Twistleton-Wykeham-Fiennes ( no kidding)