
849 days ago

Glasgow and the statues of David Livingstone and Sir Robert Peel – Orwellian academic shame from Dr Stephen Mullen

The City of Glasgow has published a report on which statues it should tear down and which street names it should erase from history to appease the woke mobs and the Black Lives Matter movement. The press is all over the fight to save a statue of the explorer David Livingstone but is missing out om the even madder call to erase Sir Robert Peel from history.


1218 days ago

Climate activist Patsy Islam-Parsons explains the climate emergency: George Orwell would be proud

Patsy is a real climate activist from Australia. My guess is that means she does not have a proper job. But in the tweet below, she explains the climate crisis. Last year, all that CO2 we emit caused a lack of rain and global warming so there were bushfires.  Now that very same CO2 is causing too much rain so there are floods. Got it? Whatever the weather, man-made Co2 emissions and no other factor is to blame.  You just cannot argue with the Ministry of Truth, can you?


1220 days ago

University of Winchester firing staff to save cash but spunking £24,000 on a Greta Thunberg statue

No I had never heard of the University of Winchester either. It is not quite up there with Oxford. In fact it is not even up there with joke marxist madrassas like Bath Spa. Two years ago its staff went on strike as Winchester announced it was cutting 10% of teaching posts because of a funding crisis. Last year it warned that it needed more voluntary redundancies as covid threatened. However…


1375 days ago

The Leeds statues BLM wanted removed: a lesson for Basketball England

Leeds City council has done a review of all the statues that the Black Lives Matter movement wanted pulled down in this 2020 summer of madness. It established that folks like Queen Victoria, Sir Robert Peel and the Black Prince had no direct connection to slavery.  The Black Prince er?


1478 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: should I fire Peter Brailey for costing me £9,000?

I start with the latest statue pulldown, Frederick Douglas, and what it says about the insanity of 2020. I then move onto Peter Brailey and the P45, re Rock Rose Energy (RRE), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Iconic (ICON), Boohoo (BOO) and Big Dish (DISH). Tomorrow I record the first video for MineProphets, remember to book your seat HERE


1496 days ago

#DefundtheBBC - example No 667 of why its morally bankrupt values are not those of the rest of us: a criminal is not a protestor

My values are not those of the BBC. Every day, I am served a reminder of that and the anger of the 99% of us living outside the metropolitan liberal elite thought bubble is clearly mounting. We the people feel increasingly angry. Take the headline below, commenting on the news that the useless Bristol Police force has finally released pictures of 14 people who engaged in criminal damage in pulling down the statue of Edward Colston and chucking it into the harbour. 


1498 days ago

And now the statue of George Washington topples… liberals have only themselves to blame

Yes that George Washington. The man who lead the US to Independence from Britain in 1776, a founding father, a chap who most folks admire as doing more good than evil. Yet on his statue in Portland Oregon they inscribed the words genocide and fascist. The goons at ANTIFA need to spend a few days at Auschwitz to discover what a real fascist looks like.


1503 days ago

Leicester Statue must be destroyed, guess the a fascist, racist and sexual predator

More than 5,000 folks have signed the petition to have the statue pulled down, like that of non slaving Thomas Guy. But who is this beast? Okay i shall give you two clues then a multiple choice.He is a great figure from the history of the British Empire and had Indian links. Who was the alt right beast: a) Winston Churchill, b) Lord Canning, governor general in 1857, c) Gandhi d) Lord Mountbatten? Got it yet?


2454 days ago

BBC 4 celebrates Friedrich Engels and the left cheers on 1917 - you could not make this up

BBC4 is one of the least watched of the channels of the State funded fake news broadcaster and its "edgy progressive" content really only appeals to die-hard Guardian reading hardliners. Just occasionally I stop by as I flick the control onto the channel next door, ITV3, home to Midsomer Murders and Lewis re-runs. And thus last night I started to watch a programme about erecting a statue to Friedrich Engels in Manchester. After 15 minutes my will to live was almost exhausted.


2529 days ago

General Lee down, now Columbus, Lord Nelson the next statue to topple?

General Robert Lee was a good man, devout, honourable and widely admired. But he fought for "the wrong side" in the US Civil war so while most Americans disagree, his statue must come down. Overnight in Baltimore a 225 year old statue of Christopher Columbus was destroyed. On this one probably about 98% of Americans would support keeping the ancient monument standing, although in the liberal media bubble the numbers will be the other way round..
