42 days ago

The Daily Mail laps up Ukrainian lies yet again: the North Korean girl fighters

The paper that told us about the Ghost of Kyiv, the defenders of Snake island, the Auschwitz style gold teeth and the Russian soldiers given Viagra tablets for industrial rape has fallen for yet another Ukrainian hoax. It brings you pictures of North Korean soldiers sent to die for Russia and they are birds!. Except…


134 days ago

After the coolest summer in nine years the Met Office, BBC and other cultists look very silly: time to admit the global warming hoax is over?

We were all told it was the warmest spring on record. I exhausted my supplies of wood, keeping my family warm by the stove into April. Readers across the UK tell a similar tale. As George Orwell put it in 1984 “ The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” In this case the “party” is the Met Office and the media and political class GroupThink with, natch, the BBC at the forefront. So after that “warmest spring” what was forecast to happen next?


155 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: the empty woodshed after the warmest spring and the Nordstream bomber exposed, it is so 1984

We know that what we are being told is just not true but if the media and the State tell us often enough maybe we will start to doubt what we see with our own eyes, what we hear with our own ears and what logic dictates. From an empty woodshed I reflect on what the Met Office termed the warmest spring on record. And on news out of Poland regarding the Nordstream explosions of two years ago.


216 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: George Orwell, Ian Hislop, The Reform Party, the BBC and its Verify Unit

My Dad wrote a book on 1984 and was upbeat. I am not sure that he, and his pal Bill Whitehead, would be so upbeat today. In this podcast I discuss Orwell, the BBC, its Verify Unit, Hislop on Orwell and the Reform Party of Nigel Farage, Trump and Putin.


531 days ago

In 1984 Speak MGC Pharma announces “a share purchase plan” - it’s a share sales plan of course

Welcome to newspeak. Well done evil spinners IFC Advisory (of Versarien infamy). War is peace. we have always been at war with Eastasia. MGC announces a share purchase plan. The Ministry of Truth is doing wonderful work. For MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC) share purchase plan is in fact an offer to sell new shares to the mugs already on the shareholder roll. And the excuse?


559 days ago

Of course Grind can boycott GB News but it should not and so I am going to #BoycottGrind: Explaining again for twitter trolls

I wrote an article earlier explaining why folks should boycott the price uncompetitive seller of coffee pods and operator of coffee bars Grind. I am a loyal customer but will not be one going forward. On twitter, a stack of folks who had not read what I had written behind a paywall lined up me to attack me for what I had not said. It’s a free world, you can show yourself to be an arse by behaving that way if you want to.


1025 days ago

The Mrs and so many others rush to defend war crimes in Ukraine, and the "Russia targets civilians" myth

Anyone dissenting from the GroupThink frenzy – one whipped up by our leaders and the mainstream media – is dismissed as a Putin asset, a Russian poodle and an apologist for fascism. Thus, one must believe that Ukraine is the epitome of angelicity, and that Putin is indeed committing war crimes against civilians, the likes of which we have not seen since World War Two.


1030 days ago

Photo Article: Lia Thomas wins another swimfest and what her fellow women swimmers feel about her cheating

Lia Thomas is the“woman” swimmer who was a man until two years ago and so naturally is winning all sorts of college competitions. The real women who she beats do not dare speak out about this farce as that would be deemed transphobic and thus risk them being cancelled and shunned. But the photo below from the winners podium shows what they really think. As ever, George Orwell foresaw this sort of nonsense in 1984:


1097 days ago

Tyranny in the USA – Joe Biden, the #WorstPresidentEver, drives the censorship of Ron Paul for sharing a video & the VP, insanely, compares Trump to Bin Laden

The opinion polls suggest that Americans now rate Joe Biden as the worst President Ever. After more than 40 years Jimmy Carter has lost his crown and can breathe a sigh of relief. Folks see through the lie that Trump caused vast covid deaths as the body bag toll has gone through the roof under Biden – this was a disease not a political football weaponised by  the Dems in 2020.  Inflation is is the thief in the night and Americans feel robbed every day as they buy gasoline or groceries, just as they feel humiliated by events in Afghanistan.


1099 days ago

Defacing statues - the BBC cannot have it both ways

The BBC, the Police and others equivocated on the clearing of the four criminals who pulled down the statue of slave trader turned philanthropist Edward Colston and threw it into the waters of Bristol harbour. “On the one hand but on the other hand” argued the state funded broadcaster and others on the left.  Most of us simply said that the law had been broken and it was not up to individuals to decide what could be defaced or destroyed on the grounds that it offended them.


1142 days ago

England 20 Latvia nil - more meaningless records here in Airstrip One

Shots 63 to England nil to Latvia. Shots on target 30 nil to England. Fastest England hat-trick in history. A new record goal scorer for England. Yes it is women’s football and the fact that England gets to play opponents who would struggle in a game at the weekend on Hackney Marshes shows why all these records and cricket scores are utterly meaningless. But you will not be hearing that in from the deadwood press. So who pays to watch this mockery of competitive international sport?


1164 days ago

Rich social media lesbian stars Wegan do not need you to pay for their IVF. Neither does anyone in fact

Sonia Sodha of the Guardian is so desperate to bat for team LGBTQ that she argues that there is a “fertility crisis” which makes it all the more reprehensible that some NHS Trusts are not allowing lesbians to gain access to IVF.  No NHS Trust will allow a women who is over 40 to gain access to IVF either which – since women can give birth after 40 – is also discriminatory and makes Sodha’s imaginary “fertility crisis” even worse. Of course as its 1984 and the clocks are striking 13 here in Airstrip One we are not allowed to deal with the truth, the real facts, are we?


1206 days ago

The madness that is 2021: Organisation bankrolled with taxpayer cash demands cervical smear tests offered to all men

Stonewall used to be such a wonderful organisation when LGB folks really did someone battling for their right to equal status. But, happily, that battle is almost won and so Stonewall needs a new cause and that cause is the battle for transgender rights. Its kudos from previous fights means that it earns a fortune from Government doing “LGBT equality audits” and departments so woke this is utterly pointless. And virtue signalling PLCs also sign up for these audits and then boast of how woke they are.  So accountants Grant Thornton may have been fined £4 million (too little) yesterday for enabling the patisserie holdings fraud with its slack work but at least it moved 153 places up the Stonewall rankings last year. Hooray. Pay rises all round!


1452 days ago

Welcome to 1984: Twitter again censors the conservative truth as liberal media flip flops on election rigging

You may remember that many of us expressed some concern that mail in voting in the US elections would lead to cheating. But the liberal media, led by the Washington Post, said that this was all another Trump lie. Even after the event, the Post and others ran with the line “so what if it enabled folks born in 1865 to vote in swing states? Joe Biden won anyway. Orange man. Bad.” Well now that the free and fair election is all settled, it seems as if one individual has seen the light, Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post and the boss of Amazon.


1465 days ago

Now big media, Facebook, comes for Ron Paul... stop pretending this is about anything other than gagging dissent

To we libertarians former Congressman Dr Ron Paul is our idol. The good doctor has campaigned against pointless US wars, for sound money and budget responsibility, against the Patriot Act and for free speech and to protect the constitution for years. In recent times he has questioned the efficacy of masks and lockdown but also suggested that the damage they cause to liberty and the economy is not worth it. He is a good guy. He is not inciting violence, he abhors it. He is a brave voice often castigated by his own Party, the Republicans, and one that should be heard. But facebook does not want that voice heard. Big tech is now deciding who can or cannot question Government but it is only libertarians and conservatives who it is muzzling.


1516 days ago

Award winning liberal journalist Karen Attiah spreads fake news via Twitter which censors real news: welcome to 1984 again

Karen Attiah has a blue tick on her Twitter account so Twitter tells you to trust what she says. She is the National Association of Black Journalists Journo of the year, has 200,000 Twitter followers and a highly paid gig at the uber liberal Washington Post.  So Twitter allows her to tweet out what is divisive and dangerous fake news as if it is gospel as you can see below.


1516 days ago

Matt Hancock thinks 1984 is a wet dream as his department smears and lies

The tweet exchange below marks Matt Hancock and this Government out as brazen liars. Not for the first time you may say but this exchange is truly sinister and unpleasant.


1517 days ago

Okay Mr Liberal, you were okay with facebook censoring the US election but what about Professor Carl Heneghan?

During the US election, Facebook and Twitter took it upon themselves not only to restrict what President Trump was able to communicate to electors but also to stop folks discovering about the sordid business deals and sexual antics of Hunter Biden and allegations that his dad Joe was involved in the former.  The new media giants were happy to link to stories about Trump which were palpably untrue and had been proven to be untrue, but Biden allegations which are well sourced were blocked. Twitter and Facebook claimed, without evidence, that they were fake news and folks had to be protected.


1538 days ago

Buying Brie & Burgundy – #IstandwithFrance and with the admirable President Macron

I have, in the past, viewed President Emmanuel Macron as a poseur in the mould of Tony Blair. He was, I thought, Europe’s equivalent to the ridiculous Justin Trudeau. His views on the rights of French fisherman to plunder British waters and his “helpful” interventions in the process of Brexit have not endeared the child husband to me. But maybe I was wrong.


1574 days ago

It is 1984 in Covid Oxford, truly the City of lost causes

Although term for Oxford University students does not start for a couple of weeks, daughter Olaf paid a visit yesterday to check out her accommodation for the second year and to meet up with pals who were already up. She reports back on a city which today would give George Orwell an idea for a sequel.


1597 days ago

Northwestern California Law School - welcome to 1984, to Stalin's Russia to Mao's Cultural Revolution to life on a campus in the US or UK in 2020

The screenshot below, from an online faculty meeting at what you might have thought a decent university, says it all. Welcome to the Marxist Madrassas of 2020 where you must admit to, and confess to, thought crime in a mass ritual. Then you can leave Room 101. Once upon a time, academics celebrated freedom of thought. But that was in the days before history was rewritten, and before the clocks chimed thirteen.



1607 days ago

London Mayor Sadiq Khan again rewrites history of the slave trade

Mayor Khan says that thanks to Covid and the wicked Tories front line services in London are threatened by a funding crisis. So natch, what do you do about it but organise a virtual conference on the slave trade and looking at what it means for today’s society. This sort of thing might appeal to a few middle class intellectuals but I suspect that most ordinary Londoners, black or white, would rather have the cash spent on those threatened front line services. But it gets far worse because evil Sadiq is once again rewriting history as is his wont.


1636 days ago

Free Speech is fine as long as you are left wing

The survey below is from the USA but the same applies here. Most folks feel that they can say what they want as long, as they are on the centre left. If you express views on the desirability of patriotism or of a smaller Government; on women not having penises or that abortion at 34 weeks is murder; on the desirability of criminals having long sentences in miserable prisons or that the NHS doesn’t work properly; that Christmas is what we celebrate on December 25 and it has everything to do with Jesus or that no statues should be ripped down, you may have a problem. Being a communist is viewed as trendy.


1682 days ago

Gladstone toppled so what odds now on the City of Melbourne changing name as slavery supporters are outed and made non-persons?

I predicted earlier today that the purging of statues and street names associated with figures from the past with slaving links, however tenuous, would soon see the great Liberal leader William Ewart Gladstone in trouble. It did not take long for bedwetters at Liverpool University to decide that their Gladstone Hall needed renaming.


1682 days ago

Who is going to tell Sadiq Khan that 1984 was a warning not a blueprint?

In stab City, the lawless moral cesspit that is the capital of Airstrip One, hapless Mayor Sadiq Khan has waded into the slavery row with predictable vigour.


1714 days ago

In the totalitarian Coronavirus state neighbour E wants the Fire Brigade to arrest me

What is it with annoying folks in the world of IT making spurious complaints about me? Having seen off gender fluid, Jew unfriendly, Bidstack owning, libellous moron Mike Turner who oddly reported me to the Old Bill after I exposed him, now it is E an Irish IT chappy who lives up the lane leading to the Welsh Hovel.


2319 days ago

We are told we must #NeverForget 9/11 – we have! The West is supporting those who carried it out – madness

On September 11 (9/11) 17 years ago, Al Qaeda – an organisation we in the West had armed and funded when it was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan -  showed its gratitude by slaughtering more than 3,000 of us by sending two planes into the Twin Towers in New York. Those Islamofascists sure know how to say “thanks”.  Today we are told we must #NeverForget and that the UK and US must carry on standing shoulder to shoulder fighting terror. This is truly the stuff of 1984.


2485 days ago

Campus Cowardice & Intolerance - the death of free speech - Monty Python at McMaster

Across the West the story is the same. Offended snowflakes object - or in some cases far worse - and craven academics cancel events or no platform speakers. This is a matter I am now all too familiar with after giving this most excellent talk at Bath Spa University. It is surely only a matter of time before some liberal arts faculty somewhere organises a book burning. Today's demonstration of the Orwellian nature of the liberal arts campus of today comes from McMaster University in Hamilton Canada.


2487 days ago

No Hannah Winterbourne you have not always been a woman you used to have a penis

The Sun Newspaper stands accused of transphobia for running a story about a man who used to be a woman marrying a woman who used to be a man. Hannah Winterbourne, a soldier, who is the bride says the story is untrue because she has always been a woman and her husband always been a man. I guess this is a timely refresher on the Orwellian world of 1984. You see I use Oldspeak..


2782 days ago

The BBC Montage of reaction to London Bridge - how utterly pathetic & Orwellian

Wall to wall coverage of the London Bridge attacks continues on BBC World News. the only interruptions are the adverts which are largely for BBC news itself. How much do they cost and what exactly is their purpose? But in between the adverts and the latest recycling of old footage the BBC served up a montage of how London and the World reacted. It was so utterly dismal and predictable.


2800 days ago

Big Brother at the BBC will collect your data to tell your boss if it thinks what you write might breach a law

That we have to pay for the Guardian's sister outlet, the BBC via a poll tax is bad enough. Its output is low grade and often biased. But now the BBC wants to get you fired if it does not like your views. Hey George Orwell you missed this one in 1984...


3022 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: This is 1984 and here in Airstrip One we are being lied to about Syria on a monumental scale

From start to finish we in Britain and the USA have been lied to about what is happening in Syria. The past week's coverage of Aleppo has been the worst example of this. I am not saying President Assad is a saint. far from it. But you are being lied to by our leaders and a pliant media on a monumental scale as the West plays a dangerous and immoral game.


3062 days ago

Tom Winnifrith & George Orwell Bearcast - the tax on the stupid goes into overdrive today

The national Lotter promises the best odds ever says the Daily Mail, a statement that may or may not be true. With a little help from George Orwell writing in 1948, a book called 1984, I examine how the tax on the stupid that is the National Lottery is in overdrive today.


3217 days ago

Twitter idiot rather than racist Matthew Doyle and Britain's 1984 Police State of Political Correctness

It will not take you long to find images on the internet of folks holding up placards in London demanding the beheading of those who offend Islam or with a Swastika daubed over the Star of David. Arguably such actions could be described as an incitement to racial hatred but if you search for details of those charged you will find no such records exist. On the other hand last week Matthew Doyle, a 46 year old idiot from Croydon tweeted


3491 days ago

We act for Quindell PLC and Mr Robert Terry its chairman - the first fascist lawyers letter I ignored

On 19 August 2014 Quindell (QPP) put a statement up on its website about someone it dismissed as a "blogger" accusing me - for it was me - of making it all up and promising shareholders that it would take legal action against me. A truly fascistic lawyers letter (in full below) from legal eagles Dorsey & Whitney arrived the same day. It demanded that by 4 PM that day (ie within hours) I must withdraw all artices, sign an apology drafted by Quindell and that if I did not that Quindell would seek an injunction and sue me for damages and costs. Fuck you Quindell, Robert Terry and Dorsey & Whitney, see you bitchez in court.

As I noted at the time, the idea that I would sign a confession drafted by Rob Terry is Stalinist or Orwellian or both. It was like the though 1984 was a blueprint not a warning.

I did not cave and yet Quenron


3765 days ago

Faux outrage & Orwellian demands as paedophile Jonathan King on air at BBC

Rent-a-quote MPs and the Daily Mail are lining up to bash the BBC for including an interview with former DJ and convicted nonce Jonathan King in a documentary about the unbelievably tedious rock supergroup Genesis. Bash a paedo sells newspapers and may have popular appeal but this is the stuff of 1984.

The hard reality is that among his many crimes against impressionable young folk, was the fact that Mr King discovered Genesis and played a key role in the band's early career.  Yes we knew that King was a nonce, but his filthy secret is that he launched Genesis on us all. To make a documentary about the rise of Genesis and to ignore Mr King’s key role, to treat him as a non-person, is to rewrite history in an Orwellian fashion.

As such having agreed with my deluded lefty step mother for the first time in years (on bombing ISIS) and now find myself supporting the BBC just 48 hours later for not rewriting history. This is an unusual turn of events.


3767 days ago

Syria – whose side are we on today? Our leaders are clueless and do not speak for me

Last summer I argued that the West’s policy towards Syria was madness. I feel more than vindicated but madness has led to greater madness. Back in 2013 President Assad was the bad guy. The Western press, egged on by the vile Clinton woman, President Obama, Call Me Dave, the War Criminal Blair and others argued that he was so wicked we had a duty to arm the rebels, which we duly did. I pointed out here that many of these rebels were Islamofascist nutters who hated us and that this was an error. 

I also noted how both sides in Syria committed atrocities and that I could not play God in saying whose side we should be on. But our leaders knew better and armed the rebels including folks who are now fighting with ISIS. Yes, we assisted ISIS. We gave these nutters our weapons.

Watching TV now it seems that we are bombing the shit out of ISIS, the main force fighting evil President Assad. But we are also still arming and training anti Assad forces who are deemed “moderate”. Whatever.

ISIS will not be destroyed by death raining down from the skies. 


3834 days ago

The Lottery a voluntary tax? Yes but a regressive one and so bad none the less

One of George Orwell’s amazing predictions back in 1948 – when he wrote 1984 – is how the plebs would be kept in a state of ignorant servility by pleasures such as the lottery. Malcolm Stacey described it yesterday HERE as a “voluntary tax.” Yes but it is a bad one none the less. 

Malcolm is not a normal lottery player. He is intelligent and middle class with an above average income. Your average lottery player is less intelligent than the mean, working or benefits class and on a below average income. 

Poor and stupid people volunteer to pay this tax.


3836 days ago

ShareProphets (Prophets of Doom), REM, Bulletin Board Morons – a FINAL word

On twitter, on various bulletin boards and on the comments section here on ShareProphets  and elsewhere we have come under sustained attack for 24 hours – let me set the record straight. And then I can get back to dealing with the snakes, rats and bats that infest my home for the summer in Greece.

  1. Some commentators have stated that they have no sympathy with the threats made against myself, ChrisOil and James Parter by Bulletin Board Morons BUT… we have brought it on ourselves by being so bearish, etc. Bollocks. There can be no BUYS on this one. Making threats is illegal. And threatening writers because you disagree with what they say is just plain wrong. Anyone who cannot appreciate that there can be no BUT’s in this matter has a screw loose. I suggest they start their therapy by reading 1984 ref ThoughtCrime and follow that up with On Liberty by John Stuart Mill.
  2. Others attack ShareProphets 

3979 days ago

The New Media Thought Police March once again in Margate, Kent.

Once again the fascist bully boys of the Kent Police are stamping out on new media thought crime. This force has “form” when it comes to Orwellian oppression of thought crime but in Margate this week they have surpassed themselves. 

In the sleepy seaside town there is a plan to build a new Tesco. As ever in such matters, opinion is divided. The plebs want cheap turkey twizzlers and jobs and so are in favour. The middle classes fear that the small stores where they pay over the odds for their sundried Tuscan tomatoes may be shut down and so are against. Such was the debate in my parents’ home town of Shipston last year where my deluded lefty father and step-mother were naturally wanting to screw the poor along with their fellow Guardian readers who, for once, stood firm alongside Nimby Tory Toffs. Sadly this unholy alliance prevailed and so the shops where they buy their quail has been saved while the folks on the Council Estates are deprived of both consumer choice and jobs. Chianti’s all round.

Over in Margate battle lines are similar


4210 days ago

Is where I have just been called a clip joint?

One of my ideas of purgatory is spending eternity driving around the centre of Athens trying to drop a hire car off on time. Amazingly I managed just that today with no problems. With a few hours to kill I asked the nice lady at Hertz where the British war graves were and she answered in a confident fashion. My father thinks his Uncle Francis is buried here although he was killed in North Africa and so off I wandered. It goes without saying that there were no War Graves at all where she sent me but that is another matter.

About half a mile along, in a decent part of Athens a man asked me for the time. I am a nice fellow so fished out my phone and said 4.01. He seemed terribly grateful and happy to meet an Englishman. His brother runs a Greek restaurant in London and please could he give me his address for a free meal.

I did not really want a free Greek meal in London and was rather more interested in the War Grave but he was insistent so I went along ruck sack over my shoulder and entered a small bar where there was one waitress, one young lady sitting reading a book and an Old Man. My old Man said “have a beer” and promptly disappeared. Have a seat said the waitress.

I reluctantly perched on a bar stool but assured her that I did not drink. At her insistence I agreed to have a diet Pepsi. At this point the young lady wandered over and in broken English tried to engage me in conversation.


4240 days ago

Now the UK Government wants to ban the press from reporting on how it helped the US spy on UK citizens

The British Government is threatening journalists with jail if they report on how the British Government helped the US Government to spy on you and me – innocent British citizens. Oh, and it has also threatened journalists with jail if they report on the fact that they are being threatened with jail.  1984 in Airstrip One – this is surreal. And terrifying.

The background is that it emerged last week that the US PRISM programme where US intelligence services snooped (illegally) on millions of emails, Facebook postings, etc. of ordinary US citizens actually operated in the UK too thanks to the folk at GCHQ.

President Obama thinks it is okay to snoop on anyone in the interests of National Security. But under this administration other Government agencies have been used for expressly political purposes. The IRS (the US taxman) has been shown to have explicitly targeted and abused those folk who contributed to Republican and Right Wing groups. Do I trust a State agency to always act fairly? Never. Do I trust one under Obama’s stewardship? Never, never, never.

What is chilling is that the same sort of abuse is going on in the UK. And the Government is doing its utmost to stop you finding out about it. While GCHQ is set to report to MPs as soon as next week on what it did do I trust a criminal to report on himself? So far it has been the much maligned press making all the running.

And that brings me to June 7th when the British Defence Ministry press advisory committee, reacting to a flurry of revelations in the American press about massive warrantless US government electronic surveillance programs, warned UK organizations Friday not to publish British national security information.

Defiance of the June 7th “DA-Notice” could make British journalists vulnerable to prosecution under the Official Secrets Act.  And it gets better – that DA notice was itself marked confidential and so revealing its existence is a breach of the Official Secrets Act.

The DA-Notice accepted that the U.S. National Security Agency was indeed working with spooks in the UK but said that our spooks are worried about revelations of their involvement. Too frigging right. They should be worried. This is a scandal and another sprint down the road to 1984 here in Airstrip One.

 The DA Notice states:

"There have been a number of articles recently in connection with some of the ways in which the UK Intelligence Services obtain information from foreign sources," said the notice issued by the Defence Advisory Committee, a joint body with media organizations.

"Although none of these recent articles has contravened any of the guidelines contained within the Defence Advisory Notice System, the intelligence services are concerned that further developments of this same theme may begin to jeopardize both national security and possibly UK personnel," it said.

The notice is marked "Private and Confidential: Not for publication, broadcast or use on social media."  

Well this blog is anti-social media.  If the spooks want to arrest me I have just sent an email to myself marked Barack Obama is a c*** which has details of where I shall be this weekend.; No doubt they can hack into gmail and find out where to get me.


4240 days ago

Register now for the weekend Tomograph:1984 Edition

Half term over. Back on schedule. Videos, writing like a dervish, Tomographs. The weekend newsletter will be out on Saturday and is a 1984 edition in honour of the fact that the US Government gets to check my Facebook postings and read my emails.

I will also cover the AIM Cesspit awards dinner and explian why half term week ( eneded seven days ago) was such a right pain in the wotsit.

To ensure that you receive your edition of the Tomograph on Saturday evening please REGISTER HERE


4288 days ago

1984 Comes to Kent Police as they Harass stupid Paris Brown

Kent Police were the fascistic morons that arrested a man for tweeting a burning poppy. I had rather hoped that this was a one off. But it seems not. The latest super villain is 17 year old Paris Brown who until recently was employed by the idiots who run the Kent Old Bill on £15,000 a year to help them tune-in with teenagers.

It then emerged that Brown had last year tweeted about getting off her head on drink and pot, lusting after an older man and had used the words “fags” when referring to actors on Made in Chelsea ( a TV programme for those of limited intelligence), pikeys and niggers.

Brown is clearly a foul mouthed and very stupid young lady. What sort of imbecile would employ her? Er…someone senior in the Kent Police.

But now Kent Constabulary has sent in its Special Force, seized her phone and interviewed this wretched creature under caution. Hell’s teeth. Does not the Police Force have better ways to spend its time? Fighting real crime perhaps?  The days when we decided who would go first with a rhyme that did not end “catch a minnow by its toe” are long gone. But this is an over-reaction. Is the priority for the Police really in investigating a 17 year old whose life must be in tatters right now for a few ludicrous tweets?

At one level this is a waste of money. At another level it is offensive to me that the Police regard a few tweets made (almost certainly to sod all followers) as a crime more serious than common or garden offences such as burglary or drunk driving – offences where someone really can be damaged in a big way.

In 2012 there were 57 offences in Kent for every 1000 people there. How about the Kent Police go and bust some of those responsible for those real crimes and stop being such fascist dickheads and leave this silly girl alone.


4288 days ago

Richard Rhodes Cumbria Police Commissioner is a sleazy pig and his force are fascists

Richard Rhodes is the Police & Crime Commissioner for Cumbria. This waste of space piggy wiggy was claiming up to £385 a night in travel expenses, using a chauffeur to ferry him around for a social night out. Three of his staff felt unable to use official channels so dobbed him into the local paper.

Sleazy Rhodes initially claimed he needed the chauffeur for “personal safety”. Like hell he did. And so he has now agreed to repay £700, not to do it again and to publish his expense claims in full. In other words he admits that he was wrong. He was and is a sleazy pig. It is just that now he cannot act in that way.

But the Old Bill in Cumbria have now raided the local newspaper, threatened its editor with prosecution if he does not hand over emails and have arrested the three whistleblowers on suspicion of “misconduct in public office.”  The actions of this Orwellian Police Force shows exactly why these three public spirited individuals were right to have no faith in internal whistleblowing procedures.

Anyone with half a brain cell would know that the whistleblowers have done a good thing and corrected a palpable wrong. Only a total fascist would try to bully the press in this way and stop good citizens from acting for the public good to rein in those who govern us.  

Welcome to UK policing in 1984, I meant 2013.


4313 days ago

Serious question: When did global warming become climate change?

I often feel like I am in 1984. “We are at war with Eastasia. We've always been at war with Eastasia.” And so I am asked to believe that the loons have always told us that man-made emissions cause climate change. They have always said that they caused climate change.

I do not recollect it being that way. I am sure that in the early years of this scare we were told that man-made carbon emissions caused global warming.  And that there was a proven link and Big Brother reminded us that 99% of scientists told us that the world was going to get much warmer unless we changed our ways, handing over more of our money and liberties to the State.

But the world has, as we know, not got warmer since 1997. In fact it appears to be a tad cooler. Certainly it is frigging cold where I am here in Airstrip One.  And so this, we are now told, is clear evidence of climate change. 

Except that, again in my dim and distant memory, I remember it snowing in March and indeed on my sister’s birthday in April back in the era before Big Brother told us all that we were suffering from global warming. Ooops. “We are suffering from climate change, we have always been suffering from climate change, we were never suffering global warming.” Silly me. Off to room 101 for TW.

So a serious question from me, answers in the comments section below: “When did the loons stop officially referring to global warming and start referring to climate change?”


4383 days ago

George Orwell, 1984 has finally arrived

No comment


4435 days ago

Alcohol Awareness Week ends Sunday – I almost slipped up on Saturday

Alcohol awareness week is one of those dreadful waste of taxpayers’ money campaigns dreamt up by the nanny state to justify more money being pissed away by the nanny state to no great effect whatsoever. The facts are that alcohol consumption in the UK is about average by European standards and that we are, as a nation, drinking far less than we used to. On the other hand mentions of how much we are drinking in the press and at sleaze central Westminster have gone through the roof. Cue demands for an ever larger state to spend more money tackling the problem.

I am by nature, as Charles Kennedy once said of himself, a moderate drinker. I imbibe well under the recommended 21 units a week and probably do not drink at all for most days. But alcohol awareness week is different – it is my moral duty to have at least one unit a day. I almost forgot to do my duty on Saturday until I saw a late night tweet from the excellent Christopher Snowdon of the Velvet Glove Iron Fist blog reminding me that this annual farce ends tomorrow. A small glass of port and my duty is done.

For the raw data on what a total Nanny State waste of space this week is I refer you to an article by Snowdon HERE

THis is the sort of idiocy covered in my new e-book published yesterday on the increasingly authoritarian state of the UK today. It really is very funny and makes a good point or two. “Letters from the Chestnut Tree Cafe, Though crime in Britain and Greece, 1984 is finally here“ and can be ordered direct from publisher Harriman House HERE.


4436 days ago

I give you the email address for Rotherham Stasi child snatcher chief Joyce Thacker

My hope is that on Monday morning Joyce Thacker will be clearing her desk at Rotherham, fired without compensation for removing kids from foster parents just because those parents voted UKIP. My guess is that either she will not be fired at all or will resign with a vast payoff. That is the way the State sector operates. No responsibility just gravy all the way: success or failure.

Assuming that she is still at her desk I have sent her an email with my thoughts. I hope that every one of you does the same

Her email address is [email protected]

My email reads:


You are a disgrace. My hope is that you are fired before you read this but if not here are a couple of articles I wrote about you this weekend

Thought crime in Rotherham Social Services 2012 (1984 is finally here) – the UKIP Foster parents .

Joyce Thacker: Rotherham’s Sour Faced Stasi Leader & the UKIP Foster parents scandal .

Since they do not appear in the Guardian your might have missed them. I would not want you to miss out.

Best wishes

Tom Winnifrith.

PS. If you do get a huge payoff as a reward for your utter failure and crass stupidity I suggest that you renivest £4.25 of it in a new e-book published yesterday on the increasingly authoritarian state of the UK today. It really is very funny and makes a good point or two. “Letters from the Chestnut Tree Cafe, Though crime in Britain and Greece, 1984 is finally here“ can be ordeerred direct from publisher Harriman House HERE.

I wonder how big Thacker’s email inbox will be by Monday?


4437 days ago

On Sale Now: Letters from the Chestnut Tree Cafe (Thoughtcrimes in Britain and Greece 1984 is finally here)

I shall be celebrating alcohol awareness week with a few glasses of red tonight as my first e-book is now available for pre-order.

Buy it today and it should be despatched within 10 days of not sooner ready for you read on your kindle or computer. Normally priced at £5 you can pick it up for just £4.25 HERE.

The book is the best of this blog between its launch and the end of October with the odd extra joke chucked in for free. One of the proof-readers described it as a “very humorous look at our Orwellian world”. I guess that is what it is meant to be.

Anyhow, roll up roll up, place your orders here.


4444 days ago

Is Viagra Man about to be Bobbited?

Final proofs of my first e-book of the Autumn are flying electronically between myself and my publisher Stephen Eckett tonight. Viagra man and Contra man are rushing to get this book to market. Except that Contra man reckons that the title is misleading. Indeed it is. So Viagra man is about to be bobbited.

The new working title is

Letters from the Chestnut Tree Cafe
(Thoughtcrime in Britain and Greece – 2012 is the new 1984)

We cannot keep changing titles as publication is imminent. Any thoughts on the proposed re-branding?


4462 days ago

1984 arrives in South Wales – Terrifying

I am indebted to a the Pride’s Purge blog for a story from South Wales which should strike a chill in your heart if you give two hoots about free speech and civil liberties. It is the sort of thing that Orwell might have written about as a warning. But that the increasingly authoritarian British state would have taken as a blueprint.

I start with Pride’s short article.
