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The Institutionalised Bias of the BBC comes through loud and clear from Barnet

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 4 May 2018

I will go to jail if I do not pay the poll tax that is the BBC license fee, monies needed to pay auto-cue readers enormous sums. That sticks in the craw but at least the BBC should be impartial should it not? So over to its coverage of the UK local elections and the studio wants to hear what is happening in Barnet.

This is a hung Council Labour said it would gain but in fact which went Tory. The reason for that is probably that a lot of Jews live in Barnet and they were not exactly lining up to vote for a party which has a demonstrable problem with anti semitism. And so over to the BBC reporter at the Barnet count who is asked what is happening:

"It's bad news for Labour I'm afraid"

Let that sink in. Could you imagine the BBC reporter in, say, Richmond saying "It's bad news for the Tories, I'm afraid" Of course not. Apologists for Pravda say this was an innocent slip up. Maybe but it betrays the innate bias of the reporter, one that is a prevailing culture at the BBC.

This is a state owned broadcaster funded by your taxes and the poll tax that is the license fee. Of course the report will not bee disciplined, let alone fired as not fit for purpose. There is no accountability at the BBC and, it seems, now not even a pretence of impartiality.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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