
31 days ago

Shamed to be of Irish descent again; what is it about them and the Jews?

Sometimes I feel unbelievably proud to be of vague Irish descent. But sometimes I feel nothing but shame. When the girls of the national soccer team sing tribute to the IRA I am revolted. But it is Israel and the Jews where the Irish seem to score particularly badly right now. Is there something in the water turning so many folks into raging antisemites? Meet Dublin Senator Gerard Craughwell.


141 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: the US election after the Stormy Daniels case, the Ukrainian war and the British election as Farage steps up to the plate

I start with Nigel Farage and his decision to lead Reform and stand in Clacton. What does it mean for the results for Reform, Labour and the wretched Tories? I put this in context of a mood of unease and unhappiness across Europe ahead of EU elections this weekend where insurgents will make big gains. I voted Tory last time and was planning to spoil my ballot paper. this time. I may still do that on July 4th but many of us who are disgusted with the entire political class will back Farage. I don’t like some of what he says, notably on immigration. But we should have a debate on that subject and the established parties just won’t allow that.  Then it is to the US where I sense the kangaroo court conviction of Donald Trump does not change the likely outcome. Then to Ukraine where the western media is distracting us again. The real story is not Kharkov but Chasov Yar. That is bad for Ukraine and that, in turn, is bad for Biden and Western leaders some of whose rhetoric is now simply insane.


344 days ago

Sacking Suella Braverman – electoral suicide and caving to the mob

Over the past few years this website has chronicled time and time again the manifest failings of the Police. Folks in this country who are law abiding, pay our taxes and do not hate where we live feel utter despair as the Fuzz let us down again and again and again. Using the metaphor of a lavatory leaking shit floating down the river by my fields, I explained my sense of despair a few weeks ago. That is heightened as I watch TV and see folks who break the laws, spew hate and unhappiness but support radical causes getting a free pass.  The one politician who dared to speak up for folks like me and my wife, and – I sense and polls suggest – the vast majority of the population, was Suella Braverman and, for that, she has today been sacked as Home Secretary.


589 days ago

Odd One out contest for #InternationalWomensDay thanks to LGBT+ Labour

 Naturally we all celeberate the achievments of many wonderful women on #InternationalWomensDay and as part of that can you pick the odd one out in the “women” being celebrated by LGBT+ Labour. Hint: this woman might have to shave her facial hair a bit more than the other “female patrons” and unlike the other female patrons has a penis.


622 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The economic illiteracy of the political class: BP and its $27.6 billion profit

The tweet below is from Labour shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves but I also cite Lib Dem leader Ed Davey for spouting equal tosh this morning. I start with BP (BP.) and windfall taxes. Then it is onto Tintra (TNT) with two more bombshell exposes today. My target price here is now officially 0p. Then it is onto another Dominic White, of the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) infamy, MaxRets Ventures (MAX). En passant I mention DeepVerge (DVRG).


895 days ago

ITV finds the dumbest person in the whole of Wales as our leaders plan to spunk £15m a year on more politicians

An ageing population, more covid deaths (pro rata) than England, a post-industrial and weak economy and a piss poor rugby team, Wales has real problems. So what is the answer? Of course: we need more politicians!


925 days ago

Sensyne – Timber! 175p to 0.8p and booted off AIM in 44 months

Sleazy Labour peer Lord Drayson pocketed an £850,000 bonus for floating Sensyne (SENS) at 175p despite promising the Nomad he would not beso greedy and do so. Now, three and a half years later it has all gone horribly Pete Tong so will he hand the cash back as those who backed the IPO prepare to lose more or less everything? Today Drayson has got the order of the boot and to survive shareholders face being diluted to high heaven with the shares also to be slung off AIM.


1057 days ago

Sensyne shareholders punished for the greed and duplicity of sleazy CEO Labour Lord Drayson

It is not just sleazy Tory Lords that this website finds unacceptable, and I am not finished with cash for questions scumbag, the Earl of Shrewsbury yet. On the other side of the house sits Lord Drayson, a man enobled by the war criminal Blair and, by pure coincidence, a generous donor the the Labour party. Drayson founded and is CEO of Sensyne (SENS). And today there is another kick in the gonads for his shareholders.


1083 days ago

Scumbag champagne socialist Lord Drayson plans MBO at Sensyne – will he repay £850,000 IPO bonus?

Scumbag Labour Lord Drayson has today stated that the market fails to value his Sensyne (SENS) company and that as a result the company is enterimg a formal sales process as he tries to secure funding. So why might the market “undervalue” this company? Take your pick from these reasons.


1097 days ago

Sex, murder, cigarettes - the three great evils

When Angela Rayner termed the Tories “scum” she was attacked for her language and then the papers snapped her having a crafty cigarette outside the Labour party conference. That was the picture then used because, in 2021, all smokers are deemed stupid, ignorant and just rather dirty. Truly: smoking is the new evil.


1098 days ago

Labour Lord Prem Sikka flags up the KPMG Silentnight scandal at Westminster

It seems that one politician appreciates the scandal of how lightly KPMG and its former partner David Costley-Wood engaged in and covered up a scam against ordinary workers at Silentnight and the taxpayer and how the man behind it Costley-Wood will not pay a cent of his £500,000 fine.  My articles on this matter were passed by a mutual friend to the Labour peer Prem Sikka who, amazingly for a politician, seems to understand how wrong this is.  Speaking on the new (Coronavirus) and Directors Disqualification (Dissolved Companies) Bill, Hansard records the good Lord as saying:


1138 days ago

What would Maggie have made of Boris and today’s Tories?

There is an opinion poll out today showing Labour leading the Tories whose support is collapsing. Why vote Labour Light when you can vote for the real thing? Or if you are a Thatcherite, as I am, how can you bring yourself to vote for a Tory party that would disgust and repel every bone in the body of the blessed Margaret. The Tory party of the serial liar Boris is corrupt with party donors paying for his home furnishings and picking up soft sinecures and lucrative PPE contracts but, as bad, it has abandoned so much of what Thatcher believed in, including basic common sense. My day job is exposing fraud. How can I vote for such obvious frauds? The article below first appeared in my free weekly Tomograph newsletter which you can sign up to receive HERE.


1252 days ago

So Boris do you really care about we smelly oiks? Aussie meat imports & Tony Benn

This is an acid test for the poseur Boris Johnson and his faux Tory regime: a trade deal with Australia has been negotiated and appears to allow high quality Aussie meat and other foodstuffs to enter the UK tariff-free. This has sparked a row within the Tories which would have greatly entertained my Grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, once the senior civil servant at MAFF, so a man who knew about farming, an anti EEC campaigner in 1975 and a staunch political soulmate of his pal Tony Benn. This is a real test for Boris.


1256 days ago

Diolch i'r ffyliaid saesneg hael

The Mrs and I live in the rain-sodden, post-industrial, second world country that is Wales by just thirty yards. At the end of our garden and fields flows the river which separates us from the infidels in England. Here in Wales we pay less, on average, in tax than the accursed English but we get more spent on us on average by our preposterous Government of all the, lack of, talents. And now we are all, each and every one of us, going to get loads of bonus free money and guess where it is coming from?


1261 days ago

Polly Toynbee - an article that sums up the out of touch metropolitan liberal left elite - no contact at all with dirty plebs

As Labour took another hammering in its Northern heartlands on Thursday I wonder where Polly Toynbee of the Guardian was watching: her multi million quid North London residence or her estates in Tuscany. Toynbee typifies those from the new left who dominate the media and the Labour party in her thoughts and in that she never mixes socially with the smelly, dirty, racist, ignorant working classes for whom she pretends to fight for but actually despises for their “thought crimes.” 


1264 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: is Labour still pissing in its own bath? Jersey and Northern Ireland suggest that it is

Labour took a hammering across the UK last night and in this podcast I consider this rather crude analogy first used by one of its own leaders with regard to how it views the folks who were its core supporters. with reference to Northern Ireland and Jersey I argue that it cannot close the gap that now exists with its core and as such it can never hope to regain power and in Wales – as has already happened in Scotland – it may well become an irrelevancy. I refer to this piece on Tory sleaze from last week. One day that will matter but maybe it won’t for a very long time.


1271 days ago

Does the tide of Tory sleaze matter? As ever, the late Christopher Booker has the answer

Gosh I miss my late uncle Chris and our hour long, weekly, chats that would just go on and on skipping from topic to topic almost seamlessly. He may have founded Private Eye but we both did the jokes. We both have a history of falling out with folks and made sure that we had no such bust ups so if we disagreed as we did just now and again there was always a workaround. So we disagreed on Brexit as he regarded me as a “no deal” hard line fruitcake and I wore that badge with honour. But rather than debate it we just agreed that Theresa May was the worst Prime Minister in history, laughed and moved on. Back in the nineties those chats would see us spending some time on Tory sleaze. You remember that MP who shared a bed with another chap and said he was doing it to save money? The jokes wrote themselves back then.


1287 days ago

Is Britain’s thickest MP Claudia “abolish every European” Webbe?

I realise that there is stiff competition for this title but Claudia is a strong candidate. Ms Webbe was elected as  Labour MP but currently sits as an independent as she was suspended from the People’s party after her arrest for allegedly harassing another woman. The real scandal is not whether she is a stalker but just how someone so dim managed to become an MP in the first place.  A clue lies in her education at a string of joke former polytechnics.


1305 days ago

Multiple Choice question: Guess the party which wants my vote in Wrexham on May 6

I received a personalised letter today from a party that wants my vote in the Senedd elections on May 6. I will give you the quote then you guess whether it is from Labour led by bonkers Mark Drakeford, the Lib Dems, The Tories or the cottage burners of Plaid Cymru. Which party said it will “create 65,000 more jobs. And provide the basis for economic recovery by increasing funding for every pupil in Wales, and launching the biggest road building plan in a generation.”


1395 days ago

Jew hating Labour “Lord” Nazir Ahmed commits blood libel against Israel with fake news and photos on twitter and folks lap it up

He was made a Lord by Tony Blair but is one of the few Jew haters with whom Labour has actually parted company. He is not actually a member of the house of Lords any more having been booted out of the chamber last month because of a spot of bother with rape and sexual assault allegations. There are also a couple of child rape charges outstanding.  He has form as a Jew hater claiming that when he was convicted of killing someone by dangerous driving in 2013 that was just a Jewish conspiracy. Today he has sent the tweet below which, as I write has been retweeted 253 times and liked 412 times. It is fake news with fake pictures and a blood libel against the Jews.


1427 days ago

Bring back Maggie - Welsh Tories lose the plot completely

Margaret Thatcher recognised that Government does not create jobs. That is what the private sector does. She recognised that Government money is really the people’s money which when spent would have to be funded by either taxes or debt, i.e. future taxes. That is because she was what we used to call a Conservative.



1583 days ago

Zarah Sultana makes another stunning pitch for the title of Britain's stupidest MP

Obviously this is a hotly contested title with a crowded field but Labour’s Zarah Sultana is looking to be in a class of her own. It was only a week ago that she served up a tweet which demonstrated an ignorance of economics that would have embarrassed my cat. But today she has trumped even that effort.


1587 days ago

When you thought MPs could not get any more Zarah Sultana

University (liberal arts degree at a 3rd rate institution natch), brief stint working for a charity then full time Labour Party worker. Real life experience SFA, Inate intelligence ditto. Perfect. Find a safe inner city seat and become an MP; you will fit in well. Welcome to the world of Zarah Sultana, MP for one of the more ghastly parts of the dump that is Coventry. It ia hard to know where to start with her latest tweet  which is below.


1589 days ago

Snap, crackle, racism - the heir to William Wilberforce & John Brown, walking in their footsteps is Fiona Onasanya

If the name seems familiar it is because Ms Onasanya used to be a Labour MP until she perjured herself trying to dodge a speeding ticket.but Parliament’s loss is a gain for society at large. In these troubled times, Fiona walks in the footsteps of folks like William Wilberforce, Nelson Mandela and the great Dr King as she stamps out the great racial injustices that plague mankind.Thank you Fiona for your courage and bravery…


1776 days ago

Photo article: I've voted in Wrexham but my Labour supporting Mrs could not. Ha!

As you can see below, the Mrs, Joshua and I headed to the polling station to cast our vote in this Labour Tory marginal seat of Wrexham. I handed in my polling card and got a ballot paper, intending to ask Joshua to join me in the booth to show him how one does the right thing. But behind me was a commotion involving the Mrs…


1783 days ago

ShareProphets Election coverage: Vote Conservative says Councillor Chris Bailey

Over the next week or so we will run articles by supporters of the three main parties in Britain urging you to vote for their party. If you are some SNP supporting sheep molester or cottage burning Taffy and want to bleat about not having your say, tough. This is about parties that are serious across the UK ….and also the Lib Dems. Our first contributor was lifelong Labour supporter Brian Basham, now writer here and recently elected Conservative Councillor Chris ‘three brains’ Bailey writes:


1794 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is it okay to lie these days? Pocohontas, Iconic & UK Oil & Gas

I start with another moral question from the General Election  as I have already noted HERE  Labour thinks that our record number of abortions ( 206,000 last year) is not high enough, we must murder more babies. I then turn to the issue of lying asking if society now thinks it is just acceptable.  That brings me neatly onto Iconic (ICON) and UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) both of which I discuss in detail. 


1796 days ago

Abortion up to birth is state sponsored murder: another reason no-one should vote Labour

Yesterday I flagged up one moral reason not to vote Labour (anti semitism) HERE and one economic one, the almost certain probability that its plans would bankrupt the UK, HERE. Maybe the prospect of having to eat your cat does not phase you so how about the idea of state sponsored murder?


1796 days ago

There are so many reasons not to vote Labour but, I beg the Mrs, just think about the Jews

The Mrs will almost certainly vote Labour as she always does, happy in the knowledge that a victory for Jeremy Corbyn will mean an immediate 5% pay rise for here and all other underpaid and overworked sociology lecturers. I have pointed out that after five years of following Venezuala style economic policies she will be eating our cats but that is one good reason not to vote Labour. Quincy and Sian are, out of pure self interest, rooting for Boris. There are numerous freasons not to vote Labour contained in its extremist and economically illiterate manifesto, but the over-riding reason why no-one with any conscience can risk Labour winning is anti-semitism.


1803 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lucky Lord Lucan don't bludgeon the Angus share price to death, it's time to 'fess up

In today’s podcast I look at two utterly absurd proposals from Labour on broadband and on Inheritance Tax. Insanity. I also warn No Gold that he better get his £50 ready for me on December 13. Then I look at Angus Energy (ANGS), Optibiotix (OPTI), Neil Woodford disasters Kier (KIE), Eddie Stobart Logistics (ESL) and Non-Standard Finance (NSF). Then at Veltyco (VLTY) which is clearly insolvent. 95p to 1.5p in two years, thank God it had a female CEO to demonstrate the benefits of boardroom diversity for some of that period. Incidentally that CEO Ms. Blau earned 220,000 Euro for just seven months work so did a great job of closing the #GenderPayGap.  Rejoice! Rejoice!


1803 days ago

Labour says it will close the #genderpaygap by 2030 - utter bollocks, my Bath Spa lecture

Labour has today said that it will, if elected, close the Gender Pay Gap by 2030. No doubt the liberal media, notably the BBC, will lap this up. But the hard data shows exactly why on this matter, as on so many other matters, Jeremy Corbyn is talking unmitigated bollocks. Two years ago I gave a lecture to sociology students at Bath Spa which gave the hard data which shows the lie at the heart of what Labour says. Naturally, offering facts rather than woke nonsense landed me in an Orwellian soup which I will give full details on one day. The lecture was recorded and with its slides is below.


2212 days ago

The Labour left shows on twitter why they hate and fail to understand capitalism

The tweet below relates to Carillion (CLLN) and comes from a leading group of supporters of Jeremy Corbyn and Labour. And it shows why the British left today not only fails to understand capitalism but also despises it.


2282 days ago

The must wear badge for Jew haters at Labour movement rally

The quite revolting badge below was on sale at the Tolpuddle rally at the weekend, addressed by Jeremy Corbyn and attended by the great and good of the Labour movement. If this is not offensive and anti semitic what is? But did Corbyn et al object or do anything about it? Natch they did not. And they wonder why Jewish folk have a problem with Labour?


2298 days ago

It looks like I am not alone on the treacherous Mrs May Brexit sell out – the Tories will not be forgiven

A Survation poll taken on Saturday shows the Tories falling fast to 38% and Labour rising to 40%. And the Brexit betrayal backlash is only just beginning. For starters, Mrs May’s henchmen have so far managed to gag most Tory MPs with threats while they spin the line that her betrayal is a good deal for Britain and is essentially what we 17.4 million voted for. That gag and that lie won’t hold for long. And secondly many of us were too bothered about the World Cup and associated drinking to take on board the full scale of the treachery, of the red lines and ,manifesto pledges abandoned. Only now is that sinking in.


2300 days ago

Theresa May set to betray the 17.4 million over Brexit – sod this that’s 1 vote secured for Labour (mine)

For many of us Brexit was the defining issue of the past few years. Finally we got a referendum, we were promised that the result would be implemented and we won. Slowly the political class backtracked and now today, Theresa May, will set down a watered down proposal which is a sell out. Mrs May is a Quisling. Gone are her “red lines”. Gone is the ability to cut our own trades deals so to get cheaper tariff free food for the poor and working classes.  We will have to accept laws and restrictions imposed by a bloc to which we hand over a vast cheque but have no say over, the Evil Empire. This is the worst of all worlds. This is the bad deal that is worse than no deal. Mrs May has betrayed us.


2363 days ago

The Institutionalised Bias of the BBC comes through loud and clear from Barnet

I will go to jail if I do not pay the poll tax that is the BBC license fee, monies needed to pay auto-cue readers enormous sums. That sticks in the craw but at least the BBC should be impartial should it not? So over to its coverage of the UK local elections and the studio wants to hear what is happening in Barnet.


2463 days ago

The Darkest Hour - wrong about Churchill in so many ways but not as the Independent says as it brands him racist

The Independent newspaper, a little read beacon of the London liberal elitists, hopes that we enjoy the film "The Darkest Hour" but urges its few readers to remember that its lead figure, Winston Churchill, was a racist with a string of unacceptable views. Otherwise it loves the film. Where to start?


2515 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - if you lost money on Friday sue ABC for its fake news

I start with a look at whether some current assets are really current assets, taking my inspiration from my earlier analysis of Jim Mellon's flagship dog Regent Pacific. I explain why getting this right is so important in endeavouring proper company analysis. Then it is onto Friday's market sell off caused by what even ABC now admits was 100% fake news about Donald Trump. I look at the tax plans of POTUS which are inspirational and compare them with the rhetoric coming out of Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party. I increasingly think Corbyn will win the next election and explain why that would be such a disaster. Tomorrow there may be no bearcast as I am travelling but I plan to do a double video share tip for paying subscribers only


2542 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Margaret Hodge MP caught with her trousers down: Offshore dealings, deramping & stock promotion

I start with the latest offshore revelations from the Paradise Papers. Tune into BBC 1 tonight at 9 for more fun. I delight in Margaret Hodge the Labour MP being exposed as an A grade hypocrite on this matter and then point out how it is impossible to stop folks going offshore - the answer is not to deter them with punitive UK tax. I look at Concepta (CPT) - which we own - after today's statement, Purplebricks (PURP)  and shamed FinnCap's latest tech disaster Intercede (IGP) where its certainly placing ahoy. Then I cover the issues of ramping, de-ramping and stock promotion.


2547 days ago

So if Labour is really serious about sexual harassment what about Fiona Jones MP?

Fiona Jones died a decade ago of alcohol related illness. She was a broken woman found dead lying among empty vodka bottles. Just a decade earlier she had been elected to Parliament as the MP for Newark, a Blair Babe with all to look forward to. But things all went horribly wrong for her. And a major factor in that was alleged sexual harassment by a very senior minister in the Blair and Brown governments and everyone at Westminster and in the media knows who.


2583 days ago

Michelle Hussein on Radio 4's flagship Today programme betrays the inner bias of her and her employer

On the Today programme this morning, overpaid presenter Michelle Hussein was at the Labour Party leaders rally, sorry I think it is called a party conference, in Brighton interviewing shadow minister John Ashcroft. It is not his platitudes that are of interest but one question she asked, from which I quote exactly:


2586 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Uber loses London licence, a dark day for the Capital in a time of economic insanity

Uber has lost its London license thanks to Transport For London (TFL), a move applauded by useless Mayor Sadiq Khan, The Guardian, the BBC and black cab drivers. But it is very bad news indeed for London and I explain why. It is symptomatic of a new era of economic madness as is Theresa May claiming giving £20 billion (it will be more) to the EU is a good deal and our useless PM also trying to satisfy the greed of lazy and overpaid public sector workers. Perhaps the biggest sign of this madness and wish for economic hari-kiri is Labour's plan to renationalise the utilities. It is utter madness but no one dares say so. We are heading faster and faster towards the precipice my friends.


2617 days ago

Women only carriages demand folks who want gender neutral loos - its hard being a lefty is it not?

Being a nasty old conservative I find it pretty simple. On the trains we should not segregate by sex or for that matter race or sexuality - we are all in it together in a tolerant progressive society. Except when we go to answer nature's call when chaps go to one place and the ladies to another. Simple eh? But if you are a lefty that does not work. For starters the loos must be gender neutral so that chaps, ladies and the trans community can all hang out together in one big happy inclusive tent.


2650 days ago

The State pension, life expectancy and a ponzi the historically ignorant & innumerate left cannot understand

As you can see in a tweet below from a regional organiser of the UNITE Trades Union, which bankrolls Labour, the vicious Tories are at it again, trying to raise the pension age. This is all because Tories hate those who are not so rich that they do not need a state pension. So bangs on the left in a post fact era chorus. So what are the facts?


2694 days ago

I called it for Trump & Macron - here is my GE2017 party by party forecast - big Tory win

Everyone, including me, called the French election right, but I was one of very few who predicted a Trump win in the US. For my hat-trick I am now having a stab at forecasts for the UK General Election on a party by party basis. But first just a few general observations before I go onto what will be a night of triumph for the Tories.


2695 days ago

#PrayforDiane - light a candle for Ms Abbott, Mayor Khan when's the vigil I can go to?

Apparently shadow home secretary Diane Abbott is unwell. It must be true becuase Labour says so. That is why she pulled out of an interview with the BBC's Woman's Hour this morning. It has nothing whatsover to do with her latest utter car crash interview on Sky last night HERE and the fact that she is a total liability. No. Labour says she is unwell and so that must be true.

How will this country cope 


2696 days ago

Monday Night car crash video shocker - Diane Abbott interview on Sky

This is not pretty. Commie journalist Paul Mason says that Diane Abbott is only criticised by nasty racists. Au contraire. She is criticised by all and sundry because she is too lazy to do her homework and too stupid to understand her brief. This interview with Sky is a total car crash. Does anyone seriously think that this woman is fit to be Home Secretary by Friday. I know she shagged the boss but is there any other reason why Jeremy Corbyn has not fired this useless old bag? If Labour thinks she is fit for a high office, or indeed any office, it is 'avin' a giraffe. Watch this and you just have to vote Tory.


2699 days ago

The Mrs to brainwash Joshua at Bernie Sanders event - looks like I may get outvoted on fleeing Corbyn's Britain

I suggested to the Mrs, a Guardian reading sociology lecturing paid up member of the Labour party, that she should start looking at Irish websites to see where we will flee in the event of a Labour victory on June 8th. She seems unconvinced. Worse still, our household is a democracy and eight month old Joshua will get the casting vote.


2700 days ago

If Labour wins where do I emigrate to?

If you are an entrepreneur whose business makes a profit then having risked your capital and sweated blood to create such a profit is it not right that you get to spend those profits? Of course it is. 70% of businesses starting today will go bust within the next five years. That is the risk so you need a reward. If there is no reward why would anyone start a business? Reduce the reward fewer folks will take the risk. It's so simple even Jeremy Corbyn should get it. But he does not.


2707 days ago

Photo Article: Ways to annoy the Mrs No 34: putting up a Tory election poster In Bristol East, then Greece

I am back in Bristol for a few days and was wandering back from lunch with Joshua when we happened to pass the Conservative Club. The door was open and i was conscious that I needed to renew my father's membership. Though not a Tory, or indeed a Bristol resident, he likes the idea of being able to access cheep beer at a place not far from our house.


2739 days ago

More Fake News from the Daily Mail - Tory Election lead slashed...Or not

And you wonder why fewer and fewer folks trust a word they read in the deadwood press, especially the loathsome Daily Mail. It is only one week since I picked it up HERE on its 100% fake ISIS news from Syria. Now it is making things up again and once more it appears to be at the behest of Tory Central Office. The headline screams " Tory lead is slashed in half after tax U-turn: Bombshell Mail on Sunday poll shows May plummeting by 11 points ...denting hopes of a landslide." Bollocks.


2884 days ago

The BBC on UKIP - sneering elitist bastard Jeremy Vine, not even a pretence of impartiality

I am not a UKIP voter although I am 100% eurosceptic. I have explained many times why I don't vote for the party but listening to taxpayer funded Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 today I almost stareted to feel sympathetic to the fruitcakes.


2946 days ago

Diane Abbott brands my wife a racist for backing Brexit.. whatever

According to Labour Health Secretary and rentaquote lardbucket Diane Abbott the 17 million folks who voted for Brexit did so because "they wanted to see fewer foreign looking people on the streets". Brexit voter = racist. Interesting.


2949 days ago

Tories4Corbyn - Comrades our work is done, it's time to withdraw our financial support

Like many others I did my bit for Britain by joining the Labour party eighteen months ago. Loyally, I have paid up by monthly standing order to ensure that Comrade Corbyn was elected as party leader and has also seen off a challenge from that little Welsh worm whose name I have forgotten already. I am confident that the Blairite Kulaks who attempted to betray the Dear Leader will now be purged from the party and thus the position of the bearded Marxist lunatic is truly secure.

Jeremy Corbyn can now lead the march towards Labour's true destiny in 2020, electoral oblivion. And I am proud that have done my little bit to help.

The Blairite Kulaks


2962 days ago

Emily Thornberry - the default mechanism of a cornered lefty: scream "xxxism!"

Emily Thornberry is a rich fat slug living in a multi million pound Islington townhouse who sneers at folks living in chavtastically decorated former council houses and who work hard in the productive part of the economy driving white vans. Ms Thornberry is a state funded parasite whose vast wages are paid by white van man, by you and I. She is entitled to her snobbish views although it might seem a tad ungrateful to those who pay her wages. It is also rank hypocrisy since Emily is a front bench spokesperson for the party that claims to support the working man, the Labour Party. That gaffe was last year's foot in mouth.

Her new brush with the headlines results from an interview on Sky News in which she failed to name the French Foreign Minister. She them demanded that she be asked about Korea instead and then failed to name the new PM in South Korea. To be honest I know that the leader of the South Koreans is a woman but that is about it and as for the froggie I have not got a scooby. I suspect that less than 1% of us could name either the frog or the dog eater. 

But then again


2973 days ago

African Potash - 2 days to find $1.1 million: an open letter to Lord Peter Hain

In two days time African Potash (AFPO) must repay its finance director's wife $1.1 million as it is obliged to clear the most expensive loan in AIM history. It has no cash so prepare for mega dilution as the loan will be repaid in shares at 0.29p per share, or lower. Against that background I have, this weekend, shown that on both January 6 2016 and December 1 2015 it lied to investors ahead of its last bailout placing, it engaged in fraud. The man charged with holding CEO lyin' Chris Cleverley to account on this is perma-tango tanned Labour Lord, Peter Hain. I have written to his Lordship today.


3002 days ago

Heading to the shop with my New University Rafia Bag - as least its not the Sociology Association One

Jeepers!. Folks must have thought I was a deluded lefty as the Mrs sent me off to Sainsbury's with a rafia bag emblazoned with the name and logo of her "new" university on it, so as not to use any plastic bags. It could have been worse, the Mrs does have one from a recent conference she attended. It boasts the emblem of "The British Sociology Association." It might as well say "mad middle class Guardian reading lunatic."


3002 days ago

Democracy hating Labour MEP Clare Moody lies about Brexit to party members in email tonight

The way that the middle class elite in the Labour Party views the way ordinary Britons, including millions of Labour voters, feel is demonstrated explicitly in an email just sent by senior MEP Clare Moody to party members tonight. Quite simply Ms Moody hates democracy when ordinary folks vote the wrong way.


3014 days ago

Coventry city councillors united against racism and hate crimes...and this changed what exactly?

Some free speech denying moron has decided to shut me down by signing me up to receive, by email, every press release issued by dozens of local councils and quangos across the UK. Oddly I am grateful. It is actually rather illuminating to see just how local authorities deprived of cash by the evil Tories find so many ways to spunk their budget on utter piffle. And so on July 13th I discovered that Coventry City Council was united against racism. Well I never. A Labour run Council opposes Xenophobia. Wow.


3014 days ago

Torturing stern lefty sister N as my reactionary father comes out in style

My lefty sister N is the one who gave her husband, the kraut, membership of the Labour Party as a Christmas present. Jesting with her about the current woes of the People's Party is therefore not something that boosts family unity. But there is a new tease from my father.


3017 days ago

You have 24 hours to invest £25 to save Britain forever: join Labour & Vote Corbyn ( but here's how to do it on the cheap)

The NEC of the People's Party has changed its rules on who can vote in the forthcoming leadership election in a last stab at stopping Comrade Corbyn from winning the contest. But it is not too late to foil the wicked Blairite anti-democrats and to do your bit for Labour and for the Country. It is simple and costs £25. Actually it does not, you can do your bit for Jezza for far less. But act fast.

The polls suggest that in a contest between Comrade Corbyn and either of his two rivals, the backers of illegal wars in Iraq and many other Blairite causes Mr Smith (who is he?) and Comrade Eagle it would be close.

It seems that Comrade Eagle would be even more of an electoral liability than Comrade Corbyn and so many of us are torn. However Mr Smith might just be less of a liability and thus it is the duty of all good patriots to stand firm behind Comrade Corbyn to ensure that he can lead Labour forward to complete oblivion.

It costs £25 to join Labour buit only a fool would pay the full whack. Here is how to get in on the cheap to back Jezza.


3020 days ago

Rod Liddle's Speech at the Fifth Annual Freedom Dinner - Totally wonderful

Controversial journalist Rod Liddle gave a speech last week at a libertarian bash which was quite simply fantastic. I just read it to my father who, though a lefty, could not argue with a word of it. It is very funny, to the point and a totally depressing analysis of what is so ghastly about Britain today. It is quite utterly brilliant. Read on... 


3020 days ago

Leading Labour MP Chris Bryant blames Brexit for coup in Turkey - a twisted & ignorant liberal mind in action

Leading Labour MP Chris Bryant, famed for posting pictures of himself in his Y Fronts on the internet touting for gay sex, knows why there was a coup in was all because of Brexit. It is a silly smear from a man who obviously does not know anything about history.


3024 days ago

Things keeping my father and I amused today

You always have to look on the bright side of life. My step siblings are camped out at the hospice with my step mum. My father and I visited earlier and will be back in a while. Does one feel guilty laughing at such times? It is the only thing we can do. And so what brings us happiness?


3025 days ago

Corbyn vs Eagle: Who should a #Tory4Corbyn back? Eagle has a lot of plus points

It looks very likely indeed that by tomorrow the post Brexit political pantomime will move on to Comrade Corbyn vs Blairite Kulak Angela Eagle in a battle to become the new leader of the Labour Party. The kulak MPs are backing Eagle but we loyal party members, including the massed battalions of my fellow exploited workers who joined with me last summer, appear to be standing firm with our man Jezza. But I admit that I am wavering.


3026 days ago

Can we emigrate if Andrea Leadsom becomes PM? I ask the Mrs politely

Before every big election there are always a few luvvies who threaten to emigrate if the reactionary forces of nationalism and eveil capitalism (which have made them so stinking rich) are seen to triumph. That is to say we the plebs are told vote Labour/Remain or the luvvies are off. Paul O'Grady, aka drag Queen Lily Savage. notably said he'd flee the UK and his luxury London apartment and Kent farmhouse if the wicked Tories won in 2015.

O'Grady has, of course, refused to leave. What is his problem? 


3036 days ago

I can no longer support Jeremy Corbyn - are we yet organised for Tories4Eagle?

It does not matter who gets to lead the Tory party. Hitman Boris Johnson may be out of the race but his pal Michael Gove is in and it looks as if it is neck and neck between the Gover or Euro traitor and Sharia law in Britain supporter Theresa May. Theresa, don't have my arm chopped off for saying this but here's hoping it is Gove. But it does not matter. Seriously the Tories could pick Roy Hodgson as their leader or even bring back Dodgy Dave and they would still win the next election

We loyalists who joined the People's Party last summer to help get Comrade Corbyn elected have done a sterlintg job as it appears that within a year of us manning the barricades in fraternal solidarity with our comrade workers, the Labour party may either split in two or plausibly oust comrade Corbyn and engage in fratricide. It is all a very entertaining summer panto.

Earlier today


3040 days ago

Comrades - we must De-Select Kulak former comrade Kerry McCarthy now

Kerry McCarthy has just become the seventh member of the shadow cabinet to quit in a palace coup designed to oust our democratically elected leader comrade Corbyn. Kerry is my local MP and so as a loyal member of the people's party, since last summer, I am mortified.


3040 days ago

Benn sacked, Alexander quits #KeepCorbyn failing - who is most out of touch?

Oh dear. Hilary Benn was sacked by Comrade Corbyn for plotting against him last night. Now shadow Health Secretary Heidi Alexander ( who?) has quit. It seems more shadow ministers will follow and they all want Corbyn out - what don't these folks get about democracy?

Loyal members across the land, and a few folk like me who just wanted to show fraternal solidarity with Jezza, elected the bearded loon last year. Okay Labour backed the losing ticket in the referendum but those wanting to oust Comrade Corbyn were the real Euro loons who forced the Eurosceptic leader to jump onto a sinking ship. 

It is the ousters who were enthusiastic supporters of the evil Blairite regime that really


3041 days ago

Should I back #KeepCorbyn ? Where is hashtag #VoteAngelaEagle ?

The loathsome Margaret Hodge has put down a motion of no confidence in comrade Corbyn as leader of our great Labour party. It is obscene that a millionare, whose family trusts use every trick in the book to dodge tax, and who as leader of Islington council branded as homophobes those who exposed the industrial scale peadophilia taking placing in Council homes on her watch, is a Labour MP at all. What message does that send out to the millions of traditional Labour voters who are abandoning the party in droves? Anyhow, the nonce apologist, is now playing Judas.


3050 days ago

RIP Jo Cox MP - can those supporting Remain please avoid suggesting that we who back Brexit have blood on our hands?

Every murder is a shocking event. The political world is shocked today by the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. She seems by all accounts to have been a pleasant and well meaning woman and naturaly all our thoughts will be with the woman's husband and children.


3055 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - Labour imploding over Brexit

As the grandson of a prominent Bennite Eurosceptic from 1975 I look with interest at how Labour is just imploding in the current referendum as its core support is surging towards Brexit and away from Project Fear. I look at why and what happens next.


3087 days ago

The Biased BBC follows the ludicrous Labour spin after election setbacks

The council seats being contested on May 5 2016 were last fought in 2012. Thus the only fair comparison was with the vote 4 years ago. Somehow someone got hold of Labour's internal spin plan which was to compare the vote to that in 2015 ( when Labour did dreadfully) and so last night could then be painted as a less than disaster.

Of course 


3088 days ago

Hooray! The Mrs votes Tory for the first time ever...a small step

The first time I encountered the woman who is now known as the Mrs but was formerly "The Deluded lefty" she made her views known by passing me her copy of The Guardian saying there was an article in it that I might find interesting. Since I fancied her big time, and still do, I did not respond "you must be kidding you daft lefty" but dutifully read the complete and utter piffle and feigned interest. On our second date I did not hold back as we had a big row over affirmative action. 

But our relationship has survived. Her pals who are even more deluded than the Mrs quickly branded me as "the fascist boyfriend" for thought crimes like going to Lady Thatcher's funeral rather than having a party, for voting Tory and for believing in capitalism, Israel, freedom etc, etc.

The Mrs is this morning cheered by her news that the University Lecturers - greedy and lazy bastards - are going on strike to get even more money for doing sod all work. They better hurry up as pretty soon their 10 week summer vacation starts and they might actually have to cut into their Tuscany break to head back to Britain to man ( sorry, person) a picket line.

As a sociology lecturer, the Mrs has mad left views hard-coded into her DNA. She has never voted anything other than Labour. Until today.



3090 days ago

Labour and the Jew haters... Hamas speaks up for Corbyn and against the zionists

Comparing Israeli and former West Ham soccer star Yossi Benayoun to Hitler's Nazis, suggesting the evil Jews need to go to America, the tweets and quotes from Labour activists that demonstrate clear hatred of the Jews go on and on. As things stand five of the comrades face an enquiry but that list will grow. With each new revelation the idea of voting Labour becomes ever more unthinkable. But at least Jeremy Corbyn still has some friends...

I refer, of course, to Hamas,


3095 days ago

London is just another country, it's life Jim but

Every time I go to London, a City where I lived for almost twenty years, I am struck by the fact that it is populated by aliens, by folks who do not live or think like the normal human beings across the rest of Britain or even England. London is another country.

I open the capital's local paper the Evening Standard. Years ago I worked for this publication which even then viewed itself as more of a national than a regional paper, for eve 20 years ago London was already becoming a separate land. I read star columnist Anne McElvoy whining about how discussions about the EU referendum are ruining the London dinner party. I kid you not. 

Apparently not only are Londoners so dull that all they can yack on about is the bloody referendum but also it really is a pressing issue, worthy of a lead column, that the dinner party is in danger. Jeepers. Put


3108 days ago

The only candidates slagging off the Tories are the Tory candidates, my lefty wife is thinking the unthinkable

The Mrs has got it into her head that we need a new bathroom. And as such she has become an almost obsessional reader of tap and sink porn mags. I wander up to bed at night and there she is lying there with a mag full of different shaped taps. This sordid publication is hidden under the duvet being read by bedside light. She knows that I disapprove. Now it seems that mags are now not enough and so I was told that on Saturday I had to go to not one but two bathroom showrooms with her. It was live tap porn. I had a cunning riposte.


3112 days ago

BBC & John Humphries squirming on the Brexit EU cash for NHS - it was a delicious torture

My favourite German leftie, Gisela Stuart, a Labour MP for some rat infested bit of Birmingham wasteland, was on The Today programe today explaining why we should all vote to leave the EU.

At one level she pointed out that if we were not members of the Evil Empire we would have an extra £350 million a week more to spend on the NHS. Our "contributions" she argued could be better spent at home. This got presenter John Humphries in a tangle which was a delight to behold as the old lefty just tied himself up in knots.

Rather lazily,


3119 days ago

Project Fear on BBCQT - the claims are so insane how can anyone take the inners seriously

As ever the BBC Question Time panel was nauseating. The two mainstream Westminster Politicians, Tory Anna Soubry and Labour's Chris " Bryant talked over the orther panelists as the establishment always knows best. On the subject of the EU they agreed. They are inners. And liars.

Chris Bryant told eurosceptic economist Ruth Lea that the trade deal she wanted the UK to agree with once outside the EU was like that which rogue pariah State North Korea has with the Evil Empire. That


3137 days ago

Just in case you had forgotten - the real crackpots are in the Labour party - lets have tea with ISIS

Amid all the hoo-hah about the resignation of Iain ain Duncan Smith it is easy to forget that one reason that the Tories are happy to fight each other is that Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party appears determined to make itself utterly unelectable. My local MP, ardent vegan Kerry McCarthy, is now the shadow minister in charge of farming and thinks that meat eaters should be treated like smokers, as pariahs. But if you thought she was barking mad meet Christine Shawcroft.


3184 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard - fined for picking blackberries by the fascist poor hating lefties of Bristol

The assault on the freedoms and the pockets of the poor by the fascist lefties who run my home City of Bristiol continues. First it was our mad Mayor George Ferguson with his war on cars. Now the Labour run  City council that wants to fine me for picking blackberries or mushrooms. Why? And who will be hurt most? the poor once again.


3245 days ago

Oldham West - Comrade Corbyn Triumphs, The Tories celebrate, enemies within Labour weep - UKIP in deep trouble

We were all told that a Labour disaster at Oldham West would see the Party's MP's ignore the mandate of party members and launch a coup against Comrade Jeremy Corbyn. Sadly for the Blairite, pro-war elements within the party, Labour triumphed in the poll - its share of the vote went up by 7.5% to 62%, UKIP gained a few votes the Tory vote halved. So Labour is stuck with Corbyn but there are two ways to look at this.


3316 days ago

So what if David Cameron smoked pot at Oxford? I really worry about those that did not

It now seems pretty clear that Call Me Dave did not stick his todger in a dead pig while at University but did smoke pot. So did I. On one occasion in a lavatory with a future Labour female cabinet minister in the days before she became a dreary sanctimonius bore. As far as I can remember the only folks who did not smoke pot were the religious maniacs and the thoroughly dull boatie health Nazis.

That Cameron acted like more or less every other student perhaps shows that he is perhaps just a bit more normal than most of the arseholes in politics. In a way I’d rather have a Prime Minister who has been a normal human being at one point in his life rather than some humourless wonk who lectures us all about how we should live while never having lived a normal life himself.

It is also alleged that Call Me Dave attended a party in London in 2008 where folks hoovered up cocaine.


3383 days ago

Weekly postcard #120 - the real danger of #Corbyn4Leader

Of course this blog supports  Jeremy #Corbyn4leader - it would make Labour unelectable which is a good thing. The danger is that it would make the Tories feel utterly unchecked and recent news on FOI, Syria and banksters getting an even softer touch from the FCA make me worry that this is already happening to some extent.


3446 days ago

Weekly Postcard #112 - ISIL, The Med Migrants, UKIP, Labour & the working class edition

In a fairly long postcard from the Greek Hovel I cover a number of issues and start with the migrants in the Med and the ISIL threat - as ever the howling right wing British press has got this wrong. Then to the battle for the soul of the deserving working class: Labour vs UKIP vs The Tories - I have a few ideas for George Osborne.


3453 days ago

Is London a bit of a Scotland – totally out of touch with “real England”

It is clear that Scotland now thinks totally differently to England in social, economic and political terms. It is another country and it must be given independence now – more on that later. But there is another country within England – London. 

As a resident of the boonies and someone born and raised a small town boy I have always thought Londoners odd. As they wander around buying properties on a sub 1% yield and thinking that is a bargain, paying £100 for underwater yoga sessions and more for regular colonic irrigation the middle classes of London just seem peculiar to me. 

And in political terms


3460 days ago

Why I have already voted Conservative

We continue our series on why various ShareProphets writers are voting for a range of parties on May 7th. I asked for a postal vote and so I have already voted and I voted Tory. Since I view the entire political class with contempt the main reason for voting Tory was to annoy my Labour voting wife. But there are actually three more serious reasons why everyone should vote Tory in the General Election.

Come May 8th the Government with either be a Labour/Scottish Loons coalition or Labour propped up & blackmailed on a vote by vote basis by the Scottish loons. Or it will be a Tory led coalition with the Lib Dems.

Britain is hurtling towards bankruptcy. All the talk of austerity 


3466 days ago

Poor Theo Clarke (Con) just knocked on my door.

Theodora seems like a pleasant enough young lady and – for a politician - actually not bad looking either but the poor girl made the dreadful mistake of knocking on my door personally as she fights the Tory cause here in the safe Labour seat of Bristol East.

I opened the door and she said “Hi I am Theo Clarke” and I said “I Know who you are and I have written about you, you are not a proper Tory, you say Government should do more to create jobs. It should do less and butt out and let entrepreneurs create jobs but I’m voting for you anyway.”

I suspect poor Theo was rather taken aback.


3467 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Chatting to Doc Holiday

In this podcast I look at the bleating customers of IG Index, the nature of AIM in relation to a chat with Doc, the Labour/SNP threat to Britain in the context of HSBC threatening to quit, Rosslyn Data and James Courtis Pond and again at the forthcoming AGM Of the LSE.


3480 days ago

Andrew Monk of VSA Resources promises to emigrate if Labour wins...Reasons to back Red Ed No 1

I see that Andrew Monk of VSA Resources is today saying that he will emigrate if Labour wins the General Election. Normally Jim Davidson makes a similar pledge. That almost makes me tempted to back the People’s Party. Just wondering who else has promised to leave the Country if the Reds triumph on May 7? If any one of:

Simon Cowell


3621 days ago

Video Postcard #90 - The Rochester fallout, UKIP, immigration and the despised political classes

I start this week's video postcard with a couple of comments on life at the Greek Hovel. Pictures will follow. But the main focus is on the Rochester fallout. UKIP and immigration is a mess and I explain why. Equally the comments of Emily Thornberry, the snobbish Labour prig from Islington are a symptom of an out of touch and despised political class.

My weekly financial video postcard looks at the City analyst system which is bent and not working and it can be viewed HERE


3805 days ago

No Labour Dirty Tricks from the Mrs – we manage to vote

And so the Mrs and I trouped back to where we used to live to vote. Had she played a Labour dirty trick and not registered me or not? We walked into the polling station and I was told that I was not on the electoral roll but neither was she. Aha the Labour dirty trick backfires!

Er no… 

We were at the wrong polling station. And so off we trouped in the rain to another Church Hall and there we found that we were both eligible to vote. We grabbed our voting papers and like a salmon swimming back its home waters the Mrs put her tribal cross for the labour party without hesitation. 

I dithered as I pondered the wide selection of parties of the right. Conservative, Official fruitcake (UKIP), Unofficial fruitcake (UK Independence in Europe) two crackpot fascist groupings etc. In the end as I said I would do I held my nose and voted Tory. As a lifelong West Ham supporter I cannot side with a winning team. 

And then off to the old boozer we used to frequent for a bottle of plonk, a tasty burger and a fiercely fought contest of Trivial Pursuit. Modesty prevents me from recording who – as usual – emerged victorious in that battle but it was the player who selected the blue pie not the pinkish red one. 


3905 days ago

Praise where Praise is due – is Nigel Farage coming out of the Libertarian closet on drugs?

Perhaps the UKIP leader is a libertarian after all? You know that I regard his utterances on immigration as truly awful and UKIP’s economic policies do not stack up – scrapping foreign aid and ending EU contributions saves £16 billion. You cannot re-use that n times to spend, spend, spend and also cut the £100 billion deficit. But he has today written a brave and good piece in the Indy on drugs. Well done Nigel.

Farage starts with a long grumble about dirty tricks and the anti-democratic nature of by-elections. There is one looming on Thursday in some grim Northern shit hole and Labour won before it started by tying up the postal votes. The system does not work. I agree with Nigel. Moreover the contempt with which Labour regard the “poor” vote as its own is – as Nigel says – pretty lamentable.

But Farage’s more interesting point is on drugs. He writes:

Last week, Nick Clegg returned from a trip to South America. Goodness knows what he smoked out there, because he actually made a couple of smart points. First, the  so-called War on Drugs isn’t working. Second, we should appoint a royal commission to look into the alternatives.

The fact is our current approach to drugs is neither practical nor effective. I strongly believe in promoting individual freedom – but I also strongly believe in reducing the public harm caused by drugs. As a parent as much as a politician, I say we have to accept that current policy has not achieved the reductions in crime or consumption that we’d hoped for. I know he slagged me off in this newspaper yesterday, but on this one I agree with Nick


Come on Nigel (and Nick) you are almost there saying what all politicians know to be true but just cannot be brave enough to admit. Prohibition NEVER


4053 days ago

What does AIM listed Amara Mining get from Peter Hain MP?

There are some Non Execs who add credibility and there are some who are just a pointless cashburn – meet Peter Hain Labour MP for Neath and a Non Exec at Amara Mining (AMA) since March. Shareholders in this company have lost a packet so what does Hain bring to the table?


4154 days ago

Friday caption Contest on a Saturday - Money Tree edition

No winners from last week’s contest. Let’s hope for more inspired entries this week.  And on that matter as I see I am being bashed on twitter for suggesting that we do not give EVEN more money to the world’s third largest employer because the UK Government has so much to spend I come to Mr Ed Balls, MP.

Apparently Ed reckons that the last Labour Government was not profligate and is now starting to outline his vision for how he will bankrupt Britain within five years starting 2015. Sorry, I meant to say: how he will like Gordon Brown be prudent and manage the Nation’s finances responsibly.

And so here is the picture. Post your entries in the comments section below by 9 AM next Friday.

For what it’s worth I am torn between

“Crook and bigot, Sir Patrick Mercer dreams about his remaining two years as an honourable member of parliament”


“Islamofascist Hate preacherAnjem Chowdary offers praise to the source of his £25,000 a year tax free lifestyle package”


“Ed Balls takes advice from Tom Winnifrith's deluded lefty partner and assures us that Labour’s spending plans are fully costed”


4154 days ago

Patrick Mercer MP is a crook and now also exposed as a bigot – why is he still an MP? Is anti-semitism okay?

Sleazebag Tory Patrick Mercer MP has been caught on camera taking bribes. He is a crook. A common criminal. And yet while resigning the Tory whip he says that he will “do the honourable thing” and remain as an MP until the next election, collecting a full pay & perks and then he will stand down to collect a full pension. Does this make you happy?

Before the last election there was a lot of talk from politicians about recall – the idea that if your local MP was caught taking bribes or having an affair with Rebekah Brooks ( most folks in London seem to have one stage or another) the voters could effectively boot him out. Oddly once the swine returned to the Westminster trough there was rather less talk of this.

But Mercer is more than a common thief he is also a bigot as this video shows. His references to a “bloody Jew” are offensive and mark him out as an A1 prize bigot.  Naturally though when Lib Dem and labour MPs and Lords have also made blatantly anti-semitic remarks and got away with it nothing will happen. Had he said “ bloody Moslem” maybe it would have merited more attention.

Once again the sad fact is that in 2013 Britain, anti-semitism is the socially acceptable form of racism.

And in 2013 criminal bigoted men are still allowed to sit as MPs.

Once again I despair.



4239 days ago

Lord Ahmed is a prize shit – does Labour believe in a global Jewish conspiracy?

In 2009 Lord Ahmed, a Labour peer was sent to prison for just 12 weeks ( but served just 16 days) after he smashed into a stationary car, having sent a series of text messages while driving his Jaguar on the M1 at 70mph. The other driver died.  Personally I regard that sentence as a joke. 16 days for killing someone because you were driving recklessly? I would have been thinking in terms of years.

But Lord Ahmed thinks that he was hard done by. In an interview given a year ago on Pakistani TV, which cropped up this week the total shit said that he was given a harsh sentence  only because of a conspiracy by Jews  “who own newspapers and TV channels”. The judge, he added, had been specially chosen because the Jews wanted to punish him for supporting the Palestinian cause.

This murder trots out the sort of nonsense you might expect in the Protocols of Zion, he pedals lies in a way aimed at inciting hatred against Jews and the Labour party is okay with that? To be fair it has suspended him but if he did indeed say this then Labour must either boot him out or it too is signing up to what is just unacceptable.

The problem is that in deluded lefty circles anti-Semitism is cool. Not the sort that denies the holocaust. It is not yet acceptable to pretend that Auschwitz did not happen when munching your bruschetta in Islington. But David Ward MP (Lib Dem) is still a member of that party despite saying that the holocaust was comparable to the situation in Gaza. As I have noted before that trivialises the greatest act of genocide of the 20th Century (if not all time) and is just abhorrent.

The left collectively has a choice. Either it decides that it is fine to bait the wicked Jews, incorporates the Protocols of Zion into 2015 manifestos and states that trivialising the murder of 6 million men, women and children is fine. Or, it shows a genuine commitment to an equality and nondiscriminatory agenda and tells folks like Ward and Ahmed that with their views they have no place in British politics.

They will not. The Lib Dems and Labour will fudge the issue. Too many of their core supporters loathe Israel with a passion. And too many of that number extrapolate that into a loathing of with wicked Jews which involves spouting conspiracy theories and hatred as if they were discussing the weather or whether West Ham will defeat Chelski this weekend.


4253 days ago

Eastleigh: The Message for Call Me Dave on a night of UKIP Glory, Lib Dem Relief and Tory Humiliation

The Lib Dems held on but UKIP was surging. A couple more days and UKIP would have snatched it. In the end it was wasted Tory votes that let the Lib Dems in as Call Me Dave’s party came third in what is his 40th target seat. Labour was always irrelevant here, its own disaster is not an issue.

The Lib Dems will be greatly relieved to have held onto what should be one of their safest seats albeit in very tough circumstances: Chris Huhne off to do porridge and the current sex scandal. For now Clegg hangs on but if he is shown to have lied about his knowledge in the sex pest cover up he may still face the chop. This is not the start of a Lib Dem recovery, Rennardgate may well still drag that party to Thorpe style lows.

UKIP is now coming second in both leafy southern towns like Eastleigh but also GMSH’s like Rotherham. There is a growing disgust with the entire political class and UKIP is the big winner from that. All the established parties should be worried but they are so arrogant and out of touch that the corrupt establishment will not change tack.

But the big losers right now are the Tories. As long as Call Me Dave stays as Tory leader it is only a matter of time before UKIP gains an MP. For the Tories are in trouble.


4265 days ago

Why UKIP is the ONLY sane and honest vote in Eastleigh

I am not a UKIP member nor can my support be taken for granted – generally I despise all politicians and which they would just stop introducing laws and go away. And with that caveat I approach the looming by –election in Eastleigh with the conclusion that the ONLY sane and the ONLY honest vote is for UKIP.

The election is caused by liar and criminal Chris Huhne (Lib Dem) having to stand down because he is almost certainly heading for prison. In terms of Government and policy it will change nothing. We will still be ruled by this wretched Tory Lib Dem coalition and Labour will still be offering a principle free crackpot populist opposition. And as such an Eastleigh resident can vote with a clear conscience and on principle.

I start with why each of the candidates from the main three parties does not deserve to win a single vote before turning to UKIP.


4279 days ago

Friday Caption Contest (on Sunday) – Conservative 2015 Election Triumph Strategy Edition

Apologies for the delay in the Friday caption contest – it is all Zak Mir’s fault.

I really cannot think of anything particularly important to prompt tasteless caption entries this week and so fall back on the issue which George Osborne says will be at the heart of the next Tory manifesto and which is guaranteed to bring the faithful back to the Conservative fold.

As you know, I would allow gay marriage. But I cannot say that it is the number one issue on my mind right now. The way that the Tory party is tearing itself apart with half its MPs revealing themselves as knuckleheaded bigots while the other half show themselves as being even more out of touch by making this such a number one priority is almost comical. If the Tories are to tear themselves apart at least they could do it over something that matters like the EU or the fact that Britain is going bankrupt.

Anyhow, to win an “It’s time to leave” T-shirt please post your captions in the comments box below (Jon Pickles, this has to be an easy Prince Harry one for you)

You can, of course, buy your own It’s Time to Leave T-shirt, hoodie, mug or thermos flask here.

For what it is worth my entry is:


4397 days ago

88% of Scots net takers from State – THE defining issue for the WHOLE West

The leader of the Scottish Tories, the feisty Ruth Davidson, has set the cat among the pigeons with a claim today that 88% of Scots are net takers from the State. The reaction is predictable. But this is not a Scottish issue. She articulates THE defining issue for the whole of the West, not just for the crackpot Socialist economic basket case North of Hadrian’s wall. How we react determines our fate. I fear for the worst.
