
2319 days ago

I cannot bear to watch the BBC any more, its bias & fake news on Brexit, Trump and Israel is just nauseating

For some reason we found ourselves watching both the 10 O’Clock News and Newsnight last night. In the end I had to switch off and vowed not to allow myself to suffer in this way again.  It started with the warnings from the convicted fraudster Christine Lagarde and the IMF on Brexit.


2456 days ago

The Institutionalised Bias of the BBC comes through loud and clear from Barnet

I will go to jail if I do not pay the poll tax that is the BBC license fee, monies needed to pay auto-cue readers enormous sums. That sticks in the craw but at least the BBC should be impartial should it not? So over to its coverage of the UK local elections and the studio wants to hear what is happening in Barnet.


2674 days ago

Ah Diddums Pampered Nick Robinson at the BBC thinks people are being beastly

Grossly overpaid Nick Robinson of the State Funded fake news broadcaster has taken to the BBC's sister paper, the Guardian, to bleat on about "guerrilla attacks" on the Beeb from nasty internet sites. Ah diddums. Poor baby.


2675 days ago

Michelle Hussein on Radio 4's flagship Today programme betrays the inner bias of her and her employer

On the Today programme this morning, overpaid presenter Michelle Hussein was at the Labour Party leaders rally, sorry I think it is called a party conference, in Brighton interviewing shadow minister John Ashcroft. It is not his platitudes that are of interest but one question she asked, from which I quote exactly:


3102 days ago

The BBC still banging on about Brexit Project Fear - scrap the license fee

Barely a day goes by without the biased BBC serving up another reason to scrap the regressive poll tax that is the license fee. Yesterday it was its dire coverage of the Islamofascist butchers of ISIS. Today it is that old chestnut Brexit, you know that referendum where the sans culottes told the establishment and the liberal media where to stick it. The BBC is not listening. So GlaxoSmithKline has today announced it is investing £275 million in Britain creating thousands of jobs. Great news. er... The BBC tweeted this
